How can you replace Relief suppositories and ointments and still save money?

The benefits of using hemorrhoid medications in the form of rectal suppositories and ointments are well known to patients and doctors.
All medications quickly reach the site of inflammation and do not cause a negative effect on the stomach. In recent years, the Relief series has been recognized as one of the best. It is difficult to find cheaper analogues, since no brand matches the composition of Relief completely. Therefore, we will consider drugs from different manufacturers that are similar in their mechanism of action, but less expensive in price.

General information about the drug

Relief suppositories are used to treat internal forms of hemorrhoids. The line includes several varieties of suppositories, which differ in composition and other parameters. However, they all directly affect the underlying disease and quickly relieve its main symptoms. The drug is produced by a German company.

The drug Relief belongs to the category of antihemorrhoids and has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, and immunomodulatory effect. The product of natural origin is actively used in proctology. It fights well against the main manifestations of hemorrhoids, which are visible even to the naked eye.

Candles are torpedo-shaped and come in light yellow or white. Packaged in aluminum blisters of 6 units. There are usually two such blisters in a cardboard pack.

Indications for the use of suppositories are:

  • hemorrhoids of external/internal localization;
  • itching in the anus;
  • erosions and ulcers of the anus;
  • tear of the anal ring;
  • bleeding from hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of the rectal canal mucosa;
  • acceleration of recovery in the postoperative period.

The active ingredient is phenylephrine hydrochloride. This substance acts as an adrenergic stimulant. It has a local vasoconstrictor effect, ensures normalization of blood circulation in hemorrhoids, and reduces swelling. The candles also contain: shark oil, methyl ether, cocoa butter, corn starch.

Substitutes in the form of candles

Also available to customers is a large selection of Relief substitutes, which are available in the form of rectal suppositories. Their cost is lower than the original, and the method of application and mechanism of influence are similar.

The list of effective substitutes includes:

  • Natalsid;
  • Anestezol;
  • Sea buckthorn candles;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Methyluracil.

The selection of a substitute is carried out with the permission and under the supervision of a doctor.


A medicine from the group of local anesthetics is developed on the basis of menthol, zinc oxide, bismuth subgallate and benzocaine. It has pronounced analgesic, antiseptic, astringent and drying properties. In the organic field, the medication is used to eliminate the symptoms of various pathologies of the anus. Eliminates signs of inflammation, alleviates the course of diseases that lead to damage to the mucous membrane.

The list of indications for use includes:

  1. Mild form of internal hemorrhoids.
  2. External hemorrhoids.
  3. Thrombosis of hemorrhoids.
  4. Microcracks of the anus.

Mechanism of action of Anestezin

Anestezol can be used as an independent agent or as part of complex therapy.

It is not recommended to use suppositories for the treatment of children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, or during lactation. Contraindications also include hypersensitivity to the main components.

The most common side effects include itching and burning at the site of contact between the suppository and the colon. In some cases, the medicine may cause diarrhea.

Before administering the drug, you should have a bowel movement. If the patient cannot do this on his own, it is necessary to give an enema. Immediately before administration, you should wash your hands thoroughly. The manufacturer's instructions indicate that one or two candles can be used per day.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the pathology and is determined by the attending physician. With long-term use, it is important to periodically check the general blood picture because there is a risk of developing methemoglobinemia.

Compared to Relief, the analogue has a wider range of effects, as it is developed on several substances. In addition, these candles are much cheaper.


Another effective substitute for Relief is a representative of the medicinal group of hemostatics for topical use - Natalsid. The main component is sodium alginate. The drug exhibits anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, and reparative effects. Promotes wound healing and stops bleeding. Restores damaged tissue areas.

The active component of the drug is a natural polysaccharide found in sea brown algae. Characterized by hemostatic and reparative properties.

Conditions for which the medicine is prescribed:

  1. Chronic hemorrhoids, which may be accompanied by bleeding.
  2. Chronic anal fissures.
  3. Inflammation in the postoperative period.
  4. Proctosigmoiditis.

The drug is intended for local use.

This product is one of the safest. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to components and childhood. Prescribed for the treatment of patients over 14 years of age.

According to the instructions, the suppository should be administered after an enema or spontaneous bowel cleansing. It can be slightly moistened with water beforehand. Recommended dose – 1 suppository 1-2 times a day. This dosage is suitable for adults and adolescents. The duration of the therapeutic course should not exceed two weeks.

