Features of using Essentiale for pancreatitis

Malfunctions of the liver occur not only with the development of serious diseases. Malnutrition, unfavorable environmental conditions, bad habits and other factors often lead to disruptions in the functioning of an important organ. Any liver pathology is associated with damage to the membranes of liver cells, which impairs the activity of enzymes and affects the functioning of the liver. Its functions can be restored with the help of the drug Essentiale Forte.

Indications for use

Essentiale (trade name – Essentiale forte N) is used as an auxiliary drug in the complex treatment of acute and chronic pancreatitis.

Essentiale is used for pancreatitis, when the disease develops as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

How Essentiale® Forte N works

Diseases and certain external factors (for example, alcohol and excess fatty foods) contribute to damage to liver cells (hepatocytes)1, 2. The worse the situation, the more difficult it is for the organ to perform its functions5. Essentiale® Forte N specifically promotes the restoration of hepatocytes4. This is all due to the fact that the active ingredient of the drug - essential phospholipids - is integrated into damaged liver cells. This contributes to their restoration, strengthening and increasing the elasticity of their membranes, as well as protection from toxins4, 8, 11. It is noteworthy that essential phospholipids are not only close in properties to the own lipids of liver cells, but also surpass them in activity due to the higher content of polyunsaturated (essential) fatty acids3, 6.

Composition and release form

The drug is a hepatoprotector of natural origin. It is based on essential phospholipids - complex lipids obtained from soybeans and consisting of more than 75% choline (vitamin B4). One capsule contains 300 mg of active substance.

The auxiliary components of the drug include soybean and castor oils, gelatin, alpha-tocopherol, sodium lauryl sulfate, ethyl vanillal, 4-methoxyacetophenone, solid fat, titanium dioxide, ethanol, water, iron oxides of red, black and yellow colors.

Essentiale Forte N is sold in the form of hard gelatin capsules, the shell of which is colored brown. Their contents are a homogeneous oily substance of a yellowish-brown color.

Who needs Essentiale® Forte N

Unfortunately, the liver usually does not give any specific signals about problems, therefore, to identify disorders, diagnostics are necessary (for example, ultrasound of the liver, biochemical blood test)10. Essential phospholipids are used for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (risk factors for the development of which are usually overeating and lack of physical activity), alcoholic liver disease, as well as other liver pathologies10, 12. The active ingredient Essentiale® Forte N - essential phospholipids - as times reduces the severity of fatty infiltration3, 6, 7.

Indications for use of Essentiale® Forte N:

  • Fatty liver disease
  • Chronic viral hepatitis
  • Alcoholic fatty liver disease

Contraindications to the use of Essentiale® Forte N:

  • hypersensitivity to phosphatidylcholine, the main essential phospholipid in the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to soy, soybeans (the drug contains soybean oil, so it is important to make sure there is no allergic reaction) and other components of the drug4;
  • age up to 12 years (and weight

Directions for use and doses

Essentiale is recommended to be consumed during meals. Capsules should be swallowed whole and washed down with the required amount of liquid.

The dosage of the drug should be determined by a specialist. For exacerbation of pancreatitis, adult patients are prescribed 2 capsules of Essentiale 2-3 times a day. During the period of maintenance therapy, take the drug 1 capsule three times a day.

Essentiale is used as an auxiliary drug in the complex treatment of acute and chronic pancreatitis.

Side effects of Essentiale® Forte N

Essentiale® Forte N has a favorable safety profile and is usually well tolerated. To reduce the risk of side effects, it is important to know about the contraindications to the use of Essentiale® Forte N and follow the required dosage: take two capsules three times a day with meals (they should be swallowed whole and washed down with a whole glass of water)4.

The following side effects are possible when taking Essentiale® Forte N:

  • stomach discomfort;
  • soft stools or diarrhea;
  • allergic reaction in the form of itching, rash, urticaria4.

If you are taking any other medications besides Essentiale® Forte N, be sure to tell your doctor about this. The fact is that you must always take into account the compatibility of drugs with each other. Thus, it is known about the potential interaction of Essentiale Forte N with drugs that affect blood clotting (anticoagulants). In this case, dose adjustment of anticoagulants may be necessary4.

Action of Essentiale for pancreatitis

This hepatoprotector contains the active ingredient 3-sn-phosphatidylcholine from soybeans (or dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine). This active component is an essential phospholipid and its structure resembles endogenous membranes. It is involved in cell division and repair.

Thanks to these properties, essential phospholipids are able to ensure the normal functioning and viability of hepatocytes. Their molecules can integrate into the phospholipid bilayer of membranes of affected liver cells and restore their barrier function.

Taking the drug helps improve overall health in diseases of the liver and biliary tract, pancreatitis and other diseases that require the use of hepatoprotectors. Thanks to taking Essentiale, it is possible to improve the parameters of a biochemical blood test:

  • Decreased amylase levels - with pancreatitis, there is an increase in the level of this pancreatic enzyme involved in the breakdown of starch;
  • Decrease in the level of total and indirect bilirubin;
  • Restoration of blood clotting factors;
  • Normalization of protein-synthetic liver function.

