Chronic gastritis: causes, rules of diet

The diagnosis of “gastritis” does not mean a separate disease, but a condition that is characterized by a whole complex of various pathological processes in the stomach. There are several types of gastritis, among which gastritis with low and high acidity is classified according to the acidity of the stomach.

If the doctor makes o when making a diagnosis, this means that the body has a high level of hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice. The danger of this condition is that an excessive amount of this aggressive substance can become a damaging factor, leading to the rapid progression of gastritis.

Causes of exacerbation of gastritis and development of constipation

Errors in nutrition.

First of all, this is a violation of the prescribed diet and drinking regime. If the diet is dominated by foods that slow down intestinal motility or have astringent properties, this aggravates the condition. Dry food nutrition plays an important role in the exacerbation of gastritis and the appearance of constipation.

Taking certain medications.

Many pharmacological agents have side effects. Diuretics, antispasmodics, antidepressants, which the patient may take for the treatment of other diseases, are quite capable of causing exacerbation of gastritis and constipation.

Sedentary lifestyle.

Intestinal function in patients with gastritis, even during remission, is very sluggish. During exacerbation of the disease, peristalsis is usually impaired.

Helicobacter pylori

. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa can be caused by the activity of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It creates an ammonia compound that blocks stomach acid. With the active reproduction of Helicobacter pylori, epithelial cells are destroyed and lose their functions.

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How to eliminate constipation with gastritis

If you have gastritis, it is very important to follow these rules to prevent or eliminate constipation.

  • Normalize drinking regime and diet.
    A person should consume at least 1.5–2 liters of liquid per day. The diet for gastritis and constipation should be adjusted by a doctor, taking into account the form of the disease and the patient’s condition. It is important to avoid foods that can cause aggravation of pathology and constipation. For any form of gastritis, including atrophic, fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods should be excluded from the diet. You should not eat canned food, spices and smoked meats, as well as foods that cause increased gas formation and other digestive problems (pears, legumes, cabbage, radishes). It is necessary to introduce into the diet foods that help improve intestinal motility (vegetables, fruits) and have a mild laxative effect (beets, plums, apples, apricots, peaches). Eating prunes has a particularly beneficial effect on digestion. It is also recommended to include in the menu foods that are rich in fiber and promote natural cleansing of the body (bran, buckwheat porridge, oatmeal, some vegetables and fruits).
  • To live an active lifestyle.
    Walking in the fresh air and simple physical exercises perfectly stimulate the intestines and help eliminate constipation. This is especially true for those who have a sedentary job.
  • Follow prescribed drug therapy.
    The selection of medications to relieve constipation due to gastritis should only be made by a doctor. He will assess the patient’s condition and recommend a drug that is suitable for a particular case. You should not treat constipation on your own, as it can make the situation worse.

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Causes of gastritis

When prescribing treatment for chronic gastritis, it is necessary to take into account its cause. Among the most common provoking factors are:

  • problems with diet and diet, lack of diet;
  • infection with Helicobacter Pylori infection;
  • food allergies;
  • psychosomatic disorders.

It is very important to establish the cause of such a disorder, since this is the only way to carry out proper treatment. If constipation occurs, it is necessary to adjust the diet, adjust the diet, and maintain a sleep schedule. The psychological environment should be as comfortable as possible.

Regardless of what form of gastritis is diagnosed, it is very important to establish proper nutrition for the child. If you follow a diet, painful manifestations reduce their severity, periods of exacerbation of gastritis are shortened, and the results after treatment are improved. A therapeutic diet is especially important during an exacerbation of the disease. When the symptoms of the disease decrease, the diet is gradually expanded.

Constipation with gastritis with high acidity

This phenomenon is quite rare. But constipation can occur if you overeat and neglect the recommendations of your doctor. The patient must remember that constipation itself can cause intoxication of the body, and ignoring the manifestations of gastritis with high acidity, as a rule, leads to the development of gastric ulcer.