If used incorrectly or allergic to the components, negative reactions may occur in the form of skin rash, burning, itching, peeling.

Natalsid exhibits a pronounced hemostatic effect. During contact with bleeding tissues, it helps stop bleeding. The original remedy helps to narrow blood vessels and increase the tone of vascular tissue. Medicines are based on different substances.


The drug, intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids, contains extracts of chamomile, belladonna, rhizomes of erect cinquefoil, gorse, horse chestnut, and millennial. The combined drug has bactericidal, astringent, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory characteristics. In the presence of cracks, inflammatory changes are eliminated.

Composition of the drug

The medication is used for symptomatic treatment of internal or external hemorrhoids, itching, pain or anal fissures. The medicine is also effective for chronic proctitis and inflammatory processes. Often LP is prescribed after sigmoidoscopy to prevent the development of complications.

Despite the fact that the medicine was developed using raw materials of plant origin, experts identify a number of conditions in which its use is prohibited. The list of contraindications includes:

  • individual intolerance to extracts;
  • formations in the colon;
  • glaucoma;
  • granulocytopenia;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • renal failure;
  • urinary system disorders;
  • acute bleeding;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

During pregnancy, drugs can cause abortion or premature birth.

Benefits of Hemorol

Use with increased caution is allowed in old age, with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, liver failure, prostate hypertrophy.

Negative reactions include: dizziness, tachycardia, pain in the head, increased intraocular pressure, constipation, a feeling of dry mouth, arterial hypertension.

The initial daily dose for mild pathology is 1 suppository. If a severe form is diagnosed, the dose should be increased to 2-3 suppositories per day. It is not recommended to use the medication for longer than 7 days, as there is a risk of addiction. Suppositories are introduced after complete bowel movement.

Unlike the original, the analogue consists of components of plant origin.

Sea buckthorn candles

Sea buckthorn candles are classified as reparants and regenerants. The main substance in rectal suppositories is sea buckthorn oil. It accelerates the healing of microcracks and restores the affected mucous membrane. It has anti-inflammatory, membrane-stabilizing and antioxidant properties.

The need to use this drug is determined by a qualified specialist. The list of indications for use includes:

  1. Cracks and ulcers of the colon.
  2. Proctitis.
  3. Haemorrhoids.
  4. Sphincteritis.
  5. Painful sensations during bowel movements.
  6. Atrophic, radiation and catarrhal lesions.

Suppositories are not used in the treatment of patients with hypersensitivity to sea buckthorn oil. Since suppositories are inserted into the anus, the presence of diarrhea may prevent the drug from being absorbed by the intestinal walls, so it is not advisable to carry out the procedure in this condition.

Among the negative effects, the most common are skin rashes, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, and itching in the anus.

The dosage is determined by the attending physician after a full examination and review of the test results. The standard instructions recommend administering one suppository per day for 10-14 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Relief and substitute consist of different components. They have approximately the same degree of effectiveness.


Methyluracil is a tissue stimulant that helps normalize trophism and tissue regeneration, intended for local use. The mechanism of action is determined by methyluracil. This substance is an immunostimulant, under the influence of which the process of cell regeneration is accelerated, the exchange of nucleic acids is normalized, and the body’s resistance to oxygen starvation and blood loss increases.

The need to use the drug arises when:

  1. Erosive and ulcerative colitis.
  2. Colpitis.
  3. Proctosigmoiditis.
  4. Sigmoiditis.
  5. Anal microcracks.
  6. Nonspecific vulvitis.
  7. Recovery in the postoperative period.

Features of Methyluracil

It is prohibited to use the drug in patients with hypersensitivity to its components, excessive development of granulation tissue, chronic or acute leukemia, malignant tumors in the bone marrow, hemoblastosis.

The medication rarely causes side effects. In some cases, itching and allergic reactions may occur.

In proctology, medicine is prescribed for exacerbation of pathologies. According to the instructions, the suppositories are inserted directly into the rectum, previously cleared of feces. 3-4 administrations of one suppository are allowed per day. The maximum permissible daily dose is 8 suppositories.

In pediatrics, children over 3 years of age may be prescribed 0.5 suppositories per 24 hours.

Methyluracil consists of other components and is effective in the acute form of the disease.

