Medicines and other remedies for bloating in adults

Bloating occurs due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines and is accompanied by heaviness and, in some cases, pain. In order to get rid of this condition, many remedies have been developed for bloating in adults and children, both pharmacological and natural. Traditional medicine also has not remained aloof from this problem and offers many recipes.

How to treat flatulence?

October 25, 2022



  • Symptoms of bloating
  • What foods cause bloating?
  • What causes bloating?
  • The best drugs for bloating
  • Espumisan
  • Pankreoflat
  • Meteospasmil
  • Plantex
  • Simethicone with fennel from Evalar
  • Folk remedies for flatulence

We can talk about bloating when the volume of gases in the intestines increases from normal 700-1500 ml to 3000 ml or more. Intestinal gases include: hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen. Gases accumulate in the intestines when a person swallows air with food, consumes foods that cause fermentation, while talking, smoking, inflammatory diseases of the throat, wearing braces and dentures; gases are also released by the intestinal microflora.

Some diseases can also cause increased gas formation:

  • colitis;
  • enteritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • bile stagnation;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • neoplasms in the intestines;
  • worm infection.

Typically, a large accumulation of gases causes discomfort and unpleasant symptoms: a feeling of fullness in the intestines and often pain. Read also : Top 10 best colic remedies for newborns In most cases, colic in newborns occurs due to the immaturity of the digestive system. Fortunately, you can buy medicine at the pharmacy that will relieve your baby of abdominal pain.

Antacid medications

The action of antacid medications is aimed at reducing the production of hydrochloric acid and restoring full intestinal motility. By reducing the level of gastric acidity, the restoration of the inflamed mucous membrane of the digestive organs is accelerated, the volume of gas bubbles in the small intestine is reduced, heartburn and a feeling of heaviness disappear.

Common antacid medications:

  • Maalox;
  • Almagel Neo;
  • Almagel A.

Maalox - reduces the production of hydrochloric acid and the volume of gas in the cavity of the small intestine. The medicine has a soft, enveloping effect on the damaged mucosa, accelerating its recovery and protecting it from the aggressive effects of external factors.

Almagel Neo is an antacid with an adsorbing and enveloping effect. Adult patients are recommended to take Almagel Neo at least 4 times a day, 50-60 minutes after meals. For children, the dosage of the medicine is calculated individually.

Almagel A - gently envelops the stomach and intestinal walls, protecting them from harmful factors. It is distinguished by its rapid action - improvement in the condition is observed within 4-5 minutes after taking the medicine.

Symptoms of bloating

Gas-associated symptoms of bloating:

  • increase in abdominal size;
  • cramping abdominal pain and cramps;
  • the presence of certain sounds (borborygms);
  • frequent belching;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • uncontrolled release of gases;
  • bowel disorder.

A person with bloating develops anxiety, a feeling of shame, minimizes social contacts and avoids visiting public places. Against this background, stress develops, which, in turn, has an even more negative effect on the intestines.

Causes of intestinal disorders

Functional bowel disorders occur for various reasons, related or unrelated to food intake. Poor health can result from:

  1. Binge eating. Because of it, undigested food accumulates in the intestinal lumen, in which the processes of fermentation and decay begin.
  2. Diet violation. Disorders are provoked by an abundance of fatty, smoked, fried and spicy foods.
  3. Incorrect use of antibiotics. Antibiotics can act not only on pathogenic bacteria, but also on healthy intestinal microflora, which leads to dysbiosis. To avoid dysbiosis, a course of antibacterial drugs must be combined with probiotics—medicines containing beneficial bacteria. It is recommended to take the probiotic 4 hours after the antibiotic.
  4. Stressful situations. Emotional stress often leads to intestinal dysfunction.

What foods cause bloating?

If a healthy person eats foods that increase gas formation in the intestines and feels discomfort, you just need to review your diet and eliminate such foods - then no treatment is needed, the discomfort will go away on its own.

There are groups of foods that cause bloating (a negative reaction can occur to either one product or several):

  1. Products containing coarse fiber or fructose (apples, grapes, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, turnips, legumes and peas).
  2. Products that cause fermentation in the intestines (rye bread and pastries).
  3. Products with gluten (cereals, various sausages, sauces).
  4. Dairy products (when the body has a special enzyme to digest certain proteins and lactose).

