Soup for ulcers: benefits, permitted first courses, cooking rules, recipes, expert opinion

Due to the characteristics of such a disease as a stomach ulcer, experts insist on consuming soups as part of the diet. After all, it is precisely thanks to the high digestibility of properly prepared first courses that they do not allow an increase in the load on the ulcerated stomach. So, is it possible to have chicken broth if you have a stomach ulcer? Indeed, in the treatment of stomach ulcers, a lot of methods and means are used, among which a special place is given to following a therapeutic diet.

The benefits of soups for stomach ulcers

Peptic ulcer is a pathological condition in which an erosive defect forms on the wall of the stomach or duodenum, which affects not only the mucous membrane, but also the deeper layers.
Dietary nutrition is an important component of complex treatment of the disease. The basis of the diet of a person suffering from an ulcer should be properly prepared soups. The first courses are prepared in gentle ways, so they are easier to digest than the second courses, and at the same time contain a sufficient amount of nutrients. Of particular benefit for stomach ulcers are mucous soups based on barley, rice, oatmeal and some other cereals. Thanks to this consistency, the dish envelops the mucous membrane, reducing the negative impact of various irritants on it.

Properly prepared soups satisfy hunger well, reducing the risk of breakdowns and eating food that can aggravate the course of the disease. Regular inclusion of main courses in the diet helps restore the mucous membrane.

Diet features

The purpose of dietary nutrition for diseases of the digestive tract is to reduce the load on the stomach and intestines and to ensure protection of the inflamed mucous layer from external influences. Products for the patient’s diet are selected in such a way that they cannot damage the inner surface of the digestive organs.

Food should be soft enough so as not to injure the mucous membrane and be quickly absorbed. In this regard, for stomach and duodenal ulcers, dishes such as soups and semi-liquid porridges are recommended. To facilitate digestion, the products in them are crushed or ground.

Additionally, food should not cause the release of hydrochloric acid, as it corrodes the walls of the stomach and intestines, leading to the formation of ulcers.

All fried foods, as well as spicy, salty, pickled and smoked foods, are excluded from the patient’s menu. You should not drink carbonated drinks and coffee, as they provoke the release of hydrochloric acid.

Allowed to eat:

  • slimy soups made from ground products;
  • liquid porridges cooked in water;
  • meat and fish of lean varieties, minced;
  • fermented milk products, as well as cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk;
  • boiled, baked or steamed vegetables;
  • eggs in the form of an omelet;
  • fruits in the form of jelly, jellies, mousses, jams;
  • pates and sauces prepared without the use of spices and prohibited products.

As for bakery products, it is allowed to eat day-old white bread and biscuits. It is recommended to drink jelly, herbal teas, fruit drinks, and raw vegetable juices in small quantities.

Despite the fact that some foods for peptic ulcers are removed from the menu, the diet remains quite extensive. There are a large number of recipes that allow you to prepare delicious and healthy first courses.

What soups are allowed to be consumed?

Not all types of first courses can be included in the diet of people suffering from ulcers.
For this disease, it is recommended to consume soups made from weak broths from:

  • vegetables;
  • croup;
  • fish;
  • lean meats.

It is recommended to consume soups made from vegetables and meat.

During the period of remission, you can periodically include main courses prepared with low-fat milk in your diet. The consistency should be slimy and puree-like. The first ones are made from cereals, which release starch when cooked. When preparing the latter, after boiling, the ingredients are crushed to a homogeneous mushy state.

First courses in the postoperative period

During this period, it is especially important to follow a diet. In the first few days after surgery, you may take small portions of vegetable broth. For at least 2 weeks, it is recommended to consume only mucous and puree soups that do not contain solid ingredients that can cause sutures to come apart.

Dishes must be rubbed through a sieve or crushed in a blender. Soups with solid pieces can be introduced into the diet only with the permission of a doctor.