See also:

Instructions for use of the drug Gepazolon and its analogues

Suppositories of the Relief family

Rectal suppositories of the Relief line are represented on the domestic market by four drugs. They differ in composition and therapeutic purpose. The choice of a specific medicine is determined by the symptoms of the disease. Each case of hemorrhoids requires an individual approach. Relief line suppositories should be used only as prescribed by a proctologist. In this case, the doctor will necessarily take into account the characteristics of the course of the disease and its leading symptom.

Classic Relief

Suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of pathologies of blood vessels or internal hemorrhoids. The natural components present in the composition stop bleeding and swelling. Cocoa butter softens the intestinal mucosa. Suppositories can be used for preventive purposes, for constipation. This is a classic drug that is suitable for almost all categories of patients.

The medicine can be used for a long time. Contraindications include thyrotoxicosis, glaucoma, old age and granulocytopenia.

Not recommended for treatment of children under 12 years of age.

Negative reactions are rare. Usually caused by an overdose or individual intolerance to the incoming components. In the initial stages of hemorrhoids, it is permissible to use it in courses with venotonic tablets.

Relief Advance

The drug is used for severe pain or burning. It has a stronger analgesic effect. The drug is used for acute hemorrhoids, strangulated node or in the postoperative period. It reduces the number of granulocytes. Therefore, constant monitoring of the leukocyte count is required during treatment.

Suppositories are prescribed with caution to young patients, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If acute thrombosis is suspected, it is better to refuse them. Relief Advance is not recommended for use if the skin is damaged. This may provoke systemic absorption. In addition, if there is heavy bleeding from the rectum or if unpleasant symptoms persist within 7 days after starting the course of therapy, you should consult your doctor again.

Relief Ultra

Zinc sulfate and hydrocortisone acetate relieve itching and reduce the severity of inflammation. Candles have a drying effect. Recommended for various types of hemorrhoids, anal fissures and diseases of the anorectal area (dermatitis, eczema, erosion). Doctors prescribe it if paraproctitis is suspected, or if the temperature rises in the postoperative period to prevent inflammation.

Only short courses of use are allowed (no more than 7 days). After treatment you should take a break. If it is impossible to refuse the medication, it is replaced with ordinary Relief suppositories. The drug is strictly contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus, fungal and bacterial infections (tuberculosis, syphilis), neoplasms, or a history of allergic reactions. Not recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Relief Pro

Suppositories are used to treat chronic pathologies of intestinal blood vessels, which are accompanied by pain and inflammation. They have an anti-edematous and anesthetic effect. The composition contains fluocortolone pivalate, a substance that blocks the production of inflammatory mediators.

The drug has a wide range of applications. It is prescribed for erosive proctitis, anal fissures, fistulas. Relief is also used for pain relief after surgery. Suppositories quickly help relieve swelling.

Relief Pro has many side effects. Patients often experience intracardiac blockades, increased blood pressure, and inflammation of the pancreas. The possibility of increased excitability and irritability and tremor of the fingers cannot be ruled out. In some cases, people complain of an inexplicable feeling of fear.

Relief's analogues

Relief ointment and suppositories are original products with a unique composition. Generics - drugs with a completely identical recipe - do not exist on the drug market. However, branded medications can be replaced with other drugs with similar pharmacological properties.

Analogues of Relief in the form of ointment

This category includes single-compound and combination drugs used to treat:

  • hemorrhoids and the discomfort associated with it (pain, itching, inflammation, tissue swelling, release of fluid - exudate);
  • cracks;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • eczema;
  • recovery in the postoperative period.

A general contraindication to the use of substitutes is individual intolerance to the ingredients of the medication. Otherwise, the properties of drugs and prices differ depending on the composition, form of release, therapeutic properties and manufacturer.

These articles will introduce you to the peculiarities of using Relief for hemorrhoids:

  1. Use of suppositories during pregnancy.
  2. Algorithm for using candles.

Table of analogues of Relief

Name of the drug, manufacturerCompoundDifference from the originalprice, rub.
Sea buckthorn candles, RussiaSea buckthorn fruit oilAllowed for pregnant and nursing mothers, children of any age, and patients with other diseases.
Affordable price.

No serious side effects

Used only to treat cracks.
Long-term course of treatment – ​​14 days.

