Are there any restrictions on the consumption of persimmons? Can I eat it if I have a stomach ulcer?

Up to 60% of the world's population faces varicose veins. Pathological expansion of veins develops against the background of a complex of factors, including hereditary predisposition, excess weight, and unhealthy lifestyle. Effective treatment of varicose veins must combine several therapeutic approaches. One of the important areas of prevention and treatment of varicose veins is changing your diet. Following a special diet slows down the progression of the disease and alleviates the condition of patients.

Diet goals for varicose veins

It will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem by changing just your diet. However, patients who follow the diet feel significantly better. It is also important to remember the role of physical activity for varicose veins, which is also an important measure for preventing the disease.

The main goals of dietary nutrition for varicose veins of the lower extremities:

  • Weight loss. Excess weight creates additional stress on the vascular system, several times increasing the risk of pathological varicose veins and congestion.
  • Strengthening the vascular wall. Weak vascular walls are unable to maintain tone and resist blood flow. This causes dilation of the veins with the formation of varicose nodes.
  • Improving the rheological properties of blood. Proper nutrition leads to a decrease in blood viscosity. This facilitates its outflow from the dilated veins.
  • Prevention of edema. The consumption of certain foods leads to an increase in edema, including in the lower extremities, significantly impairing tissue trophism, which contributes to the progression of varicose veins.
  • Normalization of stool. Regular constipation and excessive straining during bowel movements provoke varicose veins of the small pelvis and hemorrhoidal veins, which worsens the course of varicose veins of the lower extremities.

The daily menu of a patient suffering from varicose veins should be compiled taking these goals into account.

In order to lose weight and reduce swelling , it is recommended to increase the proportion of plant foods in the diet and normalize the drinking regime. The main diet should be represented by plant fiber (vegetables, fruits, legumes), cereals, and lean meats. It is necessary to give preference to coarse grain bread and pasta made from wholemeal flour. Sugar, fresh baked goods, smoked meats and other foods containing excess salt can cause swelling. Therefore, limiting them in the diet will invariably lead to a positive result.

When persimmon is contraindicated

A number of situations have been described when consuming persimmon, despite all the usefulness of the fruit, is not recommended. Contraindications to eating the fruit include concomitant diseases: diabetes, increased susceptibility to allergies, chronic renal failure.

Patients with diabetes can be harmed by the high carbohydrate content in fruits. A similar restriction applies to persons prone to developing allergic reactions. In case of renal failure, avoid excessive stress on the kidneys, because magnesium contained in fruits has a high antidiuretic effect.

If you approach eating persimmons haphazardly, it is easy to provoke an exacerbation of diagnosed chronic diseases.

Since most fruits are saturated with organic acids that are harmful for stomach ulcers, it is not recommended to buy tart, unripe persimmons. It contains too much coarse plant fiber, which injures the epithelium of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. This complicates and slows down the regeneration processes of ulcers.

Based on the above, eating persimmon is not allowed for every type of stomach disease, not at any stage of development. If severe ulcerations are found on the gastric mucosa, it is better to wait until the disease is put into remission. Wait for the persimmon to ripen and acquire a soft consistency and honey taste. Then the fruit will become a real boon in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease. Otherwise, eating a healthy fruit will do more harm than health benefits.

Useful substances for varicose veins

Having studied the effect of food components on blood vessels, scientists have compiled a list of the most useful substances. This list includes the following vitamins and microelements:

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – necessary for the synthesis of collagen, which maintains the tone of the vascular walls. Sources of vitamin C: rose hips, red peppers, citrus fruits, black currants, sea buckthorn, apples, parsley, broccoli;

Plant fibers (fiber) – improve blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of thrombosis and helping to restore damaged vein walls;

Coumarin - thins the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots. Contained in cinnamon, horseradish, celery, parsley, red pepper, fenugreek, chamomile, nettle, citrus zest, red wine, currants, strawberries, gooseberries;

Copper – increases the elasticity of blood vessels, reducing the risk of pathological stretching. Foods rich in copper: beef liver, seafood, nuts and seeds;

Bioflavonoids – have an antioxidant effect and strengthen blood vessels. Contained in all products of plant origin: fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits and natural juice, berries and herbs.

Vitamin E – starts regeneration processes in damaged venous walls, improves blood flow. Found in products of plant and animal origin. Large amounts of vitamin E are found in sunflower seeds, spinach, vegetable oil, nuts, avocados, shrimp, red fish, asparagus, and broccoli.

Vitamin B5 - helps to avoid dangerous complications, including dermatitis and trophic ulcers on the skin. Foods high in vitamin B5: salmon, avocado, eggs, milk, peanuts, soy, lentils, beans.

Foods rich in these nutrients should form the basis of the daily diet of people with varicose veins.

Substances of concern

Peptic ulcer disease is a chronic disease; it can be either in the acute stage or in remission. But it causes a lot of problems for a person; you need to constantly follow a diet.

The question often arises: can I eat this? As for persimmons, concern may be caused by the high content of tannin - tannin (hallotannic acid), which has astringent properties. This compound is mainly found in unripe persimmons, and when it gets on the mucous membrane, it reacts with proteins and forms a film, hence the astringent sensation.


