Foam vomiting: causes, features of foam vomiting in a child, first aid

Digestive problems occur in every person from time to time, but vomiting foam is an alarming symptom that requires proper diagnosis and treatment. It complicates pregnancy in the first trimester and appears with eating disorders and infections. This is one of the signs of chronic inflammation of the stomach or pancreas, so you need to pay attention to the inclusions of blood and the color of the vomit.

What is vomiting

The gag reflex is a protective reaction of the human body. In diseases of the digestive tract, the stomach does not allow food to pass through in order to relieve the intestines, and does not allow substances to be absorbed through the villi in the rectum. But vomiting with foam is not a typical manifestation of poisoning. This is a sign of serious problems in the digestive system and requires careful study.

Vomiting is a reflex contraction of the abdominal muscles, internal muscles, in which the contents of the stomach are expelled through the mouth. Foods or liquids are perceived by the body as potentially dangerous substances. The vomiting center, located in the medulla oblongata, becomes overexcited and gives the command to empty. In this case, a reaction may occur to certain smells or tastes of food.

Examination of cats

To identify the cause of frequent vomiting, the veterinarian interviews the cat's owner and carefully examines the animal. If necessary, a number of studies are carried out. This approach allows you to quickly find the cause of the illness and begin to treat your sick pet. The inspection is usually carried out in several successive stages and consists of the following points:

  1. Interview the owner to obtain information about the frequency and duration of vomiting.
  2. Clarification of the cat’s diet, as well as the possibility of foreign objects entering the digestive tract.
  3. Determining the type and thickness of vomit, finding out information when the animal began to vomit.
  4. Examination of the animal, determination of general condition and reflexes.
  5. Clarification of information about chronic cat diseases.

If the cat has only once vomited clear liquid with a small admixture of hair, then it is worth observing the pet throughout the day. Most often, this condition stabilizes very quickly, and after a few hours the cat is playful and active. However, when vomiting becomes indomitable and the animal becomes lethargic and apathetic, dehydration sets in very quickly, which causes irreversible processes in the body. You can’t hesitate here; only a doctor can provide help. In severe cases, surgery and intravenous fluids may be needed.

The owner should be wary if the animal does not allow its belly to be touched or to be picked up. This may indicate an inflammatory process in the abdominal area.

Cause of foamy vomiting in adults

There are a number of diseases that cause nausea and vomiting with foam in humans. Various secretions, blood threads or bile may be mixed with the fluid, which helps the specialist determine the cause. Most often it is hidden for the following reasons:

  • Diabetes. In the latent form of the disease, a person has extreme thirst. He drinks a lot of liquid, which provokes evening nausea and vomiting. A characteristic symptom is sudden weight loss with a standard diet.
  • Chronic gastritis. Vomiting foam in a person occurs after eating certain foods that disrupt acidity.
  • Alcohol intoxication. In case of poisoning, the body malfunctions, the process of digestion and bowel movements is disrupted. It occurs against the background of a hangover syndrome and does not require separate treatment.
  • Duodenal ulcer. The patient periodically vomits foam and experiences painful spasms in the navel area. The problem appears when you abandon a strict diet and open areas of erosion.
  • Helminthic infestations. An unpleasant symptom occurs in the morning before eating. A person vomiting may notice small white roundworms that irritate the stomach when they come into contact with sour juice and exit through the esophagus.
  • Intestinal obstruction. In addition to severe pain in the side, the patient notes severe vomiting with copious amounts of mucus. The discharge becomes cloudy in color, there may be no excretion of feces, yellow vomit.
  • Oncological diseases. With stomach cancer or metastasis to the pancreas, you vomit with foam, which turns coffee-colored. Upon visual inspection, small black inclusions are observed.
  • Neurosis. In some patients with weak psyches, life situations cause a state of constant tension. They often experience nausea, vomit white foam without impurities or blood, and diarrhea begins.

Each situation should be assessed individually. Establishing a diagnosis involves examining the intestines using gastroscopy, colonoscopy, and ultrasound of the digestive tract. You should not panic if you suddenly vomit with foam, which appears as a response to overeating or eating a fatty product.

