Recipes for delicious dishes for pancreatitis for everyday life, holidays and Lent

A proper diet for pancreatitis and gastritis is the key to success in treating the disease. Organizing proper nutrition is not difficult. To do this, you need to know which products are allowed and which are not. It is also important to remember the advice of nutritionists regarding diet and instructions for preparing certain dietary dishes.

General recommendations for catering

An inflamed pancreas, like a problematic stomach, needs a gentle diet. Therefore, the general principles of organizing the diet are the same for both pancreatitis and gastritis:

  1. Food portions should be small (up to 150 grams).
  2. It is better to eat often, but little, without burdening the digestive organs with prolonged work. The most rational solution is to switch to 5 meals a day (breakfast - 2nd breakfast - lunch - afternoon snack - dinner).
  3. All products are crushed during the cooking process and chewed thoroughly during eating.
  4. Food should not be cold. All dishes and drinks are better absorbed when warm.
  5. Products should not be dry, hard or have sharp edges. Rusks or drying should be soaked in broth or tea.
  6. The diet is strictly on an hourly basis. The stomach, getting used to a certain regime, begins to secrete juice in advance for better absorption of foods.

2 hours before bedtime, food is completely excluded. You need to give the gastrointestinal tract time to stop working and have a good rest overnight. It is not recommended to overload the body immediately upon waking up or to snack on the go. You need to eat calmly and slowly.

Salads for patients with pancreatitis

In case of pancreatic disease, nutrition should be gentle. In this regard, the following requirements are put forward for salads:

  • they do not contain onions, spinach, radishes, turnips, or bell peppers;
  • vegetables are boiled or baked in foil without oil;
  • vegetables are combined with meat and fish;
  • season with olive or sunflower oil, 15% sour cream, natural yogurt;
  • mayonnaise, horseradish, mustard and vinegar are prohibited;
  • season with a very small amount of sour cream or vegetable oil;
  • Salads are not prepared for future use; they must be eaten immediately.

From the above we can summarize what salads can be eaten with pancreatitis of the pancreas. These are simple dishes from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, fruit, salads like Greek, vinaigrettes and others.

Attention! All well-known holiday salads with certain amendments can act as dietary ones.

General tips for organizing meals

The main thing in diet therapy is a clear distinction between foods that are beneficial and those that are harmful. There are a number of products that can be found on the approved lists. But even they become dangerous if used incorrectly.

For example, if you have pancreatitis or gastritis, it is acceptable to eat steamed egg omelet. But hard-boiled eggs are strictly prohibited by gastroenterologists. Baked chicken meat is a provocateur of exacerbation of pancreatitis or gastritis. While chicken broth has a healing effect on the inflamed organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

If we talk about cooking methods, we definitely exclude frying, smoking and drying. Products for the diet menu are boiled or cooked until ready by steaming, in a slow cooker, or in the oven.

Authorized Products

During periods when pancreatitis and gastritis are exacerbated, ingredients that do not increase the acidity of the stomach and do not irritate the mucous membrane are considered the least dangerous.

Table of allowed food groups:

Flour productsYesterday's bread (preference – whole grain, rye, wheat), homemade crackers, dryers, biscuits, crispbread. During periods of remission - noodles and spaghetti (up to 170 grams per serving).
CerealsRice, buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina.
Types of vegetables and herbsVegetables include potatoes, pumpkin, beets, carrots, eggplants, and zucchini. You can add 1 tbsp daily. l. chopped celery, parsley and dill.
Fish dishesYou can eat the pulp of varieties with the lowest fat content (hake, cod, pike perch), boiled or cooked in a slow cooker. Fish meatballs and broths.
SeafoodSea kale.
Meat menuFor preparing broths, steamed cutlets and meatballs, preference is given to chicken, rabbit, turkey, and lean veal.
Fermented milkKefir, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese are not prohibited with normal or low stomach acidity.
EggsSteamed omelette made from chicken and quail eggs.
OilRefined sunflower, olive, flaxseed, pumpkin. In stable remission - creamy (no more than 30 grams per day).
FruitsBananas, baked apples.
Bee productsHoney, propolis, royal jelly.
SpicesSesame, fennel, cumin, turmeric, cloves.

