Place of choleretic drugs in clinical practice

The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

Gallbladder diseases are quite common. Among them are biliary dyskinesia and cholecystitis, all of which are often accompanied by chronic pancreatitis. Moreover, not only adults, but also children get sick. Symptoms of the pathology are not always obvious: there may be a decrease in appetite, mild nausea in the morning, pain in the right hypochondrium and itchy skin. However, a person without medical education is not always able to independently associate these signs of ill health with stagnation of bile. While even a slight delay in diagnosing and treating the disease can be dangerous and lead to the formation of stones. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take choleretic drugs. Our article is devoted to these drugs.

Stagnation of bile - what is it?

Some patients are firmly convinced that bile is produced and stagnates in the gallbladder. In fact, this is not entirely true. Bile is produced by hepatocytes, which are liver cells. From the liver, bile enters the gallbladder, where it reaches the concentration it needs by getting rid of excess water.

Bile is released from the gallbladder at the moment when food containing fats enters the human stomach. The organ begins to contract and bile enters the duodenum through the biliary tract. The hole through which it exits is located in close proximity to the hole through which the pancreas releases its enzymatic secretion into the duodenum.

Bile is needed by the body to solve the following tasks:

  • Bile dilutes fats into an emulsion, which facilitates the “work” of the enzymatic mixture. It will be much easier for enzymes to dissolve such a fraction.
  • Bile provides normal working conditions for pancreatic enzymes. Otherwise, they would not be able to fully dissolve food into essential nutrients.
  • Bile causes the intestines to contract.
  • Bile allows vitamins A, D, E and K, which are fat-soluble, to be absorbed.
  • Bile prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the blood. It simply does not allow them to attach to the intestinal walls, and they are not able to be absorbed in the same way as food.
  • Bile helps remove cholesterol, bilirubin and some hormones from the body. They pass through the liver and are excreted through bile along with feces.

Therefore, there is no doubt about the benefits of bile. However, in order for it to fully perform all its functions, it is necessary to provide conditions for its adequate formation and entry into the duodenum. If the body is unable to cope with this task, then choleretic drugs come to its aid. However, this does not mean that you can take all medications indiscriminately.

There are 4 groups of choleretic drugs.

Each group has specific goals and objectives:

  1. Group 1: choleretics.

    These drugs are aimed at increasing bile production.

  2. Group 2: cholekinetics.

    They accelerate the excretion of bile from the liver ducts, so it reaches the duodenum faster.

  3. Group 3: cholespasmolytics.

    These drugs relieve spasm of the bile ducts.

  4. Group 4: cholelitogenic bile acid preparations.

    They are necessary in order to dilute too concentrated bile and prevent stones from forming in it. Also, drugs from this group ensure the dissolution of small stones, which occurs due to changes in the properties of bile.

To choose one remedy or another, you need to know which process in the body is disrupted. Unjustified use of choleretic drugs can only aggravate the situation. For example, why relieve a spasm from the bile ducts if they are in a relaxed state or force the diseased liver to produce more bile when it is already working “for wear and tear”.

How does Allochol work?

Natural bile and garlic in the medicine help speed up the secretion and separation of your own digestive juices. Nettle extract reduces inflammatory reactions of organs, helping to eliminate painful symptoms. Activated carbon neutralizes the resulting toxins, reduces excess gas formation, and helps prevent constipation.

The tablets quickly dissolve in the stomach cavity, the active substances are absorbed into the blood. Their transformation occurs in the liver and intestines. The therapeutic effect is observed within 20–40 minutes from the moment of administration.

Indications for taking choleretic drugs

To understand which drug to choose and take, you need to understand the direction of bile movement throughout the body.

Her path goes like this:

  • Bile is produced in liver cells, after which it enters the intrahepatic bile ducts.
  • Through the intrahepatic pathways, bile enters the hepatic ducts (left and right). From them it flows into the common hepatic duct, which is represented by a tube containing a minimal amount of muscle.
  • From this duct, bile enters the gallbladder through another duct, which is unable to contract because it does not have a muscle base. Bile needs some kind of force to flow into its storage reservoir (gallbladder). It is a difference in pressure: the pressure of the liver when it was producing bile, against the resistance of the sphincter of Oddi. This sphincter is represented by the round muscle, which is a continuation of the common hepatic duct. It leads to the duodenum. The sphincter of Oddi can be compared to a faucet: if it is closed, the bile enters the cystic duct, straightens the muscleless folds and penetrates the gallbladder, where it begins to heat up.
  • When the gallbladder fills with bile, pressure increases in it. At the same time, it decreases in the hepatic tract. When food enters the human stomach, it begins to produce pepsin, which signals the sphincter of Oddi to open. Due to pressure changes, bile enters the duodenum, having the required concentration, which it acquired in the gallbladder, getting rid of excess fluid.
  • When the pressure in the gallbladder increases to 250-300 mm of water, the organ begins to contract on its own, which forces the sphincter of Oddi to open.
  • The common bile duct is deprived of the ability to contract, since it has practically no muscle fibers.

