Severe gas formation in the intestines: causes and treatment

Are secrecy and mystery the same thing?

Indeed, the mystery of a woman often implies reticence, but secrecy and mystery are different things.
From the Jack London quote above, it is clear that when you are a woman of mystery, you create the illusion that there are no more secrets, and yet, secrets still remain! That is, the mysterious woman is frank, but... she doesn’t say something. The simpleton gives out complete information about herself, and there is nothing more to surprise her with...

The mystery in a woman and the zest are the same thing?

Indeed, feminine mystery and zest can be one and the same. “There’s something SUCH about her,” many men say. Yes, these qualities go very close. However, the highlight is still more tangible, and many men know WHAT is the highlight of their loved ones.

  • “She looks at me with such an unusual look that no one else can.”
  • “She can laugh so loudly that I melt.”
  • “In bed, she performs such tricks that others have never even dreamed of. No other woman is capable of this.”

And so on... But what a mystery there is in their lovers, not a single man can really answer.

Educational facts about flatulence

  1. If we break down the components of the gas, it will contain 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane and 4% oxygen. Only 1% of farts contain hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan (a gas containing sulfur), which is what makes us hold our nose when someone farts.
  2. The fart makes a sound when it comes out due to vibrations in the rectum. The volume may vary depending on how much pressure the gas creates and the tightness of the sphincter muscles.
  3. The more sulfur we consume, the more unpleasant the smell of flatulence can become. Some foods contain more sulfur than others, so after eating dishes with beans, cabbage, cheese, soda, and eggs, be prepared to ventilate the room.
  4. Women fart just as often as men. According to several studies, when eating the same food, women tend to release even more concentrated gas than men.
  5. If a person farts continuously for 6 years and 9 months, a gas with energy equivalent to that of an atomic bomb can be produced.
  6. Although the fart comes out at different speeds, it usually doesn't smell for about 10-15 seconds. This is because the smell takes time to reach the nostrils.
  7. Doctors do not have a consensus on whether farting is healthy or not. Some people believe that gas is a natural part of the digestive system, so holding it in is not harmful to the body. Others believe that holding back gas can cause bloating and other unpleasant symptoms. And in the worst case, this can lead to hemorrhoids or intestinal distension.
  8. While most Europeans try not to fart in polite society, there are some cultures that not only do not object to such an act, but even approve of it. The Indian tribe in South America farts as a greeting, and in China it is completely safe to fart, burp and make other noises while eating.
  9. Methane and hydrogen make the gas highly flammable. This is why some people think it would be so much fun to fart and light the gas with a lighter. In fact, doing so is harmful. Can easily cause burns. In rare cases, the buildup of flammable gases in the intestines has led to explosions during operations.
  10. Termites fart more often than any other animal. Methane is part of their digestive process.
  11. Up to three hours after the heart stops, gases escape from both ends of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in belching or flatulence. This phenomenon is associated with the contraction and expansion of muscles before rigor mortis sets in.

Causes of farting with odor in women

The formation of gases in the intestines is a normal physiological process. In healthy people, they leave the body approximately 15 times a day and without a stinking odor. If present, it may indicate a serious pathology.

Hydrogen sulfide gas, ammonia and aromatic carbohydrates (skatole, indole, mercaptan) give them an unpleasant stinking odor. Foul gases are formed due to excessive consumption of foods rich in proteins and sulfur.

Mercaptan is produced after the breakdown of methionine. Constant gases in the intestines with a foul odor also appear as a result of a number of diseases, mainly due to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The intensity of the “aroma” depends on the percentage of certain substances in the bubbles. They are produced by a number of bacteria. Therefore, a number of foods are excluded from the diet:

  • cabbage;
  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • soy;
  • fish;
  • cereals;
  • any carbonated drinks.

The stench is mainly due to hydrogen sulfide, which has the smell of rotten eggs, methanethiol - rotten cabbage. A person’s nose can smell how hydrogen sulfide stinks even in small concentrations, so the sense of smell detects even a small or silent release of gases.