Decoctions of herbs or rose hips, Borjomi, weak black tea, and homemade jelly are recommended for drinking.

Note: the described ingredients constitute a special menu number 5 in its expanded form, intended for people with pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis and hepatitis.

Prohibited Products

In fact, all components that are not included in the table approved by gastroenterologists are considered harmful to people suffering from pancreatitis and gastritis. This means that “taboo” is declared:

  • any smoked meats;
  • preserves and marinades;
  • spicy and sour dishes;
  • fatty varieties of fish, meat, cheeses;
  • mushrooms;
  • sweet and rich baked goods;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks.

Legumes (peas, beans, corn) are prohibited - they cause bloating and belching. Regular cabbage is dangerous - its acid provokes heartburn. The same applies to sorrel, spinach, radish, and lettuce. A categorical “no” will have to be said to horseradish, garlic and onions, including green ones.

During the remission stage, a small amount of salt is allowed. Iodized is best. It is recommended to add salt to dishes at the end of cooking.

The benefits and harms of chicken meat

The unique composition of chicken puts the product at the top of the ranking among all dietary types of meat. It contains many protein amino acids (approximately 92%) and has virtually no fat, cholesterol and carbohydrates.

The list of vitamins and minerals included in the product is quite extensive. It includes:

  • Vitamins : A, E, C, PP, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9;
  • Minerals : potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron, zinc, chlorine, phosphorus.

One of the advantages of chicken meat is its low calorie content: for example, fillet contains about 113 kcal, legs - 180 kcal, and a small carcass as a whole - about 190 kcal.

Not all chicken is equally healthy: poultry raised in a poultry farm often contains antibiotics and hormones, which it was regularly supplied with to gain weight and protect against various infections. Therefore, such meat is unlikely to be useful not only for a sick and weakened person, but also for healthy people. But homemade chicken has only positive qualities, thanks to which the desired therapeutic effect is achieved.

We are talking about the following properties of the product:

  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Normalization of metabolism;
  • Recuperation;
  • Improving blood circulation and hematopoiesis processes;
  • Relieving stress and depression;
  • Strengthening bones and muscles;
  • Improved vision.

Eating this meat is especially beneficial for obesity and gastrointestinal ulcers, hypertension and nervous tension, anemia and gout, stroke and coronary heart disease. In case of inflammation of the pancreas, chicken is no less important: damaged tissues of the organ need regeneration, which is extremely necessary for the speedy restoration of normal activity and performance of the pancreas.

However, you can’t do without a fly in the ointment, because in some cases, chicken can be harmful to health. For example, you should not eat the skin (it must be removed and simply thrown away before use), as well as grilled chicken, smoked or fried meat, since during such heat treatment toxic substances are released that can aggravate the course of the disease. In addition, such heavy dishes are difficult to digest; to break them down, the pancreas needs to produce too much enzymes.

Another important point is proper preparation. It's not just about the method of processing meat, but also about the time allotted for it. Undercooked or insufficiently baked meat can provoke the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the large intestine, which, in turn, often acts as a source of intoxication or exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. For example, if a chicken was sick with salmonellosis, poor processing of its meat increases the risk of infection significantly.

And finally, the last rule that must be followed is to use only poultry, since store-bought poultry often contains many harmful components - we have already talked about this a little higher.

Nutrition during exacerbation of pathologies

The diet is especially strictly controlled during exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis. After an attack, the patient is advised to fast for at least 1 day until the pain and nausea subside. Refusal to eat is necessary in order not to develop swelling and necrosis.

When the signs of acute inflammation are behind, healing decoctions, light broths and black crackers are introduced into the menu. On days 3–5, the patient is transferred to diet number 5, which includes products from the permitted list in the table above.

Important! Dishes are added to the diet gradually, one new ingredient per day, with close monitoring of any changes in symptoms.

Following broths and decoctions, vegetable puree soups and porridges (at first without oil) are returned to the diet. Only then – boiled white meat and fermented milk products. And if there are no new signs of inflammation of the pancreas, the menu is varied with fruits, herbs and permitted spices.