Knowing what path bile takes in the human body, you can understand the issue of choosing a medicine.

Indication No. 1: biliary dyskinesia

Dyskinesia means that bile moves with disturbances, but which ones exactly need to be sorted out.

Dyskinesia depends on several parameters:

  • Tone of the biliary tract.

    If it is normal, then no medications need to be taken. If the tone is increased, then the bile will exit the biliary tract too quickly, which will lead to its reflux into the stomach. In this case, it is necessary to take drugs from the group of cholespasmolytics. When the tone of the biliary tract is too low, bile will move through it slowly. To raise tone, cholekinetic drugs are used.

  • The rate of contraction of the biliary tract.

    If they contract at a normal rate, then no treatment is required. At a high rate of contraction, bile does not have time to gain the concentration it needs. To correct this condition, you will need to take antispasmodics. If the bile ducts, on the contrary, contract too slowly, then the bile will stagnate. In this case, a person needs to take either choleretics (more bile will be formed) or cholekinetics, which accelerate its movement.

So, a refined diagnosis of “biliary dyskinesia” may be as follows:

  • Hypertensive hyperkinetic dyskinesia. Most often, synthetic cholespasmolytics are prescribed.
  • Hypertensive normokinetic dyskinesia. In this case, the patient is prescribed cholespasmolytics of plant origin, which do not reduce the contractility of the biliary tract.
  • Hypertensive hypokinetic dyskinesia. In this case, bile cannot pass through the pathways due to their spasm, so it needs to be eliminated. Cholekinetics are prescribed in combination with an antispasmodic.
  • Hypotonic hypokinetic dyskinesia. To get rid of pathology, cholekinetics and choleretics are needed.
  • Hypotonic normokinetic dyskinesia. To eliminate this disorder, you need to take a choleretic drug.

If you take medications without understanding what is happening with bile in the body, then serious health problems can arise. Most people take choleretics, which stimulate bile production. However, they do not think about the consequences. After all, we cannot exclude the possibility of a kink in the gallbladder or hypokinetic dyskinesia. An excess of bile will cause the gallbladder to contract very sharply, which causes severe pain. This pain is known as biliary colic.

In addition, a person can take cholespasmolytics. This will lead to stagnation of bile, in which salts combined with cholesterol will begin to accumulate. Then they will precipitate, which will provoke the formation of stones. It is also impossible to exclude infection of the bile with further development of cholecystitis.

Indication No. 2: stagnation of bile

Drugs that are prescribed to eliminate stagnation belong to the group of cholekinetics and choleretics. However, before taking them, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound to ensure that there are no stones in the bile ducts. When such deposits are absent, or their diameter does not exceed 3 mm, the patient is prescribed drugs based on bile acids.

When bile stagnates in the liver and the patient develops itchy skin, and the dermis itself acquires a yellow tint, it is necessary to take choleretic drugs in combination with other medications. Often, treatment at home is impractical, and the patient is hospitalized.

Indication No. 3: inflection of the gallbladder

When the gallbladder is bent, dyskinesia always develops. It can be hypokinetic and hypermotor. To eliminate this disorder, cholespasmolytics, cholekinetics, and also agents containing bile acids will be required. If the pathology is not in an acute stage, then the choice should be made on herbal medicines.

It also cannot be excluded that the inflection of the gallbladder is characterized by hypomotor and hypokinetic dyskinesia. In this case, the patient is prescribed drugs from the group of cholekinetics. Although sometimes they are replaced by taking choleretics.

Indication No. 4: cholecystitis

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder itself.

