Gepatrombin G suppositories: composition, purpose, how to use, where to buy

A whole line of medicines is produced under the name “Hepatrombin”. To treat hemorrhoids, Hepatrombin G is used, which is available in the form of ointments and suppositories for rectal administration. The drugs can be used simultaneously: treat external manifestations of varicose veins of the rectum and anus with ointment, and insert suppositories into the rectum.

Pharmacological composition of the drug

Gepatrombin suppositories contain three active components that provide a large-scale therapeutic effect:

  1. sodium heparin;
  2. hormone prednisolone;
  3. lauromacrogol.

Additional ingredients designed to maintain the shape and improve the effect of medicinal substances include: colloidal silicon dioxide, solid fat, medium chain triglycerides, glyceryl tristearate.

Each suppository has a white color without inclusions, a homogeneous structure and a conical shape for ease of administration.

Packaged in five pieces in plastic blister packs. One box contains 10 suppositories and instructions for use.


Gepasolone contains three active ingredients:

  • heparin;
  • prednisolone;
  • lidocaine, which has a local anesthetic effect.

Hepazolon (rectal suppositories and ointment) is a Russian drug,

Gepazalon has indications similar to Gepatrombin G, but is prohibited in the case of fungal, viral, tuberculosis and other infectious lesions of the rectal area, as well as in pregnant, lactating women and patients under the age of 12 years.

Side effects of Gepazolon can only be observed with long-term use (more than five weeks) and are expressed in the form of: bradycardia, dizziness, increased sweating, etc.

Clinical studies have shown good effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Complete relief from the disease in its initial stages was observed within a week.

Gepasolone has a pronounced analgesic effect, which determines the advisability of its use in the acute stages of the disease to eliminate pain.

How do Gepatrombin G suppositories work?

The drug belongs to a combination drug and has the following effects:

  • relieves inflammation and pain in the rectal area;
  • reduces the formation of blood clots;
  • relieves obsessive itching;
  • relieves swelling of the mucous membrane of the anus and rectum;
  • promotes the resorption of hemorrhoids.

Therapeutic effects are achieved through:

  • heparin, which has antithrombotic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects, improves the regeneration of damaged tissue;
  • glucocorticosteroid prednisolone with powerful anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects;
  • lauromacrogol, which helps relieve pain and reduce swollen veins.

The medicinal composition of the suppositories affects the course of the pathology: it reduces the severity and relieves acute symptoms, thereby making it possible to lengthen the period of remission and effectively prepare for surgery to eliminate the disease.


Heparin suppositories have good reviews, cope well with the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids and have an affordable price.

Suppositories owe their positive effect to the main active ingredient - heparin, which is an acidic sulfur-containing glycosaminoglycan with anticoagulant activity. This property of the ingredient leads to blood thinning in hemorrhoids and, as a result:

  • to normalize blood circulation in the affected area;
  • prevents the process of thrombus formation and resorption of blood clots;
  • elimination of pain symptoms, inflammation and swelling;
  • accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • reducing the size of hemorrhoidal formations;
  • preventing relapse of the disease;
  • reducing vascular permeability, restoring their functionality and tone.

The use of suppositories with heparin is effective for internal hemorrhoids; external hemorrhoids require treatment with heparin ointment, which has an effect identical to that of suppositories

Suppositories are used both for the chronic form of the disease and at the acute stage of the disease. The exception is the bleeding form of hemorrhoids, as well as:

  • individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug;
  • tumor processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • infectious processes in the body.

The instructions for each heparin-based drug contain a list of contraindications for its use, which directly depends on the composition.

In addition, rectal administration of the drug has a number of advantages compared to oral and injection use of drugs:

  • suppositories have a local effect, which minimizes the risk of side effects;
  • inserting suppositories into the rectum prevents the negative effects of the drug’s components on the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • increased absorption of medicinal substances is ensured by a large number of blood vessels located in the rectum, which significantly increases the effect of the drug.

However, the use of any drug, including rectal suppositories, requires the approval of a doctor.

For what diseases is Hepatrombin G prescribed?

Suppositories are prescribed for external and internal localization of hemorrhoids, as well as in the treatment of:

  • inflammatory process in the veins of the anus and rectum with the formation of blood clots;
  • defects and wounds of the anal mucosa - cracks and fistulas.

Proctologists recommend Hepatrombin G at the preparatory stage for surgery on the rectum or anus, in the complex therapy of hemorrhoidal thrombosis, and when monitoring hemorrhoids after surgery.

Gepotrombin suppositories are a powerful drug, therefore they are used in the treatment of advanced hemorrhoids, as well as those complicated by thrombosis of the rectal veins.

Gepatrombin G

In addition to heparin, the drug consists of the following components:

  • prednisolone (corticosteroid hormone) – has an antiallergic effect; fights inflammatory processes; helps eliminate swelling, unpleasant painful sensations, itching and burning sensations; has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels;
  • lauromacrogol - has a slight anesthetic effect and also scleroses the venous walls, which leads to a reduction in hemorrhoidal formations.

Gepatrombin G is produced in Serbia in the form of rectal suppositories and ointments

Gepatrombin G is recommended to get rid of:

  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • anal fissures;
  • fistulas, eczema, as well as unpleasant sensations (itching, burning, etc.) in the anal area.