Constipation in this form of gastritis can be eliminated with the help of medication and diet. However, patients should not consume lactic acid products, as they can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

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Pediatric gastroenterologist in Saratov

The First Children's Medical Center invites certified pediatric gastroenterologists to attend. Experienced doctors will help determine whether there is a predisposition to developing the disease and give practical advice to parents. One of the goals set for our Center is to improve the quality of life of children suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and their families.

You can make an appointment with a pediatric gastroenterologist from 8.00 to 20.00 by calling (8452) 244-000. Reception is by appointment only.

Gastritis with low acidity

Typically, gastritis with low acidity causes severe discomfort. Due to the lack of enzymes and gastric juice, food takes a long time to digest. At the slightest overeating, such patients feel heaviness in the stomach, they are constantly tormented by belching air with an unpleasant odor. To get rid of this condition, treatment must be comprehensive.

  • Following a strict diet.
    The basis of the diet is vegetable soup, steamed cutlets, boiled lean meat and plenty of drink.
  • Eliminate constipation.
    The doctor must prescribe medications that are appropriate in a particular case.

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How to improve your diet

With gastritis, diet is very important. You should not allow long intervals between meals. You should eat slowly, chewing your food well. It is important not to overeat, not to rush, and not to eat dry.

Meals should be fractional - small portions, but frequent meals. The number of meals during the day should be at least five times. In this case, the secretory activity of the stomach increases. Eating in the evening should be no later than three hours before bedtime.

It is important to choose only quality products. Meals for the child must be fresh, it is recommended to prepare them before eating.

The diet should be adjusted according to the following principle:

  • completely eliminate coarse, spicy, fatty, fried foods, baked goods, smoked foods, marinades, snacks, chips, fast food;
  • dishes should be boiled, stewed, baked, steamed;
  • too hot and cold food is also prohibited;
  • fresh vegetables should not be given. It is better to boil, stew or bake them.

You need to stop using:

  • fresh bread, muffins, pastries;
  • fatty meats, offal, sausages;
  • fatty fish, salted fish;
  • canned food, smoked meats;
  • fermented milk and dairy products with a high percentage of fat, salted cheeses;
  • fried eggs;
  • legume products;
  • cabbage, pickled vegetables, mushrooms, sorrel, green onions, radishes, garlic;
  • sour berries, fruits, citrus fruits, grapes, tomatoes;
  • mustard, sauces - mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • confectionery products that contain cream, chocolate;
  • cocoa, coffee, carbonated drinks, kvass.

The listed products should not be given to a child during an exacerbation of chronic gastritis.

You can feed your baby the following foods:

  • dried bread, crackers, dietary cookies;
  • low-fat soups, the products for them are not fried, but boiled;
  • lean meats. It needs to be boiled, baked, cooked into cutlets or steamed meatballs;
  • lean types of fish. It needs to be boiled, baked, but not fried, it can be stewed with vegetables;
  • low-fat milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream. You can make a casserole from cottage cheese; it is not recommended to use high-fat butter;
  • the omelette is steamed or baked in the oven;
  • porridges – buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, semolina, wheat;
  • boiled, baked or stewed potatoes, beets, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini;
  • apples, pears, bananas, better baked in the oven;
  • inconvenient buns. As a filling, you can use lean meats, apples or cottage cheese;
  • compotes. To prepare them, you can use fruits, dried fruits, jelly, sweet juice, and weak tea are allowed;
  • marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows in small quantities.

Principles of treatment

It is important to simultaneously undergo physiotherapeutic treatment, which reduces the severity of gastritis symptoms. The secretion and motor function of the digestive organs are also fully restored, and blood microcirculation improves.

Gastroenterologists recommend parallel psychotherapy with the child, through which provoking factors causing stress and exacerbation of gastritis are detected. With the help of a psychotherapist, these provoking factors are eliminated, the psyche becomes more stable, and the child learns to cope with stress.

Remember that any drug therapy can be used only after the doctor prescribes the appropriate drugs after the diagnosis has been carried out and the diagnosis has been established. Self-treatment is unacceptable.

