Bak-Set: composition, when to use, contraindications, where to buy

The intestinal microflora is involved in digestion, helps absorb nutrients, and forms basic immunity. To maintain it in normal condition, they often resort to the help of probiotic preparations. They contain strains of living bacteria, which, settling in the intestines, suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. To ensure that beneficial bacteria can travel the entire way: from the moment of packaging to the patient, and settle “at their destination” without loss, manufacturers use various technologies. An example of their successful use is Bak-Set and Bifiform. To understand which is more effective, consider the characteristics of this pair of probiotics.

The Bifiform line of drugs is produced in Denmark, Bak-Set - in the UK, at the plant of Probiotics International Ltd. The common feature of this pair is the combined composition, thoughtful protection of bacteria from aggressive environments, and the presence of children's forms called “Baby”. However, there are significant differences both between brands as a whole and within lines. Let's find out what they are.

Imbalance of beneficial bacteria

The human intestine is normally populated by beneficial microorganisms that participate in digestion, provide the host with vitamins and do not allow foreign bacteria to invade new territories in the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea is usually a symptom of imbalance, and treatment with antibacterial drugs is considered one of the common causes of dysbiosis.

Medicines for getting rid of bacterial infections do not distinguish foreign microorganisms from the natural inhabitants of the intestines, and invaders quickly come to the vacated spaces. To ensure that diarrhea recedes and does not lead to exhaustion, you should take special medications, and drugs containing live microorganisms can effectively restore the microflora.

What diseases and conditions does Bak-Set help with?

The main purpose of the drug is to serve as a source of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as well as lactic acid bacteria for:

  • imbalance in intestinal microflora;
  • intoxications and infectious lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • use of antibacterial agents;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • dyspeptic disorders - pain, abdominal cramps, flatulence;
  • changes in diet or diet due to travel, visiting kindergarten/school;
  • allergies to food, inflammation of the skin.

Simultaneous use with drugs of similar action is undesirable.

Preparations for restoring microflora

Means for maintaining the composition of microflora may belong to different groups depending on the composition. Their effectiveness also naturally changes: live bacteria supplied in additives begin to work quickly, but do not always take root and die under the influence of the environment. Stimulating exclusively the growth of the desired microorganisms takes time.

  • Probiotic
    - a medicine or supplement that contains live beneficial bacteria. Once in the body, they populate the intestines, displace invaders, activate the immune system and change the pH of the environment to one suitable for normal microflora. Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are most often used for this purpose.

  • Prebiotic
    - a substance that stimulates the growth of normal microflora and increases its activity. Prebiotics can be oligo- and polysaccharides, amino acids, enzymes, organic acids, extracts and other compounds.

  • A synbiotic
    is a complex composition that contains both probiotics and prebiotics. The combination of components allows each member of the group to act especially effectively: the drugs not only supply beneficial bacteria to the intestines, but also create suitable conditions for their growth.

Laktobalans, Linex and Bak-set forte are multiprobiotics. They contain several types of beneficial bacteria. Maxilac is considered a synbiotic and additionally contains fructooligosaccharides.

How is Linex for children different from Buck Set Baby?

Both products are intended to normalize the intestinal microflora in children from birth. Probiotics help promote proper bowel function during diarrhea caused by rotavirus or bacterial infection, taking antibiotics, or switching to a new diet.

The contents of Linex and Bak-Set Baby sachets are easily mixed with any type of infant formula. Required dose of both drugs: 1 sachet per day.

Linex for children contains only 1 strain of bifidobacterium - BB-12 in the amount of 1.5 billion CFU. The manufacturer claims this as an advantage: the risk of allergic reactions is minimized.

Linex for children in drops is convenient to add to milk. In this form there is a smaller number of bacteria - 1 billion, but this is not so important for the drug in the form of drops. Microbial cells in liquid form require only a couple of hours to become active in a favorable environment. During this time, bacteria do not have time to leave the intestines, and the loss of beneficial properties will be minimal.

Bak-Set Baby contains 7 types of probiotic cultures, 1 billion in each sachet. The composition includes a prebiotic – fructooligosaccharides.