It is possible to use the drug before surgery to remove hemorrhoids.

Gepatrombin G, in addition to general contraindications for heparin, is not used for:

  • various skin lesions;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • reactions to the vaccine.

Interestingly, bleeding from hemorrhoids is not a contraindication for the use of Hepatrombin G.

It has few side effects, which can be expressed in the local reaction of the body to the use of the drug.

Contraindications and unwanted effects

The instructions for Gepatrombin suppositories contain a list of pathologies and conditions for which the medication is not prescribed:

  • excessive sensitivity to the substances included in the product;
  • skin infections of a bacterial, viral or fungal nature;
  • neoplasms of the skin;
  • tuberculosis;
  • local reactions to vaccination;
  • syphilis;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • initial stages of pregnancy.

Side effects do not exclude local manifestations of allergies, redness of the skin and burning. Use longer than recommended carries the risk of unwanted systemic manifestations of glucocorticoid hormones.


1. Lifestyle changes:

  • Following a diet rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables:
    Foods rich in fiber are recommended: wholemeal bread (it is advisable to replace white bread with wholemeal baked goods;
  • It’s better to start the day with whole grain porridge or bread);
  • fruits and vegetables: these should be included in the diet at least four times a day, as well as dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, figs and dates).
  • Increasing physical activity, including physical therapy.
  • Compliance with the rules of sanitary hygiene (use of wet toilet paper and napkins, washing after stool, etc.).
  • 2. Drug therapy:

    In most cases, hemorrhoids are diagnosed not independently, but by specialists. It is the doctor who makes the diagnosis: “hemorrhoids” in pregnant women; How to treat this disease is also determined by a specialist. First of all, treatment should be aimed at stopping bleeding, eliminating thrombosis of hemorrhoids, relieving pain and eliminating the inflammatory process. Complex drug treatment is carried out using suppositories, ointments and tablets, it begins with solving the main problem: how to choose the optimal effective remedy for hemorrhoids for pregnant and lactating women.

    Systemic drugs:

    To eliminate inflammation, the following are used: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Xefocam, etc.), glucocorticosteroids (in the form of ointments), phlebotropic drugs that increase the tone of the veins and improve microcirculation (Detralex, Glivenol, Venoruton).

    Price, reviews of Gepatrombin G candles

    The price of Gepatrombin G suppositories depends on the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain; the average cost for 10 suppositories is 320 rubles. You can buy the product without a prescription.

    Reviews about Gepatrombin G suppositories online are positive. Patients note the rapid action of the composition and help in solving a delicate problem. For some, the medication helped cure chronic hemorrhoids, which developed due to the ineffectiveness of other topical medications. The advantages include an affordable price, as well as the ability to treat hemorrhoids located inside the rectum.

    Doctors often prescribe suppositories as monotherapy, or as part of a complex therapy for a complicated course of the disease. Most proctologists recommend using suppositories together with ointment for external use. The product copes well with swelling and discomfort.

    Method of application

    The procedure for using suppositories should be carried out with clean, dry hands using cooled suppositories (to prevent them from melting) after bowel movements and hygiene procedures.

    When inserting rectal suppositories into the rectum, certain rules must be followed.

    The body position should be as relaxed and comfortable as possible for the patient (the procedure can be performed standing, lying on your side, etc.). Quickly, spreading the buttocks, inject the drug approximately 5 cm deep into the rectum.

    To avoid spontaneous release of the candle from the anus, you need to squeeze your buttocks for a couple of seconds and lie down for half an hour.

    At the end of the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

    The duration of complete dissolution of the drug can range from 15 minutes to 1 hour.

    Heparin rectal suppositories are produced under numerous trade names, as they have different manufacturers and contain, in addition to heparin, other active ingredients.

    Therapy for hemorrhoids in pregnant women

    When choosing a drug for the treatment of a pregnant or lactating woman, its safety should be taken into account both for the patient herself and for the fetus and newborn. In the first trimester of pregnancy, primarily NSAIDs and glucocorticoids are contraindicated, both in systemic therapy (for oral administration) and for local use, as well as systemic drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids. In the II-III trimester, postpartum period, during breastfeeding, limited use of drugs is possible, both in the form of tablets and locally: in this case, suppositories or ointment for hemorrhoids are prescribed for pregnant women, taking into account the risk/benefit ratio.

    Local therapy

    : Local treatment is prescribed to relieve pain and inflammation. Among the many drugs existing on the pharmacological market, the drug Procto-Glivenol® currently deserves special attention. The drug contains tribenozide and lidocaine: tribenozide relieves inflammation, improves microcirculation and increases vascular tone, lidocaine reduces pain, eliminates itching and burning. Procto-Glyvenol® is available in the form of rectal suppositories and rectal cream. With the use of the drug, especially with complex treatment, when both cream and suppositories for hemorrhoids for pregnant women are simultaneously used, on the 7th day the main symptoms of the disease, such as bleeding, pain, itching, decrease, and on the 15th day of treatment symptoms of the disease disappear in 92.9–97.6% of cases.


    ® is the drug of choice for the conservative treatment of hemorrhoids and the prevention of its complications during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

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