General information

Before talking about how to eat with pancreatitis, you should say a few words about the disease itself and the mechanism of its development. As was already said at the very beginning, the main reason for its development is poor diet and alcohol abuse. It is these factors that negatively affect the condition of the pancreas, putting a heavy load on it and stimulating the production of digestive enzymes.

If a person constantly eats “heavy” foods, sooner or later the pancreas begins to “get tired,” which leads to damage to its cells and a decrease in the synthesis of digestive enzymes. This, in turn, causes digestive disorders and an even greater increase in the load on the organ. As a result, acute inflammatory processes develop in the pancreas, leading to spasms in the ducts through which digestive enzymes flow into the duodenum. As a result, they accumulate in the gland and begin to digest its own cells, thereby causing severe pain and necrosis (tissue death).

This is how acute pancreatitis develops. And if it is treated incorrectly, the inflammatory processes take on a chronic form and it becomes impossible to eliminate them later. The peculiarity of chronic pancreatitis is that it tends to periodically worsen, causing the same clinical picture that occurs with acute inflammation. Only in this case, self-digestion processes are activated in the pancreas every time an exacerbation occurs, which sooner or later leads to complete dysfunction of the gland.

Poor nutrition is the main cause of pancreatitis

Proper nutrition during inflammation of the pancreas allows you to avoid frequent exacerbations and prevent the progression of the disease. Since in this case, the diet completely excludes from the patient’s diet foods that place a strong load on the gland, which allows it to be maintained at rest for a long time.

Do not forget that the functionality of the gallbladder and liver depends on the work of the pancreas, provoking the development of hepatitis, which significantly complicates the treatment process. And if the development of pancreatitis is started, a person will have serious health problems, which will further worsen his well-being.

Therefore, when primary signs of the development of this disease occur, doctors are required to conduct a full examination, which allows them to give an adequate assessment of the functioning of the liver and pancreas, as well as other organs that make up the gastrointestinal tract. Since if their functionality is impaired, the patient requires additional therapy that helps restore their functioning.

Dietary recommendations for illnesses

A balanced diet organized for pancreatitis and gastritis takes into account the daily norms of valuable components:

  • total calories – up to 2.5 thousand kcal;
  • carbohydrates – up to 300 grams;
  • proteins – 120 g;
  • fat – 80 g.

The total number of elements is approximate. Individual standards are calculated by a nutritionist.

The treating gastroenterologist can adjust the list of permitted products. This is especially true for people with gastritis and duodenitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane). If the acidity is high, it is forbidden to consume fermented milk products. During the remission stage, a little boiled milk is sometimes allowed.

To minimize stress and pressure in the digestive organs, follow the cooking instructions:

  • products are consumed crushed or pureed;
  • meat and fish broths - second cooking;
  • exclude frying and smoking; food must be boiled, stewed, steamed or in a slow cooker.

We must not forget about a constant meal schedule. It is better not to miss scheduled meals. There is no need to arrange additional snacks.

Food from distant Greece

What ingredients will be needed to prepare it? Take:

  • sweet large tomatoes;
  • bell pepper;
  • not very bitter onion;
  • a couple of fresh cucumbers;
  • unsalted cheese (or homemade cheese);
  • pitted olives;
  • lettuce leaves.

The cooking method is simple:

  • Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
  • Chop the pepper into strips.
  • Cut the onion into half rings.
  • Cucumber - in rings or half rings (depending on size).
  • Olives can be cut in half.
  • Tear the salad randomly with your hands.

Season the salad with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice, taken in equal proportions.

Additionally, you can add Korean carrots, boiled chicken, halves of eggs (especially quail eggs), and apples to the dish. As you can see, you can modify the recipe. There would be desire and imagination.

Instead of oil and lemon juice, you can season the salad with light mayonnaise.

Sample menu for the week (for every day), what can you eat and what should the food be?

Nutritionists have developed ready-made approximate meal plans for patients with gastritis and pancreatitis. This greatly simplifies the task of organizing proper nutrition at home.