The manufacturer BakSet Baby reports improved bacterial resistance to acidic environments. However, in children under 1 year of age, the acidity in the stomach is relatively lower and is regulated not by hydrochloric acid, but by lactic acid, so even “unprotected” probiotics can be given to a child - they will still remain effective.

When Bak Set Baby or Linex for children are prescribed, the characteristics of each drug are taken into account.

Since Linex for children contains only one type of bifidobacteria, it is considered more as a preventive remedy than a therapeutic one. It is useful when switching a child to formula or with frequent respiratory diseases.

Bak-Set Baby is a complex drug that is effective not only for prevention, but also for treatment. It is used as part of complex therapy for infectious diarrhea.

Indications and safety

Means for restoring normal microflora almost never lead to side effects. Restrictions may only apply to the patient’s age, but many medications have separate pediatric forms with a special composition or a convenient method of administration. Most of the indications are one way or another related to the symptoms of dysbiosis, but there are also special cases:

  • indigestion, intestinal infections, poisoning;
  • restoration of microflora after taking antibiotics;
  • dermatitis and food allergies;
  • travel, change of diet.

In case of allergies, beneficial bacteria reduce the synthesis of immunoglobulin E, which is responsible for the manifestations of an excessive reaction of the body. This role is played by bifidobacteria, which also inhibit foreign microorganisms, activate immune cells, stimulate the production of B vitamins and improve digestion. Lactobacilli reduce the concentration of ammonia, indole and phenols, help digest dairy products, and change pH through the synthesis of lactic acid.

Preparations and supplements for restoring microflora are safe for pregnant women and can be used while breastfeeding.

Rare contraindications are associated with individual intolerance, including those associated with excipients. Most products are available in the form of dietary supplements. Modern probiotics and synbiotics can be stored outside the refrigerator.

Mechanism of action

Basket forte is a modern multi-component unique probiotic, consisting of live bacteria that enhance and complement each other, and has proven effectiveness.

Instructions for use Bak-Set describes in detail the effects that the capsules have:

  • help restore the disturbed balance of gastrointestinal microflora;
  • normalize the digestive process during and after taking antibiotics;
  • help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract after intestinal infections, poisoning, and allergic conditions.

Lactobalance for lactose intolerance

Lactobalance - capsules with live microorganisms that are identical to the human body's own bacteria and can survive contact with gastric juice, bile acids and digestive enzymes. The strains chosen for the product are considered very resistant; this helps them quickly colonize the intestines and start working. In total, the dietary supplement contains 9 different strains: 3 types of lactobacilli and 6 bifidobacteria. Potato starch in Lactobalance makes it easier for microorganisms to transport and stimulates their growth.

Lactobalance can be taken from 3 years of age. If it is difficult to swallow the capsule whole, its contents can be shaken out, diluted with water in a spoon and drunk. The course of administration is convenient: to achieve results, you can drink only 1 unit per day with meals for a month. The composition of the capsules is as natural as possible: they do not contain artificial colors, preservatives, sugar or milk derivatives. Thanks to this, Lactobalance is suitable even for people with lactose intolerance. The supplement can restore the vaginal microflora, and studies have shown that taking Lactobalance reduces the volume of adipose tissue.

Concomitant use

Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to take both drugs at the same time. First, it is necessary to determine the cause of the observed digestive dysfunction. In some cases, it will be possible to get by with taking one of the probiotic preparations presented. In case of serious disturbances of the intestinal microflora, the combined use of drugs may be prescribed, since they contain different types of lactobacilli. For persistent intestinal colic, taking several probiotics is allowed. The treatment regimen is selected strictly individually.

Medicine - Linex

Lebenin becomes the active component of Linex: it contains only 1 strain of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, but enterococcus is added to the number of species. The total concentration of bacteria in the drug is less than in Lactobalance capsules. Microorganisms cause lactose fermentation, making the intestinal environment more acidic, and, among other things, participate in the metabolism of bile acids. Capsules are taken after meals, and the duration of treatment depends on the cause of dysbiosis.

