Which is better: Creon 10,000 or Panzinorm forte 20,000


Insufficient secretion or activity of digestive enzymes leads to digestive disorders and incomplete digestion of macronutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates). The consequences of this condition can be anemia, sudden weight loss, prolonged nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn and constant heaviness in the stomach.

For hypofunction of the pancreas, gastroenterologists prescribe Panzinorm or Creon, as well as analogues of these drugs.

For pancreatic hypofunction, gastroenterologists prescribe Panzinorm or Creon.

How they affect the body

The active (active) substance of both drugs is pancreatin. This component is an extract of pancreatic juice from pigs or cattle. Pancreatin contains three enzymes that are necessary for normal digestion: amylase, lipase and proteinase.

Amylase is responsible for the breakdown of complex carbohydrates (starch) into oligo- and monosaccharides, which are easily absorbed by the body and serve as sources of energy. Lipase breaks down fats and ensures the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D3 and K). Protease is a complex of proteolytic enzymes that facilitate the breakdown of the most complex compounds - proteins.

If there is a lack of pancreatic enzymes, some of the macronutrients (mainly fats and proteins) are not absorbed and are excreted along with the feces. The patient does not receive enough nutrients and vitamins, despite proper nutrition.

The introduction of an additional portion of enzymes into the stomach and small intestine allows for complete absorption of food and eliminates the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders. The dosage of drugs is selected according to the degree of pancreatic dysfunction.

The pancreatin component of the drug Creon is an extract of pancreatic juice from pigs or cattle.

Instructions for use of Panzinorm and its side properties

If a person has problems with the functioning of the digestive system, Panzinorm should be drunk before or during meals. This medication, like Creon, needs to be taken in the same way: take the capsule and, without biting it, swallow it. After this, be sure to take the tablet with water, otherwise it may cause serious damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach or esophagus.

If the patient is unable to swallow the capsule for a number of reasons, it must be carefully opened and the powder mixed with food that does not require chewing. For example, it could be:

  • mashed potatoes,
  • pureed fruits,
  • yogurt.

When taking the medicine, the patient should drink plenty of fluids - if this is not done, the victim may develop constipation due to lack of water, which will significantly worsen the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important to note that the dosage of the drug “Panzinorm” is prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis, it depends on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease and dietary habits. Even if the patient reads in the instructions how to take the medicine correctly, you should not start treatment on your own, otherwise it can lead to unpleasant consequences.

On average, the dosage of a medicinal product for an adult with problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is 10-25 thousand units of lipase. If the patient takes the medicine correctly, this will help normalize the functioning of the digestive organs.

If a child under 4 years of age needs to take Panzinorm, a one-time dose of the drug should be taken in the dose that will be calculated by the doctor. This is done as follows - 1 thousand units per kilogram of weight.

If the patient does not follow the rules for taking the drug or exceeds the dosage, he may experience the following side effects:

  1. The appearance of rashes on the body, redness of the skin, itching, as well as causeless tearfulness. In severe cases, anaphylactic shock or bronchospasm may develop. If the patient does not take action in time, the health condition will deteriorate greatly.
  2. Dyspeptic disorders - nausea, vomiting, bowel dysfunction (diarrhea), as well as irritation in the anus. These side effects are less dangerous than the previous ones, but it is advisable to eliminate them soon after development. If this does not happen, the medication must be stopped completely.

Judging by the reviews, proper use of the drug helps restore and improve digestion. However, to achieve this, it is imperative to observe the dosage and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

The main differences between Panzinorm and Creon

Differences between Creon and Panzinorm are observed in the following aspects:

  1. Dosage. The enzymatic activity of the drugs is determined by the dosage of the lipolytic enzyme (lipase). Creon capsules are available in three dosages of lipase: 10,000, 25,000 and 40,000 units. Panzinorm is less active, because contains only 10,000 units of enzyme. Panzinorm forte tablets are also available, which contain 20,000 units of lipase.
  2. Manufacturer. Creon is produced by pharmaceuticals (Germany), and Panzinorm - (Slovenia).
  3. Price. The price of Creon ranges from 250 to 1250 rubles. depending on the dosage and number of capsules in the package. The cost of Panzinorm is no more than 130 rubles.

Both Creon and Panzinorm are produced in capsules that contain microgranules protected by an enteric coating (microspheres in Creon and mini-pellets in Panzinorm). The small size of the granules (less than 2 mm) ensures the rapid action of the drugs.

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Which drug is better

Creon is an original drug, therefore it has been used in medicine for much longer than Panzinorm. However, the pharmacological activity of an inexpensive generic (Panzinorm) has been proven and confirmed in gastroenterological practice.

Due to the higher dosage, Creon is used for severe pancreatic dysfunction.

Characteristics of Mezim

The active ingredient is also represented by pancreatin. This substance includes a number of excretory enzymes of the pancreas, ensuring high-quality digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.

Pancreatin is not absorbed by the mucous membranes, but is excreted directly in the feces. The main part of the drug taken is broken down and subsequently denatured in the gastrointestinal tract under the influence of digestive juice and a number of bacteria.

