Colon cleansing with castor oil. How does castor oil affect the intestines?

The article will reveal to you the trailers of colon cleansing using castor oil. He will tell you about the benefits and contraindications of this cleaning method.

They started cleansing the intestines with castor oil quite a long time ago. This product has a rather unpleasant taste, which is why a large number of combinations of castor oil with other ingredients and fruits that have a milder and more pleasant taste have appeared.

The oil itself is obtained by hot or cold pressing from the African castor bean plant. The plant belongs to the genus Malochaev. In our countries, this plant began to be bred in the 19th century; the first samples of the plant were brought from Persia.

How does castor oil affect the human intestines?

In the composition of castor oil, the main part is occupied by recinoleic fatty acid - approximately 90%, as well as linoleic, oleic, stearic and palmitic fatty acids.

This oil has found application in many areas, including cosmetology. However, its main area of ​​use is in gastroenterology. Castor oil has a strong laxative effect; there is even mention of this in children's fairy tales. Its action is manifested as follows. Once in the intestinal lumen, the oil irritates the receptor apparatus of the mucous membranes, causing increased peristalsis. The laxative effect of the drug appears within 4 hours on average after its use.

The benefits of castor oil

Castor bean oil is obtained by cold pressing the seeds. As a result of the addition of oleic, linoleic, and ricinoleic acid, a unique oil is obtained.

Castor oil has restorative, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, strengthening, antiviral, softening, laxative properties.

Thanks to these qualities it is used:

  • for the growth of any hair (hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, beard);
  • strengthening hair and nails;
  • healing of abrasions, cuts;
  • treatment of burns, hemorrhoids;
  • for colds, bronchitis;
  • swelling, bad breath;
  • removal of papillomas and warts;
  • as part of face masks for pigmentation, for aging skin;
  • softening calluses, corns, hand skin, cuticles;
  • saturating the body with fatty acids;
  • improving the functioning of the gallbladder and liver;
  • fight free radicals;
  • improving blood flow, strengthening blood vessels and capillaries;
  • with multiple sclerosis;
  • presence of cerebral palsy, rheumatism;
  • treatment of acne, yeast, fungal, parasitic infections;
  • as a laxative for constipation;
  • cleansing for weight loss and medical indications.

How to cleanse the intestines at home with castor oil?

The indication for a colon cleansing procedure is the presence of not only constipation, but also diarrhea. This indicates the presence of pathological microflora in the intestinal lumen, which must be removed. Such conditions lead to bloating, increased gas formation, headaches, and decreased performance.

Colon cleansing with castor oil is a fairly radical method, but effective. There are many recipes for this procedure, we will talk about them below. It should be noted that you cannot just drink castor oil at once. The body must be prepared for this procedure in advance. The procedure is usually carried out before bedtime. And during the day you should follow a certain diet. For lunch, you can cook a light meal, but the rest of the meals (afternoon snack and dinner) should be canceled. This will avoid the unpleasant feeling of nausea after taking the medicine.

The dose of castor oil is always selected individually for each person, depending on body weight. Since the drug is approved for use from childhood, the calculation for them is based on the child’s body weight. The intake is calculated based on the proportion of 1 g of castor oil per kilogram of body weight.

After the procedure, you should follow a diet for several days.


Although castor oil is considered a mild laxative, its use, especially in such quantities, can lead to unpleasant sensations. Numerous reviews from people who have tried this cleansing are contradictory. Most note that they were pleased with the result, as their well-being improved. But there are people who were unable to complete the procedure because castor oil caused them discomfort.

Daria A friend told me about cleansing with castor oil. With its help, she lost almost 3 kg and said that her digestion had improved. I also decided to try it. But either the dose was too large, or I was intolerant to this drug, but within an hour after taking it I was sitting in the toilet and suffering. Severe pain, nausea and watery stools. I will not repeat this cleansing again.

Vlad I have periodic constipation and poor digestion. So I decided to try a colon cleanse with castor oil. I did everything according to the rules: I followed a diet, drank the oil in the evening and washed it down with lemon juice. At night I had to get up to go to the toilet. The cleaning lasted about an hour, a lot of mucus, water and all sorts of nasty things came out of me. Then he slept peacefully until the morning. After this, you feel lightness in your stomach, heartburn and nausea have disappeared.

