For patients: What to do if you have been diagnosed with chronic gastritis?

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Chronic gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which leads to changes in its structure. According to some studies, more than half of the world's population suffers from chronic gastritis, but not all people know about their disease.

One of the most common causes of chronic gastritis is helicobacter pylori (HP) infection. The main danger of Helicobacter pylori gastritis is that it is difficult to diagnose due to the lack of symptoms. Often patients do not feel any discomfort: pain or nausea, so they do not consult a doctor. Meanwhile, prolonged development of gastritis without the necessary treatment can lead to stomach cancer.

Is it necessary to get tested?

Timely tests make it possible to clarify the preliminary diagnosis and exclude the patient from other more serious diseases that may have similar symptoms. The following tests will be indicative for the doctor:

  • general blood test (indicators of the number of leukocytes, hemoglobin and red blood cells will allow us to judge the presence of an inflammatory process in the body and possible internal bleeding);
  • biochemical blood test (helps evaluate metabolic processes, serum iron is important to detect gastritis, and pancreatitis or hepatitis can be detected thanks to certain liver or pancreatic enzymes);
  • A blood glucose test must be done by everyone who seeks medical help; it allows one to detect diabetes mellitus; if internal bleeding is detected, it is necessary to find out the patient’s blood type and Rh factor, since an emergency blood transfusion may be required;
  • A general urine test can test kidney function, and a stool test for occult blood can test the theory of internal gastrointestinal bleeding.

Types of strengthening droppers

The following types of infusion therapy can be used to strengthen the body:

  • Detoxification drips
    - cleansing the body, accelerating metabolism, removing toxins, breakdown products and free radicals. Particularly effective for those who are overweight, as well as for patients suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction.
  • Restorative droppers
    - ensure active regeneration of tissues of all organs that have become the target of harmful factors, and fill the patient’s body with energy complexes.
  • Antianemic drips
    - involve the infusion of iron preparations, which helps to increase hemoglobin in the blood and, accordingly, has a positive effect on the level of oxygen saturation of cells.
  • General strengthening
    - vitamins, minerals, trace elements, nutrients, plant extracts, amino acids and other broad-spectrum drugs can also enter the body through droppers, producing a pronounced general strengthening effect.
  • Droppers of youth and beauty
    - this type of infusion is also called intravenous cosmetology. They involve the introduction of drugs aimed at improving the aesthetic characteristics of the body (skin, hair, nails, etc.) from the inside.

Why is an endoscopic examination of the stomach prescribed?

Endoscopy of the stomach makes it possible to obtain an image of its mucous membrane. In addition, during the endoscopic examination, the doctor takes samples of the mucous membrane, which helps to clarify the preliminary diagnosis. Research needs to be done on an empty stomach. The patient can eat food no later than 10-12 hours before the procedure, and for two hours he should refrain from drinking liquids, as well as from smoking. To sign up for gastric endoscopy, the patient must receive a referral from a general practitioner and also have a compulsory health insurance policy.

Cleansing the body

The body needs cleansing if it is necessary to make the blood less viscous. In this case, thinning compounds are used. In addition, droppers that cleanse the blood of toxins are used to correct electrolytic dysfunction, protect and restore the liver, saturate the body with vitamins, restore the acid-base balance, and normalize blood sugar levels.

First, the doctor collects anamnesis. If there are no contraindications, the specialist thoroughly washes his hands, treats them with a disinfecting solution and installs an IV. Our doctors use only factory-made products that have no signs of damage on the packaging.

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It is important to insert the needle into the vein correctly. If blood appears in the tube, it means that the installation was carried out according to all the rules. Droppers to cleanse the blood of toxins quickly improve your well-being and eliminate all unpleasant symptoms.

Solutions used for cleaning

If it is necessary to neutralize the harmful effects of toxins and ethanol on the body, detoxification solutions are used. The droppers used to cleanse the body of toxins include electrolytes, as well as fumaric and succinic acid.

Vitamin droppers allow you to replenish the lack of vital substances in the body. Patients receive a solution of 0.9% sodium chloride solution with vitamins B, E, PP, glucose and cocarboxylase.

To reduce blood viscosity, use the same sodium chloride solution with a 5-10% glucose solution. This combination of substances is required for people poisoned by ethanol. After the procedure, the blood and liver are cleansed of toxic substances, and the amount of alcohol in the blood decreases. Manipulation allows you to normalize the water balance. Toxins leave the body in urine. In such situations, saline solutions can also be administered.

When circulating in the blood of under-oxidized metabolites, it is necessary to restore the acid-base balance to avoid disruption of the functioning of all internal organs. Such patients are administered 4% sodium bicarbonate, which neutralizes acids and turns them into salts and water. During the procedure, it is imperative to keep the blood acidity level under control.

The easiest way is to undergo the procedure at home, in a familiar environment. All drugs used by our doctors are original. You will not need to make an appointment at a hospital or go there, despite feeling unwell. The specialists themselves will arrive at your place at the agreed time and perform the procedure quickly and practically painlessly.

IV after drug use

A person who takes drugs has toxins circulating in their blood. To remove them, the method of forced diuresis is used. Purifying the blood from toxins with a dropper allows you to get rid of dichloroethane, diphenhydramine, barbiturates, heavy metal salts, and morphine.