What does a girl's fart smell like?

If anyone thinks that when a girl farts, it should smell like flowers, then he is deeply mistaken. Their farts are just as smelly as men's. Girls are only seemingly delicious-smelling creatures; they can kick in such a way that it hurts your eyes.

Those who previously thought that girls don’t fart or do it in some special way can consider the information that all girls fart and their farts can smell very strong to be 100% reliable. This fact has been proven by science and confirmed by practical research.

This concludes our broadcast. We will be glad to see you on other pages of ours. Relief!


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There are questions that are quite sensitive, so people are embarrassed to ask them directly. But still they are of real interest to many. Often these are various questions related to human physiology. You can't just approach it like that. For example, who do you ask about such a thing - do girls fart? Therefore, let’s try to approach this issue in a little more detail and understand how things stand with the physiological aspect in people of the other sex. Do girls really not emit farts or, let’s allow ourselves a slightly more vulgar definition, don’t “fart”? Are you really going to do this, but your wife (or not your wife, but a friend) is not?

In general, many girls present themselves so elegantly that one gets the feeling that such “imperfections” are not inherent in them. But the truth is a little more prosaic. Let's look into it in detail.

In this video there is a selection of situations where girls fart, enjoy. The video turned out to be quite funny:

Interesting Facts

Finally, some interesting facts about these gases. Not only can this gas smell like rotten eggs, it is also flammable, so when someone is “farting”, it is strongly recommended not to set it on fire. It’s not just humans who “fart” with such gases—animals also produce them in large volumes. And out of competition here is not just any pig, but a camel. Zebras, sheep, and a number of other animals also fart a lot. But the herring actually “farts” to communicate with other individuals, to transmit information.

Gases can leave the body at high speed, up to 10 meters per second. The average adult farts up to 14 times a day, but you can hardly find anyone who admits it to any extent openly. In addition, a fairly large proportion of the processes during which gas is released occurs not during the daytime, but during sleep.

Causes of farting with a strong odor in women

According to statistics, in adults, foul-smelling flatulence due to illness appears in 40 percent of cases with pathologies of the digestive tract. Moreover, an excess of gases does not depend on age. For example, in infants, flatulence appears due to an immature digestive system. In older people, the cause of gas formation is an elongated intestine (age-related change).

Foul flatulence, or why gas smells so bad, occurs for a variety of reasons. Including due to a number of diseases, which include intolerance to dairy products. Other pathologies that cause foul-smelling gases:

  • paresis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • proctitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • worms (helminthiasis);
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • intestinal infections;
  • constant stress;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • colitis;
  • gastric atony;
  • neuroses;
  • duodenitis;
  • gastroptosis.

Attention! If the processes of formation and removal of excess gases fail, they can accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract in the form of foam. This reduces the activity of some important digestive enzymes. Another pathology is malabsorption in an adult, when the processes of natural absorption of various substances from foods are disrupted.

Normal situations

Every person certainly farts - and every day up to fifteen times. If everything fits within such a framework, then there is no need to talk about any deviations - everything is within normal limits. There are several reasons that lead to gas formation in our body. Here are the three main ones:

  1. When we eat, we swallow air. We chew and breathe - and along with the chewed food, in addition to many other things, we swallow a little air. Its quantity is relatively small, but it accumulates more and more, and therefore gradually its volumes become relatively large. But this air cannot escape back, because the muscular door between the esophagus and the stomach interferes with it. Therefore, he has only one direction left.
  2. The large intestine contains bacteria. There are a lot of them, about three hundred species - and they all feed on the contents of the intestines. During their activity, various gases are released, for example, methane, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, as well as ammonia and much more. All this is also gradually accumulating - and must come out somewhere.
  3. Digestive juices interact with each other, as well as with water. During this interaction, a chemical reaction also occurs, which results in the active release of carbon dioxide.

