Sunflower oil for constipation

One of the first steps in the treatment of most diseases, especially chronic ones, is considered to be cleansing the body. It is done using special intestinal procedures - microenemas. However, in addition to cleaning, microenemas also cope with other tasks: they relieve inflammation, heal wounds, and improve blood circulation.

At the Victoria sanatorium in Kislovodsk you can take a course of microenemas made from decoctions of medicinal herbs and vegetable oils, which have a beneficial effect on health.

Features of sunflower oil

Doctor of Medical Sciences, general practitioner Pogozheva A.V. believes that “of the total amount of fat, about 25–30 g should be vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, soybean, etc.)” (Pogozheva A.V., p. 593 ). Indeed, the benefits of sunflower oil are difficult to overestimate. This is a natural product, so there are virtually no contraindications to its use, except for the most acute conditions.

Sunflower oil helps with constipation due to its delicate, mild action. It softens stool, which becomes compressed and becomes drier as a result of stool retention, and promotes smoother excretion. The list of contraindications for such a folk remedy does not even include pregnancy and lactation; the oil is also used in children. It is believed that the oil can help with different types of constipation - spastic and atonic.

Researchers L. I. Nazarenko and A. Yu. Baranovsky pay special attention to functional nutrition, and in particular fats. Experts say that fats have the most pronounced cholekinetic effect - they promote the excretion of bile into the intestines. The oil prevents stool retention and has a mild laxative effect.

Experts believe that “a special place in therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the biliary tract belongs to vegetable oils, in particular sunflower oil” (Nazarenko L. I., Baranovsky A. Yu., p. 84). It contains the following beneficial substances:

  • Polyene fatty acids - linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic. They activate lipolysis enzymes and improve cholesterol metabolism. Linoleic acid is essential and is found in sunflower oil. Arachidonic acid is a precursor to prostaglandins, which enhance smooth muscle motility.
  • Vitamin E, especially in unrefined oil. This vitamin is one of the most powerful antioxidants; it protects polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes from oxidation.
  • Phospholipids are part of all cell membranes.

It is these features that determine the relaxing effect of the oil on the smooth muscles of the intestines, which eliminates spasms and facilitates the movement of feces. Therefore, sunflower oil is widely used for constipation in adults and children, including for the purpose of prevention.

Composition of sunflower oil

Sunflower oil belongs to the so-called oleic group.

It contains both saturated fatty acids: stearic, palmintic, behenic, etc., as well as mono- and polyunsaturated ones. Sunflower oil is the record holder for the content of linoleic acid according to the data presented in the study by Dolgolyuk I.V., Tereshchuk L.V. et al. (Dolgolyuk I.V., Tereshchuk L.V., Trubnikova M.A., Starovoitova K. V., p. 124).

The oil also contains myristic, arachidic, oleic, and linolenic acids. Of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, sunflower oil contains only 1% omega-3; omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids also predominate in it.

The oil also contains vitamins E, A and D. The quantitative content may vary depending on the method of pressing and subsequent processing of the product. For example, there is more vitamin E in pressed unrefined oil.

Therefore, you can drink sunflower oil if you are constipated; it can not only help cope with intestinal disorders, but also saturate the body with useful substances. Vegetable oils are a source of essential substances; they contain many fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids.

Oil microenemas

They are prescribed mainly for constipation - to cleanse the intestines. Use Vaseline, olive, sunflower or sea buckthorn oil. In addition to softening the rectal mucosa, the oil supplies the body with useful substances - vitamins and microelements, thereby achieving an overall healing effect.

Another feature is that oil microenemas are prescribed if classic cleansing enemas are prohibited. The gentle effect of heated oil is what is needed in the presence of injuries, ulcers and other lesions of the mucous membrane.


  • Chronic constipation.
  • Flatulence.
  • Inflammatory processes in the colon.
  • Preparation for surgery on the digestive system and the postoperative period.
  • The period after childbirth.


  • Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Oncology or rectal prolapse.
  • Ulcers of the large intestine and anus.

