Main causes of bloating

  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Our doctors

Almost every person is familiar with such an ailment as bloating. A similar phenomenon in clinical gastroenterology is called intestinal flatulence. Abdominal bloating in adults is characterized by heaviness, pain and gas retention.

The causes of any bloating can be different, ranging from overeating to the presence of tumor processes in the large and small intestines. The presence of gas directly in the intestinal cavity is a physiological form for humans, since air penetrates during the process of absorption of food.

Causes of the disease

The main place of occurrence of gas flatulence is the stomach and area of ​​the colon. The nature of gases depends on nutrition, gastrointestinal diseases, and the presence of bad habits. In gastroenterology, the following factors for the occurrence of increased gases are identified:

  • Eating certain foods that contribute to flatulence. This is a food rich in starch, carbohydrate components, fiber;
  • Individual intolerance to dairy products;
  • Late pregnancy in women;
  • Aerophagia. When food is quickly absorbed, an excess amount of oxygen enters the intestines from the stomach, which contributes to the formation of gases;
  • Dysbacteriosis, in which the level of beneficial microflora in the intestines is disrupted;
  • Intestinal obstruction resulting from benign and malignant tumors, stenosis, hemorrhoids or adhesions of the small and large intestines;
  • Inflammatory bowel conditions such as Crohn's disease, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis.

Bloating can also be observed during acute infectious processes, local circulation disorders, and stress.

Read also: Dysbacteriosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen

pain and bloating often occur in women before menstruation

Pain in the lower abdomen can be the cause of many pains and problems, both with the intestines and with other abdominal organs. The most common cause of such pain in women is menstruation. During this period, a woman may feel both pulling and cramping pains due to strong contractions of the uterus. Some women also complain of pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle, which indicates the onset of ovulation. Other reasons for the appearance of this pain include:

  • Constipation. During constipation, feces accumulate in the intestines and become very large. Because of this, the intestines increase in size and put pressure on other organs and nerve endings, thereby causing pain.
  • Intestinal infection. With an intestinal infection, pain is one of the many symptoms, and it occurs suddenly and does not go away until treatment begins
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. The most common concept you can come across is “how the bladder has caught a cold.” In this case, the pain will be aching in nature, and you can get rid of it only by taking antibiotics and light warming
  • Stones in the ureter. And, despite the fact that the pain predominantly occurs on the side, it radiates down the abdomen. And sometimes even a person cannot accurately indicate the true location of the primary pain
  • Urinary retention. This happens when a person has an infection in the genitourinary system and also develops a tumor. In this case, the pain is predominantly localized just below the navel
  • Irritable bowel syndrome. With this syndrome, a person must constantly follow a diet, but if he suddenly deviates even a little from it, the intestines will immediately react, and pain in the lower abdomen will appear, as well as bloating
  • Prostatitis in men
  • Intra-abdominal bleeding, during which there will also be pallor of the skin, fainting
  • Formation of malignant or benign tumors
  • Appendicitis. Despite the fact that appendicitis is located on the right, most patients report pain throughout the lower abdomen

There are many causes of pain in the lower abdomen. And most of them are accompanied by another symptom - bloating.

Symptoms of flatulence

The symptoms of bloating are quite specific. First of all, a person feels heaviness, which focuses and intensifies after eating virtually any food. The disease is characterized by a dull, aching pain that has an unpleasant cramping nature. The pain goes away after defecation and is relieved with painkillers.

Excessive dyspepsia is observed, accompanied by belching, hiccups, burning, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. External intestinal manifestations include tachycardia, heart pain, drowsiness, and weakness.

Diagnostics and treatment procedures

Treatment of bloating should begin after a series of diagnostic measures, which include laboratory and instrumental studies of the body.

A general and biochemical analysis of the peripheral blood picture, ultrasound examination, and colonoscopy are performed. It is possible that additional consultation with an oncologist or even an infectious disease specialist will be required. The doctor performs a visual examination, palpates the intestinal area, and taps the abdominal wall. Additionally, a coprogram is used, stool testing for carbohydrates, pancreatic elastase, and stool samples are taken for dysbacteriosis.