Essentiale is prescribed for the following diseases of the liver and biliary tract:

  • Toxic liver damage;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Hepatitis (acute and chronic);
  • Fatty liver degeneration of various origins;
  • Alcoholic hepatitis;
  • Prevention of recurrence of gallstone formation.

In addition to liver pathologies, the following conditions and somatic diseases may be indications for prescribing Essentiale:

  • Psoriasis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Radiation syndrome;
  • Neurodermatitis;
  • Pre- and postoperative treatment (especially for interventions in the hepatobiliary zone);
  • Toxicosis during pregnancy.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Essentiale is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • Children under 12 years old.

In some cases, it is permissible to use the drug to treat children over 3 years of age.

According to the recommendations of a doctor, Essentiale can be prescribed for the treatment of pregnant or breastfeeding women.

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated and does not have undesirable effects. If the dose is exceeded, the following side effects may develop:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Bloating and discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • Nausea;
  • Allergic reactions from the skin: urticaria, rash, itching, exanthema.

Should not be used

Like any drug, Essentiale Forte has its contraindications. And although it contains no harmful components, in some cases experts exclude drugs from the list. The main reason for this decision is excessive susceptibility (allergy) and sensitivity to one of the components that are in the composition. Also, the use of the medicine is prohibited for children under twelve years of age. However, in case of complications and after a thorough examination by a specialist, it is prescribed for children over three years of age.

Pregnant and lactating women should not use the drug independently without prior consultation and approval of a specialist.

It is important to note that, as a rule, the medicine does not cause side effects and is easily accepted by the body. However, even a slight increase in the prescribed dose can lead to a number of side effects. For example, these include diarrhea, nausea, severe discomfort in the abdominal area, and allergies.

Features of application


As a rule, taking Essentiale in capsules is long-term and lasts at least 3-4 months. The course of treatment can be extended or repeated if necessary.

Capsules should be taken with meals, swallowed whole with plenty of water (approximately 200 ml). The dose of the drug should be determined by a doctor. As a rule, the following dosages of Essentiale are recommended:

  • Adults: 2 capsules 2-3 times a day;
  • Children over 12 years of age and adolescents weighing more than 43 kg: 2 capsules 2-3 times a day.

Subsequently, the doctor may recommend taking maintenance doses - 1 capsule 3 times a day.


Essentiale N solution is administered only intravenously and slowly. After puncture of the vein, you should make sure that the needle is in the vessel, since the entry of the drug under the skin causes local irritation. For the same reason, Essential H cannot be injected into the muscle.

The drug is prescribed in a dosage of 1-2 ampoules (250-500 mg) per day, and in severe cases the dose can be increased to 2-4 ampoules (500-1000 mg). The contents of the ampoules can be filled at one time. It is recommended to stop parenteral administration of the drug as soon as possible and transfer the patient to take it in capsule form.

Essentiale N must not be mixed with other medications and solutions for intravenous administration. For administration, only its clear solution can be used.

In what situations should you take the drug?

As mentioned above, this medicine is prescribed by specialists as a means of regulating and restoring the activity of the liver and the pathways of bile excretion. Thus, Essentiale Forte is prescribed for:

  • chronic and acute forms of hepatitis;
  • alcoholic type hepatitis;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • toxic lesions on the liver;
  • degenerative formations on the liver of the fatty type;
  • to reduce the likelihood of developing gallstones, as a preventive measure.

It should be understood that in some situations, doctors recommend taking medicine when somatic diseases are detected. Such manifestations include:

  • neurodermatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • psoriasis;
  • radial type syndrome;
  • treatment prescribed before or after surgery, especially in a specified area.

This remedy for pancreatitis has an auxiliary effect, as it is responsible for limiting the likelihood of disruptions in the functioning of the biliary tract. It should be understood that this drug helps to remove unpleasant symptoms, however, in the case of pancreatitis, it does not affect the root cause. This requires another treatment approved by specialists.

The drug in pharmacies

Essentiale is available in the form of gelatin capsules and a solution for intravenous administration in ampoules.

One capsule contains:

  • Soybean Phospholipids (or EPL® Essential Phospholipids) – 300 mg;
  • Auxiliary components - soybean oil, solid fat, ethanol, hydrogenated castor oil, alpha-tocopherol, ethyl vanillin, 4-methoxyacetophenone.

Hard, opaque gelatin capsules are brown in color and contain a yellowish-brown oily paste-like mass. Capsules are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces and sold in cardboard boxes of 30 or 100 pieces.

One ampoule contains:

  • Essential phospholipids EPL® – 250 mg;
  • Auxiliary components – sodium chloride, benzyl alcohol, riboflavin, sodium hydroxide, deoxycholic acid, water for injection.

One ampoule contains 5 ml of a clear yellow solution. They are sold in cardboard boxes of 5 pieces.

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