Bepanten for hemorrhoids - composition, action and contraindications

Hemorrhoids are a pathology in which the hemorrhoidal veins become inflamed and dilate. This common disease is familiar with its painful symptoms: pain in the rectum, stool mixed with blood, prolapse of hemorrhoidal cones, etc. If left untreated, hemorrhoids can lead to intestinal injuries, bleeding of varying intensity, and even cancer. It is important to identify and treat the disease in time.

Bepanten is an antibacterial drug that normalizes metabolic processes in the skin and accelerates its regeneration. The medication is used to care for the delicate skin of babies and treat cracked nipples. In addition, the product is used to treat hemorrhoids. Bepanten for hemorrhoids eliminates inflammation, bleeding, pain.

Bepanten for hemorrhoids

The product based on dexpanthenol has a wide range of applications, due to the regenerating properties of this active substance. Dexpanthenol-containing cream effectively restores the integrity of the skin caused by mechanical (abrasions, cuts), temperature or chemical (burns) damage. Bepanten ointment for hemorrhoids is used at all stages of the disease, helping to eliminate painful symptoms and heal cracks.

Composition and release form

Bepanten is available in the form of a cream or ointment, packaged in aluminum tubes of 30 g or 100 g. When treating hemorrhoids, the effect of using the drug in the form of an ointment or cream is identical, the method of use is the same for both types. The component composition of Bepanthen and its description are given in the table:

Name of the drug component Amount, mg (per 1 g of drug) Description of the drug
Dexpanthenol 50 A derivative of pantothenic acid, a vitamin-like agent, provides an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect
Protegin X 50 Creamy base
Stearyl alcohol 12 Structure former, softening element
Natural beeswax cream 40 Has vascular strengthening properties, relieves painful syndrome
Palmitic alcohol 18 Increases the viscosity of the substance, imparts creamy properties
Sheep fat (lanolin) 250 Promotes nutrition, softening and moisturizing, has the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, accumulating and retaining moisture
Almond oil 50 Source of vitamin E
Paraffin (liquid and soft) 150 Forms a greasy film on the surface of the skin, which prevents moisture loss

Pharmacological properties of the drug

After application of the drug, Bepanten is absorbed by the skin, binding to blood plasma proteins and forming the active metabolite pantothenate (or pantothenic acid). This acid, under the influence of chemical reactions occurring in the body, is converted into panthenite, a constituent element of enzyme A, which is the basis of metabolic processes. Dexpanthenol triggers the process of active synthesis of fatty acids, which promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

Using Bepanten ointment at the first signs of hemorrhoids, you can prevent further development of the disease. A cream based on dexpanthenol is also effective in treating clinical manifestations of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, for treating anal fissures and relieving inflammation of hemorrhoids. The ability of the active substance to quickly interact with blood proteins helps eliminate discomfort within a few hours after applying the drug.

Description of the drug and release form

A person suffering from hemorrhoids, first of all, is looking for those remedies that will help quickly save him from unbearable pain, itching, a feeling of heaviness, bleeding and anal fissures.

This drug copes well with all the symptoms of the disease, and in the first stages it also eliminates its cause - the dilation of the anal veins formed due to impaired blood flow.

To find out whether it is possible to smear Bepanten ointment on hemorrhoids, you just need to apply it very slightly to the affected area of ​​the mucosa. And in a moment you will feel how the unpleasant sensations pass, and you feel much better.

Bepanten can and should be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, since the main active ingredient in its composition, dexpanthenol, has powerful:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating and restorative;
  • wound healing abilities.

When interacting with skin proteins, it quickly forms pantothenic acid, which it needs for constant renewal. Metabolic processes are restored at the cellular level, which allows for faster healing. Damaged skin heals, new, elastic and elastic skin is formed.

The drug is instantly absorbed without leaving any traces. It is excreted naturally after a few hours through urine and feces, without causing any harm to the body.

Bepanten cream is available in the form of ointment and cream; it has a homogeneous, homogenized structure of white or yellowish color with a barely audible odor of lanolin.

It is a product of Bayer JSC.