The most dangerous condition is vomiting white foam in a person against the background of severe pain in the back of the head and cramps of the limbs. This is how viral diseases of the central nervous system manifest themselves: meningitis, encephalitis, inflammation of the cerebral cortex. After cleansing the stomach, the state of health only worsens, causing blindness, deep fainting or coma. The same dangerous symptoms accompany the formation of tumors that put pressure on the vomiting center of the brain.

How to protect a cat from poisoning

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so attention should be paid to the prevention of diseases and poisoning. To protect your cat from poisoning and digestive disorders, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Give the animal only healthy and fresh food. If you use dry food for feeding, then you should not skimp on it; you need to choose high-quality products.
  • Do not overfeed fluffies and especially kittens; portions should be appropriate for age and weight.
  • Food should be lukewarm and finely chopped.
  • Periodically, cats are given anthelmintic drugs.
  • All vaccinations are given according to schedule.

If trouble happens and your beloved cat gets sick, you need to act quickly. In most cases, the health of the animal and its life depend on the coordinated actions of the owner. When your pet's condition worsens by the minute, you need to quickly go to the hospital.

Vomiting with foam in children

The baby’s immunity often fails and reacts sharply to infection with any infection. Therefore, the gag reflex often complicates the course of a common cold, acute respiratory viral infection, or intestinal flu. Foam vomiting in a child occurs when there is a deficiency of digestive enzymes, which is accompanied by acute inflammation of the pancreas. Signs of the disorder are referred to as acetonemic syndrome:

  • nausea,
  • refusal of food,
  • specific odor from the mouth,
  • The child vomits white foam.

The reason is a violation of the child’s nutrition, intestinal dysbiosis and other developmental features. In children, the problem often occurs due to an allergic reaction to certain foods, milk or gluten, or drug components. There are often cases of emotional stress in which vomiting occurs due to a certain irritant: fear of punishment, a test, an exam, fear of a teacher or parent.

How dangerous is the condition and who is at risk?

Repeated vomiting attacks dehydrate and exhaust the body. If an animal refuses food and water, it may die from water-electrolyte imbalance. Small breeds and puppies are especially vulnerable.

Frequent drooling is typical for boxers and bulldogs, who are unable to retain drool inside the mouth due to the specific structure of the muzzle. Yorkies are also at risk. This breed has sensitive digestion, so their body often rejects new foods. The number of attacks can reach 1-2 times per week.

Spaniels, Great Danes, Labradors and Poodles are breeds prone to epileptic seizures. These animals require constant control from the owner.

Cause of foam vomiting in pregnant women

When carrying a child, a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes. At 8–12 weeks, salivation may increase, so vomiting foam during pregnancy is a characteristic sign of the first trimester. Sometimes it is associated with intoxication from the baby’s waste products. Normally, an unpleasant phenomenon occurs in the morning hours, it happens from 3 to 6 times a day.

If a woman vomits foam during pregnancy late in pregnancy, it is necessary to diagnose the gastrointestinal tract. The fruit puts pressure on the intestines and liver, stimulates stagnation of bile or worsens chronic inflammation of internal organs. There is a risk that the mother and embryo do not receive nutrients and microelements. This negatively affects the development of the baby and the well-being of the expectant mother. Sometimes support with special medications is required that help maintain water balance and improve blood supply to the placenta. The situation quickly normalizes after delivery.

Pivot table

Cause What to do
Wool Regular brushing, malt paste
Grass Observation
Feed Power change
Hunger Feed more often
Binge eating Feed more often and in small portions
Foreign body Treatment in a clinic setting
Pregnancy Diagnostics
Estrus Diagnostics
Medicines Treatment in a clinic setting
Stress Eliminating stress and prescribing sedatives
Surgical interventions Treatment in a clinic setting
Viral infections Treatment in a clinic setting
Vaccination Vomiting is often one-time, no treatment required
Pathologies of the digestive system Treatment in a clinic setting
Kidney diseases Treatment in a clinic setting
Oncology Treatment in a clinic setting
Sepsis Treatment in a clinic setting
Helminths Treatment for helminths

First aid for vomiting foam

If vomiting with foam in a child or adult does not stop for more than a day and interferes with taking water and food, you should consult a doctor for help. Before visiting the hospital, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • drink a spoonful of plain water every 10 minutes,
  • monitor the patient's temperature and pulse,
  • use special solutions for rehydration,
  • Provide fresh air to reduce nausea.