To the list of products that cause gas formation, you should also add fast carbohydrates, sweets, sweet carbonated drinks, kvass, beer, etc. By the way, the formation of gases is also affected by how a person eats. You can’t eat on the go, snack frequently, eat a lot of fatty or spicy foods, or talk while eating.

If a person eats too many fruits, vegetables and legumes, fiber and fructose are poorly absorbed (or not absorbed at all) by the body. Such products rot in the intestines, and this is a haven for bacteria. Therefore, if you do not often eat vegetables and fruits, it is better to add them to your diet gradually.

In addition to specific products, some combinations of them also cause increased gas formation. For example: cereals with milk, sour vegetable products and grains, fresh bread with kefir.

In order not to provoke increased gas formation, eat fruits after the main meal, do not combine several types of fruits. It is advisable to bake or stew foods rich in fiber, and peel fruits and vegetables. Before cooking legumes, it is better to soak them. By the way, the safest in terms of gas formation is lentils.

Foods that cause bloating

Photos from open sources

Why does bloating occur in healthy people?

Eating large quantities of potatoes can cause bloating.

The main causes of bloating in healthy people are poor diet and antibiotic use. It is not recommended to drink carbonated drinks. When they are consumed, short-term bloating occurs even in healthy people.

Consumption of certain foods containing large amounts of fiber causes fermentation processes, for example:


This is perhaps the fastest-acting drug for bloating and rumbling in the stomach. “Espumizan” does not have any effect on the digestive process, is not absorbed into the blood (“works” only in the intestinal lumen), and does not contain lactose and sugar. The active ingredient of the drug is simethicone. This is a safe remedy for bloating, so it can be used at any age. Doctors say that Espumisan does not develop addiction, so it can be used for a long course (more than 14 days). You can buy Espumisan in capsules and drops. The capsules are small in size, easy to swallow, and do not need to be washed down with water. The drug is safe for diabetics and people with lactose intolerance. The relative disadvantages of the product are its high cost and unnatural composition.

Berlin-Chemie/Menarini, Germany

Excessive formation and accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, Roemheld syndrome, aerophagia, increased gas formation in the postoperative period);
preparation for diagnostic studies of the abdominal and pelvic organs (including ultrasound, x-ray studies); symptoms of excessive gas formation caused by functional dyspepsia; acute poisoning with detergents containing foaming agents (as an antifoam agent). from 235

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Principles of treatment

The treatment of flatulence is based on eliminating the cause of increased gas formation, treating the patient’s existing diseases of the digestive system, removing accumulated gases in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, and preventing their formation.

  1. Diet and diet

It is recommended to eat frequently in small portions, eat slowly to prevent swallowing air, and chew food thoroughly. You should not talk while eating. You may need to reduce the amount of food you eat. When eating small portions of food, bloating is not observed, but large meals can cause bloating and distension of the abdomen. It is advisable to exclude products that cause increased gas formation, carbonated drinks.

  1. Keeping a food diary

To establish the cause of flatulence for some time, it is advisable to keep a food diary, the nature of the sensations in the stomach from various foods.

  1. Physical activity

Moderate physical activity improves gas transport and ensures bowel movements.

  1. Probiotics

When studying individuals suffering from increased gas formation, fluctuations in the intestinal microflora and differences in the microbiome of healthy individuals and patients with bloating and the appearance of bacteroids are noted. Two probiotics have a positive effect - Bifidobacterium infantis and Lactobaccilus acidophilus. Research continues.

  1. Drug treatment includes drugs:

  • normalizing peristalsis and promoting the removal of gases from the intestines. These can be infusions of dill, fennel, caraway and prokinetics, accelerating the movement of gases through the intestines and their release,
  • The drug Trimedat, a universal regulator of gastrointestinal motility, is currently presented on the Russian market. The drug stimulates gastric emptying, normalizes intestinal motility (constipation and diarrhea) and gas movement, reduces visceral sensitivity, reduces the feeling of bloating and discomfort in the abdomen, and relieves abdominal pain. Trimedat is prescribed 200 mg (1 tablet) 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 30 days or more.
  • sorbents that absorb excess gases and remove them from the body. The most commonly used sorbents are activated carbon, polyphepane, polysorb.
  1. Defoamers

Gases formed in the gastrointestinal tract are foam with multiple small bubbles surrounded by a layer of viscous mucus. This mucous foam covers the surface of the intestinal lining in a thin layer. Foam complicates parietal digestion, reduces the activity of enzymes, disrupts the absorption of nutrients and gases by the intestinal wall, and increases the movement of gases through the intestinal tract.