Christina My mom has done castor oil cleanses several times and it helps her avoid constipation. And I also decided to try it because I was suffering from constipation. I carried out the procedure at 4 am, since at this time the body activates cleansing processes. I drank the oil and washed it down with grapefruit juice. She tolerated the cleaning well, the toxins came out painlessly, there were no unpleasant sensations.

How to take castor oil to cleanse the intestines?

Do not forget that castor oil has a rather unpleasant odor and, like all oils, is not pleasant to take in its pure form. Our body is practically unable to absorb this fatty substance in its pure form, therefore it is recommended that after taking castor oil in liquid form, wash it down with lemon juice to improve its breakdown in the intestinal lumen. We will also discuss the recipe for this procedure below in our article.

Also, do not forget that the onset of the cleansing effect, which will occur closer to the morning, will cause certain inconvenience, frequent and abundant urge to defecate. Therefore, you need to choose one day off on which you do not need to attend work or be away from home for a long time. Spend this day at home, where you can calmly take care of your health.

Preparing for cleansing

Before you start taking castor oil, you need to prepare your body for the procedure in order to avoid complications and get maximum benefit. A week before the start of cleansing, you should exclude from your diet fatty meat, canned food, sausages, smoked meats, pickles, spices, herbs, salted and smoked fish, caffeine-containing and carbonated drinks, and alcohol. It is also recommended to quit smoking so as not to burden the body with harmful toxic substances.

The diet should consist of fresh boiled and stewed vegetables and fruits, cereals, freshly squeezed juices, and fermented milk products. 2 days before cleansing, you should include a small amount of olive oil in your menu as an addition to vegetable salad. This will prepare the intestines for the upcoming procedure and soften the stool.

On the eve of the first day of cleansing, you should not eat food in the evening.

Kefir with castor oil to cleanse the intestines

One of the popularly proven methods of cleansing the intestines is the combination of castor oil with kefir. Kefir is also an acidic product and will help break down the fats of castor oil. In some cases, bran may also be added to this regimen to enhance the cleansing effect of coarse fiber.

To carry out the procedure you need:

• Following a low-calorie diet for several days • On the day of the procedure, do not eat after 2 pm (after lunch) • Take 1 teaspoon of castor oil • 1 tablespoon of bran in powder form • 1 tablespoon of low-fat kefir and that’s it mix • Take the warm mixture before bed on an empty stomach

After the procedure and cleansing the intestines, follow a dietary diet for another 3-4 days.


It is not recommended to take this remedy in the following cases:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis ;
  • diverticulitis;
  • colitis;
  • lactation, pregnancy ;
  • childhood.

It is important to take into account that castor oil can stimulate labor, so expectant mothers should not take it without the knowledge of the doctor.

Contraindications to colon cleansing with castor oil

As with any procedure and any other medicine, there are contraindications for castor oil:

• Pregnancy. When using these methods in the early stages of pregnancy, excessive intestinal activity and active peristalsis can cause reflex contraction of the uterus and its hypertonicity, which entails the threat of premature termination of pregnancy • Chronic inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract • Nursing mothers. Due to a certain degree of dehydration during bowel movements, the composition of milk may change and affect the health of the baby • Children under 12 years of age • Poisoning with toxins that tend to dissolve in fat. This may worsen the symptoms of poisoning. Other conditions are not contraindications to treating constipation with castor oil. However, in any case, you should consult a doctor.

If side effects occur after colon cleansing, you should also consult a doctor.

The following may occur: • Pain in the gastrointestinal tract • Headache • Nausea • Weakness • Increased blood supply to the pelvic organs

General information

If you read numerous reviews, it becomes clear that castor oil for cleansing the intestines is now used very widely. Castor oil long been known for its powerful laxative effect. However, now there is another view on the properties of this drug - it is used as a medicine against parasites, a drug for the treatment of dysbacteriosis , and also as a means of helping to lose weight. Those who have tried this cleansing method write in reviews about a number of positive effects - the disappearance of swelling and heartburn , weight loss, the disappearance of heaviness, and a general improvement in well-being. This article will discuss how castor oil is used correctly for cleansing, and what rules must be strictly followed to get the desired result.


Today we will share our experience on how to cleanse your digestive system with castor-lemon

oh mixture.