In order not to destroy the bacteria in the capsule, Linex should not be washed down with hot water or drinks, or alcohol.

It is difficult to say in which cases Lactobalance or Linex is better: the number of strains and the total concentration of microorganisms in the latter remedy is smaller, but it has received the official status of a drug and is not considered a dietary supplement. Linex can be taken even by newborns: babies under 2 years old are given a capsule three times a day or its contents are diluted in a small amount of water. At the same time, unlike Lactobalance, this medicine is contraindicated in case of milk intolerance: it contains lactose.

Up to 12 years of age, Linex is taken 1-2 capsules; adults are prescribed 2 units at a time. Every patient has to take the medicine three times a day, which makes treatment less convenient. For children, Linex is available in the form of sachets with a minimum of additives and one strain of bifidobacteria, as well as in the form of drops with the same type of microorganisms.

Linux properties

The drug includes three types of viable lyophilized lactic acid bacteria.
After entering the intestines, restoration of normal bacterial flora is observed, the synthesis of B-group vitamins and vitamin K is also activated. The acid-base balance changes towards an acidic environment. Thanks to this, the growth and spread of pathogenic flora is inhibited and the activity of digestive enzymes increases. In addition, lactic acid bacteria produce bacteriocins, which are characterized by antibacterial properties. Local immunity is stimulated, the metabolism of bile pigments and acids is improved.

Linex maintains normal microflora and helps restore the balance of beneficial microorganisms.

This probiotic is safe and is therefore prescribed from the first days of life.

The drug is produced in capsule form, manufactured by Lek, Slovenia.

Maxilak is a synbiotic with a rich composition

Like Lactobalance, Maxilac is a dietary supplement, but its composition is much stronger. The capsules contain 9 types of beneficial cultures: 3 strains of bifidobacteria, 4 strains of lactobacilli, as well as 2 types of lactic acid bacteria (lactobacteria and streptococcus). What makes Maxilak a synbiotic is the addition of fructooligosaccharides, thanks to which microorganisms multiply better and gastrointestinal motility is stimulated. The product helps the intestines to clear toxins and reduces the likelihood of constipation. Maxilak is safe for people with allergies to casein, gluten, preservatives, can be used for lactose intolerance and does not contain animal gelatin.

When choosing between Linex or Maxilac, it is better to rely on the latter: its involvement in synbiotics can make treatment more effective. On the other hand, Linex capsules are considered a medicine, have passed the necessary tests and contain only a working combination of bacteria.

Maxilak wins due to its technology of protecting microorganisms in the capsule, which allows them to bypass the effects of gastric juice, bile and enzymes and are more likely to take root in the intestines.

You need to take Maxilac one capsule in the evening. The course of treatment is from 10 days to 1 month. The product can be given to children from the age of 3, and for babies from the first days of life, granules of a special composition have been developed - Maxilac baby.

Backset with proven effectiveness

The buck set is available in two versions: forte and baby. The first type of dietary supplement is a multiprobiotic, prescribed from the age of three and contains 14 types of bacteria, including lactic acid bacteria. In total, all these microorganisms complement each other and enhance the effectiveness of treatment. However, even species diversity does not make it possible to accurately determine whether Bak set or Maxilak is better: although the complex has a strong composition, it does not contain a prebiotic component. In both cases, the bacteria successfully reach their target thanks to special technology and protection; like Maxilak, Bak-set is suitable for lactose intolerance, and its capsule is based on plant components.

The advantage of Bak-Set Forte comes from clinical studies: its effectiveness has been experimentally proven.

Both supplements provide a convenient course of administration.

Bak-set forte capsules should be taken with meals 1 or 2 times a day, 2 pieces each. If the goal of treatment is to reduce the impact of antibiotics, taking the supplement begins simultaneously with antimicrobial drugs and continues for another 2 weeks after completion. Children over 3 years of age are given only one capsule at a time. The sachet with Bak-set baby powder contains fewer beneficial bacteria, but contains fructo-oligosaccharides. This option should be taken once a day.