In the stomach, tannin cannot be digested, it forms “stones,” digestion is disrupted, and the intestinal walls are irritated. In people suffering from constipation, tannin can cause intestinal obstruction. Therefore, in large doses this substance is contraindicated even for healthy people. But there is a way out - you need to buy only ripe sweet fruits and use them correctly.

Diet rules for varicose veins

In addition to saturating the body with useful substances, doctors recommend adhering to a certain diet. This allows you to reduce the load on the cardiovascular and digestive systems of the body. Phlebologists and nutritionists provide the following recommendations:

  • It is advisable to count calories to control your weight. This is especially important for people who are overweight and obese. Counting can be done using smartphone applications or special tables. Daily ration rates are calculated individually
  • It is important that the basis of the diet is vegetables rich in fiber and vitamins. Seafood (low-fat fish, squid, mussels, shrimp) are considered optimal sources of protein It is recommended to avoid eating fatty meat in favor of dietary poultry.
  • Nutritionists advise limiting the consumption of sugar , baked goods, baked goods, and confectionery products. Simple carbohydrates in these products contribute to rapid weight gain, creating additional stress on the cardiovascular system.
  • The optimal method of cooking is boiling or steaming . Fried and smoked foods cause an increase in cholesterol levels, which leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vascular bed.
  • Most doctors recommend that patients adhere to fractional nutrition , in which the daily diet is evenly divided into 5 meals. This speeds up metabolic processes in the body.

Varicose veins are often accompanied by chronic diseases. To avoid negative health consequences, all dietary changes should be agreed with your doctor.

Useful properties of persimmon

Based on the research results, scientists came to the conclusion that certain products exhibit a pronounced bactericidal effect. The list of these includes persimmon. Let's take a closer look at whether persimmon is allowed for people with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

Persimmon contains almost all known vitamins and essential minerals:

  1. Iron ions are the leading component of tissue respiration and oxygen delivery to the cells of the body.
  2. Potassium is a substance that ensures normal contractile activity of the myocardium and muscle tissue.

  3. Iodine is a trace element necessary for normal functioning of the thyroid gland and intellectual activity.
  4. Magnesium is a microelement that affects the urinary organs, determining vascular tone.
  5. Calcium is a trace element that affects muscle contractility and bone strength.

In addition to the listed substances, persimmon contains tanning elements in abundance, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

Permitted and prohibited products

For varicose veins, nutrition should be complete and rational. You don't have to completely give up your favorite foods. It is enough to reduce the consumption of such products:

  • fat meat;
  • chocolate;
  • salty foods;
  • alcohol;
  • White bread;
  • baking;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

Healthy foods that should form the basis of the patient's diet include:

  • oats, buckwheat, legumes;
  • beef and pork liver;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • seafood;
  • blueberries, chokeberry;
  • olive oil;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • onion garlic.

A diet for varicose veins does not contradict the general principles of a healthy diet. The Mediterranean diet is ideal as a basic basis for your diet, following which you can quickly get into good physical shape and improve your general condition and well-being.

Rules for use in case of illness


As already mentioned, you should not eat unripe fruits, as they contain a large amount of tannin.

This leads to indigestion, constipation, and possible intestinal obstruction.

Therefore, unripe persimmons can be “helped” to ripen . To do this, place it in warm water for 10 hours or in a bag with overripe apples. You can simply leave the mono at room temperature, but it will take longer.


To remove the astringency completely, it is recommended to freeze persimmons. At the same time, the tannin will be destroyed, and the taste will become sweeter, it will be easier to digest.

We should not forget that the fruit is digested for about 4 hours, satiety after persimmon is felt for quite a long time, so you should not fill your stomach with other food at the same time, but eating it on an empty stomach is contraindicated for people with peptic ulcers.

That is, persimmon is a fruit consumed separately from other foods and in small quantities, preferably in the first half of the day. For stomach ulcers, 1 teaspoon of pulp per day is enough. If you feel well, the dose can be gradually increased slightly.

Gastroenterologists recommend consuming dried persimmons; they also contain minimal tannin. But it is better to grind this fruit and add it to porridges, soups, jelly, which is the basis of the diet for stomach ulcers. In this case, the persimmon must be cleaned and coarse fibers removed. It is enough to consume the berry 2 times a week.


Persimmon for duodenal ulcers is allowed to be consumed only during the period of remission. How often and in what quantities to eat it, it is better to consult a doctor, since the severity of the disease is different for everyone. But the general rule is no more than 3 times a week, not on an empty stomach and not at night, because it takes a long time to digest.

In order not to irritate the healing ulcers with coarse fibers and fiber, you need to eat ripe, soft fruits, without astringency. Be sure to peel. The best option is to prepare jelly, jelly, compote or soufflé. It will be both tasty and healthy.


We must not forget that unripe berries can cause constipation, and with this disease this should not be allowed. It is better to freeze it before use.

You should also not drink persimmons, especially dairy products. This can lead to the formation of stones, since calcium, under the influence of tannin, binds and turns into an insoluble sediment. Does not go well with fish. There should be at least two hours between taking these products.

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