To eliminate it, the following medications are used:

  • Choleretics, which dilute bile, freeing it from infection. In this way, it seems to be possible to refresh it.
  • Cholespasmolytics, which reduce the intensity of pain and relieve spasm from the muscle wall of the gallbladder.
  • Cholelitogenic drugs, which are used to prevent the formation of gallstones.

To eliminate inflammation, antibacterial drugs are required. Moreover, the use of antibiotics from different groups (2 drugs) is recommended.

Indication No. 4: pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas, which is called pancreatitis, leads to the production of enzymatic secretions in large volumes. Bile stimulates the production of these enzymes, so in order not to aggravate the situation, you need to make sure that it is released little by little. You should also exclude the possibility of an unexpected release of bile. For this purpose, cholespasmolytics are prescribed. Their use is indicated for both chronic and acute pancreatitis. To prevent stones from forming in the gallbladder during this period (stagnation cannot be avoided), you must simultaneously take medications to dissolve them.

It is important to understand that inflammation of the pancreas is a serious pathology that requires medical supervision.

Indication No. 5: removal of the gallbladder

After the gallbladder is removed from the body, bile loses the place where it could reach the concentration it needs. As a result, it enters the duodenum in a diluted form. However, stones can form even in such low-concentration liquid. Therefore, all patients without exception are prescribed cholelitogenic drugs.

It is strictly forbidden to take choleretics after surgery, as this will lead to an increase in bile production.

For a period of 3 months (after cholecystectomy), patients are prescribed antispasmodics. The fact is that when the gallbladder was still present in the body, it worked in tandem with the sphincter of Oddi. The bladder contracted and the sphincter relaxed. After the organ is removed, the sphincter of Oddi is not able to perform its work as consistently as before. Therefore, his muscles simply go into spasm. To relieve this spasm, you need to take cholespasmolytics. If this is not done, the spasm will turn into stenosis and the person will again end up on the surgical table.

Hypertonicity of the sphincter of Oddi requires the use of cholekinetics. In parallel, the patient should receive antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and hepatoprotectors.

List of choleretic drugs choleretics

All choleretics are divided into 2 types:

  1. True choleretics.

    They increase the volume of bile, stimulating its formation in the liver. Depending on which substance is the basis of the drug, the following subtypes of true choleretics are distinguished:

      Preparations based on bile acids. They are obtained from animal bile.
  2. Drugs of synthetic origin that are aimed at stimulating the formation of bile.
  3. Preparations based on plant materials that activate processes leading to the production of bile.
  4. Hydrocholeretics

    . These drugs are aimed at increasing the volume of the gallbladder, as they dilute it with water.

Below we will present drugs exclusively of synthetic or animal origin, as well as hydrocholeretics. Medicines based on herbal raw materials are listed under a separate heading.


The drug is based on natural bile, and it is also supplemented with such components as activated carbon, garlic and nettle. As an alternative, the following products can be used: Cholenzyme (this drug has the addition of enzymes), Festal (its composition is similar to the composition of Cholenzyme) and Medical Bile in the form of an emulsion.

It is not always possible to use Allochol; it is not prescribed for exacerbation of hepatitis, and Festal and Cholenzym are not taken against the background of inflammation of the pancreas, with mechanical blockage of the bile ducts, as well as against the background of dystrophic changes in the liver tissues.

Allohol has a number of advantages. The drug allows you to cleanse the liver, removes toxins from the body, and quickly relieves the symptoms of dyskinesia. Allochol has been used as a medicine for many decades, so all its properties are thoroughly known to medicine. Allohol has been produced since 1964 and is the development of domestic specialists. This results in a low cost of the drug and protection against counterfeiting. Allohol is an extremely successful composition of plant and animal components, which allows you to solve many problems of the hepatobiliary system. In addition, the drug can be combined with other medications, for example, antiseptics, vitamins, laxatives. In addition to achieving a choleretic effect, Allochol is taken to prevent the formation of stones in the bile ducts.

As for the disadvantages of Allochol, they boil down to the fact that this drug still has a number of contraindications. First of all, this is true for acute inflammation of the digestive system.

Price for the drug: from 10 to 60 rubles.


Odeston is based on Hymecromone. This substance is of synthetic origin. Analogues of this drug are medicines called Cholestil and Holonerton, but they are not on the market yet, as they are undergoing appropriate registration.

Odeston is not prescribed for blockage of the biliary tract, Crohn's disease, against the background of increased bleeding gums and gastric ulcers. Odeston should not be taken if there are serious problems with the kidneys, or during breastfeeding.