Packaged in tubes of 30 and 100 g.

The pharmaceutical industry produces another type of drug called Bepanten Plus, which additionally contains chlorhexidine.

It has pronounced antibacterial properties, heals anal fissures even faster and relieves pain. According to user reviews, it works even more reliably, and is used only once a day.

Directions for use and dosage

Bepanten ointment is used to treat external hemorrhoids. The method of application is to apply a thin layer of Bepanten cream to protruding hemorrhoids and anal fissures. At the initial stage, when there are no external hemorrhoidal bumps or obvious fissures, it is recommended to apply Bepanten to the anal area to soften the surface of the skin, prevent inflammation and the occurrence of anal bleeding. For complex treatment of hemorrhoids, the drug is applied 2 times a day and after bowel movements.

Is it possible to smear Bepanten on hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids manifest as dilation of the veins in the rectum and the formation of nodes that can bleed. Patients often have questions regarding the safety of using Bepanten for open wounds and bleeding. The study of the component composition and its properties indicates that using dexpanthenol for hemorrhoids is absolutely safe, and the effect of using the cream appears almost immediately.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Hemorrhoids are a dangerous pathology that causes special discomfort to patients. In case of inflammation of the nodes, a person begins to be bothered by rectal bleeding, severe pain, constant constipation, and the nodes coming out of the anus without the possibility of repositioning on their own. A proctologist treats hemorrhoids. Only a specialist will be able to select effective drugs to suppress inflammation and help prevent possible complications.

"Bepanten" is an active regulator of metabolic processes at the cellular level. The drug has a complex effect:

  • normalizes local metabolism,
  • eliminates discomfort in the anus,
  • softens, nourishes the deep layers of the skin, providing an antiseptic effect, forming a protective film,
  • heals mucous membranes in the anorectal area,
  • helps reduce hemorrhoidal cones in size,
  • stops anal bleeding.

Thanks to dexpanthenol, there is a rapid wound healing and regenerating effect. The product can be used by women to treat wounds and cracks on the chest, which often bother them during breastfeeding.

The drug, as it is absorbed into the skin, prevents the development of inflammation, cools and heals the resulting wounds, and also quickly eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids (itching, burning, pain).

Read also: Suppositories or ointments - which is better for hemorrhoids, list of effective drugs, indications and contraindications

Cream structure

Bepanten cream is quite fatty, so it can prevent the penetration of harmful microbes and bacteria into open wounds on the body. It is well absorbed into the skin, forming a protective film on the surface. It is not recommended to neglect the recommended daily dose and frequency of use. Although cases of overdose are rare.

There may be greasy marks on underwear that are difficult to remove.

Advantages and disadvantages of use

The use of dexpanthenol-based cream for the treatment of anal fissures and hemorrhoids has its advantages and disadvantages. The positive characteristics of using the drug Bepanten in the treatment of hemorrhoids include:

  • safety;
  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • good analgesic properties;
  • possibility of use during pregnancy;
  • anti-inflammatory properties;
  • ease of use.

The disadvantages of treating hemorrhoids with Bepanten include the fact that this remedy cannot act as an independent method of eliminating the causes of the disease, but is intended to eliminate the consequences. When the pain goes away, the patient has a false feeling that the disease has receded, although this is not the case. In addition, in rare cases, the ointment may cause an allergic reaction to its components.

Analogues of Bepanten for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Preparations that contain dexpanthenol are analogues of Bepanten in terms of the active substance and the principle of pharmacological action. The most well-known medications for the treatment of fissures in hemorrhoids are:

  • Panthenol;
  • Korneregel;
  • Bepanten plus;
  • Dexpanthenol;
  • Pantoderm;
  • Moreal-plus;
  • Vulnuzan;
  • D-panthenol.

