How to insert candles correctly: step-by-step instructions for use, features, tips

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Using suppositories for pain relief and treatment of hemorrhoids


Suppositories for hemorrhoids are an effective treatment for the disease. The combination of various active ingredients allows you to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Today there are many effective ways to treat hemorrhoids. Symptoms can often be relieved with over-the-counter medications and lifestyle changes. One of the most popular remedies are suppositories, or rectal suppositories “for hemorrhoids”. Such candles have different effects and are used for specific purposes. Doctors do not recommend using several remedies to treat hemorrhoids at the same time. Also, you should not use medications containing glucocorticosteroids uncontrollably for longer than 5–7 days. Be sure to tell your doctor if your symptoms worsen while using them, such as increased itching.

Medicinal suppositories

Suppositories for insertion into the rectum are widely used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the excretory and reproductive systems. Suppositories are often used for hemorrhoids, which reduce pain, reduce knots and relieve itching. This method of taking medication has many positive qualities compared to tablets. How to insert candles correctly will be described below.

The drug contained in the suppositories immediately enters the bloodstream, that is, it acts much faster and much more efficiently. In addition, rectal use of medications does not have a negative effect on the digestive system (especially if there is a need to take a large dosage). But sometimes suppositories are still not recommended for medical reasons. These are severe forms of hemorrhoids, proctitis, rectal fissures and other diseases.

Rectal suppositories for fissures

Suppositories for anal fissures: belladonna extract

Now in pharmacies you can find a huge number of different remedies for anal fissure. To this day, the most effective are anal suppositories, which deliver medicinal substances directly to the site of injury and act quickly and effectively. They are easy to use, differ in price, composition and effect: healing, analgesic, antispasmodic. You can use the following candles:

  • Relief. The most popular suppositories at the moment for hemorrhoids and anal fissure. They are very effective thanks to shark liver oil, which has healing properties. Suppositories actively heal, relieve inflammation, relieve pain, and strengthen blood vessels.
  • Methyluracil. Methyluracil is considered an effective regeneration enhancer. Suppositories actively heal ruptures and wounds, stop bleeding, and relieve inflammation.
  • Natalsid. Natalsid is suitable for the treatment of any anal bleeding: with hemorrhoids or fissure, as well as after surgery. It quickly stops bleeding, heals damaged tissue, and is absolutely safe even for pregnant women.
  • Sea buckthorn candles. Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil relieve inflammation, heal wounds and destroy pathogenic microflora. Sea buckthorn also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, relieves swelling and itching in the anus.
  • Procto-glivenol. An effective remedy for hemorrhoids. Can also be used for cracks. The drug contains lidocaine, which has an analgesic effect. Relieves swelling, pain, strengthens vein walls.
  • Posterized. Hydrocortisone, which is part of the drug, actively restores cells of damaged tissues, heals cracks, and also relieves itching and inflammation.
  • Suppositories with propolis. Propolis is used to treat constipation, hemorrhoids, and anal fissure. It relieves pain and inflammation, heals and has virtually no side effects.
  • Salofalk. Anti-inflammatory suppositories. Also used for ulcerative colitis. Prescribed by a doctor, self-administration is not recommended. Pregnancy is a contraindication.

Introduction of rectal suppositories

How to insert candles correctly? The treatment technique with rectal suppositories is quite simple, but those who have never encountered this form of medication may experience difficulties. Before properly inserting a suppository into the rectum, you need to wash and dry your hands well. Your hands should not be hot because the candle will melt too quickly. For this reason, it is recommended to keep the medicine in the refrigerator or under cool tap water for several minutes before starting the procedure. But the candle should not be too cold, because this can lead to unpleasant sensations.

How to insert suppositories rectally into yourself? The candle should be removed from its packaging when it becomes a little warmer. If the doctor prescribed only half of the suppository, you need to cut the medicine lengthwise using a clean knife. When inserting, it is better to use clean medical gloves. You need to take care of their availability in advance. For ease of insertion and minimal discomfort, it is advisable to lubricate the sharp end of the candle with cream (baby or special lubricant). It is not recommended to use Vaseline for this. If you don’t have a suitable product at hand, you can usually use vegetable oil. If you don’t have anything like that at hand, just moisten the anus with plain water.

Sometimes the contents of the candle may leak. Therefore, you should take care in advance to have several disposable napkins nearby. How to insert candles correctly? It is most convenient to administer the medicine in a position on your side. In this case, the lower leg should remain straight, and the upper leg should be bent at the knee (towards the stomach). With one hand you need to lift the upper buttock and push the candle to a distance of about five centimeters. After insertion, you need to squeeze your buttocks and hold them in this position for a couple of minutes. Next, you should remain in a position lying on your side for a few more minutes. This will prevent the candle from coming out until it is completely dissolved.