The main advantage of the drug is that it has a double effect, that is, it acts as a choleretic drug (eliminates heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium, relieves the bitter taste in the mouth, nausea) and as an antispasmodic (relaxes the bile ducts and sphincter Oddie). Odeston is available in pharmacies without a prescription.

As for the disadvantages of the drug, these include the presence of contraindications in which the drug is prohibited from being taken. While biliary dyskinesia is often combined with various pathologies of the digestive system. Also, the disadvantages of Odeston include its high cost, which varies from 360 to 750 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package.


This is a drug based on a synthetic substance called hymecromone. Similar drugs are the drugs Cholestil and Holonerton.

Nicodin is not prescribed for blockage of the bile ducts, for gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice.

The advantage of the drug Nikodin is its pronounced choleretic effect. In addition, it has an antimicrobial and bactericidal effect, so it is prescribed for inflammation of the gallbladder. This means that Nikodin not only eliminates the symptoms of the disease, but also cures it.

At this point in time, this drug is at the stage of re-registration, so its cost is unknown. This is the most significant drawback of the drug. In addition, it is not prescribed for the treatment of pregnant women and children under 10 years of age.

In addition to the listed medications, mineral waters that have an alkaline environment can be considered hydrocholeretics, among them:

  • Borjomi.
  • Slavyanovskaya.
  • Essentuki at numbers 4 and 17.
  • Jermuk.
  • Naftusya.

List of choleretic drugs cholekinetics

These medications help reduce the bile ducts. These include:

Magnesium sulfate powder

The preparation contains magnesium in its pure form. Analogues are other drugs containing magnesium.

For treatment, you need to dissolve 1 sachet in a liter of water and take this solution one tablespoon 3 times a day.

Magnesium is not used for allergic reactions, as well as against the background of inflammatory processes in the intestines. Also, magnesium is not prescribed for cholelithiasis, during pregnancy and in case of obstruction of the bile outflow tract.

The advantages of the drug include its low cost, which is 30 rubles, as well as ease of use.

The downside of the drug is that it cannot be taken if you have gallstones. Therefore, without undergoing a medical examination, the use of the drug is unacceptable.


The main active ingredient is sorbitol. The drug has no analogues. To provide a therapeutic effect, a tablespoon of Sorbitol is dissolved in 250 ml of warm water and taken orally. Then you need to place a warm heating pad under the right hypochondrium and lie in this position for half an hour.

You should not take the drug if you have ascites, irritable bowel syndrome, or inflammation of this organ.

The advantages of the drug include its rapid therapeutic effect, as well as low cost. For 350 g of powder you will have to pay no more than 90 rubles.

The disadvantage of the drug is that it can cause flatulence and diarrhea. If you take Sorbitol in large quantities, it carries a risk of developing diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy. Moreover, it is contraindicated in obese patients.

General application information

Cholekinetics are drugs, the list of which will be discussed below, that cause adverse reactions. For example, taking such drugs may cause nausea, vomiting, and polyuria (increased urine production). Also, cholekinetics can often provoke an exacerbation of an existing intestinal disease.

They are contraindicated if a person suffers from an acute stage of liver pathology. Also, you should not take drugs from this group during exacerbation of gastritis and gastric ulcers. In such a situation, cholekinetics and cholespasmolytics can only aggravate the situation and will not be of any benefit.

Therefore, these medications can only be taken after visiting a specialist (gastroenterologist) and undergoing an examination.

If there are no contraindications, then timely use of cholekinetics will avoid infection and inflammatory processes.

List of cholespasmolytic drugs

Medicines in this group are:


The composition of the drug includes belladonna extract, metamizole, soda and benzocaine. A similar drug containing belladonna extract is Atropine.

Bellalgin can cause serious side effects, so it is prescribed exclusively on medical advice. Most often, the patient is prescribed one tablet 2-3 times a day.

You should not take Bellalgin during pregnancy, against the background of tachycardia, with glaucoma, if there is a violation of the liver or kidneys, or against the background of hematopoietic disorders.

The obvious advantage of the drug is its low cost. For a package of 10 tablets you will need to pay 60 rubles. In addition to the fact that it has an antispasmodic effect, the drug helps eliminate pain.

The disadvantages of the drug include its multiple contraindications and side effects. Despite the fact that Bellalgin has an analgesic effect, it should not be taken for acute pain until the cause has been established.