Requires refrigerated storage

Anestezol, RussiaBenzocaine,
bismuth subgallate,

zinc oxide, menthol

Antiseptic and local anesthetic effect.
Use during pregnancy and lactation is allowed (as prescribed by a doctor).

Treats all types of hemorrhoids.

Well tolerated.

Convenient treatment regimen (1-2 times a day).

Minimum restrictions for use (children under 12 years of age).

Low cost

Requires special storage conditions (refrigerator)80
Gepazolon, RussiaHeparin, prednisolone, lidocaineNormalizes hematopoiesis in the area with a pathological process, resolves hemorrhoids.
Eliminates pain.

Convenient use.

Profitable price.

Stored at room temperature

Contraindicated in case of violations of the integrity of the skin, infected wounds.
Not for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or in children under 12 years of age.

Possible systemic side effects (metabolic and hormonal disorders)

Anuzol, RussiaXeroform, thick belladonna extract,
zinc sulfate, distilled glycerin
Suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria, eliminates spasms.
Frequent use is possible (up to 7 suppositories).

Cheap drug.

Used for all types of hemorrhoids.

Stored under normal conditions

An extensive list of contraindications (breastfeeding, pregnancy, myasthenia gravis, tachyarrhythmia, heart failure, closed-angle glaucoma, urinary retention due to pathologies of the genitourinary system, intestinal atony).
Possible cardiovascular side effects
Neo-anuzol, RussiaBismuth nitrate basic,
zinc oxide, tannin,



methylene blue

Enhanced antimicrobial effect (contains a complex of antiseptics).
Convenient treatment regimen.

Low price.

Does not cause serious side effects.

Suitable for the treatment of any type of hemorrhoids.

No contraindications

Stored in the refrigerator.
If injected shallowly, it may leak and stain laundry.
Natalsid, RussiaSodium alginateNatural drug, hemostatic effect.
Convenient dosing regimen (1-2 times a day).

Allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Stored at room temperature

High price, used only for bleeding450
Ultraproct, GermanyFluocortolone hexanate, fluocortolone pivalate,
cinchocaine hydrochloride
The complex of actions is effective for all manifestations of pathology.
Eliminates pain. Available in ointments and suppositories
Contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.
Expensive drug
Nigepan, RussiaHeparin sodium, benzocaineDissolves hemorrhoids, reduces thrombus formation.
Has an anesthetic effect.

Apply 2 times a day.

Affordable price.

Has no contraindications

Stored in the refrigerator.
Eliminates only blood cones, contraindicated in open wounds
Heparin ointment, RussiaHeparin,
anesthesin, benzyl nicotinate
Normalizes blood circulation in varicose nodes.
Eliminates pain.

Allowed during the postpartum period and pregnancy.

Affordable price.

Sold in all pharmacies

Requires storage in the refrigerator.
Contraindicated in ulcerative-necrotic processes, violation of the integrity of the skin
Bezornil, RussiaArtificial musk and bezoar, pearls,


calamine (zinc carbonate)

Natural drug.
Complex action.

Indicated for all types of hemorrhoids. Convenient use (2 times a day)

The ointment is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and childhood (under 18 years).
Stored in a cool place.

Used only for chronic hemorrhoids.

Long course of treatment (14 days)

Aurobin, HungaryPrednisolone, lidocaine, dexpanthenol, triclosanEnhanced with antiseptic, stimulates tissue regeneration.
Analgesic effect. Allowed for children from 1 year
Contraindicated during breastfeeding and pregnancy.
Stored in the refrigerator
Fleming ointment, RussiaHomeopathic ointment based on
dilutions of extracts of calendula and witch hazel, aesculus,

menthol, zinc oxide

Natural composition.

Allowed for children, nursing and pregnant mothers.

Additionally used to treat allergic diseases

Indicated for external uncomplicated hemorrhoids.
Not available in all pharmacies
Troxevasin, IcelandTroxerutinDissolves hemorrhoids. Available in capsules for oral administration and gel for external use.
Stored at room temperature.

The gel base does not leave greasy stains.

Apply only 2 times a day

Contraindicated in cases of violation of the integrity of the skin220
Troxevasin Neo, Iceland

Troxerutin, dexpanthenol,
sodium heparin
Enhanced antithrombotic activity, tissue regeneration.
Does not require special storage conditions.