The table shows one of the most common weekly menu options:

Day of the weekName of mealDishes and products
MondayBreakfastSemolina porridge cooked in water.
A piece of yesterday's bread with honey.
Light snackVegetable salad.
Still water.
DinnerChicken broth with rice noodles.
Meatballs made from rabbit or turkey meat with vegetables.
Berry juice or jelly.
Afternoon snackA glass of kefir.
DinnerCottage cheese casserole cooked in a slow cooker.
Plantain decoction.
TuesdayBreakfastSteamed egg omelette.
Light snackBaked apple with honey.
DinnerZucchini puree soup.
Afternoon snackA glass of jelly.
DinnerFish and potato casserole.
WednesdayBreakfastCheese pancakes from a multicooker.
Light snackKefir with biscuits.
DinnerCarrot puree soup with black breadcrumbs.
Afternoon snackBerry jelly.
DinnerPumpkin puree.
ThursdayBreakfast1 soft-boiled egg.
Light snackRosehip decoction with honey.
DinnerPotato and carrot soup with low fat cheese.
Afternoon snackBaked apple.
DinnerSteamed fish cutlets.
FridayBreakfastRice cooked in water.
Light snackBaked apple with honey.
DinnerChicken soup with breadcrumbs.
Afternoon snackOatmeal jelly.
DinnerBuckwheat porridge with flaxseed oil.
SaturdayBreakfastOatmeal with water.
Light snackBanana with honey.
DinnerTurkey meatball soup.
Afternoon snackPlantain decoction with dried fruits.
DinnerBoiled fish.
Light snackKefir with biscuits.
DinnerRice soup with pieces of white meat chicken.
Afternoon snack2 baked apples.
DinnerStewed zucchini.

Dishes can be alternated in a circle. Or rearrange for next week. It is advisable to ensure that variety is maintained: if you already had oatmeal for breakfast, then it is better to postpone the oat jelly to the next day.

Olivier for weight loss

Even today, despite the widest range of original and delicious appetizers, this salad is considered festive by many. There are simply a lot of recipes for simple and tasty dietary dishes with photos and important tips on the relevant information resources, and yet people do not change the dish that has already become a classic. What can be modified in this common salad to make it less high in calories?

Firstly, the sausage. It is better to remove it and use chicken or tender veal. The meat can be boiled or baked in the oven using a roasting bag or foil. You can also add boiled shrimp or salmon fillet instead of sausage.

Secondly, instead of canned peas, stuffed with unnecessary preservatives, it is best to take frozen green peas and lightly steam them. Then let cool and add to salad.

Regarding pickles. It is also better to remove them so as not to irritate the kidneys and stomach. Take fresh cucumbers. It will give the dish a spring aroma and pleasant taste.

Potatoes can also be replaced with plenty of boiled eggs. If those don't work, try avocados.

So, we cut up the familiar ingredients, taken in any quantity convenient for you, and mix them. Season everything with light homemade mayonnaise or the sauce described above.

Herbal infusions

The menu for treating gastrointestinal problems should include a lot of warm drinks. Regular black tea (not strong and slightly sweetened with honey) is a very good component in a set lunch, breakfast or dinner. But you shouldn’t drink it often.

Herbal infusions bring variety and great benefits to the diet:

  • from plantain;
  • St. John's wort;
  • yarrow;
  • rosehip.

Natural medicines soothe inflamed tissues, promote their regeneration, stimulate normal gastric motility and equalize the acid-base balance.

The best way to brew herbs and rose hips is in a thermos. But you can boil the components in a steam bath. Approximate combination of ingredients – 1 tsp. per glass of water.

Bake seafood

These ingredients have already become so firmly established in our lives that they are an integral part of many recipes. It so happened that your menu consists exclusively of dietary dishes? Recipes for holiday dishes today are so varied that diet is not at all a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of sitting at a richly set table.

What is their essence? Below is one option.

We will need:

  • Squid carcass.
  • Peeled shrimp.
  • Lemon and orange juice.
  • A clove of garlic.
  • Spices.

All ingredients are taken in arbitrary quantities - according to your tastes and preferences. So, marinate seafood in citrus juice and spices for approximately 40-50 minutes. Then place on a baking sheet and bake for three or four minutes.