The action of defoamers is based on the release of gases from mucous bubbles. The deposition of foam reduces the volume, restores the absorption of gases through the intestinal wall, accelerates the movement of gases and their release.

  • Espumisan (simethicone)

It works quickly and effectively. It is an organosilicon compound that has defoaming properties and helps prevent the formation of gases and their destruction. The drug is not absorbed into the blood and is excreted unchanged in the feces. Espumisan is not absorbed in the intestinal tract, does not affect liver function, does not disrupt the intestinal microflora, does not affect the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and does not interfere with the absorption of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The drug can be taken for a long time without adverse reactions, and is used in children, adults, pregnant and nursing mothers. Espumisan is available in two forms: capsules and emulsions, does not contain sugar, is approved for diabetes, and is used for flatulence of any origin. Espumisan is taken 2 capsules up to 3-5 times a day or 2 ml of emulsion.

  • Unienzyme

Syneticon is part of the enzymatic preparation Unienzyme. Unienzyme can be used when overeating or large amounts of food to improve digestion, prevent gas formation, and protect the mucous membrane (vitamin PP). The drug is taken after meals 2 times a day for 2 weeks, and then “on demand”.

  • Orlix (biological food supplement)

The active component is a natural enzyme - alpha-galactosidase, which reduces gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract by breaking down oligosaccharides contained in problem foods into simple carbohydrates without the formation of gases.

The use of the enzyme alpha-galactosidase in nutrition provides enzymatic activity that is absent in the human body, limiting the entry of oligosaccharides into the large intestine in an undigested form. There they undergo bacterial breakdown with the formation of gases. Taking Orlix provides high efficiency in relieving gas formation.

The recommended dose of the drug is 2-3 tablets during meals with the first portions of food when consuming gas-forming products. Orlix acts instantly, flatulence does not occur when consuming problematic foods. The dosage depends on the amount of problem foods consumed. In the future, the drug is taken “on demand” and the patient himself determines the required dose.

Orlix is ​​safe and can be used by healthy people for any disease of the gastrointestinal tract, functional or organic, in the presence of a symptom of increased gas formation.


The active ingredients of this anti-bloating remedy are dimethicone and pancreatin, that is, it is a drug of the enzymatic group. "Pankreoflat" destroys foam in the intestines and works as an enzyme, improving the secretion of the pancreas. An ideal drug for the treatment of bloating due to chronic pancreatitis. After all, with pancreatitis, food is poorly digested and begins to rot in the intestinal lumen. "Pankreoflat" contains enzymes such as lipase, amylase, trypsin - they break down food and help it be absorbed. Pankreoflat is usually prescribed for diseases of the pancreas, liver, biliary tract, gas formation after operations on the gastrointestinal tract, and digestive insufficiency. Take the drug with food - this is how it works best. "Pankreoflat" is well tolerated. But it should be remembered that it cannot be used during treatment with Gastal or Phosphalugel (otherwise the therapeutic effect of Pankreoflat will decrease). The product is contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding.

Solvay, Belgium

Pankreoflat is a product containing active enzymes aimed at compensating for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
Tablets are used to eliminate the consequences of impaired functioning of the pancreas, in the treatment of digestive disorders, or for the purpose of rehabilitation of a patient after operations on the digestive tract. from 2200

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Linex - contains useful substances to protect the digestive tract from gas formation.

These preparations contain microorganisms beneficial to microflora that protect the digestive tract from gas-forming and putrefactive bacteria. Such drugs, when entering the body, simulate the functioning of the immune system and establish a balance where beneficial microorganisms predominate.

Thus, the drugs improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach, reduce gas formation and discomfort. Probiotics:

  • Bifiform
  • Yogulact
  • Hilak-forte
  • Primadophilus
  • Linex
  • Bifiliz
  • Bifidumbacterin


Available in the form of a dry substance in bags and in ampoules in the form of a lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension, capsules and suppositories. Bifidumbacterin is intended to improve microflora and stimulate the immune system. Bifidobacteria contained in the drug are antagonists of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug improves digestion and intestinal function.