First, the patient is given strong diuretic drugs, then he is asked to drink large amounts of fluid. Diuretic hormone enhances the filtering ability of the kidneys, and all harmful compounds are released from the body along with urine.

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The volume of solution intended for intravenous administration is 1.5-2 liters. It contains hemodez, 5% glucose and 0.9% sodium chloride. The diuretic effect can be achieved through the use of Furosemide and 15-20% Mannitol. To avoid disruption of the water-salt balance after the administration of diuretics, glucose, potassium and sodium chloride are used.

Forced diuresis implies the loss of 3-4 liters of urine per day. In case of very severe drug poisoning, these volumes are increased to 10 liters with mandatory monitoring of the water-alkaline balance, the amount of toxins in the urine, and blood pH.

After the procedure, carried out at home, the patient’s well-being improves dramatically. Our doctors are ready to provide assistance on the day you order the service.

Dropper after alcohol

To eliminate withdrawal symptoms and reduce the load on blood vessels, heart, liver and kidneys after alcohol intoxication, it is necessary to cleanse the blood of toxins with a dropper. Such therapy will normalize blood pressure and relieve the patient of limb tremors and convulsions. After intravenous administration of solutions, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting disappear without a trace. The drugs contained in the dropper eliminate irritability, unmotivated aggression, insomnia, and improve the patient’s overall well-being.

The components of the dropper may be different, but the base is always the same. This:

  • saline solution or 5% glucose solution;
  • antiemetic drugs;
  • compounds that improve blood supply to the brain;
  • anticonvulsant components;
  • means that support normal functioning of the heart muscle;
  • antidepressants;
  • sleeping pills;
  • preparations based on potassium, magnesium and calcium;
  • drugs with antihistamine action.

The doctor selects the components of the solution intended for intravenous administration on an individual basis. He assesses the patient’s condition and decides which substances will help improve his well-being. First, it is necessary to replenish the fluid deficiency in the body and restore the disturbed water-salt balance. Only after this the specialist will begin to eliminate the symptoms of intoxication. All the drugs that he will administer to the patient are original, therefore, they will only bring him benefit. There is no need to call the hospital and wait until they can see you there. Contact us immediately. Specialists will arrive at your home as soon as possible and carry out the necessary procedure.

After the prescribed examination, consult with your therapist.

If gastritis was detected during the research, it is necessary to additionally diagnose helicobacter pylori. This can be done using several tests: determination of antibodies in the blood (if the patient has not previously been treated for this infection); examination of biopsy samples of the gastric mucosa.

Some stomach diseases require adherence to a certain diet; your doctor will tell you about the required diet. The patient must strictly follow all prescriptions throughout the entire treatment period. The duration of treatment is also determined by the doctor, who also sets a date for re-examination. After completion of treatment, it is necessary to evaluate its effectiveness; this can be done only a month after stopping the medication.

When does the body need cleansing?

Blood delivers oxygen, vitamins and other nutrients to cells that are necessary for their normal functioning. If it does not contain toxins, your health remains satisfactory. After taking various medications, drinking alcohol, or severe infections, toxic substances appear in the blood. The body cannot get rid of them on its own. In this case, a dropper helps to cleanse the blood of toxins.

Procedures are necessary if:

  • poor immunity;
  • a significant increase in blood cholesterol levels, which can cause a stroke or heart attack;
  • ethanol, poison, drugs in the body;
  • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • heart pathologies.

You can use droppers at home. You do not have to go to the clinic, which is very important if your health deteriorates significantly. We employ only highly qualified professional doctors. They have the necessary skills and practical experience. Specialists will correctly install the IV and help you regain health by ridding your body of toxins.

Pros and cons of a cleansing dropper

The advantages of using IVs to remove toxins from the body are obvious:

  • quick positive result: drugs enter directly into the bloodstream and reach their target almost instantly;
  • prompt normalization of water-salt balance: all components of the dropper are combined with each other and make it possible to cope with poisoning without the slightest harm to health;
  • increasing the overall tone of the body;
  • removal of heavy metals, toxins, poisons and other harmful compounds;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system, heart and blood vessels.

Unfortunately, this popular method also has some disadvantages:

  • hemorrhage or hematoma may appear at the site where the needle is inserted into the vein;
  • there is a risk of inflammation of the vein or the formation of blood clots in it;
  • placement of an IV in violation of the rules leads to tissue necrosis;
  • there is a risk of developing an allergic reaction to the drug entering the blood.

Almost all the disadvantages of using IVs appear if the procedure is carried out by a not very experienced health worker. Contact us. We employ doctors with specialized education, extensive practice, and have the appropriate diplomas and certificates.

When should you not use a drip to cleanse the body?

Before carrying out the procedure, the specialist must find out whether the patient has any contraindications to infusion therapy. These include:

  • symptoms of pulmonary edema;
  • acute and chronic heart failure;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • individual intolerance to drugs administered intravenously during the procedure.

In such situations, it is necessary to use other methods to cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

Infusion-drip cleaning is considered very effective all over the world. Our doctors perform the procedure carefully and accurately. After it is carried out, no toxins or toxic substances remain in the patients’ blood. Specialists will carry out the manipulation taking into account the general condition of the patient and his physiological characteristics. They will not leave until they are sure that the patient feels satisfactory. You can order the service to your home right now. Doctors will arrive to you shortly.

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