The basis of the drug is a substance called methocinium iodide. Metacin has no analogues. As a rule, patients are prescribed 1-2 tablets, 2-3 times a day.

You should not take the drug if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, with reflux esophagitis, with a hernia of the diaphragm, or against the background of renal and liver failure.

The obvious advantage of the drug is that it can be prescribed for the treatment of pregnant women and children. In addition, Metacin has a pronounced analgesic effect, so it is allowed to be used to relieve renal colic. The price of the drug is not high and is within 180 rubles.

The downside of the drug is the presence of side effects, and quite serious ones, for example, paralysis of accommodation, urinary retention and increased intraocular pressure.


The main active ingredient is platyphylline hydrotartrate. The drug has no analogues. It can only be used in the form of subcutaneous injections.

Platyfillin should not be prescribed to patients with atherosclerosis, heart disease, diaphragmatic hernia, or against the background of bleeding from the stomach or intestines.

The advantages of the drug include its low cost (for 10 ampoules you will have to pay 70 rubles), rapid elimination of pain and spasms. Moreover, this one is time-tested.

As for the disadvantages of Platiphylline, they include pain at the site of its administration. There is no possibility of oral administration, since the drug is released only in the form of a solution for injection.


Papazole is a drug based on papaverine hydrochloride and bendazole. Similar drugs include Dibazol, Papaverine in suppositories and injections.

Take Papazol one tablet 2 or 3 times a day.

The drug should not be used to treat patients with low blood pressure or the elderly.

The advantages of the drug include its extremely low cost (10 rubles per package containing 10 tablets), as well as the combined effect. In addition to the antispasmodic effect, Papazol is able to stimulate the immune system, lower blood pressure and relax vascular walls that are in hypertonicity.

The disadvantages of the drug include the presence of contraindications and side effects. It is not prescribed to patients suffering from renal failure. In addition, Papazol can interact with many medications, so only a doctor can recommend its use.


The main active ingredient is drotaverine. An analogue of this drug is No-shpa.

Take the drug 1-2 tablets no more than three times a day. Drotaverine should not be prescribed to patients suffering from atherosclerosis and glaucoma.

Drotaverine is an inexpensive medicine of domestic origin, its cost does not exceed 70 rubles per package. Also, the advantage of the drug is its speed of action, the duration of the analgesic effect and high bioavailability, which is equal to 100%.

As for the disadvantages of Drotaverine, these include only the side effects that it can give. First of all, this concerns a sharp decrease in blood pressure and depression of the respiratory center. In childhood, the drug can only be used in tablet form.


The main active ingredient is mebeverine. An analogue of Duspatalin is the drug Mebeverine. It is taken one capsule twice a day.

The drug is not prescribed to children under 10 years of age, or to pregnant women.

As for the advantages of the drug, these include quick relief of spasms and targeted effects. Duspatalin can be taken for two weeks without consulting a specialist, but provided that the person has no contraindications to it.

The disadvantages of the drug include its high cost and side effects. For packaging you will need to pay from 510 to 600 rubles.


The main active ingredient is aminophylline. An analogue of Eufillin, the drug Aminophylline, is currently undergoing re-registration.

Patients are prescribed Eufillin 1 tablet 3 times a day.

The drug should not be used against the background of myocardial infarction, arrhythmia or other heart diseases. It is not prescribed for acute gastric ulcers. It is also contraindicated in children under 6 years of age, patients with epilepsy and hyperthyroidism.

The price of Eufillin is low and amounts to 20 rubles. Also, the advantages of the drug include its speed of action and a small number of side effects.

The disadvantage of the drug is the presence of contraindications, which are mainly associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, most cardiac patients simply will not be able to use Eufillin to relieve spasm and pain.


The main active ingredient is bencyclane. The drug has no analogues. You need to take one tablet 3 times a day.

The drug is not prescribed for myocardial infarction. It is contraindicated in people under the age of 18, as well as in patients with epilepsy and hyperthyroidism.

The advantages of the drug include the rapid provision of an analgesic effect. It can be used by patients suffering from cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. The drug is prescribed to people who have undergone surgery to remove the gallbladder and for dyskinesia of the sphincter of Oddi.

The downside of Galidor is its high cost. For a package of 50 tablets you will need to pay 550 rubles. In addition, the drug cannot be used to treat pregnant and lactating women, as well as for liver failure.