As a result of the influence of the microflora of the drug, which is a biosorbent, toxic substances are separated into components that are non-toxic. Beneficial bacteria form colonies in the body and activate metabolic processes and the synthesis of vitamins.


Hilak-forte is a drug for relieving spasms and reducing gas formation.

The drug is a drop of an aqueous substrate of metabolic products. It is designed to regulate the balance of intestinal microflora. The drug contains synthetic lactic acid and its salts, which normalizes the acidic environment of the stomach. Hilak forte relieves spasms and reduces gas formation. Indications:

  1. Flatulence
  2. Bloating
  3. Diseases of the stomach and liver
  4. Allergy
  5. Salmonellosis
  6. Yogulact

This product contains lyophilized and yoghurt live cultures, ascorbic acid and magnesium stearate. Used for symptoms of poisoning: diarrhea, bloating, nausea and vomiting. The bacteria contained in the capsule are resistant to antibiotics, relieve pain and relieve allergy symptoms, have an antiviral effect, and are active against pathogenic microorganisms.

The drug helps the body synthesize vitamins B, K and C, helping to create microflora resistance to adverse effects.


Another anti-bloating drug with a complex effect, it contains simethicone and alverine citrate. Simethicone acts on intestinal gas bubbles, and alverine citrate works as an antispasmodic, relaxing the intestinal muscles, reducing its tone, and reducing pain. In this case, intestinal hypotension does not develop. These two active ingredients of Meteospasmil help gases to escape naturally. Meteospasmil is prescribed for flatulence and bloating, nausea, belching, and constipation. The drug is also suitable for preparing the patient for various examinations (ultrasound, endoscopy of the stomach or intestines). Adults take one capsule three times daily before meals. The course of treatment for flatulence is one week. Meteospasmil is prescribed to patients with intestinal hypertonicity (usually they suffer from spastic constipation). Allergic reactions to the drug are very rare. Meteospasmil is not indicated for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding.

Maioli Spindler Laboratories, France

Functional gastrointestinal disorders, manifested by abdominal pain, increased gas formation, belching, nausea, constipation, diarrhea or their alternation;
— preparation for x-ray, ultrasound or instrumental examination of the abdominal organs. from 362

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Causes of increased gas formation

Excessive gas formation can be due to a variety of reasons. One of them is the imperfection of the enzyme system or disruption of its function, which is more typical for children in the first days of life. Researchers Yazenok and Zhelnova (Yazenok N.S., Zhelnova T.I., Bondarenko N.V., Novokshenova T.P., Kirsanova A.I., 2003, p. 16). In this case, the following causes of flatulence are distinguished:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract: duodenitis, gastritis;
  • diseases of the liver and gall bladder: hepatitis of any origin, cholecystitis, etc.

Other mechanisms for the development of the disease include imbalances in the microflora of the colon. With them, carbohydrates and proteins that come with food are not completely absorbed by the mucous membrane. Normally, dietary fiber from fruits and vegetables, especially legumes and coarse-fiber fruits, is broken down by intestinal bacteria. The result of their vital activity is the formation of a large volume of gases. A significant portion of gases is absorbed by aerobic intestinal bacteria. And with dysbacteriosis, the balance between bacteria producing and consuming gases is disrupted. However, it is important to remember that even in the absence of microflora imbalance, a special diet can cause the formation and release of large amounts of gases. A diet based on foods rich in cellulose and beans can cause flatulence. Other products that increase gas formation include soda, lamb meat, as well as products in which fermentation and fermentation processes are already occurring, for example, kvass.

Another mechanism for the development of flatulence is intestinal distension due to paresis. This is due to abdominal surgeries performed. In this case, the cause of flatulence in adults is the very fact of the intervention. After it, intestinal motility slows down, and this leads to fermentation and putrefactive processes. The condition is accompanied by spasmodic pain because gases accumulate in the intestinal lumen.

A common cause of increased gas formation is emotional stress, nervous disorders and shocks. The mechanism of development of this syndrome is explained by spasm of smooth muscles, including the intestines, and a slowdown in peristalsis.


An excellent anti-bloating drug for those who value natural ingredients. Plantex is prescribed for intestinal colic and for its prevention. The active ingredient of Plantex is fennel fruit extract. Fennel is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract because it contains essential oils, organic acids and vitamins. The product relieves pain during flatulence and helps gases escape. You can buy Plantex in bags containing light brown granules. They are dissolved in 100 ml of warm boiled water and stirred until completely dissolved. The active substances of the drug are completely absorbed and quickly relieve bloating. The disadvantage of this product is that it contains sugar.