Price for Bepanten

You can purchase Bepanten cream for the treatment of hemorrhoids in city pharmacies or on online shopping sites. The drug is available without a prescription. If necessary, it is possible to place an order with courier delivery of medicine to your home. The cost of Bepanten ointment for hemorrhoids is in the range of 340-760 rubles. Information on prices for the drug is presented in the table:

Pharmacy Volume, mg Price of the drug, rubles
Samson-Pharma 30 457
Sanitas 30 466
Neopharm 30 493
Dialog-Falcon 30 418
Dimpharm 30 451
Ochakovo 30 435
Health Formula 30 495
Gorzdrav 30 380
Pharmacies Stolichki 30 363
36,6 100 759
Old doctor 100 655


Elena, 29 years old

I used Bepanten to treat hemorrhoids that appeared after childbirth. I couldn’t take any painkillers, but the cream did an excellent job of solving my problem. Around the 3rd or 4th day I felt relief, the cracks stopped bleeding, and the bumps began to gradually shrink and dissolve.

Igor, 58 years old

This cream helped me cure hemorrhoids that I had been struggling with for several years. The second stage, although not the worst, is very painful. All the time I had to suffer for several months until the exacerbation stage passed, and with Bepanten this process takes several days. Thanks to regular use, I have not had any symptoms of the disease for a year now.

Valeria, 42 years old

I have always used Bepanten ointment to heal wounds, scratches, and burns, but I did not know that it could be used to treat hemorrhoids until a friend shared her experience. Now this is the number one remedy in my first aid kit. I use the drug at the first signs of inflammation of the hemorrhoids, without waiting for the situation to worsen.

Bepanten is one of the well-known drugs that is used by people for cracks in the skin, abrasions, etc. So, its use for hemorrhoids is very common.

Patient reviews

Igor: “I learned about Bepanten from my wife, who used the cream during pregnancy. I suffered for a long time from hemorrhoids, which manifested themselves as swollen lumps and pain. After bowel movements, the lumps fell out, and there was blood in the stool. My wife recommended Bepanten, I noticed an improvement in my condition after the first day of use. I apply the product to the bumps and the area around the anus in the morning and before bed after bowel movements. After 5 days, the bumps and pain almost disappeared. The whole family uses Bepanten to eliminate scratches, burns, dryness, etc. I recommend it to everyone!”

Svetlana: “Bepanten is my favorite antiseptic! I use it for hemorrhoids and various skin lesions. The cream is rich and thick, it envelops the damaged area and immediately brings relief. With its help, inflammation and pain disappear faster, wounds heal, and skin recovers after burns. For me, this is the best remedy for hemorrhoids, which I begin to treat when the first symptoms appear.”

Raisa: “I learned about the therapeutic effect of Bepanten while still in the maternity hospital. I was advised a cream to heal cracked nipples. He performed excellently, literally on the second day the wounds began to heal. A little later, it came in handy for me to solve another delicate problem called hemorrhoids. I started using it on the advice of a friend who had already tried an effective remedy. I’m glad that the drug is safe for my baby, and I can safely continue breastfeeding.”

Based on all of the above, Bepanten for hemorrhoids is an effective and safe antiseptic. Before using the drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will select the most appropriate dosage form, determine the dosage, and treatment regimen. If an allergic reaction occurs, discard the drug and contact a proctologist who will help you choose a safe analogue.

A little about hemorrhoids

Bepanten plus - the best remedy for hemorrhoids

Before moving on to what effect Bepanten can have during the treatment of hemorrhoids, you need to learn a little about the disease itself. Not many people are willing to talk openly about hemorrhoids, as it is considered a rather sensitive issue. But at the same time, it needs to be treated as soon as the first symptoms appear, because the longer you delay treatment, the situation will get worse every day, and this can lead not only to the prolapse of the hemorrhoids themselves, but also to forced surgical interference and infection. The main symptoms, the occurrence of which you should immediately consult a doctor, include:

  • Painful sensations in the anal area. This occurs due to the enlargement of hemorrhoids and their pressure on the nerve endings, of which there are a lot in the pelvic area
  • Itching, which often prevents a person from sitting normally
  • A burning sensation that can simply change a person’s behavior due to a rather unpleasant sensation
  • Bleeding, which can appear as a single drop on toilet paper after going to the toilet, or in a thin stream. It is very important to stop it so that blood loss is minimal
  • Prolapse of hemorrhoids, which occurs with external hemorrhoids
  • Difficulties when going to the toilet, because due to severe swelling of the mucous membrane, enlargement of the nodes themselves, it is more difficult for feces to pass, and therefore a person may begin to be bothered by constipation. Moreover, they make the condition even worse

If a person has at least one of the above symptoms, it is necessary to immediately visit a proctologist who will conduct an examination and prescribe the correct treatment.