Sample menu for table number 1

There is a menu for “puréed” and “non-puréed” diet number one. Depending on the stage of treatment for peptic ulcer disease and its course, a nutritionist or doctor may prescribe one of these options. The “non-mashed” diet corresponds to the “mashed” diet in its food set and chemical composition. Dishes and products that excessively stimulate the secretion of gastric juice are excluded. The food is boiled, but not pureed. Whole fruits and vegetables, crumbly cereals are allowed.

Sample menu for “mashed” diet number one: first breakfast – tea with milk, pureed milk rice porridge, soft-boiled egg. Second breakfast – apple baked with sugar. Lunch – pureed oat milk soup, steamed meatballs with carrot puree, fruit mousse. Afternoon snack – crackers, rosehip decoction. Dinner – fish baked in milk sauce, tea with milk, mashed potatoes. You can drink milk at night.

Sample menu for a “non pureed” diet, table number one: first breakfast – crumbly buckwheat porridge, soft-boiled egg, tea with milk. Second breakfast - rosehip decoction, fresh non-sour cottage cheese. Lunch – boiled meat and carrots, vegetarian potato soup, boiled dried fruit compote. Afternoon snack – crackers and a decoction of wheat bran with sugar. Dinner – fish baked in milk sauce, tea with milk, carrot and apple roll. You can drink milk before going to bed.

What soups are contraindicated for peptic ulcers?

If you have an ulcer, you should not eat rich broths made from fatty fish and meat, as well as soups made from them.
With this disease, the following dishes are also prohibited:

  • cabbage soup;
  • classic borscht;
  • okroshka;
  • pickle;
  • solyanka with smoked meats;
  • mushroom soups;
  • shurpa;
  • beetroot;
  • kharcho, etc.

It is prohibited to eat cabbage soup if you have an ulcer.

If you have an ulcer, you should not include soups containing hot spices in your diet. In addition, eating dishes made from offal is unacceptable.

List of allowed and prohibited foods for soups for ulcers

The choice of products for preparing soups that are intended for a person suffering from an ulcer has special requirements.
Can be used:

You can use low-fat fish.

  • low-fat fish;
  • beef;
  • chicken;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit meat;
  • rice cereal;
  • oats;
  • buckwheat;
  • barley;
  • wheat;
  • cold pressed vegetable oils;
  • lean cheese;
  • potato;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • cauliflower;
  • boiled greens, etc.

Instead of dressing, you can use yogurt and low-fat fermented baked milk.
People suffering from stomach ulcers should avoid using such products when preparing soups as:

Beans should be avoided.

  • beans;
  • beans;
  • peas;
  • White cabbage;
  • mushrooms;
  • turnip;
  • tomato paste;
  • fatty fish;
  • pork;
  • duck;
  • goose;
  • mutton;
  • cheeses;
  • cooking fat;
  • offal;
  • refined vegetable oils;
  • sausage sets for solyanka;
  • smoked meats;
  • ready-made refills;
  • margarine;
  • hot and spicy seasonings;
  • pickles and marinades, etc.

In addition, mayonnaise and other factory-made sauces cannot be added to ready-made soups, because their use may provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Chicken soup

For gastric ulcers, concentrated chicken broth is prohibited only during exacerbation of the disease at the initial stage. When the patient’s condition returns to normal and the symptoms disappear, chicken soup must be on the ulcer menu. The benefits of the first course are due to its ability to neutralize excess hydrochloric acid secreted by gastric juice due to the fibers of poultry meat.

Chicken broth is served as a separate dish along with white breadcrumbs. The meat is cut into small cubes and added to the finished soup. However, to reap the full benefits of chicken soup, it must be prepared properly. To do this, the chicken must be homemade and not store-bought; the meat from it is cooked without skin and excess fat is trimmed off.

Rules for preparing first courses

The first dishes intended for a person suffering from a stomach ulcer should be as light as possible in order to reduce the load on the damaged mucous membrane.

