Antispasmodics: from clinical pharmacology to pharmacotherapy

We all have stomach pain from time to time, and in most cases it is not a sign of anything serious. Most abdominal pain, cramping or rumbling, bloating will go away on its own, but sometimes sudden pain may indicate a problem that requires immediate treatment, including surgery. If you have recurring abdominal pain or severe pain, talk to your doctor. If fever, nausea, vomiting or other additional symptoms appear, you should call an ambulance.

Many and widely varying types of pain can be classified as abdominal pain. Sometimes you may find that abdominal pain improves after going to the toilet, as it is a common symptom of diarrhea and constipation. Abdominal pain may be described as:

  • dull or aching;
  • piercing;
  • burning;
  • constant or intermittent (comes and goes);
  • occurs suddenly or gradually.

Rating of the top 10 inexpensive and effective tablets for abdominal pain according to KP

Before taking any medications, consultation with your doctor is required. We have selected the most commonly used drugs that relieve abdominal pain, but this review is not a guide to action. The course of treatment is selected only by a specialist.


No-shpa. Photo: Chinoin

The drug is produced in tablets and injection solutions and is available without a doctor's prescription. The active ingredient, drotaverine, has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles in the intestinal wall, dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow to the intestines, reducing overall pressure in the blood vessels.

Indicated to eliminate cramps and abdominal pain associated with digestive disorders, enzyme deficiency, and functional digestive disorders. Helps with stress pain in the abdomen and dyskinesia of the biliary system.

It is used in children from 6 years of age and adults; during pregnancy it is prescribed carefully, under the control of blood pressure.

Prohibited for galactose and lactose intolerance, heart failure, in young children, and for kidney and liver problems. It should be prescribed with caution in case of hypotension; it can greatly reduce blood pressure, even to the point of fainting. Side effects - dizziness, increased heart rate, headache, sleep disturbances. The drug should not be taken for more than 2 days without medical supervision.

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Metoclopramide. Photo: PFC Update

The drug is available in tablets and solution for injection, available with a doctor's prescription. The active ingredient is metoclopramide, has an antiemetic effect, normalizes intestinal motility due to its effect on dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain. Inhibits the activity of the vomiting center, reduces the contractility of the esophagus, increases the tone of its sphincters, normalizes intestinal function, eliminating pain and spasms. Accelerates the movement of food through the intestines, which eliminates pain during diarrhea.

It is prohibited for use by children and pregnant and lactating women, with glaucoma, tumors that secrete prolactin, with suspected bleeding in the stomach and intestines, with epilepsy.

May cause side effects - constipation and dry mouth, weakness with dizziness and drowsiness, increased heart rate. Incompatible with alcohol, prohibited when driving a car.


Maalox. Photo: A. Nattermann & Cie. GmbH

Available in the form of a suspension and chewable tablets, sold without a doctor's prescription. The active ingredients are aluminum alhydrate and hydroxide. It has antacid and enveloping effects, eliminates pain in the upper abdomen. Helps with heartburn, pain in the stomach, heaviness in the stomach.

Contraindicated in children under 15 years of age, with maltose intolerance, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy and severe kidney damage. Side effects include constipation or diarrhea.

Take after meals, after 20-30 minutes, or against the background of stomach pain; no more than 4 tablets per day are allowed.

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Duspatalin. Photo: Mylan

The drug is in tablets, dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The active ingredient is mebeverine, which has antispasmodic effects. Helps eliminate intestinal spasms, colic and heaviness, does not affect intestinal motility, does not inhibit the movement of food gruel and does not reduce blood pressure. Indicated for abdominal pain due to biliary colic, irritable bowel syndrome or functional digestive disorders.

Prohibited for use by pregnant women or those with intolerance to the components. Side effects include nausea, headache, dizziness, constipation, and skin allergies.

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Motilium. Photo: anssen-Cilag SpA

The drug is available in the form of tablets, including an express form for resorption in the mouth. Dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription. The main active ingredient is domperidone. Normalizes contraction of the stomach walls, blocks dopamine receptors, suppressing nausea, and inhibits the center of vomiting. Due to this, it eliminates unpleasant digestive symptoms - abdominal pain and vomiting. The drug helps with abdominal pain due to overeating, with functional pathologies of the digestive tract - the stomach and small intestine.

Prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, in children, if bleeding from the digestive system is suspected, with peptic ulcers, intestinal obstruction, prolactin-producing tumors. Side effects include dry mouth, stool instability, headaches, and weakness.

Non-narcotic painkillers

The most popular drug Aspirin belongs to this group. It contains acetylsalicylic acid. In addition to relieving pain, it lowers temperature and thins the blood. Therefore, it should not be taken by persons with reduced blood clotting. It is also contraindicated for damage to the gastric and intestinal mucosa. The drug may cause bleeding.

It is also not given to children under fifteen years of age.

There are analogues of aspirin:

  • Upsarin Upsa;
  • Aspirin Cardio;
  • Aspicor;
  • Citramon;
  • Thrombo-ass;
  • Cardio-magnyl;
  • Anopyrine.

Paracetamol is also included in the group of non-narcotic painkillers. It is the most harmless of the drugs in this group. It is even prescribed to pregnant women and children. But it should not be taken uncontrollably, because it has a negative effect on the liver.

There are analogues of Paracetamol:

  • Panadol;
  • Daleron;
  • Solpadeine;
  • Panadol Extra;
  • Trigan-D;
  • Coldrex;
  • Sanidol;
  • Perfalgan;
  • Meksalen;
  • Medipirin;
  • Panadol active.

The most common painkiller is Ibuprofen. It effectively relieves pain, but is classified as an NSAID, so it should not be taken by patients with gastrointestinal ulcers or people with reduced blood clotting.

Ibuprofen analogues:

  • Nurofen;
  • Ibusan;
  • Moment;
  • Ibufen;
  • Advil;
  • Pedea;
  • Burana;
  • Ibuklin Junior.

Drotaverine is a well-known antispasmodic. It is even used during childbirth. Relieves various spasms. It is not prescribed to children under six years of age, or to nursing mothers. Otherwise the medicine is called No-shpa.

Ketarolac is the most powerful drug in this group. It is taken for severe toothaches and conditions after operations. Not prescribed to children under sixteen years of age, nursing mothers, or persons with kidney, heart, or stomach diseases.

Diclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Relieves pain from arthrosis, arthritis, toothache.


  • Voltaren;
  • Ortofen;
  • Dorosan;
  • Orthoflex;
  • Naklofen.

Oxycams relieve pain in joint diseases. Not prescribed for children, stomach ulcers, or kidney disease.

How to choose pills for stomach pain

You need to choose medications for abdominal pain based on the cause that causes them. In some situations, medications cannot be taken, therefore, before starting treatment, it is highly advisable that you be examined by a doctor. If surgical pathologies and dangerous conditions requiring antibiotics or any other emergency measures are excluded, the following groups of medications can be prescribed:

Antacids (eliminate excess acidity of gastric juice). Effective for pain in the upper abdomen. The main principle of their work is to bind excess gastric juice with acid so that it does not irritate the walls of the stomach and partially the intestines. They are usually recommended for peptic ulcers and gastritis.

Antispasmodics. They help relax the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall and blood vessels, normalizing blood circulation and peristalsis. Can only be used for a short time as an emergency measure for cramping pain.

To the point

How to cure gastritis: advice from doctors

Analgesics. They eliminate all types of pain impulses, suppress their transmission to the brain, but do not eliminate the causes and do not act for long. In addition, they can mask serious problems in the abdominal cavity, so they should be taken with extreme caution.

Anticholinergic drugs. Eliminate the stimulating effect in the area of ​​nerve fibers that transmit impulses to the smooth muscles of the intestine and digestive glands. They have an antispasmodic effect and partially suppress secretion.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They suppress the inflammatory process and pain impulses, but they themselves irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Allowed only for inflammatory processes in which severe pain occurs and for a short course.

Enzyme preparations. They partially replace the deficiency of their own enzymes, improving digestion and eliminating bloating and heaviness in the abdomen, normalizing peristalsis.

Stimulators of intestinal motility. Help eliminate cramps and gas formation, normalize the movement of food through the intestines.

Modulators of the intestinal enkephalinergic system

The intestinal tube has its own “nervous system” that controls the contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle fibers. Impulses to the muscles are sent through the enkephalin system. When this system is unbalanced, intestinal motility is disrupted, which may be accompanied by pain. Enkephalinergic drugs restore the balance between contractions and relaxations of the intestine9, 10.

