How bananas are good for the body and who they will harm: The doctor explains

January 28, 2022, 12:34 pm - Public News Service - OSN Bananas are a popular but controversial fruit. Too sweet and too exotic, could they be good for Russians? In fact, this fruit is not so simple! Professor, Honored Doctor of Russia, Chief Physician of the State Clinical Hospital named after A. V.V. Vinogradova Olga Sharapova .

Professor, Honored Doctor of Russia Olga Sharapova

Where do bananas come from?


  • Where do bananas come from?
  • What does the name mean
  • general characteristics
  • Benefit for health
  • The nutritional value
  • Who benefits from bananas?
  • Other benefits
  • Possible hazardous properties
  • How to choose and store correctly
  • What to do with the skin
  • Bananas in cosmetology

The first bananas are believed to have originated about 10 thousand years ago. And if this is so, then they claim to be the first fruits in the world that have survived to this day. It is known that the first banana trees grew in New Guinea, the Philippines and Indonesia. Over time, traders brought these plants to India, Africa, and Polynesia. The first written memories of this berry were found among Buddhists and date back to approximately 600 BC. e. And when in 327 BC. e. When Alexander the Great's army invaded India, the first thing they discovered were banana valleys. This is how the Western world learned about these yellow exotics. And by 200 BC. e. bananas reached China, where they “populated” the southern regions of the country. However, the fruits were not very popular here and until the twentieth century were considered strange and alien fruits.

Modern bananas, which can be bought on the market throughout the year, are very different from their wild ancestors, which had a lot of hard seeds and not very tasty pulp. Bananas as we know them appeared around 650 BC. e. in Africa, as a result of crossing two wild varieties, seedless and larger fruits were formed. Today, bananas are grown in at least 110 countries around the world and are one of the most sought after fruits. Americans alone eat significantly more bananas each year than apples and oranges combined [1].

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What does the name mean

Historians suggest that bananas got their name, so to speak, from the light hand of Arab traders. In those distant times in Southeast Asia, banana fruits were very small by modern standards - no more than the finger of an adult.

Hence the strange name - “banana”, which in Arabic means “finger tip” [2].

According to another theory, the authorship of this name belongs to one of the nationalities that inhabited West Africa.

Nutrition adjustments

If a person has a bloated stomach, then it is necessary to pay attention to the food consumed.

First of all, you need to avoid over-salted, hot, spicy foods. It is necessary to limit the consumption of smoked meats, seafood, and canned food. It is recommended to avoid fast food and sweets containing dyes. It is necessary to limit the consumption of chips and popcorn, which cause flatulence. The stomach is swollen from swallowed air. Therefore, it is recommended to consume food in a calm environment. You can't eat on the go. Snacking negatively affects the human body. Gas-containing drinks can cause bloating. It is necessary to limit the consumption of kvass, beer, sweet soda and carbonated mineral water. Food should be consumed at the same hours. Correctly scheduled meal times have a beneficial effect on the production of gastric juice. In this case, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is not destroyed. The stomach stops swelling, heartburn and belching are eliminated.

general characteristics

Bananas are exotic, elliptical-shaped fruits with creamy flesh covered with a dense, inedible peel. The banana tree can grow from 3 to 6 m in height. Fruits are formed in groups of 50-150 pieces, which are combined into clusters of 10-25 pieces.

Today, biologists know many varieties of bananas, but the most popular is the Cavendish. It is this variety that most often appears on our shelves. And it received its strange name in honor of the Englishman William Spencer Cavendish, who actually brought this variety from the Mascarene Islands around 1826 and began actively growing fruit in greenhouses [3].

In addition, all edible varieties of bananas known today are divided into two groups: dessert and vegetable (plantains) [4]. Representatives of the first variety may differ in taste, color and size. They come with red, pink, purple and even black skin. Vegetable varieties are valued for their high concentration of beta-carotene.

Traditional methods

Dill seeds will help against flatulence. Two teaspoons of dried seeds are poured into two glasses of boiling water. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Consume half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Coriander seeds are an excellent remedy. One teaspoon of dry seeds is poured into one glass of boiling water. Simmer over low heat for two minutes. Strain and cool. Consume a quarter glass three times a day twenty minutes before meals. Watching will help prevent gas formation. Two teaspoons of crushed watch leaves are poured into one glass of boiling water. Leave for one hour and filter. Consume one tablespoon three to four times a day fifteen minutes before meals.

The topic of flatulence due to nutrition, including fruit, is covered in this video

Benefit for health

Bananas are equally beneficial for both adults and children. And all thanks to the rich mineral and vitamin composition.