How can you tell the difference between rectal prolapse or hemorrhoids?

The similarity of etiology and clinical manifestations forces doctors to differentiate between prolapse of the rectum or hemorrhoids. The distinctive features are:

The main reason is congestion in the anorectal areaThe main reason is increased intra-abdominal pressure or anatomical features of the patient
Leading symptoms: enlarged nodes, bleeding, perianal discomfortThe main symptom is fecal incontinence, impaired tightness against the background of severe discomfort.
Painful sensations are pathogeneticPain occurs only with the severity of the process or its complications
Bleeding is typical for all stages of hemorrhoidsPoking is rare and appears over time
During exacerbation: sharp pain, change in color of nodes, swelling, temperatureIn case of exacerbation of the process: sharp pain with intestinal prolapse of at least 8 cm
In case of prolapse: the longitudinal boundaries between the nodes are clearly visible, the jagged line of the anus is not inverted and is not visualizedThe prolapse is accompanied by: eversion of the jagged line of the anus, which is noticeable to the eye, with the uniformity of the circular ring of the rectum
Anal tone is increasedAnal tone is reduced
Prolapse no more than 2 cmProlapse reaches 20 cm
Combined treatment: conservative or surgicalTreatment is only surgical

Introduction of vaginal suppositories

In gynecology, suppositories and tablets for local action are also widely used, which must be inserted into the vagina. How to properly insert suppositories into the vagina? Before the procedure, you should wash your hands and perineal area very thoroughly without using aggressive detergents. It is better to insert vaginal suppositories at night, doing this in bed. Some medications are sold with an applicator that allows you to introduce the drug and advance it to the required depth correctly.

How to insert vaginal suppositories correctly? For convenience, you need to take a lying position, pull your knees to your chest and insert the applicator, with which you push the suppository into the vagina. The applicator must be removed very carefully and without haste. In the absence of a special applicator, you need to insert the candle with your fingers as far as possible. If the injection is shallow, the medicine will simply leak out.

After the procedure, you need to lie down for at least 30 minutes. The candles are not completely absorbed, so for hygienic purposes you will need to use a napkin or sanitary pad. During therapy, it is better to abstain from sexual relations to avoid re-infection. The partner also needs to be examined, because in men this kind of disease is often asymptomatic.

How to put a suppository rectally for a child?

Your child, if he has already grown up and wants to delve into everything himself, needs to understand what is happening during the treatment process. Then, without fear, he will begin to perform all the necessary manipulations with you. And you will also feel calm and comfortable.

If a child does not allow you to light a candle, think about how to explain to your child the need for treatment in a playful way. We will give some tips, but remember that your creativity and imagination also play an important role.

Vaginal tablets: how to administer

Vaginal tablets eliminate gynecological diseases or are intended to protect against unwanted pregnancy. These drugs are in solid form. Before using the tablets, you need to wash your hands; if your nails are long, it is advisable to wear medical gloves. The tablet should be moistened with water. The medicine is administered in a lying or squatting position as deep as possible into the vagina. After administration, it is advisable to lie down for at least 15 minutes. If the doctor has prescribed you to take the tablet at night, then you should not get out of bed.

Birth control pills contain substances that destroy the sperm membrane, which leads to the inability of male reproductive cells to conceive. These substances dissolve and form a film on the mucous membrane. The film forms a thick plug that prevents sperm from entering the uterus. So, tablets are considered a barrier protection. Such contraceptives should be administered immediately before sex. It is important to follow all instructions and recommendations of the doctor. After administration, do not wash your face for 30-60 minutes.

Treatment methods for prolapsed hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoidal prolapse can be removed using minimally invasive techniques in the early stages of the disease, starting from the first. Or radically remove it in the later stages, when hemorrhoids are advanced and cannot be treated with any treatment other than classic hemorrhoidectomy according to Milligan-Morgan with excision of nodes or hemorrhoidopexy according to Longo.

Maryana Abritsova talks about hemorrhoidectomy. The sound is bad, but the information is useful.

Minimally invasive techniques include:

  • disarterization - alternate ligation of the vessels supplying the node under ultrasound control;
  • latex ligation - exclusion of the node from normal blood flow by clamping the base with a latex ring, followed by the death of the cavity and removal outward in a natural way;
  • sclerotherapy - the introduction of a special substance, a sclerosant, into the node, gluing the walls of the cavity with further desolation of the cone;
  • photo or laser coagulation - cauterization of nodes with a beam of infrared light or laser;
  • rarely, according to indications - cryotherapy - freezing the node with liquid nitrogen.