Indications for use

Vegetable oils are considered an essential part of a healthy diet. They are widely used not only for the prevention and treatment of constipation, but also to maintain human health in general. Sunflower oil gently stimulates intestinal motility, helps soften stool, and facilitates their elimination.

Due to the fact that sunflower oil has a cholekinetic effect, it can be used with reduced bladder tone and hypotonic biliary dyskinesia. This oil can be used for chronic pancreatitis.

Sunflower oil for constipation can be taken regardless of the reasons that caused stool retention. It can be prescribed even in the postoperative period, including after surgery on the rectum.

Indications for the use of oil are constipation that develops during pregnancy or the postpartum period. The product is safe and approved for use in children and the elderly.

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Sunflower oil should not be taken if you have an allergic reaction - in this case, consult your doctor to find alternative vegetable oils that are approved for use.

In addition to cases of individual intolerance, there are other contraindications that should be discussed with your doctor. These include the following:+

  • acute pancreatitis - the disease involves complete fasting under the supervision of a doctor for 24 hours;
  • hypertonicity of the gallbladder;
  • taking anticoagulants, blood thinners;
  • severe endocrine disorders;
  • obesity;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • bloody, purulent discharge from the rectum, pain in the anus.

If you suspect possible contraindications, it is important to clarify whether you can drink sunflower oil if you are constipated.

In many cases, a safer alternative with predictable effects is taking laxatives. Herbal bulk laxatives can act gently, predictably, without causing spasms and pain.

For example, the British drug “Fitomucil Norm” based on plantain seeds and domestic plum pulp gently stimulates bowel movements due to dietary fiber in the composition. They absorb water and turn into a mucous gel, change the consistency of stool and stimulate intestinal motility. This leads to gentle bowel movements. This remedy can be taken for a long time.

Herbal microenemas

Healing infusions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, wormwood, bay leaf, aloe, burdock, etc. - have a mild anti-inflammatory, soothing, antiseptic and analgesic effect on the intestinal mucosa. Due to this, regeneration processes are launched, toxins are released along with feces, and the body is cleansed of all harmful substances and toxins.

The procedure has a beneficial effect on the entire body: the condition of the skin improves, pain in the abdominal area goes away, and mood improves.


  • Hemorrhoids of any stage/form.
  • Pathologies and inflammations in the intestinal mucosa, stomach, rectum.
  • Flatulence.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Dermatological problems.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Decreased protective functions of the body.


  • Tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Acute inflammatory process.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Bleeding.

How does the procedure work?

Despite the fact that rectal administration of substances is an unpleasant procedure in itself, a microenema will not cause you discomfort. Compared to a regular enema, it contains much less liquid/oil (only 100 ml), so there is no discomfort in the intestines after administration of the solution.

The herbal infusion or oil is prepared in advance - a separate container is used for this. Heat the liquid to a temperature that is a couple of degrees higher than body temperature - from 37 to 39 ° C.

The nurse places the patient on the couch, on the left side or in the knee-elbow position. The position is chosen depending on the patient's health condition, for example, people with joint diseases find it difficult to kneel on the couch, so they can simply lie on their left side.

The tip of a Janet syringe, lubricated with Vaseline, is inserted into the rectum and the liquid is gradually squeezed out.

After the procedure, the patient needs to lie down for a while without changing his position. After about 20-30 minutes, you can go about your business or go to other procedures as scheduled.

How to prepare for microenemas and how long the course lasts

The purpose of the procedure is a therapeutic effect on the rectal mucosa, so you must first perform a cleansing enema, otherwise the medicinal solution may not work. However, if a complete natural bowel movement occurred before the procedure, the preparatory stage can be skipped.

The course on average consists of 8-12 procedures performed daily. You can learn more about the duration of treatment with microenemas with herbs or oil from the doctor who draws up an individual treatment program in our sanatorium.

Recipes, rules of application

Many people wonder how to take sunflower oil for constipation.