The main active ingredient is hyoscine. The drug has no analogues. It is not prescribed for urolithiasis, atherosclerosis and glaucoma.

The advantages of the drug include its pronounced antispasmodic effect (occurs 15 minutes after administration) and a decrease in the production of digestive secretions, which is very important for choleretic drugs. At the same time, Buscopan has no effect on the central nervous system.

The only drawback of the drug is its high cost. It varies in the range of 360-380 rubles.

List of cholelytics

Drugs from this drug group are used to prevent the formation of gallstones, as they reduce the concentration of cholesterol in bile. They can also be used to dissolve small stones.

Cholelytics include:

  • Ursosan.
  • Ursofalk.
  • Ursodeoxycholic acid.
  • Ursodes.
  • Grinterol.
  • Urdoxa.

The drug with the lowest cost is Ursodeoxycholic acid (600 rubles for 50 tablets). The most expensive drug is Ursofalk (915 rubles for 50 tablets).

Cholelytics are produced in capsule form. The daily dose is determined by the doctor. It depends on the patient’s weight and the presence of stones in the body.

Contraindications to taking cholelytics are: inflammation of the liver, inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts, pregnancy, lactation, calcium stones, biliary colic.

Choleretic preparations of herbal origin

Plant-based choleretics

Drug name Composition and analogues How to use Contraindications Cons and pros
Flamin Base: immortelle. An analogue is immortelle herb. One tablet three times a day before meals. The presence of stones larger than 10 mm, allergic reactions, age up to 3 years, mechanical jaundice. Pros: two forms of release with different prices (granules cost 280 rubles, and tablets 180 rubles), complex effect (spasmolytic, wound healing, antibacterial, choleretic, cholekinetic). Disadvantages: it is not possible to take the drug in patients with cholelithiasis and obstructive jaundice.
Tanacehol Base: tansy extract. Analogue – Tansy flowers for brewing and tansy flowers in granules. One or two tablets three times a day 20 minutes before meals Allergic reactions. Pros: low cost (30 rubles), quick antispasmodic effect, no side effects, except allergic reactions. Cons: the drug cannot be prescribed to patients with gallstone disease.
Berberis-homaccord Base: barberry in the form of drops. Analogues – Berberis vulgaris in granules. 10 drops, three times a day 20 minutes before meals or 60 minutes after meals Carrying a child. Pros: the ability to eliminate inflammation in the gallbladder, no contraindications other than breastfeeding. Disadvantages: high price of the drug (550 rubles), the need for complex treatment.
Holosas Base: rosehip extract (syrup). Analogue – Rose hip syrup, rose hips, Rose hips with vitamin C in syrup A teaspoon, 2 or 3 times a day. Allergic reactions and cholelithiasis. Pros: affordable price (from 70 to 120 rubles), saturating the body with vitamins, increasing immunity, relieving inflammation. Disadvantages: the drug can only be used in a complex regimen with other drugs.
Hofitol Base: artichoke extract. Analog – Artichoke Extract. The presence of stones in the gall bladder, liver and kidney damage in the acute stage, acute inflammation of the biliary tract and urinary tract. Pros: pronounced choleretic effect, normalization of liver function, saturation of the body with B vitamins and vitamin C. Cons: high cost of the drug (from 120 to 300 rubles),
Urolesan Ingredients: choleretic herbs. Analog – Holagol. The drug is applied to refined sugar in the amount of 8 drops and taken 3 times a day. Presence of stones larger than 3 mm, allergic reactions. Pros: two forms of release (drops and capsules) Cons: high cost (310-350 rubles), presence of contraindications for use, inability to take the drug in the acute phase of the disease.
Valerian tablets Base: valerian extract. Analogue - Valerian in tincture 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. Individual intolerance to the drug. Pros: low cost, which starts from 45 rubles, the drug has an antispasmodic and choleretic effect. Disadvantages: as an independent remedy it is not effective enough, so it must be taken in combination with other medications.

Cholekinetics of plant origin

Cholekinetics of plant origin include preparations that contain any vegetable oils, but olive, sunflower and cumin oils have the greatest effect. This group includes: fennel (fruits), calamus (roots and rhizomes), barberry leaves, caraway seeds (fruits).

The drug Berberis-homaccord can also be classified as a herbal cholekinetic, as it has multiple effects, including normalizing the functioning of the bile ducts.

