Ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids, the best and most popular

External hemorrhoids are a disease in which inflammation and expansion of hemorrhoidal veins occurs, located around the anus (opening) below the pectineal (serrated) line of the rectum, where the stratified intestinal epithelium becomes single-layered.

A distinctive feature of external hemorrhoids is the protrusion of hemorrhoids beyond the anus, as a result of which diagnosis of the disease can be made through a simple visual examination of the patient’s anus, without instrumental or digital examination.


An effective German-made drug in the fight against internal hemorrhoids. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and also promotes rapid tissue regeneration. Also, the components of the drug promote an antiseptic effect, dry the wound area, accelerate healing and anesthetize the anorectal area. You can also find the cheapest ointments for hemorrhoids from German brands. By the way, follow the link and you will find out the TOP 13 effective suppositories and ointments for this pathology.

Treatment options

Conservative treatment of external hemorrhoids can be effective for small external nodes. In this case, patients are recommended to take internal phlebotonic drugs to strengthen the walls of venous vessels, as well as the use of special antihemorrhoidal ointments.

The use of rectal suppositories for external hemorrhoids is not always indicated and is left to the discretion of the treating proctologist.

Surgical treatment

When hemorrhoids are large in size or in the absence of the desired effect from conservative therapy, surgical treatment methods are used:

1. Hemorrhoidectomy

. The node is cut off with a conventional surgical scalpel or electric knife. Applicable at any stage of the disease.

2. Laser vaporization

. The outer node is “evaporated” by a laser beam. The method is effective only for small hemorrhoids.

3. Latex ligation

. A special latex ring is placed on the hemorrhoidal node, which blocks the blood flow, as a result of which the tissues of the node “dry out” and die. For large nodes, as well as in acute conditions, ligation is contraindicated.

4. Removal using the Surgitron device

. Removal of external hemorrhoids is performed with a narrowly directed beam of high-frequency radio waves. The method has no restrictions on use and is effective at any stage of the disease.

Sclerotherapy for external hemorrhoids is prescribed extremely rarely due to the low effectiveness of this procedure.

Surgeon-coloproctologist, surgeon of the highest category. Rakhmatullin Andrey Albertovich

Ichthyol ointment

The name of the ointment for hemorrhoids is ichthyol. Its composition is completely natural, so the drug can be used by pregnant women and women during lactation. The active substances of the drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, and also have an antiseptic effect and relieve pain. In addition, they help stop bleeding and speed up tissue healing.

ointments for hemorrhoids

From all of the above, we can confidently say that ointments against hemorrhoids are quite effective. We advise you to remember the above ointments for hemorrhoids. But it should be remembered that they have only a symptomatic effect, but do not affect the very cause of the disease. The most effective method of therapy is surgical removal. In our clinic, you will be able to undergo diagnostics, consult with leading specialists in the field, with their help, select the most appropriate method of effective treatment for hemorrhoids, undergo the procedure and get rid of this pathology.


In the acute stage, external hemorrhoids are manifested by severe pain and/or burning in the anal area, severe inflammation and/or soreness of the hemorrhoids, as well as a feeling of discomfort when taking a sitting position. Sometimes bleeding of varying degrees of intensity may occur, up to the need for urgent hospitalization.

In the chronic stage, symptoms are less pronounced:

  • patients notice traces of blood on toilet paper or underwear;
  • with prolonged sitting or intense physical activity, discomfort occurs in the rectal area;
  • mild, but long-lasting, pain of a pulling and/or aching nature is noted.
  • There are often cases when chronic hemorrhoids are asymptomatic for a long period and do not bother the patient at all.

Terms of use

There are several rules for applying ointment for external hemorrhoids. To achieve maximum effect, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • before applying the cream, you should perform hygiene procedures (take a bath or shower);
  • When applying the product, do not rub it in, as this may damage the hemorrhoids. The smear should be rubbed in with gentle, slow movements, the nails should be cut short;
  • After application, you should lie down for a while, this will allow the ointment to be well absorbed;
  • if it is necessary to use the drug in the form of a compress, the product is applied to a sterile bandage or bandage and secured for 15 - 20 minutes;
  • There is no need to wash off the ointment, except when indicated in the instructions.

Following simple rules will help prevent unwanted consequences and enhance the effect of drugs.

Types of ointments

In medical practice, all products for external use are divided into several groups. The classification depends on the composition of the ointments and their active ingredients.