Doesn't stain laundry.

Convenient treatment regimen

No greasy stains.

Allowed for pregnant and nursing mothers

Do not use on weeping wounds, children and adolescents under 18 years of age.270
Proktonis, RussiaCacao butter,
squalane extracted from shark liver, glycerin,

castor oil, extracts of chistyak, witch hazel, sage, aloe

A natural combination product with a wide spectrum of action. Available in capsules for oral administration and cream for external use.
Indicated for prevention and treatment.

Use 2 times a day

Contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding250
Procto-glivenol, Italy, SwitzerlandTribenoside, lidocaine.Eliminates pain and inflammation.
Dual release form - suppositories, cream.

Convenient use

Prohibited for liver failure.
High price
Gepatrombin G, SerbiaHeparin sodium, prednisolone acetateComplex effect on hemorrhoids, eliminates vascular pathology.
Affordable price.

Convenient use.

Available in suppositories and ointments. Affordable price

Prohibited for pregnant, lactating, infected ulcers and wounds of the anus180
Gepatrombin S, SerbiaSodium heparin, dexpanthenol,
dimethyl sulfoxide
Heals, relieves swelling, inhibits bacterial growth, relieves pain.
Allowed to be used to treat children over 5 years of age.

Apply twice a day.

Use is contraindicated for lupus erythematosus, bronchial asthma, severe disorders of the cardiovascular system, renal failure, lactation, pregnancy250
Methyluracil, RussiaMethyluracilHeals wounds, ulcers, cracks.
Two dosage forms are produced - ointment and suppositories.

Allowed for children over 3 years of age, breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Cheap remedy

Cannot be used for cancer of the digestive tract and blood.
Requires refrigerated storage
Proctosedyl, IndiaHydrocortisone acetate, framycetin sulfate, sodium heparin, esculoside, ethylaminobenzoate, butylaminobenzoateLocal antibacterial activity.
Stimulates blood circulation, relieves itching, pain and inflammation. Used in short courses. Available in the form of ointment and rectal capsules
Prohibited for use in infants, nursing and pregnant women.
Requires caution in case of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

A small tube of ointment (10 g).

High price

Proctosan, GermanyBufexamac, titanium dioxide, bismuth subgallate, lidocaine hydrochlorideIt has an astringent, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antiseptic effect.
Convenient treatment regimen.

2 release forms - suppositories, ointment

High price. Restrictions for use during lactation, pregnancy 386
Posterisan, GermanyInactivated microbial cells E. coliStimulates local immunity, healing of damage.
Eliminates inflammation, itching, swelling.

Allowed during lactation, pregnancy, in childhood, and for patients with chronic pathologies.

High price.
Long-term therapeutic course (2-3 weeks).

Lack of rapid pain relief


Algorithm for choosing a medication

The presence of several types of Relief suppositories allows you to choose the most effective remedy. Rational use of the drug can delay or prevent colorectal surgery. Thanks to various combinations of components, it is easy to provide a targeted approach to the choice of medication.

Drug nameFeatures of application
Suppositories ReliefTreatment of stage 1-2 hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by bleeding, swelling and itching. Suitable for long-term use.
Relief AdvanceUsed in the postoperative period, prescribed to relieve pain.
Relief UltraThey are used in the treatment of anal fissures and erosions, and for stage 2-3 hemorrhoids.
Relief ProPrescribed for chronic hemorrhoids with severe pain, inflammation, and accumulation of tumor infiltrate.

It is not possible to correctly answer the question which candles from the Relief line are better. First of all, it is necessary to be guided by the clinical picture and disturbing symptoms. Based on this, after consultation with a doctor, you can choose the most effective option.

Forms of release, structural analogues, prices

The medicine (hereinafter referred to as the drug) is available in the form of ointments and suppositories. At the same time, anal suppositories are a group of medications widely used in the field of proctology when diagnosing injuries or inflammatory processes in the lower rectum:

  1. Relief Ultra - used in severe stages, when hemorrhoids are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. It is not recommended to use for a long time.
  2. Relief Pro. Promotes tissue restoration. Effective in the first and second stages of the disease. The product can be used for a long time.
  3. Relief Advance. Prescribed for chronic hemorrhoids. Relieves pain syndrome.

Indications for the use of various forms of Relief

These medications are structural analogues of the original drug. They are based on the same substance and have a similar mechanism of action.

