Natalsid candles - getting rid of delicate problems

To treat hemorrhoids and eliminate anal fissures, suppositories (suppositories) are often used. One of these drugs is Natalsid. It has a completely natural composition, due to which the use of the product has virtually no side effects. Candles can be used by different patients, including children over 14 years old, pregnant and lactating women.

Assessing the effectiveness of drugs

Relief is stated in the medical literature as a symptomatic remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissure:

  1. Relief is defined as a first-line remedy in the outpatient practice of a proctologist. Practical experience of use shows that during therapy the main symptoms of the disease quickly disappear.
  2. Specialists at the Coloproctology Center in Moscow position Relief as an effective remedy for hemorrhoids and other diseases of the anorectal area. The drug is recommended for postpartum women in the late postpartum period. According to the study, 87.5% of patients experience relief from itching, tissue swelling, discomfort and bleeding. The effect occurs 5 minutes after administration of the suppository.
  3. Relief is recommended in the complex treatment of chronic hemorrhoids. The authors of the article emphasize that suppositories are easy to use and well tolerated, accelerate tissue healing, reduce the duration of the disease and the frequency of complications.

Natalsid is more often used for chronic disease:

  1. In the treatment of anal fissure and hemorrhoids with bleeding and active inflammatory process.
  2. As a symptomatic remedy for the inflammatory process in the rectum.
  3. In the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease in pregnant women and the postpartum period.

Studies conducted in the departments of proctology and gastroenterology confirm that treatment with Natalsid reduces the activity of the inflammatory process and accelerates tissue healing.


Natalsid suppositories are prescribed to patients burdened with:

  1. Anal fissures
  2. Chronic hemorrhoids complicated by bleeding
  3. Proctosigmoiditis
  4. Inflammation of the anus that occurs after surgery.

Natalsid successfully treats various forms of hemorrhoids and eliminates the consequences caused by anal fissures and inflammation that arose after the removal of hemorrhoids. Suppositories stop severe bleeding observed with complicated hemorrhoids. They excellently fight inflammation and regenerate damaged tissue.

Suppositories with a natural base belong to medications for local use and are classified as coagulants. The drug improves the well-being of patients burdened with rectal diseases in a chronic or advanced stage, and during their complications.

How do they work

The effect of drugs is determined by their composition. Let's take a closer look at each drug.


The active substance of the drug, phenylephrine hydrochloride, is an alpha-adrenergic agonist. It has a local vasoconstrictor effect - it reduces the lumen of small vessels at the site of application. This relieves the main symptoms of inflammation:

  1. tissue swelling decreases;
  2. exudation decreases - the effusion of fluid from tissues;
  3. hyperemia (redness) subsides.

After using the drug, the itching and burning goes away, the pain subsides, and the patient’s condition improves. Excipients (beeswax, mineral oil, petroleum jelly) accelerate tissue healing.

The pharmacokinetics of the drug has not been studied. Scientists do not know how quickly phenylephrine penetrates the skin and mucous membranes and enters the bloodstream. There is no data on how the drug is eliminated. It is not supposed to accumulate in the body and requires repeated use throughout the day.


Sodium alginate is a natural polysaccharide. It is obtained by processing brown seaweed. Belongs to the group of hemostatics - activates platelet aggregation and adhesion (swelling and gluing of blood platelets). Promotes blood clotting and thereby stops bleeding. This property is used to treat diseases accompanied by spotting and bleeding from the anus.

Other effects of Natalsid:

  1. Anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves tissue swelling, eliminates exudation. Reduces pain, itching, burning and other unpleasant symptoms.
  2. Reparative action. Sodium alginate accelerates tissue healing.

The pharmacokinetics of Natalsid have not been studied - there is no data on the rate of absorption and excretion of the drug. But there have been no reports of overdose, which means the drug should not accumulate in the body.

Natalsid, rectal suppositories 250 mg 10 pcs.


Nizhpharm, Russia


One suppository contains:
Active substance:

Sodium alginate (sodium alginate) - 250 mg;

Basics for suppositories:

Solid fat (vitepsol, supposir) - a sufficient amount to obtain a suppository weighing 2.25 g.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance of the drug is sodium alginate, a natural polysaccharide obtained from brown seaweed. It has a pronounced hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and reparative effect.

Active components

Sodium alginate


  • chronic anal fissures in the epithelialization stage;
  • chronic bleeding hemorrhoids;
  • proctosigmoiditis;
  • inflammation of the rectum in the postoperative period.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug Natalsid® is not contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • children up to 14 years of age.