Lek d.d., Slovenia

As a preventive and therapeutic agent in children from 2 weeks of age and older: - to eliminate spastic pain in the intestines with mild digestive disorders;
- when switching from breastfeeding to other types of nutrition. from 285

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Effective drugs against flatulence

Treatment of disorders of the stomach and intestines is carried out using various groups of medications, as well as mandatory nutritional correction. To restore digestion, carminatives and enzyme agents, enterosorbents, prokinetics, prebiotics and probiotics can be used. If gas formation is accompanied by pain, antispasmodics are additionally prescribed.

MedicineActive substanceManufactureraverage cost
EspumisanSimethiconeBerlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Pharma HmbX (Germany)270-470 rubles
PepphysAmylase, papain, simethiconeRanbaxy (India)420-480 rubles
AntareitSimethicone, magaldrateJSC Valenta Pharm, Russia190-320 rubles
MeteospasmilSimethiconeLaboratoires Mayoly-Spindler (France)440-470 rubles
ImodiumLoperamideJohnson & Johnson (Russia)160-250 rubles
Pepsan-RDimethiconeLaboratoires Rosa-Phytopharma (France)400-430 rubles
HolenzymDried bile, dried pancreasRUE "Belmedpreparaty", Republic of Belarus185-245 rubles
MotiliumDomperidoneJohnson & Johnson (Russia)570-700 rubles
LinexLebeninSandoz d.d., Verovshkova 57, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia320-620 rubles
SmectaDioctahedral smectiteBofur Ipsen Industry. 28100 France, Dreux, Rue et Virton 125-150 rubles
FestalPancreatinAventis Pharma International (France)220-300 rubles
CerucalMetoclopramideTeva (Israel)120-220 rubles

In order to quickly get rid of flatulence, constipation and digestive disorders, it is best to take medications from several groups. But any medications should only be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account existing contraindications and age restrictions.

Simethicone with fennel from Evalar

The drug perfectly reduces the formation of gases, so it is prescribed for bloating and colic. The active ingredients of the capsules are simethicone and fennel essential oil. Fennel eliminates the urge to vomit and is a natural antispasmodic. Patients note in reviews that “Simethicone with fennel” improves digestion and has no “side effects” even with long-term use. An important advantage is that during treatment with this drug the absorption of food is not impaired and the volume of gastric juice does not change. Adults with flatulence are prescribed one capsule three to five times a day. “Simethicone with fennel” is inexpensive, it has a convenient release form, and it effectively relieves increased gas formation. Contraindications: pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Simethicone with fennel
Evalar, Russia

Dietary supplement Simethicone with fennel helps reduce gas formation and relieve bloating and functional colic.
from 167

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Traditional methods of treating bloating

Photos from open sources

Effective enzyme preparations

Enzyme preparations are most often used in the most severe cases, with serious disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Enzymes have a complex effect - they improve food digestion, tidy up the intestinal microflora, reduce gas formation and stimulate the pancreas.

Effective enzyme preparations include:

  • Pancreatin;
  • Abomin;
  • Festal.

Pancreatin is one of the most effective and cheapest enzyme preparations. It effectively cleanses the digestive system from pathogenic bacteria and their metabolic products, and increases the production of beneficial gastric enzymes. Pancreatin effectively removes food debris and accumulated feces from the stomach and intestines, eliminating the feeling of heaviness and bloating.

Abomin is an enzyme product based on plant components. The medicine is intended for long-term use. The average duration of treatment is 4-8 weeks. Abomin should be taken 1 tablet three times a day.

Festal - accelerates the breakdown of food, stimulates the pancreas and accelerates the work of enzymes necessary for the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Festal is recommended to be taken one tablet up to 3-4 times a day.

Folk remedies for flatulence

There are several folk recipes for increased gas formation, which can be used both independently and during treatment with the above drugs.

  1. Water with lemon.
    If you have bloating, drink warm water with lemon in small sips throughout the day. This drink improves the contraction of intestinal muscles and helps food digest better.
  2. Spices.
    Many people save themselves from flatulence with this recipe: add a pinch of black pepper or turmeric to water, tea, juice or other drink. Spices help with bloating.
  3. Ginger.
    For flatulence, it is useful to eat a piece of ginger. Ginger relieves inflammation and calms the digestive system. Ginger root helps relieve gas, relieves bloating and treats upset stomach.
  4. Mint tea.
    An excellent folk remedy for bloating and gases in the intestines. Mint relieves unpleasant symptoms of flatulence and improves digestion.