Relief is popular due to its effectiveness and high quality. However, modern companies produce no less high-quality drugs, the price of which is much lower. To choose an effective substitute, you must consult your doctor.

See also:

Instructions for use and analogues of the drug Bezornil

Relief, Advance and Ultra: comparison

Comparing the two drugs Relief and Relief Advance, one can note their different components. The production of the former uses phenylephrine, and the latter - various analgesics.

Therefore, Relief Advance has a stronger analgesic effect, but in terms of the number of adverse reactions it is ahead of other medications in the line.

Among them, it is necessary to highlight drowsiness, dizziness, hypersensitivity (skin itching, redness, swelling), shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. The classic medicine Relief can be combined with other medications. Advance is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with antihypertensive drugs and antidepressants. In some cases there may be other restrictions.

If we compare Relief and its Ultra form, then in the second case there are several times more indications for use. This drug is justified in the treatment of external and internal hemorrhoids, erosive ulcerations on the mucous membrane, proctitis and paraproctitis, and ulcers of a nonspecific nature. In addition, it is advisable to use the medication in case of fistulas and anal itching caused by dermatitis or eczema. Due to the corticosteroid it contains, Relief Ultra has many contraindications. For people with restrictions on the use of hormones, it is better to choose regular Relief.

Comparison of ointments and suppositories

The composition of Relief ointment is practically no different when compared with the components of suppositories. Additionally, the manufacturer uses glycerin and petroleum jelly for a softer and more gentle effect on the mucous membrane. The tube with the drug comes with a special applicator for ease of use.

An important condition for its use is careful hygiene before each application.

Depending on the disease, the ointment is prescribed up to 4 times a day (morning and evening, as well as after each act of defecation).

It is quite difficult to say which is better - Relief ointment or suppositories. Both forms of the medication have the same indications. The ointment is much more convenient to use for external hemorrhoids, eczema around the anus and severe itching. It is used in the form of applications. Suppositories are excellent for insertion into the depths of the anal canal for internal inflammation.

However, suppositories must be inserted as deep as possible into the anus. This requires specific preparation (washing with disinfectant solutions, performing an enema in the absence of bowel movements). If the ointment can be applied in any convenient position, then it is better to place the candles on your side, pulling your legs towards your chest and lifting your upper buttock.

Popular analogues

It happens that suppositories from the Relief line are not suitable for the patient. In this case, the doctor prescribes an analogue. It must be a drug with a similar therapeutic effect or composition. However, the release form may differ. Some patients opt for all-natural remedies or Ayurvedic preparations.

One of the popular analogues is Proctosan. Used for the treatment of dental fissures. Patients usually tolerate Proctosan well. In isolated cases, allergic reactions in the form of swelling and redness are observed. Among other analogues of Relief candles, it is necessary to highlight:

  1. Heparin ointment
    . This is the cheapest treatment option for hemorrhoids. It is used for local treatment of affected areas every time pain occurs.

  2. Gepatrombin G
    . It has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, promotes the resorption of hemorrhoidal blood clots and prevents the formation of the latter.

  3. Procto-Glyvenol
    . Available in the form of suppositories and ointments. The latter has a venotonic effect and helps well in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Proctosedyl is a hormonal analogue of Relief. It is an emergency aid for exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Can be used as ointment or suppositories.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Many women experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Itching, discomfort in the anus and even pain - these symptoms are mainly accompanied by the disease. To relieve its symptoms, it is better to resort to natural remedies.

Relief Advance rectal suppositories can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, after childbirth.

Before prescribing, the doctor must assess all the risks for the woman and the fetus. Reliable clinical trials of the effects of the drugs have not been conducted. Relief Advance is recommended for therapeutic purposes starting from the second trimester. In the early stages of gestation, active substances can provoke uterine contractility, causing spontaneous abortion.

If this medication is not suitable, a woman experiences an allergic reaction, it should be replaced with an analogue. It is better to choose products marked “sensitive”. They have a mild effect on the mucous membrane and do not cause irritation. Relief Pro and Ultra contain a hormonal supplement and are therefore prohibited during gestation and lactation. There are known cases of children being born with cleft palate and eye problems after women used suppositories.