How do girls really fart?

If we approach the issue from a biological point of view, then in this sense men and women have no differences. The process of gas formation in the female body is absolutely the same as in the male body. This leads to a clear answer for those who still doubt whether girls fart - yes, all girls fart! Girls are people too and, therefore, like all people, they pass gas.

On rare occasions they fart in public, mostly they try to be private and do it without anyone burning them. For example, they go out somewhere. For example, on the street under the pretext that they need to call. This way, they can fart unnoticed and return to their business with peace of mind. In fact, these are basic rules of decency. But there are also those who will quietly let the whisperer into the entire room and will sit with a smart look like it’s not her.

They can also collectively release gases. Of course, collective farting is allowed only among trusted people and mainly on the street. There they can fart either quietly or loudly and laugh about it together.

Cause of farting in women

Increased gas formation, also known as flatulence, is a common phenomenon in men and women, causing a lot of inconvenience. The formation of gases in the intestines is considered a normal physiological process. Most of the gases enter the digestive tract along with ingested food (about 70%), and the remaining 30% are produced by bacteria. They may have a strong odor or no odor at all.

Gases in the intestines are a mixture of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and methane. The presence of about 200 ml of gas in the intestines is considered normal. Every day, during the act of defecation and outside it, approximately 1 liter of gases is removed from the body, some of them are absorbed into the blood. The presence of certain pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and poor nutrition lead to the formation of 2-3 liters of gas in the stomach.

The following forms of flatulence are distinguished:

  1. Increased gas formation, also known as flatulence, is a common phenomenon in men and women, causing a lot of
    nutritional inconvenience - its occurrence is associated with the consumption of food rich in fiber, cellulose, pectin, during the digestion of which a large amount of gases is produced;

  2. mechanical – observed when there are adhesions or neoplasms in the intestines that impede the movement of gases;
  3. dynamic – associated with impaired intestinal motility;
  4. dysbiotic – occurs when there is an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, accompanied by diarrhea or constipation;
  5. circulatory – caused by impaired blood circulation in the gastrointestinal tract or in the abdominal area;
  6. psychogenic – manifests itself against the background of stress, neuroses, psychosomatic disorders;
  7. high altitude – observed when atmospheric pressure decreases.

High gas formation can be caused by a number of certain factors. This includes a woman’s unbalanced diet and hormonal imbalance. Excessive gas production can also act as the body's response to allergens.

Why do people fart

  1. There are many carbohydrates that we consume through food (mainly vegetables, grains and fruits). Not all of them are completely digested. Ultimately, undigested food ends up in the large intestine, where microorganisms use it for energy through the process of fermentation. As a by-product, they produce gas.
  2. Sometimes people fart in the toilet and other places simply because they accidentally swallowed air. This gas does not smell because it consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. A person may "sip" air while sleeping, but the likelihood of this may be increased by drinking carbonated drinks and chewing gum.
  3. Although many people are accustomed to farting without shame even in a public place, modern society views flatulence as a negative phenomenon. And in vain, because in most cases, gas formation is a by-product of the complex ecosystem of bacteria living in the intestines. When a complex carbohydrate enters the main part of the colon, some bacteria break it down, and then some of the byproducts of the breakdown become food for other bacteria. So the entire community of bacteria benefits from one carbohydrate.
  4. Scientists are still studying the role of the microbiome in digestion, but it is known that the same bacteria that produce gas provide the body with the vitamins and fatty acids needed to maintain colon health.
  5. The good news is that 99 percent of the gas you produce doesn't smell. The unpleasant odor of gases is largely due to the presence of sulfur compounds in them, such as hydrogen sulfide. In the process of converting food into useful nutrients, bacteria produce a smelly byproduct of hydrogen sulfide (the same stench that comes from rotten eggs). While not all foods with complex carbohydrates contain sulfur, beans, onions, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, milk and many other foods do. Although the gaseous response of bacteria to nutrition varies from person to person (as everyone has a unique "collection" of microorganisms), there are basic gas-generating ingredients:
  • Fructose is a natural ingredient in plants such as onions, corn, wheat and even pears. Often found in sugar syrup for soft drinks and fruit drinks.
  • Lactose is a sweet natural ingredient that is added to various foods.
  • Raffinose – found in grains and various vegetables.
  • Sorbitol – Found in almost all fruits, it is also used as an artificial sweetener in dietary products. Yes, sugarless gum, candy, and anything else deceptively sweet from sorbitol can cause bloating.