A representative of this group of medications is trimebutine. It has prokinetic, antispasmodic and analgesic effects10.

Should you call an ambulance?

In most cases, abdominal pain in children is not an emergency, and there is no need to call an ambulance. There are only a small number of cases when it is necessary to seek emergency medical attention, for example:

  1. A child experiences abdominal pain after an injury, such as a fall or accident.
  2. For boys: Your child has swollen or painful testicles.
  3. Vomiting bile
  4. Localized pain in the lower abdomen
  5. Signs of peritonitis
  6. Associated shock
  7. Dehydration due to vomiting and/or diarrhea.

If parents are unsure whether their child needs emergency medical care, they should contact the doctor and ask all the necessary questions.

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Solpadeine Fast

These painkillers act quickly, are as safe and effective as possible, and are suitable for relieving various types of pain. Solpadeine Fast contains paracetamol and caffeine. The drug is prescribed for headaches, toothaches, migraines, neuralgia, rheumatic and muscle pain, painful periods, as well as in the complex treatment of ARVI and influenza. These soluble tablets are easily absorbed and provide an immediate positive effect. The drug is prohibited for children under 12 years of age, as well as persons with hypertension, hypersensitivity to the components of Solpadeina Fast, and people with renal and liver failure. This painkiller has minimal contraindications, a quick effect, but is overpriced.

Solpadeine Fast
GlaxoSmithKline, France

- headache;
- migraine; - toothache; - neuralgia; - muscle and rheumatic pain; - painful menstruation; - a sore throat; - to reduce elevated body temperature and symptomatic treatment of colds and flu. from 77

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Aspirin Express

These effervescent pain relief tablets contain 500 mg of acetylsalicylic acid. After taking this pill, the headache will go away within 15 minutes. "Aspirin Express" relieves pain, relieves inflammation and works as an antipyretic. The drug is prescribed to patients over 25 years of age, and it is important that the person does not have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys or liver. Aspirin Express is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. For migraines, you need to dissolve two effervescent tablets in a glass of water. 1 tablet – 1 g (you can take no more than 3 g of the drug per day). If you exceed the permissible dosage of these pain pills, side effects such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and the development of an allergic reaction are possible. You should not take Aspirin Express for more than three days (without consulting your doctor). The drug has a complex effect, a quick effect, a convenient release form, and no side effects. You can read the contraindications in the instructions.

Aspirin Express
Bayer AG, Germany

Antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet agent, NSAID for the symptomatic relief of headache, toothache, sore throat, menstrual pain, muscle and joint pain, back pain;
- increased body temperature during colds and other infectious and inflammatory diseases (in adults and children over 15 years of age). from 5

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Perhaps one of the most inexpensive and effective antispasmodics prescribed for pain in the gastrointestinal tract and spasms of the smooth muscles of internal organs. "Drotaverine" has very few contraindications: childhood, intolerance to the drug components, severe liver and kidney failure. Drotaverine contains a low concentration of the active substance, so the risk of side effects is practically eliminated. Due to its low cost, this painkiller is available to everyone. Among the disadvantages is that sometimes Drotaverine is difficult to find in pharmacies.

Planet Organics; Borisov medical plant drugs, Belarus; NPC Pharmzashchita, Russia; PJSC "Biosintez", Russia; Ozon LLC, Russia; FSUE "Armavir Biofactory", Russia; PJSC "Biokhimik", Russia; Deco, Russia; JSC Dalkhimfarm, Russia; Novosibkhimpharm OJSC, Russia; Vifitech/Vilar, Russia; Update, Russia; Sintez OJSC, Russia; JSC PharmProject, Russia; PJSC Valenta Pharm, Russia; "Moskhimfarmpreparaty" named after. N. A. Semashko, Russia; JLLC "Lekpharm", Belarus; Medisorb, Russia; Obolensk pharmaceutical enterprise, Russia; Solopharm, Grotex LLC, Russia; Ellara MC, Russia

Spasm of smooth muscles of the urinary and biliary organs (renal colic, pyelitis, tenesmus, biliary colic, intestinal colic, dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder of the hyperkinetic type, cholecystitis, postcholecystectomy syndrome).
Spasm of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract (usually as part of combination therapy): pylorospasm, gastroduodenitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, spastic constipation, spastic colitis, proctitis. Tensor headache. Dysmenorrhea, threatened miscarriage, threatened premature birth, postpartum contractions. When conducting some instrumental studies, cholecystography. from 37