I think many people already understand that unnatural nutrition greatly pollutes their body and, first of all, the digestive and excretory organs. This accordingly inhibits the symbiotic intestinal microflora and the entire immune system in general, which leads to numerous ailments and diseases. And then a logical question arises: what can be done in such a situation? The answer, like everything ingenious, is simple - change your diet and cleanse your body. But for those who are already mentally prepared for this, it is necessary to know and understand how to implement this in practice.

To begin with, I want to say that there will be little point in cleansing the digestive tract if you do not start changing your diet towards raw and plant-based, and it is advisable to do this in parallel with cleansing. When clearing dirt from the intestines, it is important not to contaminate it again with thermally processed food, and the fiber and fiber of raw vegetables, herbs and fruits will serve as an additional means of cleansing for your body.

So, why does castor oil, and not other laxatives, cleanse our gastrointestinal tract so effectively? The thing is that the castor bean plant, of the euphorbia family, from the seeds of which castor oil is obtained, has a slight toxic property. But the most important thing is that when it enters our body, the human digestive system tries to remove castor oil as quickly as possible, including certain vibrations of the intestinal walls along its entire length. Moreover, castor oil also actively draws water onto itself. These unique properties, combined with the functions of lemon juice that dissolve mucus and dirt deposits, give such an amazing cleansing effect. But not all castor oil has these properties. For example, what is sold in pharmacies in small bottles is often diluted with glycerin and we do not recommend using it. Look for good quality castor oil, preferably cold pressed, made in India. Buy several liters at once, it practically does not spoil and will never be superfluous in your home medicine cabinet!

But you should know that for some people there are direct contraindications . First of all, this applies to all pregnant women, for whom artificially induced vibrations and contractions of the intestinal walls are extremely undesirable. Further on this list are all people with diseases such as colitis, gastritis or ulcers, although in this case lemon juice can do more harm, and taking only one castor oil in a certain dosage, on the contrary, can help heal the disease.

Well, now we move on to recommendations on how to properly drink castor oil to cleanse our digestive tract and the entire body as a whole.

— First of all, prepare a castor-lemon mixture at the rate of 1g. butter per 1 kg. your weight, for example, if your weight is 70 kg. — you need to take 70 g. butter plus 2 gr. or 2 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice for the same 1 kg. your weight, that is, weighing 70 kg. - 140g (ml.) juice. Mix the oil and juice and do not add anything else or dilute it with anything. The ratio of castor oil and lemon juice is 1:2. For convenience, it is better to weigh the juice and castor oil on a culinary gram scale.

“Then the cocktail is mixed with a straw and drunk in one gulp. If you feel nauseous, you can eat a slice of orange, grapefruit, tangerine, or a pinch of dark raisins (the raisins must be chewed well and it is better to spit them out later). If you feel nauseous, you can take a cold shower or swim in a natural pond.

— After you drink castor oil with lemon juice, do not eat or drink anything, so as not to interfere with the process of cleansing the intestines until the next morning. Usually after 1.5 -3 hours the cleansing begins, and then you can drink some water, but only if you are very thirsty. In general, it’s better to drink before you start cleaning. Releasing the intestines from toxins and removing excess fluid from the body can happen earlier or later, it all depends on the degree of contamination of your body. But it may not happen at all. This is an indicator that your poor body tried to digest even castor oil, trying to get something useful for itself from it. There is no need to worry, next time the cleansing effect will definitely come. While waiting for relief, the stomach sometimes hurts or “twists”. There is no need to be scared or feel sorry for yourself; at this time, the body is undergoing a major spring cleaning.

- Don't go too far from the toilet. Most people will cleanse before bed, but in severe cases the procedure may continue throughout the night. It is advisable to take a cold shower in the morning.

— Castor oil with lemon juice is best taken for the first time on the full moon and then continue once a week in courses of one to two months, depending on the indications and goals. You should aim to drink only about three liters, depending on your level of health; three liters is a roughly average figure. For example, I drank seven liters over three years.

— On the day of cleansing, the last meal should be at 13:00, preferably raw, of plant origin without oils, nuts and seeds, you can only drink juices. Ideal time to take castor-lemon

th cocktail from 17 to 18 pm.

— It is best to take castor oil against the background of “oiling” the body with one of the kernel oils, then the cleansing is more effective and gentle. Ideally, this is cedar oil, but you can use almond or walnut oil, then there is extra virgin olive oil. You can use different oils, periodically, but always without mixing them with each other. Of course, good oils are expensive and not everyone can afford to drink liters of them. I chose a good olive oil, taking into account the fact that I also used it to cleanse the liver and gall bladder, the effect was very stable. Oils can often be taken little by little throughout the day without any food, or they can be added to salads and juices; the amount is selected individually.