Advantages of Relief drugs over similar antihemorrhoidal drugs

When trying to find generics of drugs, we found out that the German chemical and pharmaceutical corporation Bayer is rapidly developing subsidiaries around the world. Therefore, Canada, Italy and other countries are indicated on the Relief packaging. CJSC Bayer operates in Russia.

Since 2008, Bayer Health Care has purchased core assets for the production of over-the-counter drugs from the American company Sagmel from Chicago. As part of them, the rights to release the Relief series were transferred to Germany. Therefore, all products in the series can be considered generics (the possibility of production under the previous brand is lost).

Was the deal worth the economic gain? The drugs still do not have complete substitutes; in terms of medicinal properties and form, they differ from other drugs by the power of shark oil with valuable natural components.

The natural product has been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes since the time of Hippocrates. Pronounced properties to counteract inflammation and infection (antiseptic + enhancer of local immunity), accelerate tissue restoration, wound healing of erosions, rectal fissures. The fat contains essential amino acids for tissue nutrition, a complex of vitamins and microelements, squalene, antioxidants, omega 3, and immunostimulants. Chemicals have been added to various forms of the series to enhance effectiveness. Let's consider the advantages, impact on indications for use and cost of the funds.

Relief (ointment) - in addition to shark liver fat, contains phenylephrine - a substance that constricts blood vessels, has antipruritic properties, relieves swelling during inflammation, stops bleeding, activates local immunity, and causes blood flow from hemorrhoids. Suitable for long-term use in stages I–II of hemorrhoids, for prevention. Not contraindicated during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Relief (suppositories) - work better for internal hemorrhoids. Properties are similar to ointment. Effective in chronic form. Relieves weeping and discharge from the anus. Contraindications are: thyrotoxicosis, increased sodium levels in the blood, impaired intracardiac conduction, granulocytopenia. Prices range from 623 to 762 rubles per package.

Relief Advance (in the form of ointments, suppositories) is prescribed if the clinical course of the disease is dominated by pain. The shark oil base contains benzocaine. Contraindicated in pregnancy, in the treatment of children under 12 years of age, in case of hypersensitivity, suspected acute thrombosis. Due to the effect on hematopoiesis, the leukocyte count is always checked before use. Reduces the number of granulocytes. The ointment costs 435 rubles, suppositories - 498.

Relief Pro (in the form of a cream, suppositories) - the chemical substances in the composition include fluocortolone and lidocaine. Both components inhibit the process of exudation, accumulation of neutrophils, proliferation of granulations and infiltration. The main purpose is to relieve bleeding when nodes are damaged. Inflammation, pain, burning sensation and itching are also suppressed. The action begins 20–30 minutes after administration. Contraindications concern: pregnancy in the first trimester, hypersensitivity to components, infection. Women after the 14th week of pregnancy and during lactation are prescribed with caution.

The cream has a softer consistency than suppositories, is quickly absorbed, and is sold with an applicator for insertion into the anus. Use for more than a month can cause the appearance of stretch marks, telangiectasia, and areas of atrophy on the skin around the anus.

The price of the cream is 335 rubles, the candles are 386 rubles.

Relief Ultra (suppositories, ointment, cream) - the anti-inflammatory effect is enhanced by zinc sulfate and hydrocortisone (a steroid hormonal substance). Prescribed for intense signs of inflammation with fever. Usually recommended in short courses. At initial manifestations and between courses, Relief is indicated. In addition to pregnancy, the instructions indicate contraindications: any infection (especially fungal, tuberculosis), diabetes, neoplasms, thrombosis, allergies. Not recommended if you have a tendency to hypertension or problems with difficulty urinating. Cream in a 10 g tube costs 278–293 rubles, 10 candles - 564 rubles, ointment - 443 rubles.

From the description given, we can conclude that drugs from the Relief series are best used on the recommendation of a doctor. Not everyone is suitable for long courses. Contraindications should be taken into account. An important distinguishing feature is the relative high cost.

High efficiency of the drug

Relief suppositories are used in the treatment of all forms of hemorrhoids, as well as other diseases of the anus. The drug helps reduce the severity of painful attacks and speed up the healing process of ulcers and cracks. It is also advisable to use it in the pre- and postoperative period to relieve irritation. There are 4 medications in the Relief line of suppositories. Each of them has its own therapeutic focus, which allows patients to choose the most effective option to eliminate the problem.

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