In addition to the reasons listed above, there are a number of other medical problems that can cause bloating and gas. While the constant urge to fart may seem like a fairly minor problem, it can be a symptom of serious problems such as intestinal obstruction, diverticulitis, and even cancer. However, these conditions usually come with a long list of other signs and symptoms, so there's no need to panic even if you have a particularly bad case of flatulence.

Frequent causes of farting in women: causes

The main cause of bloating and gas formation is decreased intestinal motility. Moving slowly through the digestive tract, food stagnates and the fermentation process begins. Factors that provoke flatulence in women can be divided into temporary and permanent (usually gastrointestinal diseases).

The volume of gases in the intestines may increase for the following reasons:

  • talking while eating;
  • chewing gum;
  • drinking drinks through a straw (especially soda);
  • smoking;
  • excessive salivation;
  • dry mouth.

Eating certain foods also causes increased gas production. These include foods high in carbohydrates. Most often, bloating is observed after consuming food - legumes, dairy products (whole milk, ice cream), black bread, cabbage, apples, pumpkin, as well as beer, kvass and various juices.

Causes of flatulence

The causes of flatulence can be quite simple and harmless. The problem may simply be an incorrect diet. If a person drinks, for example, an excessive amount of carbonated drinks, then air is not only swallowed, but also comes from these drinks. Excessive milk consumption can also be a cause - adults are recommended to give preference to fermented milk products. Also, in general, various poorly digestible foods that contain a lot of fiber can cause the problem. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat excessive amounts of apples, legumes, cabbage, and so on. Well, talking while eating is also not recommended, as well as eating too hastily, because in such a situation excessive swallowing of air will occur, which will gradually lead to the fact that you may experience quite pronounced flatulence.

Causes of involuntary farting in women

Gas incontinence is a symptom, not an independent disease, which is often accompanied by additional symptoms.
Gas incontinence is a symptom, not an independent disease, which is often accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • Gases can barely be contained.
  • The anus hurts and itches.
  • Fecal incontinence.
  • Rumbling in the stomach.
  • Weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Bloating.
  • Nervousness.
  • I constantly want to sleep.

Excess gas accumulation in women after 40 comes down to two main factors: diet and general health. In many cases, they can be resolved with lifestyle adjustments.

Gas incontinence is a symptom and not an independent disease, which is often accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • Gases can barely be contained.
  • The anus hurts and itches.
  • Fecal incontinence.
  • Rumbling in the stomach.
  • Weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Bloating.
  • Nervousness.
  • I constantly want to sleep.

Excess gas accumulation in women after 40 comes down to two main factors: diet and general health. In many cases, they can be resolved with lifestyle adjustments.

  1. Slower Digestion – The digestion process can slow down as you get older, leading to constipation and flatulence. Treatment for flatulence in this case can be as simple as drinking more water and eating more fiber-rich foods.
  2. Medications – Many middle-aged women take medications, and some of these medications have the side effect of flatulence. Some antibiotics and blood pressure medications are known to cause digestive problems, including excessive gas.
  3. Swallowing air – Wearing dentures or difficulty swallowing food can cause too much air to enter the body, which can lead to gas formation. If you have dentures, you need to make sure they are installed correctly.
  4. Lactose intolerance – Lactose intolerance can occur at any age. Dairy products (products containing lactose) simply need to be removed from the lactose intolerant diet.
  5. Certain foods - There are foods that cause excessive gas in the body, especially in older people. For example, vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, legumes and onions.