Now let's discuss how to drink this castor-lemon mixture, which is not very pleasant in consistency and taste.

wow, explosive mixture.

As a rule, the first, second and even third time the procedure with drinking and the subsequent effect does not cause any particular difficulties. The problems begin later, when we just can’t tune in to such cleansing further. Our body and mind desperately resist, and suppressing the gag reflex at the mere sight and smell of castor oil and lemon juice becomes more and more difficult. You can, of course, alternate taking castor oil with other laxatives, but as all people who have gone this route admit, the effect and result are not the same. In addition, there are direct indications for cleansing with a castor-lemon cocktail, but a person simply cannot physically drink it. How to get out of this situation? Over the course of our practice in cleansing procedures, many tricks and tricks have emerged on how to temporarily deceive your taste buds and suppress the urge to vomit in order to still swallow this cleansing medicine. You won’t believe it, I’m writing these words, and my mouth is filled with saliva, my body begins to shudder internally and an attack of nausea sets in. But I’m already used to it, especially since I understand that I don’t need to drink castor oil anymore and this is a passed stage. I am writing about this because everyone can experience similar sensations and you just need to be prepared for it, and there is nothing terrible here, because the result will more than cover all your torment.

Let's return to our recommendations.

— You can drink castor oil with lemon juice, slightly chilled, from the refrigerator, then it will be practically odorless, but more viscous in consistency, and here you need to choose who will find it easier to drink.

— Before drinking a cocktail, you need to completely exhale the air from your lungs, swallow everything in one gulp, and then inhale deeply. If you do the opposite, then when you exhale, the taste of castor oil can hit your sense of smell and provoke the urge to vomit. Although some people, especially those who find it difficult to hold their breath, find it easier to drink after taking a full breath.

- You can also first sniff ground black pepper or coffee, exhale the air, drink castor oil and again draw in the pungent smell of pepper.

- And in order to suppress the taste buds, you can chew a piece of lemon, breathe in the smell of pepper, spit out the lemon and exhale, then drink a castor-lemon mixture, inhale the smell of pepper again and eat a slice of grapefruit.

— It is very important not to come into contact with it before drinking our explosive mixture. If you have the opportunity to ask someone close to you to prepare everything for you without you seeing it, and then just run into the kitchen and quickly drink without letting your body come to its senses - this will be the best option!

Well, when all the means in your arsenal are exhausted, you need to use the most powerful and effective method, although not entirely harmless to health. Its meaning is to temporarily freeze your taste buds and not feel taste at all. For this purpose, the local anesthetic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug Tantum® Verde (benzydamine hydrochloride) in the form of mouth rinses or sprays, or the like, is well suited. The nasty thing is, of course, rare, but in minimal quantities and for a good cause it’s worth trying.

So, the final recommendation is how to drink castor oil.

- Choose a day to cleanse your intestines in advance, because if you decide this at the last moment, your mind will immediately begin to dissuade you and come up with various “good” reasons why refusing to cleanse can be justified. And most likely it will convince you, but if everything is planned at least a couple of days in advance, it will be easier for your mind to come to terms with it, and it will be easier for you to tune in. When the time comes for cleansing, you should ask one of your relatives to prepare a castor-lemon mixture for you so that you do not see all these manipulations. You go to the bathroom yourself, rinse your mouth with Tantum® Verde and as soon as numbness sets in, and by the way, it is even prescribed in the side effects of the drug, run to the kitchen and gulp down your castor-lemon elixir of health. Drinks like water, without any unpleasant sensations. For those who are categorically against any chemicals and do not want to even come into close contact with them, you can swirl several inflorescences of culinary cloves in your mouth. The numbing effect will also be pronounced, plus a bonus in the form of a slight antiparasitic effect on the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach.

Where can you buy good castor oil CLICK HERE! The quality of this oil has been tested not only by our family, but also by many, many with whom we work and whom we help)

Well, in conclusion, I would like to ask all practitioners of this cleansing method to share their methods of taking castor oil and lemon juice to help other people become healthier and cleaner in all respects.

I wish everyone health and a happy life.

Vladimir Kalmykov.

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