Is it possible to use sea buckthorn suppositories during pregnancy?

The course of pregnancy is accompanied by various kinds of “restructuring” in the body of the expectant mother. Uninvited illnesses and delicate difficulties arise. The most uncomfortable problem is often constipation or hemorrhoids. In a normal situation, the doctor prescribes good medicine, and the disease recedes. But what if a woman is expecting a baby? In this case, modern medicine offers an old and time-tested remedy - sea buckthorn oil.

For more convenient use, it is sold in the form of suppositories. They have a pronounced therapeutic effect, are easily affordable and at the same time very effective in the treatment of gynecological and proctological ailments. You can easily buy them at any pharmacy kiosk. But it’s worth knowing that sea buckthorn not only has a colossal range of beneficial properties, but can also be harmful if used incorrectly. Therefore, self-medication is inappropriate here. So, how to handle sea buckthorn candles? What are the features of their use? And can they be used during pregnancy?

Sea buckthorn oil: composition and beneficial properties

Sea buckthorn oil is a bright orange liquid with a characteristic odor. It is obtained from juicy, unripe sea buckthorn fruits by pressing. As a separate variety, oil is produced from sea buckthorn seeds. It is transparent and less greasy.

The value of sea buckthorn oil is its anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties due to the unique combination of essential fatty acids and vitamins. Even in Ancient Greece, they used the high antibacterial properties of sea buckthorn in the treatment of diseases caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the vagina and rectum. Sea buckthorn oil was also used by Slavic peoples to treat burns and poorly healing abrasions. They called it "red oil."

What useful substances are hidden under the skin of this inconspicuous berry:

  1. Vitamins C, E, A, as well as manganese, copper, selenium and zinc are powerful antioxidants that “sweep out” the accumulation of free radicals, stop the oxidation process in cells, stimulate the immune response and protect DNA chains from damage.
  2. B vitamins, including pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), naturally stimulate the regeneration of damaged cells. Upon contact with the skin, healing of wounds, cracks, tears and even burns occurs.
  3. Unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, stearic, linoleic, etc.) directly affect all processes in the body. Their deficiency is accompanied by loss of strength, decreased immune function, thickening of the epidermis and slow healing of wounds.
  4. Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) is an activator of recovery processes in case of injuries to the skin and mucous membranes. The local effect of nicotinic acid provides drying and scarring of cracks and bleeding hemorrhoids. Also relieves inflammation and pain.
  5. Biologically active compounds (sterols, flavonoids, phytoncides, choline, pectin) are concentrated in affected areas and ensure rapid regeneration of the epidermis.

Interesting! The first mention of the use of rectal suppositories was found in the papyri of Ancient Egypt. For their production, animal fats with the juice of various berries and plants were used.

Why sea buckthorn?

Sea buckthorn berries have been widely used in folk medicine for a long time.

The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn have been known for a long time. This berry is rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn in the table

Group of elementsRepresentativesAction and properties
Vitaminsvitamin C (ascorbic acid)Sea buckthorn ranks second among foods in terms of the content of this vitamin. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, stimulates reparative processes, increases the body's resistance to diseases.
vitamin A (retinol) and its precursors (carotenoids)They improve metabolic processes, the body's immune defense, promote wound healing, and activate the production of sex hormones.
B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid)They participate in hematopoiesis, protein synthesis, normalize the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, and help restore the functionality of the skin.
vitamin KPromotes blood clotting.
vitamin D (calciferol)Regulator of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, stimulator of normal bone and tissue growth.
vitamin E (tocopherol)Stimulates blood circulation, helps tissue regeneration, improves blood clotting, strengthens capillary walls, normalizes the function of nerve endings.
vitamin FIt has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, immunostimulating and other properties.
Micro- and macroelementsironThe main participant in the processes of hematopoiesis and oxygen saturation of tissues.
magnesiumParticipant in all cellular processes in the body.
calciumThe main component for the growth and restoration of bone tissue, it is also necessary for muscle tissue and vessel walls.
manganeseHelps absorb iron and vitamin B1.
siliconIt is an important component of connective tissue.
nickelMaintains the structure of cell membranes and participates in the delivery of oxygen to tissues.
molybdenumPromotes the preservation of fluoride in the body, regulates growth and metabolism processes.
  • amino acids;
  • triterpene acids (ursolic, oleonolic);
  • mono- and polyunsaturated acids (palmitoleic, oleic Omega-9, linoleic Omega-6, linolenic Omega-3).
They improve blood circulation, tissue nutrition, and have anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties.
Biologically active substances
  • sterols;
  • coumarins;
  • serotonin;
  • choline;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • tannins;
  • pectins.
They participate in a wide variety of processes in the human body.