The Bifiform line is represented by three preparations that contain bifidobacteria in combination with other types of probiotic strains:

  1. Bifiform - capsules for children over 2 years old and adults.
  2. Bifiorm Balance - capsules for those over 3 years old.
  3. Bifiform Baby - live bacteria in an oil solution, in a bottle. To normalize digestion in infants from the first days of life.

Composition of Bifiform capsules

This is a combination of two strains: Bifidobacteria longum + Enterococcus faecium, 10 million bacterial cells of each species.

Bifidobacterium longum strains stimulate intestinal peristalsis, accelerate the digestion of proteins and fats, participate in the synthesis of vitamins, and stimulate the synthesis of immunoglobulins. They have the ability to suppress putrefactive opportunistic microorganisms and pathogens of intestinal infections. This type of bifidobacteria is characterized by good survival and rapid growth.

Enterococcus faecium normally colonizes the small intestine. Its inclusion in the composition makes the drug effective for flatulence and fermentative dyspepsia.

There is a set of probiotics: lactulose, dextrose, locust bean gum and yeast. With such support, the engraftment of beneficial microorganisms on the intestinal walls is easier, and they multiply faster.

The symbiotic complex Bifiform normalizes intestinal microflora and strengthens general immunity. In addition, the drug has a targeted antidiarrheal effect. Bifiform is used as part of therapy:

  • acute intestinal infections;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • chronic colitis and irritable bowel syndrome;
  • diarrhea resulting from rotavirus infection or a change in diet;

Course of administration: 10-21 days, 2-3 capsules per day.

So, Bak-set Forte or Bifiform can be used to treat gastrointestinal disorders. Both products have antimicrobial effectiveness. Strains of both drugs quickly populate the intestinal walls, and, successfully competing with opportunistic microflora, suppress it.

The advantage of Bak-Set is the species diversity of strains and their greater total number. But Bifiform can boast of enterococcus, which is indispensable for localizing problems in the small intestine.

On the other hand, fecal enterococcus is an opportunistic microorganism. In immunodeficiency states, it can multiply greatly and become a source of infection itself.

Composition of Bifiform-Balance capsules

Lactobacillus acidophilus + Lactobacillus paracasei + Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07 + Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-04.

Bacteria are contained in high concentration, and in total their number is 5 billion (in each capsule). The composition contains a dye: titanium dioxide.

It is worth noting the properties of lactobacilli acidophilus: it reduces the symptoms of food allergies, lactose intolerance and is resistant to gastric juice. “Balance” is a dietary supplement, and its purpose is more preventive than therapeutic. This is despite the powerful composition compared to just “Bifiform” (higher concentration, more types of bacteria). The drug is designed to improve digestion, absorption of nutrients, skin condition and general immunity.

Dosage: 1 capsule per day.

Composition of Bifiform-Baby

The children's form contains live lyophilized bacteria Bifidobacterium lactis (BB-12) 100 million units. and Streptococcus thermophiles 10 million units. No sugar, maltose and allergens - dyes and flavors. The composition is designed for the digestive characteristics of an infant who still has a deficiency of the lipase enzyme.

“Baby” was created to prevent diarrhea, colic, flatulence, and regurgitation in newborns. Prevents necrotizing enterocolitis, supports immunity.

You need 1 serving per day.

In each case, the bacteria are surrounded by several lines of defense. Double-layer capsules are able to protect living microorganisms from the action of bile and hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and dissolve only in the intestines. The preparations are protected from the effects of temperature and humidity by packaging in the form of sealed cases.

The “Baby” implements the following scheme: the powder with bacteria is in the lid, without coming into contact with the oil solution in the bottle. Their activation occurs only when the components are mixed.

Other ways to restore microflora

Laktobalans, Linex, Maxilak and Bak-set are complex drugs and one of the best representatives of their groups. However, it is possible to cure the symptoms of dysbiosis not only with their help: there are products on sale from other generations with different compositions and mechanisms of action. Some of them don't even contain bacteria as such.