The tablets are produced in an enteric coating, which helps protect pancreatic enzymes from possible neutralization under the influence of gastric juice.

Indications for use

Due to the identical active substance, both drugs are used for the same indications:

  • enzymatic deficiency in chronic pancreatitis, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome and cystic fibrosis;
  • pancreatic cancer, obstruction (obstruction) of the bile and pancreatic ducts with neoplasia of any etiology;
  • condition after resection of the pancreas, gall bladder, stomach;
  • deficiency of digestive enzymes in elderly patients;
  • other diseases of the digestive system that complicate the function of the pancreas (cirrhosis of the liver, cholestatic hepatitis, diseases of the small intestine, cessation of stomach activity, etc.);
  • syndrome of bacterial overgrowth in the cavity of the small intestine;
  • poor nutrition, a single violation of the diet due to hypofunction of the pancreas;
  • preparation for hardware diagnostics of the abdominal organs (ultrasound, radiography).

Panzinorm is indicated if there is enzymatic deficiency in chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, obstruction of the bile and pancreatic ducts.

Pancreatin preparations are prescribed for digestive disorders, which are accompanied by steatorrhea (increased fat content of stool), diarrhea, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and left hypochondrium, nausea and flatulence.

Properties of Panzinorm

A drug with the active substance pancreatin, which has powerful lipase activity.
This plays an important role, since the production of this enzyme is disrupted quite often when the functioning of the pancreas deteriorates. Taking the drug enhances ketabolic processes and replenishes enzyme deficiency. It is worth noting that the release of pancreatin occurs directly in the gastrointestinal tract, which allows for a rapid therapeutic effect.

Treatment with Panzinorm is indicated for deterioration of digestion associated with insufficient production of enzymes. Due to the high activity of lipase, the process of lipid breakdown is ensured and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins is improved.

Protease and amylase help break down proteins and carbohydrates.

An important advantage of the enzyme agent is the reduction of pain during pancreatitis.

The drug is produced in the form of capsules.

Directions for use and dosage

Creon and Panzinorm should be drunk directly during a meal or immediately after it. The capsules do not need to be broken or chewed: they are swallowed whole with a sufficient amount of water. An exception is made only for patients who have swallowing disorders.

Insufficient fluid intake during therapy may lead to increased side effects.

The dosage of the drugs is selected depending on the BJU diet, the etiology of the enzymatic deficiency and the severity of the digestive disorder.

For exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, the dose of pancreatin is from 25,000 to 80,000 lipase units. For a light snack, ½ dose is enough for the patient.

For cystic fibrosis, the dose is calculated according to body weight: for patients under 4 years of age it is 1000 units per 1 kg of weight, for patients over 4 years old - 500 units per 1 kg of weight. This dose is an initial dose and may be increased if symptoms of gastrointestinal distress persist.

For most patients, the dosage of enzymes does not exceed 4000 units for each gram of fat.

Comparison of ease of use of Creon 1000i and Panzinorm 10,000

This includes dose selection taking into account various conditions and frequency of doses. At the same time, it is important not to forget about the release form of the drug; it is also important to take it into account when making an assessment.

The ease of use of Creon 1000i is approximately the same as Panzinorm 10,000. However, they are not convenient enough to use.

The drug ratings were compiled by experienced pharmacists who studied international research. The report is generated automatically.

Last update date: 2020-12-04 13:44:12

special instructions

The prescription of enzymatic agents and the selection of the optimal dosage should be made taking into account the age of the patients and the characteristics of their medical history (for example, pregnancy, lactation, etc.).

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Pregnancy and lactation

Prescription of Creon and Panzinorm when carrying a child is allowed in cases where the expected benefit for the woman is higher than the possible risk to the development of the fetus. Pancreatin does not exhibit teratogenic effects, so it can be used even in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Taking large doses of enzymes impairs the absorption of folic acid and iron, which are necessary for the normal development of the child. When prescribing Panzinorm and Creon, this side effect should be taken into account.

The use of pancreatin-based products during breastfeeding is permitted.


The use of both drugs in children is allowed in accordance with the enzyme dosage regimen. With high concentration and activity of lipase, constipation may develop in children.

In childhood cystic fibrosis, it is prohibited to prescribe pancreatin in doses of more than 10,000 units per 1 kg of body weight per day due to the risk of developing intestinal strictures.

Elderly age

Panzinorm and Creon are recommended for use in age-related hypofunction of the pancreas. The dosage of the drugs does not require adjustment due to chronic pathologies of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, liver and kidneys.

In case of swallowing disorders, which are observed in young children and elderly patients, the capsules of the drugs should be opened, and the granules should be added to soft food or taken with an acidic drink (fermented milk drink, fruit juice).

How to choose the right enzyme preparation?

Inflammation of the pancreas and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract are common pathologies that occur in the body of many patients. In this case, therapists and pediatricians recommend drugs based on pancreatin. This applies to people of different age categories. Patients include children, adults, and pregnant women. They are allowed to take enzymatic medications. This is due to the fact that identical substances are produced by the body, but in insufficient quantities.

