A nutritionist spoke about the benefits of kefir and who should not drink it

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longevity, health, kefir


One of the most popular fermented milk products in our country is kefir. Its taste has been familiar to all of us since early childhood, and its benefits for the body are beyond doubt. But what do we really know about kefir and its beneficial properties?

A little history

The North Caucasus is considered the birthplace of kefir, where the healing fermented milk drink has been produced since time immemorial.
Until the beginning of the 19th century, the secrets of making kefir were kept in the strictest confidence, and only in 1909 did the “kefir fungus” and the preparation technology reach Moscow. The drink was first produced and sold as a medicine, and then became a common item in dairy stores. For a long time, kefir was produced only in the USSR, and only in the last 20 years have residents of other countries tried it - mainly in a sweetened or flavored form. You need to know this

Elena Chedia, a nutritionist of the highest category at the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, tells what you definitely need to know about milk and products made from it.

How is gastritis diagnosed?

Buckwheat with kefir is both tasty and healthy.

Today, gastritis, or inflammation of the gastric mucosa, is a fairly common disease that can be caused by a number of internal or external causes. Factors of “increased danger” in this case include:

  1. chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. stress;
  3. regular violations of the usual diet;
  4. some infections;
  5. food poisoning, as well as other types of intoxication.

Any of the above reasons can provoke a disturbance in the normal acidity of the stomach and, accordingly, the development of the disease. Gastritis can be diagnosed by the following symptoms:

  • pain and nausea during (or immediately after) eating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • general weakness;
  • intestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea, etc.).

To confirm the diagnosis, in particular, to determine the acidity of the stomach (it can be both low and high), you should undergo an appropriate examination by a gastroenterologist. Most likely, the doctor will refer you to a special diagnostic procedure (probing) or recommend a urine test for acid test.

However, regardless of the results of the prescribed examination, you can rest assured: kefir is not prohibited, and even, on the contrary, it is recommended to drink it for any type of gastritis, including erosive.

How is kefir made?

Kefir is made from milk - whole or skim. First, it is heated to eliminate pathogenic bacteria. A starter, consisting of a unique mixture of bacteria and yeast,
It is this that gives kefir its characteristic taste and texture. Kefir starter is usually called "kefir grain"
It looks like small white lumps or grains and is a symbiotic colony of more than a dozen different microorganisms. The most famous of these is the bacterium Lactobacillus caucasius
, named after the region from which kefir grains were brought.
Kefir is the result of two types of fermentation
occurring simultaneously: lactic acid and alcoholic. Bacteria ferment the milk sugar lactose into lactic acid, which gives kefir its flavor. Yeast produces from the same lactose a small amount of alcohol and carbon dioxide, which makes kefir slightly “carbonated”. The low lactose content in kefir makes this drink easily digestible even for those who have problems digesting milk sugar.

Absorption of kefir

Once in the intestines, kefir is absorbed several times faster and more completely than milk, since the milk protein is already partially processed by bacteria and fungi. Thanks to its quick and easy absorption, kefir significantly reduces the load on the digestive organs. This property allows the drink to be classified as a dietary product recommended for diseases of the digestive tract.

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What are the benefits of kefir?

In addition to beneficial bacteria and yeast, kefir contains minerals and essential amino acids. The milk protein in kefir is already partially “digested” by microorganisms and is therefore easily digestible
. In particular, this drink is rich in the essential amino acid tryptophan, which has a slight relaxing effect. In addition, kefir contains a large amount of magnesium and calcium, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Kefir also contains phosphorus, B vitamins, including B12 and folic acid and vitamin . Regular consumption of kefir improves digestion processes. “Young” one-day kefir stimulates intestinal activity and helps to cope with constipation. “Strong” kefir, aged three days or more, has a fixing effect. In addition, the presence of minerals and a small amount of carbon dioxide makes kefir an excellent thirst quencher and recovery after workouts.

Drink for digestion: what are the benefits of kefir and how to drink it correctly?

Kefir has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems and is a source of calcium and protein. Moreover, they are absorbed much easier than when drinking milk. In addition, kefir is a low-calorie product, and therefore is often included in therapeutic and sports diets.

Natural kefir contains many other useful substances: organic and fatty acids, natural sugars, vitamins A, B, C, PP, beta-carotene, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine...

It is useful to drink kefir both in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed. In the first case, it facilitates digestion throughout the day, in the second, it suppresses the feeling of hunger and “populates” the intestines with beneficial bacteria overnight. Moreover, if it is recommended to drink milk at least two hours before bedtime, then kefir, due to the fact that it is better absorbed, can be drunk immediately before going to bed. The norm of consumption is considered to be a maximum of two glasses per day or no more than 400 ml per day.