Bepanten. Pharmacology and composition

Bepanten is a cream for external use.

Sometimes specialists for hemorrhoids recommend that patients purchase an ointment such as Bepanten. It is widely known among young mothers who use it to heal cracks in the breasts after the first feeding. The drug is available in several forms, but the most popular are ointment and cream, which are quite easy to apply and are sold in any pharmacy. The main active ingredient in Bepanten is dexpanthenol, which can have several effects:

  • Healing. When cracks appear in the skin, it is very important to establish the regeneration process, because the speed of restoration of the damaged area will depend on this. And, as you know, even the smallest scratch or crack can cause a serious infection. Moreover, Bepanten has a healing effect not only on the skin itself, but also on the mucous membranes too
  • Antiseptic effect. This is very important for hemorrhoids, since the problem area is located with the direct source of infection, and therefore it is very important to heal the resulting wounds in a timely manner
  • Preventing the inflammatory process. This effect is due to the antiseptic properties of the drug, due to which the inflammatory process slows down and gradually disappears altogether.
  • Cooling effect, especially if the ointment is stored in the refrigerator. If a person suffers from severe itching or burning, then a cool ointment can alleviate the condition.
  • Softens and moisturizes the skin

Bepanten is considered a very fatty cream. But this is not considered as a minus, but as a plus, because with hemorrhoids (if cracks appear in the skin), it is very important to restore integrity in order to protect the body from harmful bacteria and microbes. After applying the ointment to the skin, the cream is well absorbed, and the amount of fat contained in the composition is converted into nutrients on the skin.

Drugs with similar effects

Bepanten has a number of analogues, and if it is impossible to use this particular ointment for some reason, it is possible to select drugs with a similar composition and equally effective action. Particularly distinguished are preparations that contain the same dexpanthenol, since these ointments and creams are completely safe for the body.

Preparations with a high content of dexpanthenol are non-toxic and therefore acceptable not only during pregnancy, but also for the treatment of small children. At the same time, Bepanten is not so expensive with its guaranteed effectiveness, and this also becomes the reason for the popularity of the drug among patients.

Directions for use and contraindications

Bepanten is an excellent cream

Only the doctor who prescribed the treatment can tell you how to use Bepanten for hemorrhoids. But in most cases, it is prescribed one to two times a day, and the cream must be applied to clean skin for maximum effect. If we talk about the duration of use, then everything will depend on how quickly healing occurs. Some people have to use Bepanten for more than two weeks, while others only need it for the first three to five days of an exacerbation. Separately, it is necessary to say about contraindications, because, despite the positive reviews about Bepanten, it cannot be used if there is an individual intolerance to the main component of the drug - dexpanthenol. In other cases, there are no contraindications, because the ointment (cream) has an exclusively local effect.

Side effects

One of the most common side effects is an allergic reaction. It occurs either in the case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, or when it is used incorrectly. So, most often it can be increased itching, hives, irritation, which already aggravate poor health. If such side effects occur, use of the drug should be discontinued.

Bepanten for hemorrhoids is used quite widely, especially when it is necessary to heal the wounds that have appeared. True, before using it, it is better to consult with a specialist, since there are a number of cases when it is not worth using, because there will be no effect.

This video will tell you about remedies for hemorrhoids:

Such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids is almost always accompanied by cracks in the anorectal area, which causes considerable discomfort to the patient, especially during bowel movements, which is accompanied by pain and bleeding. There are many medications available on the pharmaceutical market to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Among the effective and affordable drugs, many people highlight Bepanten.

Bepanten is a well-known line of medicines developed by Swiss specialists. All components of the line are designed to care for the skin and solve a variety of dermatological problems. Available in the form of cream, spray, gel and ointment. Being one of the most popular drugs used in the treatment of skin cracks, it is also widely used for hemorrhoids. Gels are convenient for use in the anorectal area. However, is it really possible to apply Bepanten to inflamed hemorrhoids, and is it effective?