Sea buckthorn suppositories during pregnancy: general instructions for use

In order for the use of sea buckthorn suppositories during pregnancy to bring maximum benefit, you need to have basic knowledge about this drug, its properties and types. So, let's begin.

Sea buckthorn suppositories are a natural herbal medicine. Due to their various beneficial properties, they are most often used in gynecology and proctology. Therefore, rectal and vaginal sea buckthorn suppositories are produced. They are hard, dense, with a rounded end. They have a light aroma and bright colors. Due to the low melting point, candles are stored only in the refrigerator. During the treatment, hygiene problems are often observed, which are easily solved by using special underwear and panty liners.

The pharmacological features of the drug are due to its wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing effects. The active substances begin to activate after 15-90 minutes and are completely destroyed after 6-7 hours. The composition of sea buckthorn candles includes concentrated sea buckthorn oil (0.3 g) and auxiliary substances - solid fats, waxes.

The instructions for using sea buckthorn suppositories during pregnancy contain instructions. It states that suppositories are used rectally, 1-3 suppositories per day for 7-10 days, and vaginally - 1-2 times a day for no more than 15 days.

Advice! If the effect of using the drug is not observed within three days, and the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor for advice on the advisability of further treatment.

How to administer sea buckthorn suppositories:

  1. You need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap or treat them with an antiseptic.
  2. Depending on the purpose of the suppositories, perform hygiene procedures for the genitals or anorectal area.
  3. Cool your hands a little so that the candles do not melt.
  4. Take a comfortable horizontal position, preferably on your side.
  5. Remove the suppository from the individual packaging.
  6. Carefully insert the suppository into the ampulla of the rectum, if it is rectal, or into the vagina, if it is vaginal.
  7. After inserting the suppository, it is recommended to lie down for 30-45 minutes so that the active substance is absorbed.
  8. Remains of the candle may leak in small quantities, which is considered normal.
  9. The best option for using suppositories is early in the morning after waking up or at night before bed.

Rectal sea buckthorn suppositories in proctology during pregnancy

Rectal suppositories made from sea buckthorn can be in the form of a cone and a cylinder with a diameter of about 1 cm. On one side they are always rounded for easy insertion into the rectum. But before use, it is better to additionally treat the candle with cream or Vaseline to make the process less painful and traumatic.

Indications for use:

  1. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectal area.
  2. Paraproctitis (inflammation) of the lower parts of the colon mucosa.
  3. Acute and chronic cracks (ruptures) of the rectum.
  4. Ulcerative lesions of the anorectal area and mucous membranes.
  5. Sphincteritis is inflammation and spasm of the surrounding anal valve.
  6. Thrombosis of hemorrhoids is a complication of chronic stage 3-4 hemorrhoids.
  7. Constipation due to hemorrhoids, eating disorders or taking medications.
  8. Painful evacuation.
  9. Purulent inflammation. In cases of infection of microcracks, suppuration may begin. Phytoncides in sea buckthorn oil localize this process.

It is important! A common pregnancy companion is iron deficiency anemia. Taking iron supplements, as a rule, reduces intestinal motility and worsens the process of bowel movements. In this case, you can use sea buckthorn suppositories during pregnancy for constipation.

Using suppositories with sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids during pregnancy may be accompanied by a slight tingling or burning sensation in the rectal area. This is due to oil getting into microcracks. This phenomenon can last no more than 1-2 minutes, and then completely disappears.

What properties do rectal suppositories made from sea buckthorn oil have:

  1. Antimicrobial action. Sea buckthorn oil disinfects the intestinal space and protects against the penetration of bacteria into cracks and ulcers. Upon contact with oil, the DNA of staphylococci, E. coli and other pathogenic microorganisms is destroyed.
  2. Analgesic effect. A cooled suppository reduces pain and burning.
  3. Regenerating action. Active substances promote scarring of acute cracks and relieve inflammation in chronic cracks.
  4. Antioxidant properties. Tocopherol and ascorbic acid protect cells from degeneration into cancer cells.
  5. Relieves spasm. Sea buckthorn suppositories help relieve sphincter spasm. Anyone who has encountered the problem of hemorrhoids knows how difficult it can be to relax, especially if the process of going to the toilet is very painful. Spasm often aggravates the situation and provokes new cracks and bleeding.
  6. Antihistamine action. Some components of sea buckthorn reduce the production of histamine and eliminate allergic reactions - itching, swelling, irritation.

Important! If a woman has chronic diarrhea, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil should not be used during pregnancy for hemorrhoids. The beneficial properties will not be able to be fully absorbed and eliminate the woman’s painful condition. In addition, sea buckthorn oil can worsen diarrhea.