First courses should be light.

There are many rules for their preparation:

  • use only fresh approved products;
  • use water, herbal decoctions and low-fat milk as a base;
  • subject all ingredients to thorough heat treatment;
  • use a minimum amount of salt and spices;
  • do not fry ingredients for dressings in vegetable oil;
  • Grind the ingredients thoroughly.

People whose ulcers are in remission can include soups made with non-rich chicken or fish broth in their menu.

In addition, it is not necessary to additionally grind the dish in a blender.

Recipes for main courses: salads and side dishes on the menu

After the first course comes the second: meat or vegetable side dish, salads.

You can use the following recipes:

  • stewed beets with rice. Finely grate the carrots and beets, add 30 g. butter and stir. Let it simmer over low heat. Boil the rice according to the classic recipe and add it to the vegetables. Simmer everything together for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally;
  • vegetable puree. Grind your favorite vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes) in a blender and cook over low heat until fully cooked. Add herbs, cream to taste;
  • salad of green peas and beets is a healthy and nutritious dish that is indicated for people with high cholesterol, stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases. Finely grate the boiled beets and mix with 60 g. canned peas. Season the salad with vegetable oil, lemon juice and chopped basil;
  • fish salad can be eaten as a separate dish or as an addition to any porridge. Take 100 gr. fish (perch, pangasius or hake), boil until fully cooked. Finely chop the boiled beets, carrots and cooked fish, mix everything carefully. Add 40 gr. canned green peas. Season the salad with vegetable oil or sour cream 20% fat. You can use cream and lemon juice to improve the taste;
  • cauliflower puree. Take 300 gr. cauliflower, grind in a blender, add 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. flour, half a glass of milk and 1 egg yolk. Boil the finished mixture over low heat until tender, stirring occasionally;
  • steam omelette with carrots. Beat 2 eggs with 200 ml of milk, 1 grated carrot. Steam the finished mixture for 10 minutes;
  • A poached egg is a good breakfast option for those who love fried eggs, but have to give them up if they have a stomach ulcer. Eggs according to this recipe are airy and healthier due to the lack of fat in them

To prepare this version of scrambled eggs, you need to put a little water in a small saucepan and put it on fire. At this time, break two eggs into an enamel bowl so that their yolks do not spread. After the water has boiled, they should be carefully poured into boiling water and reduce the heat. After 10-12 minutes, carefully remove the eggs with a spatula. Their taste will be complemented by a pinch of sesame and cumin.

Salads can be prepared from any boiled or stewed vegetables. It is advisable to pass the ingredients through a meat grinder, blender or finely grate.

The diet for stomach ulcers does not exclude meat dishes: cutlets, casseroles. They can be prepared from chicken, turkey, rabbit, and veal. Meat dishes should be steamed or baked. You can cook casseroles, vegetable pies and many side dishes in a slow cooker. Such dishes retain maximum nutrients and are nutritious and tasty.

Experts' opinion

Svetlana, gastroenterologist, Moscow In my practice, I often encounter patients suffering from stomach ulcers.
They are always prescribed a gentle diet. Slimy soups are especially useful. When switching to them, the condition improves within 3–5 days. With this disease, you cannot violate the prescribed diet. Irina, nutritionist, St. Petersburg Often, specialized specialists refer patients with stomach ulcers to me for diet selection. An important component of the diet for this disease is soups. Their inclusion in the menu contributes to the rapid attenuation of the exacerbation and the transition of the pathology into remission.

Diet table number 1 for children

Diet table number one can be prescribed by specialists as a therapeutic nutrition system for some childhood gastrointestinal diseases. The list of restrictions and recommendations regarding cooking methods are the same as in dietary table No. 1 for adults, but for children the pureed version of the menu is almost always recommended.

Author of the article:

Kuzmina Vera Valerievna |
Endocrinologist, nutritionist Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006). Our authors

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