Drug overdose

No cases of overdose have been identified, however, it is better to use the ointment according to the instructions, without neglecting the recommendations.

If you frequently use the cream and apply it in a thick layer, an allergic reaction may occur in case of individual intolerance. Itching and burning may also increase.

Sometimes it is worth choosing an effective analogue to prevent the development of complications.

"Bepanten" is an approved drug for children. However, you cannot prescribe treatment for a child on your own; it is better to discuss therapy with a pediatrician.

The cream can be used to treat diaper rash and wounds in children where diapers rub.

Can Bepanten be used for hemorrhoids?

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The main active ingredient in Bepanten is dexpanthenol, a B vitamin, a derivative of pantothenic acid. B5 promotes the healing of skin tissues and mucous membranes, accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis. Additional components such as lanolin, cetyl and stearyl alcohols, petroleum jelly, beeswax and almond oil have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Bepanten ointment for hemorrhoids gives the following effects:

  • Healing
  • Antiseptic
  • Soothes and prevents inflammatory processes.
  • Relieves itching, burning and general discomfort thanks to its cooling effect
  • Softens and moisturizes the skin, restores elasticity to the vessels and walls of the rectum.

The product is quickly absorbed and can be used on different areas of the epidermis, including areas with hair, weeping wounds and mucous membranes.

How to properly use Bepanten for hemorrhoids?

Before applying the drug, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse and dry the rectal area. After performing simple hygiene procedures, you need to apply a thin layer of the product to the bumps, cracks in the rectal area and let it absorb. For internal hemorrhoids, the product is applied to the finger and the damaged nodes are also treated. You can smear Bepanten on hemorrhoids twice a day and after each bowel movement.

Often the drug does not cause adverse reactions, since it does not contain harmful synthetic components. But despite this, like any medication, it can provoke allergic reactions if the patient is sensitive to its elements.

Bepanten plus for hemorrhoids

Bepanten plus has a number of differences:

  • As an additional component, Bepanten Plus contains a powerful antiseptic - Chlorhexidine. It suppresses the activity of pathogenic microbes that provoke many infectious skin diseases, and also enhances the analgesic and healing effect.
  • The drug is used no more than 1 time per day.
  • It is allowed to use the product under a bandage.
  • The drug is not recommended for use on large skin areas, children under one year old, or people with intolerance to the elements of the composition.
  • It is considered a more effective drug for the treatment of external hemorrhoids.

Bepanten of this form also quickly relieves discomfort and tones hemorrhoids. You can notice a decrease in unpleasant symptoms after just a few uses.

Bepanten for hemorrhoids is an excellent auxiliary remedy that quickly brings relief and does not cause harm to health. Bepanten is widely used among mothers in the treatment of abrasions, burns, insect bites and diaper rash in babies. However, in addition to superficial defects, it can be used in the treatment of anal fissures and hemorrhoids.

Pharmacological action and indications for use

The main active ingredient dexpanthenol has a number of properties that explain why Bepanten ointment helps:

  • antiseptic - open and often bleeding wounds in the anal area are the gateway to various pathogenic microorganisms, which, when entering them, cause inflammatory processes, including purulent ones. Therefore, it is very important to prevent them from entering and destroy them immediately;
  • healing and regenerating;
  • analgesic and cooling;
  • anti-inflammatory - stops inflammation, and over time gets rid of it completely;
  • softening and moisturizing.

The instructions for use contain a list of problems that can be combated with the help of the drug.

  • feeling of dry skin when injured;
  • gentle care for sensitive and delicate skin of the breast and nipples during lactation, to heal cracks and moisturize;
  • relief from unpleasant symptoms of diaper rash in an infant, from itching during diaper dermatitis;
  • accelerating the healing processes of the skin in case of violation of their integrity due to injuries and burns, after surgery, skin grafts, and bedsores.