Medicines in the form of suppositories or tablets in the vagina are prescribed for discharge, itching and burning, and unpleasant odor. In addition, this form of drug administration can be used to protect against unwanted pregnancy. If there is heavy discharge, it is recommended to first rinse the vagina for the effect of using the medicine. But you cannot use detergents with aggressive ingredients.

What medications will help relieve symptoms?

The main purpose of medications for prolapsed hemorrhoids is to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids: inflammation, pain, bleeding. Typically, in the early stages of hemorrhoids when nodes fall out, conservative therapy is used. The patient is prescribed systemic venotonics (Detralex, Venarus, Troxevasin, Troxerutin, Phlebodia 600) and painkillers (Nise, Diclofenac, Ibuklin), as well as topical agents (suppositories, cream, gel: Relief, Procto-Glivenol, Ultraproct).

If there is a risk of thrombosis, heparin-based drugs are used - heparin ointment, which doctors call the best for hemorrhoid prolapse, Hepatrombin G.

A proctologist can offer minimally invasive techniques for removing hemorrhoids.

In the later stages, advanced hemorrhoids can only be treated surgically. However, to prepare for surgery, they use the same drugs that are prescribed in the early stages of the pathology.

Introducing suppositories to young children

How to insert candles correctly for small children? Here the procedure is slightly different. The child needs to be placed on his back and his legs raised up with one hand. With the second hand, the suppository is inserted into the rectum. It is better to first lubricate the outside of the anus with a small amount of baby cream or oil. The medicine should be used after bowel movements so that the suppository does not pass out with the stool. It is better for very young children to administer suppositories during sleep.

Rectal administration of medications used

Basically, such medicines are called suppositories. They are prescribed by the attending physician to treat diseases such as:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • malignant tumor neoplasms;
  • elimination of painful syndromes associated with dysfunction of the genitourinary system.

This medicine is injected into the anus. There is nothing complicated or scary about this procedure. However, many do not understand the very diagram of the process.

Prescribing rectal suppositories for children

Children are often prescribed rectal suppositories because this is a gentle form of the drug. They are even prescribed to newborns to reduce fever during illness. Suppositories are very effective, although the procedure cannot be called pleasant. To prevent the baby from crying, you need to distract him with a toy or turn on a cartoon. It is very important to think about the risk-benefit ratio when using suppositories. It may make sense to relieve the child of an extra dose of the drug if the body can cope on its own.

What does prolapsed hemorrhoids look like?

Note that only internal hemorrhoids fall out. In this case, prolapse of the cone looks like this: the node is located outside the anal ring, usually large in size, inflamed, hyperemic or thrombosed, with a bluish tint, covered with mucous, ulcerating, and painful. There is a risk of strangulation of hemorrhoids, the unexpected prolapse of which causes severe pain, by the anus with the development of ischemia and necrosis, and the addition of a secondary infection.

If an internal hemorrhoid prolapses, the sphincter can compress it.

If not one hemorrhoidal node, but several, has fallen out, their sagging resembles a bunch of grapes, where each “grape” is separated from the other and can be felt individually.

The prolapsed hemorrhoids of the second stage are small in size and are reduced independently. Stage 3-4 nodes are the result of advanced hemorrhoids; they can be reduced only by hand, with difficulty, and are subject to surgical treatment.

Candle making technology

The main method of obtaining suppositories is pouring into molds. The method consists of three stages: preparation of the base, introduction of medicinal substances into the base, formation and packaging of suppositories. Bases for the manufacture of suppositories can be lipophilic or hydrophilic. Cocoa butter, its alloys with paraffin and hydrogenated fats, vegetable and animal hydrogenated fats, hard fat, lanol, alloys of hydrogenated fats with wax, hard paraffin and other bases that are approved for medical use are used as lipophilic bases. Gelatin-glycerin gels, polyethylene oxide alloys and other substances approved for medical use are used as hydrophilic bases. The gelatin-glycerin base is made from medical gelatin, glycerin and water.

If you have questions about the use of vaginal suppositories in gynecology, you can read the answers from doctors and user comments in this topic here.

If necessary, medicinal substances are crushed, sifted, mixed with the base directly or after dissolving or grinding with a small amount of water, glycerin, petroleum jelly or other suitable solvent. Heat-labile substances are added to the base immediately before the formation of suppositories. Suppositories are prepared by pouring the molten mass into molds, rolling out or pressing using special equipment. Suppositories are sealed in contour packaging made of polymer materials, combined materials with aluminum foil and other packaging materials.

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