Cholespasmolytics of plant origin

The group of plant cholespasmolytics includes valerian, Cholagol, as well as herbs such as calendula, St. John's wort, tansy, arnica, turmeric root.

Natural remedies and sources of cholekinetics

Cholekinetics are drugs, the list of which was discussed in the article, which are not the only means of cholekinetic action. Sunflower and olive oil, as well as any other fats (only to a lesser extent), have the same effect.

Therefore, to improve gallbladder contraction, it is worth including more fats in your diet. But you shouldn’t be too zealous. In large quantities, fats can be harmful.

Also, cholekinetics include many plants that have a bitter taste. For example, taking dandelion, yarrow, and wormwood has a positive effect on the condition of the gallbladder.

Lingonberries, junipers, and cranberries also have cholekinetic effects. The bitterness, as well as the essential oils contained in these plants, have an irritating effect on the duodenal mucosa.

If we talk about dietary habits, sour and spicy foods have a similar effect. However, such a diet should be excluded if a person suffers from gallstone disease or has other pathologies that require a healthy diet and avoidance of spicy foods.

In addition, cholekinetics are contained in the fruits of caraway and fennel, calamus roots and barberry leaves.

Traditional medicine

If you decide to use olive oil and other natural products as choleretic agents, you need to understand that this is possible only after a conversation with a gastroenterologist. Otherwise, there is a risk of causing greater harm to the body.

Herbal treatment is usually carried out over several months. During such therapeutic activities, it is important to alternate or combine herbal remedies. For bending of the gallbladder and other pathologies, you can prepare decoctions based on chamomile, corn silk, calendula, barberry and much more.

Vegetable oil is taken 100 g once a day, on an empty stomach. You can warm it up a little to enhance the effect. After taking it, it is recommended to take a horizontal position and lie on your side, applying a heating pad to your right side. It is worth noting that vegetable oils also help remove sand and stones from the gallbladder.

Cholesterol levels are also reduced, toxins and waste are eliminated. After taking the oil, it is recommended to drink more water (during the day). You can also take a decoction made from rose hips.

A pharmaceutical collection of oats and flax seeds has a positive effect. It provokes the outflow of bile, relieves inflammation, and has a softening effect. To prepare the collection at home, you need to dry 20 g of flax seeds, dandelions (only leaves are used), green oat stalks, birch leaves, and corn silk. Additionally, you can use rose hips.

  1. When the herbs are dried, they must be crushed and mixed thoroughly. You can take a simpler route by simply purchasing the appropriate collection at the pharmacy.
  2. After this, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon. collection The broth must be immediately covered with a lid and kept in this state for 1 hour at room temperature.
  3. The finished infusion should be taken half a glass before meals.

To improve the effect and taste, you can add a small amount of honey to the liquid.

You can also prepare a decoction of birch buds as a choleretic agent. This medicine is also an antimicrobial agent. Additionally, birch buds relieve inflammation and have an antispasmodic effect.

To prepare the decoction, you need to pour 3-4 g of birch buds with 0.5 liters of water, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. After 15-20 minutes, you can remove the broth from the stove and cool. After this, all that remains is to strain it and take half a glass before meals.

If you have the opportunity to purchase or prepare birch sap yourself, it will also be an excellent choleretic agent. You need to drink several glasses a day.

The list of cholekinetics is not limited exclusively to medications. If the doctor agrees to the use of traditional medicine, then they will be quite effective.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Choleretic drugs for the treatment of children

In childhood, the following choleretic drugs can be used:

  • From 3 years of age Holosas is prescribed.
  • From six months you can use Papaverine and Atropine, but under strict medical supervision.
  • From the age of 6 years, Hofitol, Flamin and Eufillin are prescribed.
  • From 7 years old you can take Urolesan.
  • Duspatalin is allowed to be taken from 10 years of age.

However, before starting treatment, consultation with a specialist is required.

For pregnant

When carrying a child, you need to choose medications with extreme caution. If you start taking medications that help increase uterine contractility, there is a risk of miscarriage and premature contractions.

The safest drugs in this case will be No-Shpa, Holosas, Papaverine, Atropine and Drotaverine. Odeston, Flamin and Cholestil are allowed to be taken exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician.

Pregnant women should not give preference to medicinal herbs, believing that they have a more gentle effect. As a rule, such medications contain a large amount of active substances, which can harm the fetus.

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