Side effects

Possible: allergic reactions.

If any of the above side effects worsen or the patient notices any other side effects, he should inform the doctor.


No clinically significant drug interactions were noted.

How to take, course of administration and dosage


Before use, the suppository is released from the contour packaging.

The suppository is inserted into the rectum after spontaneous bowel movement or a cleansing enema.

Adults and children over 14 years old - 1 suppository 2 times a day. The duration of treatment with Natalsid® is 7-14 days.


Cases of overdose are unknown.

When using the drug in accordance with the recommended dosage regimen, an overdose is unlikely.


Hemostatic agent for local use


Suppositories are light gray in color with a creamy tint, torpedo-shaped.


Natalsid® rectal suppositories 250 mg. 5 suppositories in a blister pack, 2 blister packs together with instructions for medical use of the drug are placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Best before date

3 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

Active substance

Sodium alginate

Dosage form

rectal suppositories


Children over 14 years old, For adults, Nursing mothers as prescribed by a doctor, Pregnant women as prescribed by a doctor


Bleeding, Hemorrhoids

Barcode and weight

Barcode: 4601026307195, 4601026117565 Weight: 0.034 kg

Side effects

As a rule, the use of suppositories does not cause side effects. Rarely, allergic reactions may occur, including peeling of the skin, itching and urticaria. In this case, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor. A change in therapy is possible.

Concomitant use with other drugs, including against hemorrhoids, is allowed. Strengthening or weakening of the therapeutic effect in the case of a combination of different drugs has not been registered. Also, no cases of overdose have been identified.


  • When it enters the intestines, the suppository inhibits the absorption of water. This prevents the suppository from being completely destroyed (unlike chemical medications). It absorbs liquid, swells, mixes with feces and is easily removed from the intestines naturally. It is for this reason that the product has virtually no contraindications.
  • Suppositories for hemorrhoids Natalsid do not affect the ability to adequately drive a vehicle or perform work on dangerous machinery.
  • The drug is contraindicated for those who have hypersensitivity to the components of the suppository. However, side effects from its use are rare.
  • Not used in the treatment of children under 14 years of age. They are usually prescribed the children's form of Natalsid - a suppository called Alginatol, the active ingredient of which is also sodium alginate.
  • Cases of overdose with suppositories have not been recorded.
  • There is no description of the interaction of Natalsid with other drugs.

Natalsid suppositories for children, pregnant and lactating women

The composition of Natalsid candles is completely natural.

The basis of this medicine is natural plant raw materials, capable of mild and effective therapeutic effects. The product relieves pain, eliminates inflammation and heals tissue.

The drug with natural active ingredients is harmless. It is approved for the treatment of patients during pregnancy and lactation. During pregnancy, it is prescribed regardless of the period. The substances included in the suppositories are not able to pass into breast milk. Treatment of children with Natalsid suppositories is carried out only after they have been prescribed by a pediatrician.

Self-medication with medication is unacceptable. Suppositories are prescribed by a doctor who has seen the indications for its use.


Natalsid suppositories are used rectally. Before use, the intestines are emptied either naturally or with a cleansing enema. The suppository, previously moistened with water, must be inserted into the rectum as deeply as possible.

The drug is prescribed to patients over 14 years of age and those older. For a daily dosage, 2 suppositories are enough. The treatment course is standard – 7-14 days. In severe cases, the dosage and period of therapy are established by the attending proctologist individually for each patient. The prescription is influenced by the results of tests and examination of the patient: the condition of the hemorrhoids and accompanying symptoms.

Details about the composition of medications

It is enough to glance briefly at the Vidal drug reference book to understand that the drugs presented are not similar. They have different compositions and release forms, belong to different pharmacological groups and act on the body in their own way. Detailed characteristics of antihemorrhoidal drugs are in the table.

The drug and its characteristics Relief Natalsid
Pharmacological group Remedy for treating hemorrhoids Hemostatic agent for local use
Active substance Phenylephrine hydrochloride + auxiliary components Sodium alginate
Release form and dosage Rectal suppositories (5 mg), ointment for external use (2.5 mg/1 g) Rectal suppositories (250 mg),
Vacation at the pharmacy Over the counter Over the counter
Price Suppositories (12 pcs) – 300-400 rubles, ointment – ​​250-350 rubles Suppositories (10 pcs) – 300-400 rubles
Manufacturer Bayer (Germany) "Stada" (Russia)
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