If you need to cleanse your intestines, it is important to consider several rules:

  • 100 grams of sunflower oil contains 884 kcal, it is important to take this into account when calculating the daily amount of calories;
  • sunflower oil will increase the production of bile and contraction of the gallbladder, stimulate the functioning of the intestinal muscles;
  • defecation will not occur immediately after using the oil - on average, it will take up to two hours, so you should not expect an immediate effect;
  • eating after consuming the oil on an empty stomach should be no earlier than 60 minutes later - keep this in mind when taking the oil in the morning, before breakfast;
  • You should not consume more than 50 ml of oil per day;
  • it is important to drink enough fluid, up to two liters per day, and also consume less carbohydrates;
  • To achieve a comfortable morning bowel movement, it is better to drink the oil at night.

Indeed, it is customary to drink sunflower oil at night for constipation, and here’s why. This is a delayed-acting remedy; the first stool may occur after a few hours. A number of researchers recommend consuming oil in the evening.

Some note that it is not necessary to use the product in its pure form; you can combine the oil with other products with a laxative effect. For example, Doctor of Medical Sciences Minushkin O.N. in his work emphasizes that the intake of vegetable oils should be in the amount of “1-2 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach, it is better to stir it in kefir and take it at night” (Minushkin O.N., p. 705).

There are other recipes that are very popular:

  1. Egg mixture. Sunflower oil for constipation in adults can be mixed with egg yolk. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed, shaken before use, and drunk an hour before breakfast. You can lie down on your right side for a while and then have breakfast.
  2. Oil + fruit or vegetable juice. Natural juices will enhance the effect of vegetable oil. You can add a tablespoon of sunflower oil to a glass of freshly squeezed juice or vegetable puree.
  3. Oil + dried fruits. A mixture of chopped dried apricots, prunes, black raisins and 50 g of vegetable oil has a laxative effect. You can eat this mixture in the morning, two tablespoons an hour before breakfast.

Algorithm for performing an oil enema

The technique of performing the procedure is simple and does not require special devices or knowledge.

It has already been said above that it is possible to perform and apply at home without worrying about the result or health safety. It is extremely difficult to cause harm through manipulation.

Once the oil enters the intestines, it has a softening effect. Lubricates from the inside, beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome. There is a feeling of comfort.

The enema administration algorithm consists of successive stages:

  1. Choice of oil. Often the choice is plant-based. There are many more variations. Depending on the desired result, the oil is selected. If you want to enhance the effect on an inflamed intestinal tract, it is recommended to use sea buckthorn and almond. Vegetable oils are useful; each has an effect unique to the selected product. Don't be too lazy to deal with oils. It's worth doing. At the end of the article we will say a little about the use of different types.
  2. Heating the oil to the desired temperature. Comfortable temperature – 38 degrees Celsius. Heat over low heat. For example, using a water bath. The required amount is taken at the rate of 50-150 g per liter of water. It is recommended to take into account individual body weight and the degree of malaise.

  1. Place the heated substance into a syringe or bulb and take the desired position. The recommended position is lying on your left side with your legs bent - an option when the enema is performed by another person. If you decide to do it yourself, it is recommended to take a different position - lie on your back, rest your feet against the wall at a right angle. This is the most suitable position for injecting oily liquid.
  2. The input process is careful, gradual, to a depth of ten centimeters. It is worth administering in portions, slowly, having removed the air from the syringe or bulb in advance.
  3. When the procedure is completed, remove the tip and remain in this state for about fifteen minutes, no less. This time is enough for the oil to move further through the intestines and be absorbed into the walls of the organ.

The process is over. As you can see, everything is simple.

It is necessary to take into account: the procedure does not act immediately, unlike synthetic laxatives. The latter are capable of causing an immediate reaction, which is good in some cases. With an oil enema, the results are delayed. The intestines do not empty immediately. Don't count on quick results within a couple of hours. It may appear 5-12 hours after the procedure. Taking this into account, it is recommended to do an oil enema at night, before going to bed, so that in the morning you can calmly cope with the natural needs of the body. The substance will work inside all night, producing a positive effect.

Before going to bed, after an oil enema, it is recommended to lay a towel or oilcloth on the sheet to eliminate the possibility of staining the bed linen.

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