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Nurofen Forte

This pain reliever is the best in its category. Nurofen Forte tablets help with muscle, headache, toothache and joint pain. The drug has very few contraindications due to the content of a small amount of active ingredients. Nurofen Forte is easy to use and has virtually no side effects. Tablets are prescribed from the age of 12; you can take the drug three times a day, one tablet (at equal intervals of 6 hours). You can be treated with Nurofen Forte for no longer than two to three days, then you need to take a week break. Tablets have a wide spectrum of action.

Nurofen Forte
Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare International Ltd, UK

NSAIDs to eliminate: Headache;
migraine; toothache; algodismenorrhea; neuralgia; backache; myalgia; rheumatic pains; fever with influenza and ARVI. from 83

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The best painkillers

Our list contains only the most proven and effective painkillers from well-known manufacturers. This means that the drugs presented have a minimum of side effects and contraindications and are as safe as possible for health. These pain pills are often prescribed by doctors, and patients say they are effective.

Painkillers must be prescribed by a doctor

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The active ingredient in these pain pills is ibuprofen, and its low concentration in the drug is excellent for treating pain in those who cannot afford an expensive drug. But the cheapness of Ibuprofen does not mean that it is ineffective. On the contrary, the tablets relieve pain well and begin to act as quickly as possible. Other advantages include minimal likelihood of overdose and ease of use. Ibuprofen is prohibited for children under 6 years of age. It is advisable to take the medicine after consulting a doctor in order to take into account all possible contraindications.

OJSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Russia; Slavyanskaya Pharmacy, Russia; Rafarma, Russia; CJSC VERTEX, Russia; PJSC "Biokhimik", Russia; EKOlab, Russia; "Moskhimfarmpreparaty" named after. N. A. Semashko, Russia; Belmedpreparaty, Belarus; PJSC "Biosintez", Russia; Borisov medical plant drugs, Belarus; Sintez OJSC, Russia; JSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty", Russia; Novopharm-Biosintez LLC, Ukraine

Symptomatic treatment: - tension headaches and migraines;
- joint, muscle pain, - pain in the back, lower back, radiculitis; - pain when ligaments are damaged; - toothache; - painful menstruation; — febrile conditions during colds, flu; - rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis. NSAIDs are intended for symptomatic therapy, reducing pain and inflammation at the time of use, but do not affect the progression of the disease. from 16

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These painkillers are inexpensive and are usually prescribed for headaches, dental pain, muscle pain, joint pain, and other types of pain. The drug helps with radiculitis and menstrual pain. The tablets begin to act 20 minutes after administration, and the analgesic effect lasts 4-6 hours. Pentalgin has very few contraindications; patients over 18 years of age can take it (usually one tablet three times a day). If you exceed the recommended dosage, side effects may develop, and if you reduce it, the effectiveness of the drug will also decrease. In general, Pentalgin is as safe as possible, provides excellent pain relief, and is affordable.

OJSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Russia

— pain syndrome of various origins, incl.
pain in joints, muscles, radiculitis, algodismenorrhea, neuralgia, toothache, headache (including those caused by cerebral vasospasm); — pain syndrome associated with spasm of smooth muscles, incl. for chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, postcholecystectomy syndrome, renal colic; — post-traumatic and postoperative pain syndrome, incl. accompanied by inflammation; - colds accompanied by febrile syndrome (as symptomatic therapy). from 57


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This anesthetic drug relieves spasms of the smooth muscles of internal organs and reduces pain during spasms of peripheral arteries. "Spasmonet" has a balanced composition: one main active ingredient and several minor ones. Thanks to the right combination of active ingredients, these pain relief pills are very effective and start working quickly. When taking Spazmonet, any side effects very rarely occur, but if you do not adhere to the recommended dosage, dizziness, nausea, allergies, and decreased blood pressure may occur.

KRKA-RUS, Russia; KRKA (KRKA), Slovenia

Spasmonet is a drug from the group of antispasmodics that are used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, as well as in gynecology.
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When buying pain pills, pay attention to the manufacturer’s reputability

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