If you feel sick with white foam mixed with blood, it is recommended to suck on small ice cubes. For any damage to the stomach, this soothes the inflamed mucous membrane and reduces bleeding. Eating food, juice or carbonated water is excluded until the cause of the unpleasant condition is determined. Mint candies are suitable as an aid.

Prohibited actions

In order not to harm your dog, you need to know about the actions that you should not do. Otherwise, complications and death are possible.

If your dog is vomiting, do not:

  1. Choose your own dosage of specialized medications. Only a doctor can make a prescription. Treatment in this case is not effective and even dangerous. Without knowing the exact diagnosis, it is easy to harm the animal’s internal organs.
  2. Antiemetics with human formulations cannot be given. The medicine is not intended for your pet and will make the situation worse. It is better to ensure rest, drinking regime and consult a doctor.
  3. There is no need to scold or punish your dog, even if it vomits in the room or on the bed. The animal needs moral support. Seizures are difficult to control, so the pet is not aware of its actions.
  4. There should be no collar, leash, or muzzle while vomiting. The animal can suffocate and die. The airways should be as clear as possible. For decorative breeds, tight clothing and hair clips should be removed.
  5. In case of poisoning, it is important that all toxins leave the body. Therefore, they try not to use antiemetic drugs right away. You need to give it time and not hold back the urge.

A pet undergoing home treatment should not be left unattended. Convulsions and loss of consciousness are possible. In this state, the dog can harm itself. You need to monitor his behavior and, if necessary, contact a specialist.


Further assistance to the patient depends on the diseases that provoked the complication. If a child or adult repeatedly vomits foam, you can use medications that reduce the gag reflex:

  • Metoclopramide,
  • Cerucal,
  • Motilium,
  • Aminazine.

In case of intestinal disorder, it is necessary to reduce intoxication in order to normalize intestinal function. Taking adsorbents in solution or tablets helps to cleanse toxins naturally. If vomiting saliva is accompanied by loose stools, you can use:

  • Enterofuril,
  • White coal,
  • Smecta,
  • Polysorb.

Enterosgel helps cleanse the microflora in case of poisoning. For disorders caused by stress, the help of a neurologist and psychologist is necessary. The doctor prescribes a course of medications with a sedative effect that gradually reduces irritability. Treatment lasts 3–4 weeks, during which sleep patterns normalize, appetite and calmness are restored.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

There are a number of cases when the owner does not know what to do and how to help the fluffy. First of all, you need to stop panicking, because panicking will not help the matter, and seek help from specialists. A trip to the hospital should be immediate in the following cases:

  1. The cat has been vomiting water or foam for more than 3 hours.
  2. The vomit is white or yellowish in color, but there are bloody spots in it.
  3. The pet refuses not only food, but also drink, and continuously vomits.
  4. In addition to the main symptom, diarrhea began, the animal’s nose became dry and hot, which indicates an elevated temperature. In addition, the owner should be alert to convulsions, which indicate dehydration and damage to the central nervous system.

In all these cases, you should not self-medicate, so as not to further aggravate the situation. It is better to entrust the health and life of your pet to a qualified doctor who will correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

In some cases, cats are prescribed antibiotics to treat infectious diseases. Properly selected medications can quickly get your family pet back on his feet.

Traditional methods for foamy vomiting

At home, folk recipes help reduce nausea and pain. If vomiting saliva in an adult is caused by alcohol intoxication, you can take the following formulations:

  • clean water with lemon juice,
  • decoction of dill or fennel seeds,
  • green tea with a spoon of honey,
  • warm infusion of mint, chamomile and lemon balm.

In case of food poisoning, a decoction of eucalyptus or bay leaf helps calm the stomach. Drink 30–50 grams of liquid. at one time, trying not to eat during the first 24 hours. In case of exacerbation of gastritis, long-term adherence to a special diet is recommended. Traditional methods during pregnancy should be used with great caution.

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