Features of application

You can buy sea buckthorn suppositories in almost every pharmacy, and their price is low. But some people don’t trust pharmaceutical companies and make their own candles. In principle, the effect is the same, it’s just much easier to use ready-made ones. To achieve the best effect, insert the suppository only after the intestines have been completely emptied. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved. In addition, suppositories have a slightly laxative effect, and its use may simply provoke an urge to go to the toilet, and as a result, removal of the suppository from the anus.

Vaginal suppositories from sea buckthorn in gynecology during pregnancy

It happens that a woman during pregnancy needs gynecological treatment. But much more often, treatment is required for various injuries after childbirth, when a woman is breastfeeding a child. Pills and vaginal suppositories almost always have contraindications during this period. This is where sea buckthorn candles come to the rescue. They cope well with various inflammations, infections and erosions. Sea buckthorn oil does not harm mother and baby, therefore it is often prescribed both during pregnancy and after it.

Vaginal suppositories made from sea buckthorn oil are found in the form of balls and pessaries. But they differ from rectal suppositories only in their shape. Therefore, there is not much difference between them.

Indications for use:

  1. Colpitis is inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.
  2. Endometritis is inflammation of the endometrium on the lining of the uterus.
  3. Endocervicitis is inflammation of the cervical canal.
  4. Ectropion is inversion of the cervix after trauma during childbirth.
  5. Erosion and pseudo-erosion of the cervix are ulcerative lesions of the cervix.
  6. Cervical dysplasia is an atypical structure of the cells of the cervix.

Advice! For gynecological purposes, sea buckthorn suppositories can be replaced with a gauze swab dipped in sea buckthorn oil. It is sold in pharmacies and is available without a prescription.

What properties do vaginal suppositories made from sea buckthorn oil have:

  1. Acceleration of epithelization of damaged mucous membrane - erosion and injury are more likely to be delayed.
  2. Elimination of pathogenic microbes - unwanted microflora die under the influence of sea buckthorn oil.
  3. Relieving inflammation - redness disappears, mucus secretion decreases and the number of leukocytes in the smear decreases.
  4. Anti-cancer effect - antioxidant agents in sea buckthorn oil reduce the risk of dysplasia degenerating into cancer.
  5. Reducing discomfort in the vagina and external genitalia - the oil relieves severe itching, dryness and unpleasant odor.

Important! Sea buckthorn suppositories have a lasting effect only in the initial stages of gynecological diseases. If inflammation or erosion is in an advanced state, then sea buckthorn oil can only be used as an adjuvant.

Possible contraindications and side effects

The use of sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy has no strict contraindications. However, treatment for various proctological and gynecological diseases is permissible only with the permission of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Under the strict supervision of a doctor, sea buckthorn suppositories are prescribed in the presence of pancreatic disease and gallstone pathologies.

Some side effects may occur due to the individual characteristics of a pregnant woman's body or use not according to instructions.

Common negative consequences when using sea buckthorn suppositories:

  1. Allergic reactions - irritation, rash, burning, swelling, itching.
  2. Gastrointestinal disorders - diarrhea, nausea.
  3. Inflammation and itching in the anorectal area.

Attention! It is the doctor who decides on the need to use sea buckthorn suppositories during pregnancy, and reviews, recommendations or advice from friends can only serve as an additional source about the benefits of this drug.

To exclude individual intolerance, it is worth conducting a routine test:

  • you need to take a little sea buckthorn oil and apply it to the skin of your hands;
  • if you don’t have oil on hand, you can open one suppository and melt it a little in your palms;
  • rub the oil into the skin and wait 10-12 minutes;
  • if there is no local irritation, then suppositories can be used without fear of possible complications;
  • red spots, blisters or itching appear - additional consultation with a doctor is required before using suppositories.

Sea buckthorn suppositories have long established themselves as a harmless and effective medicine. Therefore, many women use them to save themselves from illnesses while being “in a position.” But no matter how natural sea buckthorn candles are, independent use is dangerous and unpredictable. Contact your doctor in a timely manner and follow all the rules for using suppositories, then you will not be afraid of any illnesses.

Reviews from women

Hemorrhoids became a problem for me since pregnancy; due to anemia, I had to take a lot of iron-containing medications, which led to terrible constipation. As a result, we have what we have... I suffered for a long time, there are not many effective drugs for a pregnant woman to choose from, because she needs to take care not only of her own health, but also of the health of her unborn child. While looking for a way to get rid of the problem, I came across this drug, and we have been friends with it ever since. These candles can be used even by small children, as they consist of natural ingredients. The effect is gentle, no unpleasant sensations when used. Improvement occurs on the third day of use. Wonderful product, thanks to the manufacturer!!!


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