When they are used, absorption into the systemic circulation is not detected, therefore there are no systemic adverse reactions.

Doctors explain how to choose a remedy. Be sure to take into account the concentration of the substance contained in 1 capsule. The minimum is 10,000 units, the maximum is 50,000 units.

It is recommended to use preparations containing micro-tablets in each capsule. They dissolve only in the intestines and are not subject to the negative effects of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, the patient experiences maximum effect, enzymatic deficiency is completely restored, and stool formation improves. If the doctor recommends slightly increasing the concentration of the drug, you can not buy another product, but use part of the micro-tablets from 1 capsule. This saves the patient money, but the doctor’s recommendations are fully followed.

Side effects of Panzinorm and Creon

Side effects of pancreatin medications include:

  • discomfort in the stomach, nausea, stool disorders (these symptoms are associated primarily with the underlying pathology, and not with the use of enzymatic agents);
  • allergic skin reactions (most often develop in young children immediately after taking the medicine);
  • increased levels of uric acid in the blood plasma, accumulation of uric salts in urine (hyperuricosuria), irritation in the perianal area in children (when taking large doses of enzymes).

In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drugs (porcine pancreatin), obstruction of the ileum due to cystic fibrosis (meconium ileus) or a history of intestinal resection, taking Creon and Panzinorm can provoke digestive disorders.

Comparison of addiction between Creon 1000i and Panzinorm 10,000

Like safety, addiction also involves many factors that must be considered when evaluating a drug.

So, the totality of the values ​​of such parameters as “syndrome”, in Creon 1000 and is quite similar to the similar values ​​in Panzinorm 10,000. Withdrawal syndrome is a pathological condition that occurs after the cessation of intake of substances that cause addiction or dependence into the body. And resistance is understood as initial immunity to a drug; in this it differs from addiction, when immunity to a drug develops over a certain period of time. The presence of resistance can only be stated if an attempt has been made to increase the dose of the drug to the maximum possible. At the same time, Creon has 1000 and the “syndrome” value is quite small, however, the same as Panzinorm’s 10,000.

What is the difference between the drugs

To find out which of the two medications presented above is better, you need to understand how the medications differ from each other if they have many of the same characteristics. The main differences between the drugs are:

  1. The drug "Creon" contains more pancreatin (the main active substance) than Panzinorm. In addition, the ratio of some components, for example, starch, is correctly calculated in it. Based on this, you can see that Creon is better and more effective in composition.
  2. Two medications contain additional substances. The pharmaceutical manufacturing company must indicate the quantity of auxiliary components. This allows us to understand whether they can cause harmful effects on the health of people prone to developing allergies or with hypersensitivity.
  3. Thanks to the microspheres in the capsule, Creon begins to act only after penetration into the small intestine. Panzinorm, on the contrary, is absorbed in the stomach immediately after taking the drug. Part of it may break down if the patient has high acidity levels.

Based on the above information, we can conclude that taking Creon is considered more effective in cases where diseases of the digestive organs are severe. Panzinorm is best used when high doses are not required. This medication will not help with some serious diseases of the digestive system.

Recent studies have shown that both drugs are considered analogues of each other in composition, indications, contraindications and price. The only difference is in the manufacturing technology. When a doctor prescribes one medicine, you should not replace it with another at your own discretion.

How to take it correctly

The rules for taking both drugs directly depend on their composition. These are enzymes, and they only work well in a liquid medium. Therefore, the first rule is to drink plenty of liquid. Only active substances can have a sufficient effect.

The second rule of administration is during meals or immediately after a meal. Taking enzyme medications on an empty stomach can damage the stomach lining.

It is important that there is no allergic reaction to medications and their components. Since Creon and Panzinorm use animal enzymes, they are foreign protein molecules and therefore can cause an allergic reaction, despite their similarity to human substances.

There are times when the presence of enzymes in the body will only be harmful. First of all, it is acute pancreatitis. This is the main contraindication to taking both medications. During acute pancreatitis, hunger is prescribed for a certain period. Since food does not enter the body, enzymes are not needed for processing.

If the patient has no contraindications, then taking both medications can last for a long time, even throughout life. These are natural components that do not disrupt digestion, but only maintain it normally. The dosage of the drug and the number of capsules consumed per day should be prescribed by a specialist based on data on the degree of enzymatic deficiency. The course of treatment is at least several days. But there are cases when drugs are prescribed in a course of several months or even years. If there is a need for ongoing enzyme therapy, then Creon or Panzinorm is prescribed on a lifelong basis.

Mechanism of action

The capsule shell quickly dissolves in the duodenum. Only then are all the necessary enzymes released from it and help digest food. As a result, the mechanism of action on a person is simple - the main substances enter the intestines, break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates, respectively, the latter are more easily absorbed through the intestinal walls into the blood.

Thanks to this effect, these medications can be taken by a healthy person if he needs to cope with the burden of fatty, fried or junk food. Also, drugs can cope with symptoms such as nausea and weakness that appear due to overeating. The drugs do not change the functioning of the digestive tract, but simply add active enzymes. This promotes rapid digestion of food and normalization of intestinal function. In addition, the load on the pancreas is removed.

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