While many of the problems listed above have simple solutions, there are situations where the causes of off-gassing are a little more complex. Irritable bowel syndrome is a fairly common condition that affects the colon and causes: bloating, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, excessive gas.

  • Giardiasis, an infection in the small intestine that can lead to flatulence, is caused by a microscopic parasite.
  • Crohn's disease,
  • Colitis,
  • gallstones,
  • Intestinal obstruction,
  • Hiatal hernia.

How to fart less

Many of us feel embarrassed when we fart because it is considered rude to “pass farts” in public, at work, at school, or even at home among family and friends.

If you're concerned about flatulence, try cutting down on beans, onions, and fried foods. They can release large amounts of gas as they break down in your body.

  • If you are prone to flatulence after eating ice cream, yogurt, or milk, this may be a sign of poor digestion of natural sugar or lactose, which is found in dairy products.
  • If your problems digesting lactose are to blame for your flatulence, you can eat non-dairy protein supplements such as soy instead of dairy products.
  • Eat more slowly. This will make you swallow less air and fart less often.
  • Keep calm. According to the Mayo Clinic (one of the largest in the world), eating during stress does not promote good digestion.
  • People fart more often. when drinking beer and caffeinated drinks. Beer is carbonated, which causes flatulence. And coffee and other caffeinated drinks cause slight relaxation of the sphincter muscles.

People who complain that they fart a lot usually "produce" the same amount of gas as everyone else, they're just more aware of it.

If flatulence is accompanied by diarrhea, unintentional weight loss, abdominal pain, blood, or vomiting, talk to your doctor. These may be signs of inflammatory bowel disease.


But sometimes problems arise. “Farting” is becoming too frequent, too toxic, people “fart” constantly, and “fart” is very unpleasant. This happens with various digestive disorders, problems with internal organs, poor nutrition, and so on. If your girlfriend/wife takes care of herself, then, as a rule, such problems will bypass her. But if internal processes are disrupted by an unhealthy lifestyle, excessive gas formation will not spare any gender, then everyone “farts” quite strongly. And then, no matter how graceful and elegant your girlfriend/wife is, flatulence (the official name of this problem) will still manifest itself in her, and, perhaps, on a fairly strong scale. But until this happens, most likely, you will never notice manifestations of this phenomenon, you will not notice that girls and women “fart.”

Symptoms of increased gas formation

With flatulence, gases can accumulate in the stomach and are difficult to pass away, so the person suffers from constant pain and belching. The second variant of the pathology is increased release of gases, when there is almost no pain, but there is seething and transfusion in the abdomen.

The signs by which one can certainly determine the presence of flatulence are as follows:

  1. elevation of the abdomen above the chest, the abdomen becomes round, the abdominal wall protrudes (clearly noticeable in thin ladies);
  2. feeling of abdominal distension, severe discomfort, especially while sitting;
  3. increased gas production (gases may have an unpleasant odor or be odorless);
  4. loud sounds in the stomach - rumbling;
  5. aching pain, periodically alternating with cramping, especially when retaining gases inside;
  6. decreased appetite, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, belching.

To identify the problem, you need to contact a gastroenterologist: he will prescribe a general blood test, biochemistry, ultrasound of internal organs, coprogram, stool analysis for dysbiosis, and, if necessary, FGS and colonoscopy.


Why is this happening?

Why do people so often fart or, to put it vulgarly, “fart” while sleeping? Why does this happen even more often than during the day? After all, we sometimes don’t notice this about ourselves in the light of day? In fact, the physiological explanation is much simpler than it seems. The fact is that gases constantly accumulate in the body. This happens on a regular basis - and they, of course, want to get out at the first opportunity. But usually this does not happen, because we hold them back inside ourselves, and if they come out, it is quietly, slowly, and silently.