This fermented milk drink also takes pride of place in the diet of children. Kefir, intended specifically for baby food, can be introduced after 8 months, and from the age of one year, regular kefir can be offered to the child. The permissible norm is 200-300 ml per day.

At the same time, you should know the characteristics of the product: it changes over time. Fresh kefir is soft and gentle, has laxative properties and effectively cleanses the body of metabolic products. If it was made more than 3 days ago, in this case, on the contrary, it strengthens. Towards the end of the shelf life, its taste becomes more intense.

Natural kefir should contain only two ingredients - pasteurized milk and a starter of living bacteria. This is exactly the kind of kefir produced by JSC Zolotye Luga, one of the largest dairy producers in the Urals and Siberia. The company uses high-quality milk, tested in a special laboratory. Then it goes to the workshop, where live kefir grains grown using a unique technology are added to it. This produces snow-white kefir with a clean, slightly sour taste.

In addition, in the unique trade line “Live Healthy!” from JSC "Golden Meadows" kefir enriched with lactulose is presented. It is an isomer of milk sugar and a kind of “benefit enhancer” of dairy products. The substance stimulates the growth of a person’s own microflora. As a result of the increase in bifidobacteria, pathogenic flora is suppressed, the body's resistance to infections increases, the synthesis of vitamins increases, and the risk of allergies decreases.

This product is produced by adding con. The taste qualities are similar to regular kefir, but its shelf life is even shorter - up to 7 days.

The drink is often used in cooking: in the preparation of salads, cocktails and soups. One of the most famous kefir dishes is cold okroshka. Housewives also use it to make fluffy pancakes.

Kefir should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2 to 6 degrees. With the advent of spring warmth, you should remember that in the sun the drink spoils in a matter of hours.

What other type of kefir is there?

In addition to kefir itself, a kefir drink is also produced in Russia under the general name “bifidok”
. It is enriched with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (five main types of bacteria necessary for health), which improve the composition of intestinal microflora and metabolic processes in the body, and also facilitate the digestion of food. In addition, various types of sweetened and flavored kefir are available. They are higher in calories than regular kefir because they contain added sugar or fruit.

Restoration of intestinal microflora

Kefir owes its beneficial properties to a complex cocktail of lactic acid streptococci, bifidobacteria and specific fungi that make up its composition. Microorganisms are symbionts, i.e. in the process of life they support each other and suppress pathogens. Freed from the influence of pathogenic microflora, the intestines begin to actively recover.

Inflammatory processes are reduced, gas formation is reduced, and the permeability of the intestinal wall disappears. The patient's intestinal pain and spasms decrease and then completely disappear, and food digestion is normalized. As a result, your well-being improves, your skin takes on a healthy appearance, and your feeling of vigor returns. A person really feels rejuvenated and renewed.

How to choose kefir?

Real kefir contains only milk and kefir starter
. Additional ingredients mean that this is a so-called kefir drink containing various additives. The fat content of kefir can vary from 0.1 to 3.2 percent fat. Low-fat kefir has about 30 kcal per 100 g, and fat kefir has about 60 kcal per 100 g.

Choose wisely

Milk and dairy products are very healthy if you choose them correctly. Find out what to look for when purchasing.

What kind of kefir can you drink for gastritis?

Excessive use of kefir can cause diarrhea.

Regardless of the type of gastritis you are diagnosed with, you can safely drink kefir of any fat content or freshness (within reasonable limits, of course) - it will definitely not harm your health.

However, if you want to get the maximum benefit and therapeutic effect from this product, you should be more responsible when choosing it.

So, if during an examination the doctor determines that your stomach has low acidity, give preference to infused (at least three days old) kefir.

A glass of this drink, taken shortly before a meal, will help relieve pain and increase appetite. As for fat content, it is preferable to go with 2.5-3.5% kefir: it is this that has the best enveloping effect.

With gastritis, characterized by high acidity, on the contrary, it is better to lean on fresh fermented milk products. One-day kefir will help eliminate the symptoms of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract by diluting gastric secretions.

However, overuse of this drink can cause unpleasant side effects, such as diarrhea. If such a situation arises, you will have to immediately exclude kefir from your diet and generally adhere to a special gentle diet. We should also talk about the correct use of kefir for erosive gastritis.

As mentioned above, fermented milk products are useful for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, however, in case of erosion on the walls of the stomach, they should be used with caution. You can and should drink kefir, but not very sour and, of course, little by little. During periods of exacerbation of erosive gastritis, it is better to avoid this drink altogether, replacing it in your diet with regular milk or even cream.

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