If you want the dish to be juicy, wrap the food in foil. If you want a crispy crust, bake it on the grill or in a frying pan.

You can season the prepared seafood with a sauce made from olive oil, chopped garlic, lemon juice, spices and salt.

Here’s another version of a seafood-themed dish. To do this you should take:

  • six pieces of large squid carcasses;
  • five chicken eggs;
  • fifty grams of butter;
  • the so-called Hawaiian mixture, which includes corn, peas, boiled rice, bell peppers, mushrooms (to taste and desire).

So, rinse, peel and boil the squid carcasses in salted water for three minutes. We also boil the eggs, then simmer the Hawaiian mixture in a frying pan greased with butter for about three minutes, then add a little water and simmer for another ten minutes.

Then grate the eggs on a coarse grater and mix with the prepared Hawaiian mixture. This will be our filling, which we need to stuff the squid carcasses with. All that remains is to secure the edges with toothpicks, place in the oven and bake for twenty minutes.

If you like to use the microwave, then this dish can be prepared in seven to eight minutes.

However, let's move on to the most important thing - dietary holiday meat dishes.

Dish recipes

Food can be not only useful in the treatment of gastritis and pancreatitis, but also tasty if you know how to prepare it correctly. Below are the most popular recipes that will help diversify your diet menu and enjoy the taste of the products.

Meatballs with carrots

Small carrots are peeled, grated on a fine grater and placed on the bottom of an enamel bowl. Fill with water and put on fire.

For minced meat, you can use boneless chicken or turkey fillet (sometimes lean veal is allowed). Grind twice in a meat grinder, achieving maximum grinding. Finely chopped herbs (green parsley is best) and a small pinch of salt are added to the minced meat. Roll the mixture into small balls with a tablespoon and lower them one by one into boiling water (this will prevent them from falling apart).

The meatballs are cooked for 20–25 minutes and then removed from the water. The water is drained through a colander, and the boiled carrots are used as a side dish.

Thanks to thorough mashing, the meat will be easily digestible, and because of the carrots, it will seem juicy and very tasty. Vegetable puree soup

Usually such a soup is prepared with a second chicken broth, but it will be delicious without it.

Pour peeled and diced vegetables into boiling broth or just water (the liquid should barely cover the vegetables).

Combinations of:

  • carrots and zucchini;
  • potatoes with eggplants;
  • pumpkins with carrots;
  • potatoes with beets and celery.

Vegetables are cooked until fully cooked (when checking, the cube can be easily cut in water with a knife). Part of the water is poured into a mug to make it easier to crush the vegetables to a homogeneous consistency.

Add chopped herbs (fresh dill or parsley) to the cooked vegetables, lightly add salt and pound, gradually adding vegetable broth from the mug.

Before serving, you can add some crackers to the puree soup. You can sprinkle the dish with a handful of flax seeds or sesame seeds - these healthy additives, rich in valuable elements, are an alternative to bread.

Healthy herring “under a fur coat”

Let's start the list of recipes for dietary dishes for the holiday table with this dish. A banal set of products for us (beets, carrots and potatoes, taken in equal quantities, and salted herring) will enrich such an interesting ingredient as yogurt mayonnaise. We'll talk about its preparation separately.

To get a healthy and low-calorie sauce, you should have the following ingredients:

  • Regular unsweetened yogurt (without additives) in the amount of half a liter.
  • One or two cloves of garlic.
  • A few teaspoons of olive oil.
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • A teaspoon of mustard.
  • Salt, ground pepper - to taste.

Above is a conditional list of the components of dietary mayonnaise and their quantities. It all depends on your taste and preferences.

So, in a blender, mix all the ingredients until a soft, homogeneous mass, and then grease the boiled vegetables, grated on a coarse grater, laid in layers.

Here you can also use a little trick - do not boil the vegetables, but bake them in foil or a sleeve, or steam them. This method of heat treatment of products will give the dish an unsurpassed taste and delicate aroma.