But the situation changes radically when you go to bed. Your body in a dream no longer controls itself as clearly as it would like. Therefore, you can “fart” much more often during sleep. It is almost impossible to keep them inside oneself purely physiologically. And there is no reason to do this. In addition to the muscles of the heart and a number of other organs, the muscles of the body want to rest during sleep, accumulate energy, and prepare for the next day. Therefore, if gases have accumulated (and during sleep, gas exchange, as a rule, increases), then there is simply nowhere to put them, so their release seems to be the most logical and justified decision for our body. This is why so often we have to “fart” in our sleep.

Why do people fart?

Many people think that farting is a deviance, that when a person does this, it is simply not normal to “fart.” This is not entirely true. The fact is that the release of gases is an absolutely natural process of the human body. So natural that, on the contrary, it will be unnatural if a person does not fart at all. There is evidence that the daily norm of gases formed in the body is 14 liters. It is enough to imagine such a volume to understand that if the gases remained in the body, then everything would be at least very bad.

That’s why people emit gases and “fart” quite often, about twenty times a day. This usually happens naturally and unnoticed, often in a dream. Ideally, no one notices when this happens. How often have you heard your wife do this, for example? Therefore, it seems that some people do not have this process. But no, this only means that it does not go beyond the norm for them, that they “fart” moderately, just a little.

Frequent causes of farting in women, treatment with folk remedies


A teaspoon of mustard effectively copes not only with heartburn, but also with the problem of gas and bloating.

Fennel seeds

Chewing fennel seeds is another method of getting rid of gas and bloating that came to us from India. Fennel not only freshens breath, but also helps digestion. Fennel seeds contain essential oils and other components that stimulate the production of bile and help undigested food move through the gastrointestinal tract, preventing the subsequent accumulation of gases.

  • Brew 2 tablespoons of fennel seeds in 1 cup of hot water.
  • Cover the cup and leave the seeds to soak for 5 minutes.
  • Fennel tea provides immediate relief from bloating, but you can also drink it once a day to relieve symptoms.
  • You can also take fennel seeds with you and chew them after meals.

A cautionary tale about farts from my childhood.

When I was a teenager, and this was in the late 80s of the last century - during a shortage of quality food - almost all schoolchildren had 100% gastritis. And I, as one of those same schoolgirls, also had quite a few problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Their consequence was regular bloating and increased gas formation.

I was constantly tormented by pain in the navel area, which is a sure sign of gas, and an unbearable desire to get rid of it. That is, fart. In my school adolescence, this process of getting rid of bursting gases in the intestines was considered extremely, terribly, simply terribly indecent.

Mothers and grandmothers warned us: we must restrain ourselves with all our might, God forbid, this will happen in public, you will be embarrassed, you will be disgraced, these are animal manifestations, be human, and if you are a girl, then you should generally be a Princess who doesn’t fart!

And so, in the 11th grade, during a lesson in basic military training, I, as usual, was bursting. I pulled myself together, gathered my will into a fist, even asked to go to the toilet - everything was useless! During recess, we gathered in a girls’ circle and chatted about something. I continued to endure.

At some point, our teacher, a senior reserve lieutenant, also a physical education teacher, came up and tried to joke with us somehow. And then I couldn’t restrain myself. It happened silently, but it was very, very smelly. The smell crawled over us, all the girls involuntarily began to wince, I pretended that I didn’t feel anything at all, and tried to behave as if nothing had happened.

Our lieutenant blushed. No, he didn’t just blush, he slowly blushed from his neck to the hairline on his forehead, muttered something inaudibly and retreated. I was ashamed: I thought it was my unrecognized stench that made him suffer so much.

But everything turned out in my favor! When he walked away, the girls quietly but persistently began to giggle and reproach the only man in our company, condemning him for indecent incontinence: “Well, Vatrukha gives! (This was the nickname of our physical education teacher). He walked up to the girls and farted! Phew! As if on purpose!”