The following groups of medications are used to treat hemorrhoids:

  • antiseptics – have a pronounced disinfecting effect. These medications are prescribed in the presence of an inflammatory process provoked by the action of pathogenic microorganisms and putrefactive bacteria;
  • anti-inflammatory – eliminate inflammation, have a mild analgesic effect, and are used to reduce redness, swelling and other symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • homeopathic - include natural ingredients in small quantities, designed to activate the internal forces of the body. Such ointments are used as an auxiliary therapy;
  • immunostimulants – prescribed to patients to prevent complications of pathology by strengthening the immune system;
  • hemostatic - prescribed for bleeding to enhance blood clotting. Use with extreme caution among patients with thromboembolism and cardiovascular diseases;
  • anticoagulants – thin the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • venotonic – increase the elasticity of blood vessels, the resistance of the membranes of veins and capillaries. Venotonics are part of complex therapy, allowing not only to relieve the symptoms of the disease, but also to influence the cause of the development of hemorrhoids.

In medical practice, an integrated approach is used to treat hemorrhoids, including the use of ointments and other forms of drugs.

Important! The classification of ointments is rather arbitrary, since most modern products include medicinal components that have a complex effect.

Advantages and disadvantages

Propolis is also widely used to treat hemorrhoids.

Before moving on to the list of ointments that best help cure hemorrhoids, you need to look at the advantages and disadvantages of its use. The main advantages include:

  • Convenience and ease of use
  • Ointments can be purchased at any pharmacy
  • Excellent local effect, which is very important for relieving symptoms such as pain, itching, burning
  • Almost all ointments consist exclusively of natural ingredients
  • They can be used in children, as well as during pregnancy, since absorption into the blood is minimal

As for the shortcomings, there will be only one here. Due to the fact that the ointments themselves are very greasy, they are poorly absorbed and leave marks on the underwear. Moreover, in some cases, the marks may not be washed off.

Most doctors recommend using ointments, as it is necessary to achieve a local effect and prevent further deterioration of the condition.

How to choose an ointment for hemorrhoids

Troxevasin - ointment eliminates various swelling and reduces the release of exudate.

In some cases, the disease may proceed without such complications:

  • damage to hemorrhoids and resulting bleeding
  • inflammatory processes
  • severe pain syndrome

The exacerbation phase of such hemorrhoids passes literally within a few days, after which, in most cases, there is a significant improvement in the patient’s condition. The recovery process sometimes takes up to a week and in such cases it is not so important which ointment will be used to speed it up.

The fact is that medications of this form are made on the basis of fat or various water emulsions that have similar properties and this is already quite enough to speed up the healing process: the use of the product reduces friction and also softens the cracks formed. For this reason, ointments are known for their effectiveness.

It turns out that in some cases, one cheap ointment will be enough to ensure that the effectiveness of therapy is comparable to the treatment of the disease when some expensive drugs are used. There are quite a lot of medicines that come in ointment form, so it is difficult to single out just one and call it the best.

The choice of remedy directly depends on how the disease progresses, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. The best assistant when choosing the necessary drug will be a proctologist. A specialist will be able to diagnose and prescribe an individually selected remedy, the effect of which will be the most painful in a particular case. If within a week, after using a certain ointment, there is no improvement in the patient’s condition, then you need to consult a doctor and choose another drug.

The disease should not be neglected, because there is a risk of it worsening to such an extent that topical medications will not bring any benefit and the only remedy will be surgery. Also, in especially severe cases, one cannot hope for a quick recovery. Therapy must be carried out in a comprehensive manner and in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.

For hemorrhoids without complications, you can use almost any ointment - the product will simply speed up the healing process. For other forms of the disease, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary, who will help you choose the necessary ointment.

Ointments during pregnancy and lactation

Hepatrombin for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Everyone knows that during pregnancy, as well as after childbirth, the problem of hemorrhoids becomes most pressing. As for the period of bearing a child, the main reason lies in the heavy load on the pelvic organs. But during childbirth, ruptures can occur, and the previous pressure increases many times, the vessels are pinched and hemorrhoids appear. This disease can be treated during pregnancy and breastfeeding only with approved drugs that do not have a negative effect on the baby and are not absorbed into the blood. These ointments include:

  • Heparin. It has a local effect, and the main active ingredient, heparin, is not absorbed into the blood. Heparin very gently relieves swelling and inflammation, thereby not causing further harm to sensitive and irritated skin
  • Vishnevsky ointment. It is also not absorbed into the blood and has only a local effect. In addition, the main task of Vishnevsky ointment will be to eliminate inflammation. But to achieve the best effect, you need to apply it correctly, and not just spread it on the surface, but make compresses
  • Fleming. This ointment is considered a homeopathic preparation, therefore it is approved for use in pregnant women, as well as those who feed their baby with their own milk. It consists only of plant components that do not have a negative effect on the body.
  • Ichthyol ointment. Despite the fact that it is approved for use during pregnancy, it must be used carefully, as an allergic reaction to the drug may occur. During the period of bearing a baby, as well as breastfeeding, many mothers are faced with the problem of the inability to quickly cure hemorrhoids, since First of all, you need to think about the child and the possible negative impact on him.
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