The cardiovascular system

The first reason why bananas are good for the cardiovascular system is their rich potassium content. This mineral is responsible for normalizing blood pressure and proper heart function. The effectiveness of this theory was confirmed by American scientists. Over the course of eight years, they observed more than 43 thousand men whose diets contained potassium, magnesium and several other nutrients. It turned out that almost all participants in the experiment had a reduced risk of stroke, and their blood pressure stabilized [5].

The second reason that makes bananas a healthy food for the cardiovascular system is their high concentration of sterols. These substances are structurally similar to cholesterol and can block the body's absorption of this fat-like substance from food. As a result, we can say that bananas prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

The third reason is this: bananas are an excellent source of fiber. One average fruit contains approximately 3 g of fiber, 1 g of which is soluble dietary fiber. And they, as scientific experience shows, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases [6].

Digestive system

Bananas are an amazing fruit in terms of carbohydrate and sugar content. Although these yellow exotics are quite sweet, they are low glycemic index foods.

As mentioned earlier, one medium banana contains approximately 3 grams of dietary fiber. They are necessary for regulating the digestive process, as well as for the breakdown of carbohydrates into simple sugars. In addition, the fruit contains pectin, a unique and more complex type of fiber. Some of the pectins are water soluble. As bananas ripen, the number of water-soluble pectins increases, which, in fact, is one of the reasons why more ripe fruits are very soft. As the concentration of water-soluble pectins increases, the proportion of fructose (relative to other sugars) also increases. The essence of this proportional relationship between fructose and pectins explains the secret of easy digestion of this fruit.

Another important component of bananas is fructooligosaccharides - a unique type of fructose, which, as a rule, is not broken down by enzymes, but only in the lower intestine under the influence of beneficial bacteria, which helps maintain the balance of the latter.

The results of the study showed that if you eat two bananas daily for several months, the number of beneficial bifidobacteria increases [7]. As a result, the incidence of gastrointestinal problems is reduced.

Benefits for athletes

The unique combination of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index makes bananas a favorite fruit for athletes. Eaten before training, they increase physical endurance. A study of cyclists found that a banana (equated with half a fruit for every 15 minutes of riding) maintained energy levels [8]. In addition, athletes consume these fruits as a remedy against muscle spasms. Studies have shown that eating 1-2 bananas an hour before exercise helps maintain potassium levels in the blood after exercise, and it is the lack of this mineral that causes muscle pain [9].

The effect of fruits on gas formation

Bloating is an unpleasant condition. It can manifest itself after nervous breakdowns, emotional shocks, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or a lazy lifestyle. But basically, flatulence is formed due to poor nutrition. People consume large amounts of gas-causing foods and eat incompatible foods. Symptoms include a swollen stomach, belching, heartburn, and diarrhea. Every person should know which foods cause discomfort and unpleasant pain. In this article we will pay special attention to fruits.

The nutritional value

These yellow fruits are a good source of vitamin B6, ascorbic acid, manganese, potassium, copper, biotin, and fiber.

Nutritional value per 100 g [10]

Calorie content96 kcal
Squirrels1.5 g
Fats0.5 g
Carbohydrates21 g
Vitamin B10.04 mg
Vitamin B20.05 mg
Vitamin B30.9 mg
Vitamin B50.25 mg
Vitamin B60.38 mg
Biotin4 mcg
Folic acid10 mcg
Vitamin C10 mg
Vitamin A20 mcg
Vitamin E0.4 mg
Vitamin K0.5 mcg
Bor372 mcg
Calcium8 mg
Chlorine47 mg
Chromium0.17 mcg
Copper78 mcg
Iodine0.05 mcg
Iron0.6 mg
Magnesium42 mg
Manganese0.27 mg
Phosphorus28 mg
Potassium348 mg
Selenium1 mcg
Sodium31 mg
Zinc0.15 mg

Who benefits from bananas?

The chemical composition of these fruits determines their beneficial properties. In particular, you can outline the circle of people who especially need bananas. These are individuals who have been diagnosed with one of the following diseases [11]:

  • high blood pressure;

  • asthma;
  • oncology (bananas prevent the development of leukemia in children, as well as the occurrence of colorectal cancer);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus (green bananas increase insulin sensitivity);
  • diarrhea and other digestive disorders;
  • absent-mindedness and memory impairment;
  • obesity.

In addition, bananas are good for preventing kidney cancer, they protect the eyes from macular degeneration and strengthen bones by improving calcium absorption. These fruits are useful for children, as they increase learning ability [12]. The high antioxidant content of yellow exotics helps protect against free radicals. Many pregnant women save themselves from early toxicosis with the help of bananas. These same fruits will help lower your temperature during a fever.

The fruits are also useful for people who quit smoking, as they supply the necessary B vitamins, potassium and magnesium, which speed up the process of cleansing and restoring the body.