Poor physical teacher. I'm cunning and evil. No, and not evil, and not cunning, just unhealthy, like almost all 100% of Soviet schoolchildren. In general, as you can see, this story has stuck with me for the rest of my life, and I am no longer a teenager. My eldest daughter is already a teenager, the same age as I was then, only a head taller.

Well, I propose to jointly study the causes and facts of this farting phenomenon, and find out why people fart.

Frequent causes of farting in women, treatment with drugs

Frequent farting in women can be treated with drugs:

  • Activated carbon is the cheapest and most famous tablet for bloating and gas formation. This is a natural sorbent that is used to cleanse the body and eliminate diarrhea and flatulence resulting from poisoning. Available in powder and tablet form;
  • Polysorb . An analogue of activated carbon, but with a smaller list of side effects. Even long-term use of this sorbent does not cause constipation, and when cleansing the intestines with its help, the balance of microflora does not change;
  • Filtrum. Prescribed for rapid intoxication and removal of waste products (including gases) from the gastrointestinal tract. Made from recycled charcoal. It is characterized by high absorbent properties and is not absorbed into the intestines;
  • Lactofiltrum is a selective sorbent made of lactulose and lignin. Normalizes the state of microflora, reduces bloating and flatulence, helps with diarrhea and food poisoning. The drug is approved for intestinal obstruction;

How to become a mystery: practical part

If you just met: how to become a mystery girl

Get a man interested

It's pretty simple. In addition to the well-known advice about what clothes men like, what makeup they find attractive and how to behave on a first date, there are also internal qualities. They become the main ones when a man already likes you outwardly.

But, in principle, you can interest a man right away, without even starting a conversation. For example, some unusual detail in the toilet, or unusual behavior.

The subsequent conversation should also be interesting to the man. Ideally, he and you should have many common topics that you could discuss throughout the subsequent years of your life together. But in practice, show that you are interested in a lot of things and that you can talk about a lot of things.

Don't dump everything on him at once!

This is the main mistake of many girls. They want the gentleman they like to immediately know everything, everything, everything about them! He will find out within a few dates, and…. disappears!

Shut up on time

Here it is, understatement in practice! The ability to shut up at the right moment is really important. Learn from TV series - episodes always end “at the most interesting place”, and it’s no coincidence

You want to see what happens next and you look forward to the next episode.


The end of the first successful date is your disappearance. The trick is that men always catch up if you leave on time! Do not give in to persuasion to sit a little longer or walk a little more together. It’s better to leave and leave behind pleasant memories than to become like everyone else.

So timely care can save a budding relationship!

And if you want to become a real mystery, disappear, like in the movies! But leave behind:

  • An exciting memory - for example, touch it, or bring your face close, but don’t kiss it.
  • Something that will help a man find you - for example, a business card, information about the places you go, something else.

In general, do something truly unusual and you will never be forgotten! It will be a pleasant surprise if a man actually finds you.

Training is important!

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to become a mystery girl out of the blue. Training is important. The more often you behave mysteriously, the better and easier everything turns out for you!

If there are not many men around, practice on your girlfriends. Mystery also affects women, because everyone wants to solve the riddle!

If you are in a relationship or have been married for a long time: a woman of mystery for her husband

Be sure to read the article “How not to be boring for a man” and begin to implement it!


  • Have hobbies, interests - in general, your own interesting life, different from the life of a man.
  • Increase your self-esteem and act as if you are the Best.
  • Don't be too accessible to your husband, even if you've been married for a long time.
  • Don't go overboard in portraying the mystery woman. Men are sensitive to falsehood.

And remember that in each of us there is something so... mysterious. Find it in yourself and emphasize it - and you will be the most desirable woman in the world!

—— Author – Olga Sympaty, website – Beautiful and Successful

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