Use of prokinetics

Prokinetics are medications that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce gas production. Prokinetics are most effective in identifying putrefactive microflora in the small intestine. They inhibit the fermentation process, accompanied by an increase in the volume of gas bubbles.

Popular prokinetics:

  • Motilium;
  • Eglonyl;
  • Duspatalin.

Motilium is one of the most common and effective prokinetics that normalizes intestinal microflora. The drug quickly eliminates bloating, heaviness and other unpleasant symptoms, improves overall well-being. Motilium removes excess gases naturally.

Duspatalin is a combination drug that combines prokinetic and antispasmodic properties. The medicine should be taken morning and evening, half an hour before meals. Duspatalin not only relieves flatulence, but also relieves painful abdominal cramps.

Duspatalin can change the intestinal and gastric microflora, so this prokinetic agent should not be taken for a long time.

Eglonil effectively restores the functioning of the digestive system, helping to solve the problem of bloating. Available in the form of capsules and solution for intravenous or intramuscular administration. The form of the medication and dosage are selected individually depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Flatulence: symptoms in children

Flatulence manifests itself in a one-month-old baby in the form of belching, passing gas, and loud crying due to pain. As a rule, the baby begins to cry sharply and pull his legs to his chest literally a few minutes after feeding. Most often, these attacks occur in the late afternoon, sometimes even at the same time. The child's abdomen swells, appears rounder in appearance, and feels firm to the touch.

This may be accompanied by constipation. Why the baby can’t go to the toilet - read here.


If the child is breastfed, then the mother should monitor her diet, do not overfeed the baby, and do not feed him too often. It is impossible to suddenly transfer children to artificial feeding and introduce complementary foods in excess quantities.

For older children, the recommendations are as follows:

  • the child should eat regularly and balanced;
  • eating should be slow, food should be chewed thoroughly;
  • to prevent air from entering the gastrointestinal tract, you should not talk at the table;
  • the child needs to move more to ensure good peristalsis of the digestive tract.

If alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Foods that cause flatulence

Scientists have proven and repeatedly confirmed the role of nutrition in the occurrence of flatulence2,3.

Products that increase gas formation2,3:

  • legumes,
  • cabbage,
  • spinach,
  • sorrel,
  • onion and garlic,
  • radishes and turnips,
  • carrot,
  • celery,
  • dates,
  • bananas,
  • apples,
  • gooseberry,
  • raspberries,
  • kvass and beer,
  • black bread,
  • raisin,
  • prunes,
  • whole milk,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • caffeinated drinks,
  • alcohol1,3.

Products containing carbohydrates are recognized as dangerous from the point of view of increased gas formation: oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols7. All these carbohydrates are united by the term “FODMAP”, meaning Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono- and Polyol. They are poorly absorbed in the intestine; remaining in it, they become food for bacteria and provoke the development of flatulence with all its inherent symptoms3,7.

FODMAP - foods containing “dangerous” carbohydrates

Oligosaccharides (fructans and galactans) vegetables: beets, white cabbage and Brussels sprouts, broccoli and garlic, onions, leeks and shallots, artichokes and asparagus, dill and okra (okra)
beans (including green beans), chickpeas, lentils and peas
fruits: apples, watermelons, white peaches, persimmons, rambutan
all cereals made from rye and wheat, as well as products made from them
Disaccharides (lactose) regular and low-fat cow's milk, goat's milk
ice cream made from whole milk and cream
regular and low-fat yogurts
soft cheeses: mozzarella, suluguni, Adyghe, fat cream cheeses
Monosaccharides (fructose) apples, pears, peaches, watermelon and mangoes, especially in large quantities
juices and concentrated sauces from the listed fruits
dried fruits and canned fruits
honey and products containing it
Polyols (sugar alcohols) fruits: watermelons, apples, pears, plums, prunes, apricots, peaches, nectarines, cherries, avocados, lychees
vegetables: all types of cabbage and green peas
sweeteners: isomaltitol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, as well as sweeteners ending in “-ol”, such as erythritol

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