NameDescriptionContraindicationsCost, rub
SmectaHas an enveloping effect. Absorbs toxins and pathogenic substances. Sold in powder form for suspension. The drug is contraindicated in people with intestinal obstruction.From 149
MezimThe drug is recommended for chronic inflammatory diseases of the stomach. Easily removes gases and toxins. Not recommended for patients with acute pancreatitis.From 85
FestalPrescribed for large losses of bile acids and diffuse liver diseases. Eliminates increased gas formation. Not recommended for patients suffering from hepatitis, obstructive jaundice, cholelithiasis, or intestinal obstruction.From 127

Flatulence can develop from an unhealthy diet. The intestinal mucosa and gas formation are affected by the food consumed. A large amount of vitamins and microelements are found in fruits. But before consuming them, you need to know which fruits have a beneficial and negative effect on the human body. You need to watch your diet and spend more time in the fresh air.

To eliminate gas formation, it is recommended to increase physical activity and sign up for a massage.

Possible hazardous properties

The fruits, eaten in moderation, do not cause any significant side effects. However, excessive consumption of exotic fruits (more than five bananas a day) can cause headaches and drowsiness. This is especially true for overripe bananas. In rare cases, they can cause hyperkalemia, an increased concentration of potassium in the blood. Eating sweet fruits too often is not good for your teeth - it leads to the destruction of enamel.

Bananas can cause one type of food allergy - the so-called latex-fruit syndrome. This disease is the result of an immune system reaction to proteins found in natural rubber and certain substances found in bananas. By the way, this type of allergy can also be caused by kiwi, papaya, tomatoes, potatoes and avocado.

What fruits don't cause bloating?

Bananas are widely used as a dietary product. They easily eliminate inflammation and damage to the mucous membrane. They can be eaten for stomach ulcers and diseases of the duodenum. Lemon and other citrus fruits containing vitamin C. Oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Helps in the fight against digestive problems. Removes gases and excess air from the body. Natural berries do not cause bloating. These include strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and currants. They contain a large amount of vitamins. After consuming them, a person feels cheerful and improves appetite. Heartburn, hiccups, and diarrhea are eliminated.

How to choose and store correctly

Since commercially grown bananas are often picked while still unripe, it is not surprising to see fruits with a greenish tint in stores. For this reason, you should choose fruits based on when you plan to eat them. Unripe fruits will take a few more days to fully ripen. The yellower the fruit, the shorter its shelf life. Proper bananas should be firm, but not too firm. In any case, the color should be bright, the skin smooth, without damage. The size of the fruit does not affect its taste.

And although bananas at first glance seem very durable, in fact they are fragile fruits that require special handling during storage. Greenish fruits should ripen at room temperature. In addition, you should not expose them to low temperatures. Many people like to store fruits in the refrigerator, but this is wrong. Bananas are quite heat-loving. And if an unripe fruit is sent to the refrigerator and then returned to room temperature, the ripening process will not resume. The only case when it is justified to keep bananas in the refrigerator is to prevent rotting of overripe fruits. And although their skin will still turn black, the flesh will remain dense and edible.

Some people prefer to freeze bananas. In this case, it is important to cold process only peeled fruits, wrapped in plastic wrap or crushed to a puree. To prevent discoloration after defrosting, it is important to add a little lemon juice before putting the pulp in the freezer.

But you can speed up the process of fruit ripening if you place them in a paper bag or wrap them in newspaper. But at the same time, it is necessary to “add” a neighbor to the bananas – an apple or a tomato [14]. By the way, ripe fruits are richer sources of antioxidants than unripe ones.

Combination of fruits that causes this condition

Combining fruits with each other can cause increased gas formation. This phenomenon occurs because different enzymes are needed to properly digest different foods. And if enzymes are digested at the same time, their effective effect slows down. Fermentation of food begins to form in the intestines. Undesirable combinations include:

Sour fruits and grains. For example, simultaneous consumption of unripe apples with wheat porridge. You can’t eat cherries with buckwheat or strawberries with corn. It is not recommended to eat vegetables and fruits at the same time. For example, tomatoes and oranges, cucumbers and peaches, grapes and carrots, pineapple and beets. You should not eat protein products with potatoes. Combinations that cause flatulence include lentils with mashed potatoes, peanuts with milk and boiled potatoes. It is not recommended to eat carbohydrates, sugars, dairy products with fruits. Undesirable combinations include rice with cottage cheese and compote, bran with sweet pastries.

Any of the listed products must be consumed separately from others. The minimum period of consumption of such food should be at least two hours. Otherwise, after consuming such products, a person will experience increased gas formation.

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