A drugActive substanceManufacturerPrice
Lactobalance capsulesLive bacteria: - lactobacilli - 3 strains; — bifidobacteria — 6 UNIPHARM Inc. (USA) 395 rub.
Linex capsulesLive bacteria: - lactobacilli - 1; — bifidobacteria — 1; — enterococci — 1 SANDOZ dd (Slovenia)589 rub.
Linex for children powder: sachets 1.5 gBifidobacteria - 1 strainSANDOZ dd (Slovenia)550 rub.
Linex forte capsulesLive bacteria: - lactobacilli - 1; — bifidobacteria — 1 SANDOZ dd (Slovenia)499 rub.
Linex for children dropsBifidobacteria - 1 strainSANDOZ dd (Slovenia)415 rub.
Maxilak capsulesLive bacteria: - lactobacilli - 4; — bifidobacteria — 3; – lactic acid bacteria – 2 Fructooligosaccharides FP OBOLENSKOYE JSC (Russia)440 rub.
Maxilac baby granules for oral administrationLive bacteria: - lactobacilli - 6; — bifidobacteria — 3; Fructooligosaccharides FP OBOLENSKOYE JSC (Russia)420 rub.
Back-set forte capsulesLive bacteria: 14 strainsPHARMAMED JSC (Russia)310 rub.
Back-set baby powderLive bacteria: 7 strains FructooligosaccharidesPHARMAMED JSC (Russia)400 rub.
Bifiform enteric capsulesNatural symbiotic bacteria - 2 strainsPFIZER INNOVATIONS LLC (Russia)492 rub.
Acipol capsulesLive lactobacilli acidophilus Kefir grain polysaccharidePHARMSTANDARD-LEKSREDSTVA JSC (Russia)367 rub.
Bifidumbacterin tabletsLive bifidobacteria - 1 strainVITAFARMA FIRM CJSC (Russia)120 rub.
Bifistim chewable tabletsBifidobacteria - 2 strains Lactobacilli - 1 strain Oligofructose Inulin VitaminsAnviLab LLC (Russia)325 rub.
LactofiltrumHydrolytic lignin LactuloseABVA RUS JSC (Russia)406 rub.
Normobact L powderLive lactobacilli - 1 strain FructooligosaccharidesCHIMPHARM JSC (Kazakhstan)374 rub.
Hilak forte drops for oral administrationAqueous substrate of metabolic products of normal microfloraHylak forte, ratiopharm GmbH (Germany)574 rub.
Enterol capsulesSaccharomycesBIOCODEX (France)589 rub.

The composition of substitutes is usually more modest, although some supplements are made with vitamins. Most manufacturers stop at one or two types of microorganisms; Even if the list of active bacteria for the same Linex is small, the difference with substitutes is associated with the choice of bacteria for the drug. For example, Linex differs from Bifiform in that the capsules of the latter contain enterococci instead of lactobacilli; In addition to bacteria, Bifiform Complex tablets contain inulin, and Bifiform Baby dietary supplement contains not only lacto- and bifidobacteria, but also vitamins.

Medicines containing bacteria

Synbiotics of complex composition can be replaced with drugs based on one or two strains of beneficial microorganisms. Bifiform, Acipol and Bifidumbacterin are drugs, not additives. Their composition is simpler.

  • Bifiform
    — enteric capsules containing bifidobacteria and enterococci. The selected strain of bifidobacteria takes root well, and enterococcus improves the functions of not only the large but also the small intestine. You can drink it from 2 years old, and the daily norms depend on the patient’s condition.

  • Acipol
    It works due to living lactobacilli and polysaccharide from kefir grains killed by heating. It is stored at a temperature not exceeding 10 °C, and begins to be prescribed at 3 months. Adults take the capsule half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day. Acipol can be taken to prevent dysbacteriosis and in case of body weight deficiency from antibiotic treatment, severe respiratory diseases or allergies.

  • Bifidumbacterin
    contains a strain of living bifidobacteria. It is produced in tablets, in the form of a lyophilisate for preparing a solution for oral administration and as suppositories. The drug suppositories help treat diseases of the urogenital tract, bacterial vaginosis and chronic colitis.