Main advantages in the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  1. It has an instant effect, quickly relieves painful symptoms and discomfort with anal fissures.
  2. Has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Normalizes blood circulation, eliminates congestion in the veins of the small pelvis.
  4. It works effectively both in the acute stage of the disease, relieving itching and pain in anal fissures, and as part of the general treatment of chronic hemorrhoids, reducing hemorrhoidal cones and reducing the number of relapses.
  5. Able to normalize stool and relieve constipation.
  6. It is inexpensive, unlike its analogues, and is sold freely in pharmacies without a prescription.
  7. It has no contraindications or age restrictions, and is effective at any stage of the disease, during pregnancy and after childbirth. The active substance is not absorbed into the blood, but is excreted from the body naturally.
  8. Recommended by the country's leading proctologists as one of the most effective medications for hemorrhoids.

Bepanten cream and ointment are quickly absorbed, leave no traces, and form a protective film on the surface of the anus.

Properties of the drug

Bepanten has the necessary properties for the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. However, use without a doctor’s prescription is not advisable; negative reactions to the components of the drug are possible.

  • the ointment perfectly relieves pain and reduces the itching that accompanies this pathology;
  • has a healing effect. Not only the recovery time, but also the prevention of secondary infection depends on the rate of regeneration of damaged tissue. The longer the skin is damaged, the greater the chance of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • antiseptic effect prevents infection;
  • reduces the inflammatory process;
  • has a cooling effect;
  • softens and moisturizes the skin.

The main effect of the product is to restore metabolism in the rectal mucosa, which promotes rapid regeneration of the damaged surface. Proper use of the product allows you to achieve lasting improvement in internal and external components. You can buy Bepanten in the form of an ointment or cream.

Important. The active substance is instantly absorbed in the area of ​​application and brings relief immediately after use; if there is no effect after treatment for several days, you should consult a specialist.

Precautionary measures

Bepanten is a safe drug that should not be used if you are allergic to its components or for treating infected wounds. In the latter case, most likely, surgery cannot be avoided.

Bepanten should not be used if you are allergic to any of the components of the drug.

If there are contraindications, the likelihood of negative reactions increases:

  • increased itching;
  • nettle fever;
  • skin irritation.

If the patient notices such symptoms, then you should stop using Bepanten and consult a proctologist.

There is no information about drug overdose.

It is not recommended to combine cream or ointment with other antiseptic drugs, as the effectiveness of both drugs is reduced.

How to use

The doctor who made the diagnosis will advise you on how to use Bepanten for hemorrhoids. The application pattern and duration are selected individually. General aspects of treatment with bepanthen:

Ointment or cream is applied in the morning and evening, additionally after each act of bowel movement.

  1. Wash the rectal area with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate or using baby soap. The water should not be too warm or completely cold, preferably room temperature;
  2. drain;
  3. apply a thin layer to detected nodes or cracks; in case of internal damage, you can use special nozzles (dispenser) or your finger;
  4. Wait a little while the product is absorbed.

It is recommended to use the product for the treatment of hemorrhoids twice a day and after each act of bowel movement.

Important. It is necessary to apply the cream only after a thoroughly hygienic procedure and with clean hands. After applying the cream, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

Bepanten plus

Bepanten Plus is more effective in eliminating hemorrhoids, but requires more careful attention. The composition of the drug is supplemented with chlorhexidine, a drug with antiseptic properties. The drug is more effective in suppressing negative microflora, which helps accelerate regeneration processes.

Important. Bepanten plus is used once a day; the effectiveness for internal hemorrhoids is lower than for external ones. These features should be taken into account when choosing a drug.

Cannot be used by children under 12 months; application to large areas of skin is contraindicated.

Bepanten plus - enhanced antiseptic formula

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Only a doctor can prescribe dexpanthenol for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, despite the safety of its use there are contraindications.

During lactation, the use of the drug does not affect the composition of breast milk and can be carried out without fear for the baby’s health.

The formation of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is caused by an increased load on the pelvic vessels due to the rapidly growing fetus. The body does not have time to prepare and adapt to rapidly changing conditions and increased load. The greatest risk group is women who lead a sedentary lifestyle or lift heavy objects.