Herring for the “fur coat” should be taken lightly salted so as not to harm the stomach and kidneys, which will affect not only health, but also the figure in the form of unnecessary swelling and extra centimeters. Before use, fish meat can be soaked in a small amount of milk. This will not only rid the product of unnecessary saltiness, but will also give it a delicate flavor.

By the way, since we are preparing a dietary dish (for a holiday table or just like that - it’s not so important), we will not break the rules and replace - in whole or in part - potatoes with boiled chicken eggs. Finely chopped, they will make your salad lighter. If you are hesitant to completely abandon the usual recipe, reduce the amount of potatoes and mix them with eggs. The effect will be almost identical.

How can we not have something hot?

Below we will look at two recipes for delicious and healthy meat dishes.

For the first option, let's take:

  • one kilogram of chicken fillet;
  • half a kilogram of mushrooms (everyone’s favorite champignons);
  • one hundred grams of cheese and low-fat sour cream.

Cut the chicken breast into medium-sized pieces, you can marinate it in vinegar, lemon juice or soy sauce, and beat it. Then fry until half cooked, preferably without using oil.

After this, place the coarsely chopped mushrooms in a frying pan, fry them until golden brown, and simmer for ten minutes. Then sour cream and spices are added to the dish.

After cooking the meat and mushrooms, it is better to transfer all the ingredients into a baking dish, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven for a couple of minutes.

The dish goes well with a side dish of rice or potatoes.

The next festive dish for any feast, known to many as French meat, can be prepared from:

  • Lean pork, although the ideal dietary meat, of course, is chicken or turkey. But what to take, of course, is up to you.
  • You also need to purchase half a kilogram of onions (for one to one and a half kilograms of meat).
  • One hundred grams of cheese and light mayonnaise.

So, cut the fillet into large pieces, beat it, marinate it, grease it with mayonnaise. Chop the onion into rings (as thin as possible), grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Next, place the onion on a baking sheet or baking dish, and place the meat on top. Then put it in the oven for thirty minutes. After half an hour, sprinkle the dish with cheese and bake for another ten minutes.

Our healthy French-style meat is ready!

Thus, as many experienced housewives advise, you can cook a whole fish (or boneless fish fillet).

A few final words

As you can see, there are many recipes for dietary dishes that are suitable for any holiday feast. These include all kinds of salads, meat dishes, various desserts, and even everyone’s favorite pastries. A diet is not a reason to refuse to spend time in the company of friends at a table beautifully set and laden with tempting dishes. You just need to spend a little time searching for suitable dishes or make certain adjustments to your favorite ones. The article presents only a few recipes and photos of holiday dietary dishes, in fact there are many more, for every taste and budget. Choose any one, don’t be afraid to create and experiment, and then nothing will threaten your beauty and health! After all, health is the most valuable thing we have. And beauty, as we know, saves the world.

Obligatory sweet

Desserts are considered important dishes of any holiday feast. How can you pamper yourself without harming your body or gaining weight?

The simplest thing you can prepare is baked apples and fruit jellies. Let's take a closer look at the latter.

For dessert we will need any fruit or berry juice (it can be grape, apple or cherry nectar) and several packs of gelatin.

Dissolve gelatin according to the instructions indicated on the package, using the above-mentioned juices. Then put several berries or fruit pieces into bowls or beautiful glasses, fill everything with the prepared liquid and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. If possible and desired, you can add sugar.

Milk soufflé is also a very tasty dietary dessert. To prepare it, you need to take 250 milliliters of skim milk and fifteen grams of gelatin.

Dissolve gelatin in milk according to instructions. Then pour one teaspoon of cocoa into the hot liquid and add stevia (in the form of an extract - three or four drops, in the form of a powder - half a teaspoon), mix thoroughly.

After this, wait until the mixture cools down. After half an hour, beat it with a blender and pour it into pre-prepared containers. Cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator, where the soufflé should harden.

If you can’t imagine a holiday table without baking, you can treat yourself to dietary charlotte. To do this, you should use half a glass of oatmeal and wheat flour, five apples, two eggs, a few tablespoons of honey. Mix all the ingredients for the dough thoroughly and pour into a baking dish. Then add the apples cut into small pieces. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

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