Bifiform and Atsipol are found in different variants and have children's forms. Thus, Acipol can be bought in the form of capsules and suspensions, Bifiform - in the form of chewable tablets and an oil solution. Each of these types of medicine has its own special composition.

Biologically active additives

Synbiotic dietary supplements with fewer types of bacteria are also suitable for replacement. Some of them contain vitamins, which help further strengthen the body. They are sold in the form of powders and tablets.

  • Bifistim
    - supplement in the form of chewable tablets. Contains 1 strain of lactobacilli and 2 strains of bifidobacteria. The composition is enhanced with oligofructose, inulin, and a vitamin complex. Take the supplement with meals, one tablet once a day.

  • Normobact L
    is a synbiotic of simple composition based on lactic acid bacteria and fructooligosaccharides. Sold in powder, suitable for children from 3 months. The additive is dissolved in yogurt, milk or water. 1 sachet per day; adults can drink 2. The course of treatment is one and a half to two weeks.

Such additives act similarly to other synbiotics, although they may be less effective due to a less carefully selected composition. The safety of dietary supplements is high, there are practically no restrictions on use. When using Normobact, you should not exceed the dosage.

Agents with other mechanisms of action

The symptoms of dysbiosis can be relieved not only by colonizing the intestines with ready-made bacteria, but also by creating a suitable environment for them. Some of these products are aimed at removing toxins. These include Lactofiltrum: it can be involved in the treatment of liver diseases and irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Lactofiltrum
    — enterosorbent, tablets with lactulose and lignin. While lignin collects toxins and pathogenic bacterial cells in the gastrointestinal tract, lactulose is processed by beneficial microorganisms and stimulates their growth.

  • Hilak forte
    — drops with metabolic products of beneficial bacteria, which help the microflora to recover naturally. The drug helps to establish a normal pH value in the gastrointestinal tract thanks to lactic acid and its salts.

  • Enterol
    — capsules with Saccharomycetes, which normally do not colonize the human intestine, but can compete with invaders. Antibiotics do not act on such microorganisms; a few days after stopping the intake, saccharomycetes completely leave the body. Enterol is prescribed from one year onwards.

Lactofiltrum should not be taken if there is intestinal obstruction or bleeding from the digestive tract. Sometimes the drug itself becomes a source of diarrhea and gas accumulation. Hilak forte is not indicated for glucose-galactose malabsorption.

The best way to regain your health

Multiprobiotics and synbiotics show a good effect in treating dysbiosis and stopping diarrhea caused by problems with beneficial intestinal microflora. The composition of Lactobalance or Back-set forte includes a number of resistant microorganisms that quickly take root and combine well with each other; Linex has been tested and is called a medicine, and Maxilak is a synbiotic, the action of which is improved by a substance to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria. Maxilak and Bak-set look the most profitable: they can be taken by the maximum number of people, and the effectiveness of Bak-set has been clinically proven. Any remedy mentioned will almost certainly lead to the desired result.

The microflora can be restored with other probiotics, including preparations with Saccharomyces foreign to the body. Extracts of metabolic products of beneficial bacteria change environmental conditions in the intestines, and products based on lignin and lactulose can cleanse it of harmful substances. Among dietary supplements there are also complexes with vitamins.


Customer opinions about Bak-Set are mostly positive. The drug makes it possible to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to the abuse of fast food. Poor nutrition often causes turbulence and bloating in the abdomen, but relief is noted already on the third day after taking it. Patients note the ease of use and storage, the small size of the capsules, the short duration of the course and the reasonable price. The dietary supplement has shown effectiveness in treating constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and flatulence. After the course of treatment, the immune system and the condition of the skin, which depend on the healthy functioning of the intestines, significantly improve.

Doctors recommend Basket Forte when prescribing antibiotics to restore intestinal microflora after infections. For kids, the drug will be useful when introducing new products into the diet, before visiting a nursery or kindergarten in order to adapt to changes in the menu. Gastroenterologists consider the drug unique, versatile and effective.

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