Given the risk to fetal development, most medications used for this pathology are not acceptable. However, preparations based on dexpanthenol have an exception.

Pregnancy is a common cause of hemorrhoids, requiring a particularly gentle selection of treatment in relation to the developing baby

Effect of ointment during pregnancy:

  • reducing the focus of inflammation and the size of the hemorrhoid;
  • influence on the blood circulation of the pelvis, as a result, a decrease in stagnation;
  • pain reduction;
  • eliminating itching and discomfort.

However, complete recovery is possible only after delivery; during pregnancy, bepanten for hemorrhoids only brings a reduction in symptoms and prevents further progression.

Bepanten for pregnant women is important not only in the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. It effectively heals breast cracks that form during breastfeeding and relieves pain in damaged areas. One of the important aspects when choosing bepanthen will be the absence of a negative effect on the newborn.

The drug also perfectly fights stretch marks in the abdominal area thanks to vitamin B5, which is part of the drug.


Bepanten contains the active substance dexpanthenol. Auxiliary components of the cream:

  • beeswax,
  • stearyl and salicylic alcohol,
  • vitamin E,
  • almond oil,
  • liquid paraffin to form a greasy film on the skin, preventing the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the cracks in the anus.

Thanks to its natural composition, the drug is suitable for use in infants from birth, women during pregnancy and lactation for the treatment of abrasions, wounds, burns and enlarged hemorrhoids, inflammation and pain.

Under the influence of the active substances in the composition, the effect is observed within an hour after applying the ointment.

Original packaging of the drug


Treatment of hemorrhoids with bepanthen has no contraindications other than personal intolerance to dexpanthenol. The local action of the drug ensures the safety of its use.

Important! Do not allow the drug to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth. The use of this drug in combination with other antiseptic drugs (regardless of the release form) is prohibited. If you swallow the ointment or cream, consult a doctor.


Bepanten has many pharmacological analogues that have the same properties and differ in price.

The most common analogue of bepanthen, which completely replicates its composition, is panthenol, but the product is available in the form of a spray. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, cream and ointment are more preferable.

Drugs that have a similar effect and have an identical composition to bepanthen

There are also a number of drugs that differ in quality and price, but have similar effects on the body:

  • Pantoderm;
  • Dexpanthenol;
  • Korneregel;
  • Moreal plus and others.

These funds can be used in the treatment of children and expectant mothers. There are no contraindications or negative effects from use (except for personal intolerance to the components).

Which is better: Bepanten cream or ointment and how they differ

The question simply does not make sense, since both forms have the same composition and properties. Therefore, there is no big difference in which drug you buy.

Both do not depress the nervous system, so you can drive a car and work with complex mechanisms with complete peace of mind.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, proctologists point out some features.

What is the difference between Bepanten ointment and cream in this case:

  • It is better to purchase Bepanten ointment if the hemorrhoidal cones are located externally, but there is also internal damage to the mucous membranes of the rectum. It has the ability to be absorbed faster, and therefore act;
  • For healing cracks, itching and pain, a cream with a greasy consistency is suitable. Enveloping the mucous membranes and skin from the outside, in this case it acts more effectively.

Price and storage

Bepanten is available in 40 gram tubes and has a price tag from 350 to 700 rubles, depending on the region of sale and the manufacturer. With average consumption, such a tube is enough for 1 month of treatment. Considering that the duration of treatment for hemorrhoids at an early stage of development of the pathological process is from 3 to 7 days, and in advanced uncomplicated cases - several weeks, the price justifies the effectiveness. Bepanten is available from pharmacies upon request; you do not need to write a prescription to purchase it. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees for no more than 2 years. After the expiration date, use of the product is contraindicated.

Hemorrhoids are a rather complex disease that requires timely and complete treatment. An advanced or complicated form can only be eliminated by surgical methods. To prevent serious complications and complete healing, you should contact a proctologist at the first symptoms of the formation of hemorrhoids. Despite the good effect of treatment with bepanthen, the effect of the ointment will be sufficient only in the initial stage of the disease; in more serious forms it will bring only temporary relief.

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