Prevention of constipation with gastritis

It is much easier to prevent constipation than to deal with it later. For prevention, there are several recommendations that should always be followed.

  • Food should be chewed thoroughly, as large pieces take a long time to digest and can cause heaviness in the stomach.
  • Patients with gastritis need to get rid of the habit of quickly snacking on the go or eating dry food.
  • Meals should be fractional and portions should be small. It is best to eat every three to four hours.
  • Do not overload your digestive tract before bed.
  • Breakfast should be complete. You should forget about strong coffee or tea with sandwiches, drunk on an empty stomach or for a run before work. It is imperative to find time to eat healthy and nutritious food.

  • Do not forget about feasible physical activity. There is no point in tormenting yourself with training, but everyone can do a walk after work.

Constipation with gastritis is an unpleasant phenomenon, but it can be dealt with, and first of all, you should treat the underlying disease. All patients should know that once a period of remission occurs, problems with bowel movements usually disappear. That is why all efforts must be directed towards eliminating the cause of constipation, and not just fighting it.

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Constipation - symptoms, causes, treatment


Constipation , also known as obstruction, is a condition in which intestinal remain in different parts of the digestive tract. Constipation is not the same as irregular bowel and sometimes occurs even when bowel . What is constipation and how does it manifest? How can I get rid of this problem?

A healthy person who has no problems with bowel has bowel movements at least 3 times a week, although it is best to do this every day. It is important to remember that regular bowel do not always mean proper bowel movements. The volume, weight, color and consistency of the stool are also important.

In defecation problems such as constipation , the stool is too firm and often has a more intense and unpleasant odor than normal stool. This is due to the fact that feces remain in the digestive tract for a long time, which causes complex processes of decomposition and fermentation, and also increases the absorption of water from the stool. Constipation is defined as when stool remains in the digestive tract for a long time and when the patient has trouble passing stool from the rectum .

Constipation - causes

The causes of constipation are very varied. The most common cause of constipation is, of course, an incorrect diet , in which there is too little fiber and the patient does not drink enough fluids. Constipation , in patients with severe injuries that make it impossible to move). Inadequate nutrition and lack of physical activity often lead to disturbances in the digestive system, in which case constipation is called idopathic. It is estimated that this type of constipation affects about 90% of people with obstruction.

Other possible causes of constipation include nervous system such as Parkinson's disease , cerebrovascular disease, multiple sclerosis cord tumor . In addition, constipation occurs with problems such as:

  • absence of ganglia in the large intestine , causing excessive dilatation of the intestine ;
  • lengthening of the colon;
  • excessive narrowing of the intestine due to a tumor in the intestinal .

Constipation can be one of the symptoms that occurs with diseases such as endometriosis, diabetes , hernia , hypothyroidism and hemorrhoids . Problems with stool retention in the colon can also be caused by taking various medications.

Constipation - types

With constipation, the stool is compact, hard, and its volume is less than that of normal stool. Depending on the cause and frequency of constipation, there are several types of this problem:

  • short-term constipation - occurs periodically, and your bowel movements are normal between periods of constipation . This type of constipation usually recurs, but if the problem occurs frequently, consult your doctor ;
  • occasional constipation - they are spoken of when problems with bowel movements occur very rarely and are caused, for example, by a change in diet, short-term stress or travel;
  • Chronic constipation – also known as habitual constipation , it occurs all the time or very often.

Constipation is often accompanied by other ailments such as pain during bowel movements, flatulence, nausea , feeling of fullness in the abdomen , belching , dizziness , lack of appetite, weight loss and fever. It is also common to find blood or mucus in the stool.

Constipation - how to deal with it?

The remedy for constipation is high fiber diet The key to treating constipation is finding out the cause of the condition. If constipation is caused by poor diet or lifestyle, you should look at the menu and make sure you have plenty of fiber foods on it. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water, kefir or prune compote.

To regain bowel regularity, you should try to have a bowel movement around the same time every day. For constipation , you can use drugs that reduce the density of stool. You should not take laxatives too often, as they cause a “lazy” digestive system.

Published in Gastroentorology Premium Clinic

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