Treatment is based on eliminating the main factors that can provoke bloating in the patient. Therapy is selected to help restore the natural intestinal microflora and eliminate flatulence. Doctors also prescribe a gentle diet and carry out antibacterial treatment for infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Medical offers its patients a full range of treatment and examination to eliminate the causes and symptoms of flatulence. Our clinic employs certified gastroenterologists who provide a full range of medical services related to the treatment of intestinal diseases.

Dear patients! Remember that only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the causes and nature of the disease, and prescribe effective treatment. You can make an appointment with our specialists or call a doctor at home by calling 8-(4822)-33-00-33

Be healthy and happy!

Main causes of bloating


If you begin to notice frequent heaviness and bloating in your abdomen like a ball, emitting unpleasant odors, then such problems cannot be ignored. Flatulence manifests itself as an accumulation of harmful gases in the intestines due to deterioration of digestive function, in addition, there is a strong increase of the abdomen and a feeling of being filled with air from the inside.

Possible reasons

Bloating occurs even in physically healthy people, but most often it indicates other diseases of the body . Flatulence can manifest itself if you have any of the following diseases: chronic pancreatitis , irritable bowel syndrome , dysbiosis intestinal obstruction . In any case, flatulence is manifested by pain, distension of the abdomen and unpleasant-smelling gases . This reaction of the body is often a response to our lifestyle and diet.

If you often drink highly carbonated water, this causes the accumulation of various gases in the intestines , but they are not so dangerous because they are quickly absorbed into the walls or released naturally. Also, due to filling your stomach with large portions of food, you will experience heaviness and flatulence. Plus, some foods may not be fresh or may have a fermented effect, which will obviously cause you strong gases and even possibly a tingling sensation in your stomach .

If you are tormented by heartburn , and you use soda according to a home recipe, then this action can also cause an unpleasant increase in gas formation. Also, when consuming few combined foods, bloating may occur . Bloating can also occur with prolonged constipation , since getting rid of excess gases is almost impossible. Flatulence can also occur if you suddenly switch to a different diet (for example, go on a strict diet ). If you have allergic reactions to certain foods, do not be surprised by bloating , pain, nausea and diarrhea.

Corrective measures

Treatment of flatulence should always take into account the cause of its formation. In case of allergic reactions to foods, it is better to treat with the advice of a doctor , but it is still necessary to identify the allergenic ingredients and exclude them from the diet. If the cause of bloating is constipation , then simply take a laxative or special pharmaceutical suppositories. constipation itself is caused by poor diet, excessive stress on the body and excessive alcohol consumption.

To get rid of constipation faster, take activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg. weight. If constipation and bloating occur during pregnancy , then you should exclude beans, peas, cabbage, black bread, kvass or beer, as well as some fruits (grapes, plums) and flour products from your diet.

If bloating is temporary and not a sign of any disease, you can simply prevent further illnesses and problems from occurring. To do this, eat rice, chicken and turkey meat. Instead of milk, include yogurt and cheese in your diet.

Brew mint, chamomile and St. John's wort instead of tea. Also season your dishes with spices that reduce bloating and gas (for example, ginger, dill, cumin). Also, for prevention, do not forget to do exercises with squats and leg . Swimming and running will improve your well-being.

Dangerous products

When dealing with flatulence and bloating, there are many foods that are best not consumed so as not to aggravate your suffering. Reduce your intake of the following foods: coffee drinks, chocolate products, milk, tea, fatty foods, foods that are too cold or hot, honey, seeds, nuts, yeast, cabbage, beans, carbonated drinks, apples, raisins, alcohol, onions and radishes, as well as chewing gum.

To get rid of the unpleasant sensation of bloating in the stomach , you can resort to our advice, but it is best to look for the root cause with a doctor during a full examination of the digestive tract.

Published in Gastroentorology Premium Clinic

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