Alternating constipation and diarrhea: why this problem occurs and how to solve it

When the digestive system is functioning normally, bowel movements occur about twice a day. At the same time, feces have a homogeneous structure, without admixtures of blood, mucus, pus and other pathologies.

Both diarrhea and diarrhea occur for certain reasons. This does not indicate the presence of a specific disease, but only the manifestation of the underlying illness. As a rule, diarrhea occurs several times a day, and the stool becomes liquid.

A condition during which defecation is delayed is called constipation. If the intestines have not been cleansed within 24 hours, this is considered normal. If the act of defecation occurs from 3 times a day to 3 times a week and has the same frequency, this can also be considered the norm. What pathology causes diarrhea and constipation at the same time?

How do diarrhea and constipation manifest?

Diarrhea treatment in adults requires first identifying the causes of this serious disturbance in the normal functioning of the intestines. The concept of diarrhea is determined by two factors: firstly, too frequent bowel movements - more than twice a day, and secondly, the condition of the stool. With diarrhea, the stool is quite liquid, sometimes like water.

Another type of abnormal bowel condition is constipation. Constipation, unlike diarrhea, is characterized by insufficient or irregular bowel movements. If an adult has not had feces for two days, this is called constipation. The reasons for this phenomenon are different: the effect of drugs, infections, dietary disturbances or the presence of pathologies in the body.

Painful conditions with constipation and diarrhea signal disorders and dysfunctions present in the body, and to effectively get rid of them it is important to identify the causes followed by intestinal disorders.

Causes of alternating diarrhea and diarrhea

Diarrhea is a protective function of the body against irritating factors.

Many tests have proven that the period during which the discharge of a liquid consistency alternates with its absence, this may indicate the presence of fundamental and dangerous pathologies that have arisen in the body. Diseases that contribute to diarrhea and constipation:

  1. intestinal disease associated with oncology;
  2. disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  3. irritable bowel syndrome;
  4. inflammatory processes that occur in the large or small intestine;
  5. constant disruption of the discharge of secretions, stagnation of feces and, at the same time, drinking laxatives;
  6. the presence of parasitic organisms in the digestive system.

Do not forget that diarrhea and constipation are nothing more than the body’s protective function against specific irritating factors. Such circumstances can easily include food intoxication and toxic infection.

In such a situation, the intestines try to cleanse themselves of organisms that caused the infectious disease, or of toxic substances that arose as a result of pathological processes, and in a similar way the general condition of the patient is normalized.

If there is a lack of fluid in the body, constipation occurs. Pathophysiological mechanisms reflecting the main factors in the appearance of a series of diarrhea with constipation:

  • intestinal obstruction caused by the presence of a foreign body or formation;
  • impaired intestinal permeability due to paralytic etiology.

When such conditions occur, you should contact a medical facility.

Why is diarrhea dangerous: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Diarrhea, the symptoms accompanying it, can manifest themselves in the whole list, or there can be only a few: nausea, vomiting, fever, cutting pain in the abdomen. The most striking symptom is unnaturally loose and frequent stools.

These symptoms may be caused by:

  • low-quality or stale food products, poisoning,
  • the presence of infections or parasites,
  • taking medications,
  • consuming sometimes incompatible products,
  • lack of hygiene,
  • non-compliance with food processing technology, stress,
  • weakened immune system.

Enterovirus, rotavirus and bacterial infections that affect the intestines, in addition to diarrhea, are also accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Our clinic offers relief from pathologies that cause diarrhea in adults. The gastroenterologist will choose a reliable treatment regimen with drugs or non-drug treatment.

Non-drug methods of combating diarrhea include cleansing the stomach and following a diet as an integral part of therapy. To prevent diarrhea, the most important commandment is to maintain good hygiene and eat washed vegetables and fruits.

Read also: Dysbacteriosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome

This is a characteristic set of symptoms; the cause is often not related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. According to WHO statistics, this is one of the most common causes of bowel dysfunction. In this case, the patient complains of a whole range of symptoms:

  • Flatulence, which increases during the day, is especially noticeable after eating.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen. The sensations vary in nature from dull and pulling to cutting. After visiting the toilet, the discomfort decreases.
  • Morning diarrhea.
  • Constipation, heterogeneous stool.
  • Discharge of mucus with stool, but no pus or blood.

Symptoms are accompanied by belching, bitterness in the mouth, and sometimes vomiting. Signs of intestinal distress include anxiety, fatigue, and mood swings. Individually, each complaint does not cause concern, but their totality gives a very characteristic picture. At the same time, there are no serious changes in the intestines that can be detected through diagnostics. The forms of IBS differ in nature. With the same disease, patients complain of constipation, diarrhea, or a mixed form.

The main cause of the problem is stressful situations. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract can be a consequence of psychological trauma or chronic fatigue. Personal characteristics also influence the development of the disease, for example, high anxiety.

There is a genetic predisposition to the appearance of the syndrome. The likelihood of encountering a problem increases if among family members there is already a patient with this syndrome, patients with stomach ulcers or Crohn's disease.

IBS can develop as a complication after an acute intestinal infection, salmonellosis, dysentery or cholera. Food poisoning or uncontrolled medication use also fall into this category. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted after a course of antibiotics or improper use of laxatives or painkillers.

Abnormal bowel movements are a common consequence of poor nutrition: undereating or overeating, snacking on the run, etc. Intestinal dysfunction is caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a common, but not the only cause of bowel dysfunction. Often constipation or diarrhea is a sign of pathological changes in the body.

Constipation requires treatment

Constipation in adults occurs for medical reasons and social changes in the usual way of life. Frequent manifestations of constipation occur during travel, a change of environment, intense work in emergency mode, when a person does not even have time to visit the toilet, and he deliberately delays the act of defecation. As a result, a lot of tension is created on the rectum, causing pain and discomfort.

Constipation is diagnosed in adults when bowel movements occur at least three times a week and are accompanied by pain, a feeling of a “plug” remaining in the rectum.

When constipation occurs, symptoms may also include:

  • headache;
  • the appearance of bad breath and plaque on the tongue;
  • decreased appetite;
  • attacks of heartburn.

Treatment of constipation is necessary so that it does not lead to intestinal obstruction, intoxication of the body and other gastrointestinal diseases.

The main thing in the treatment and prevention of constipation is regular and balanced nutrition. We will select a diet and adjust the diet for patients suffering from chronic constipation and for those who want to reduce their tendency to constipation.

Dear patients! Remember that only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the causes and nature of the disease, and prescribe effective treatment. You can make an appointment with our specialists or call a doctor at home by calling 8-(4822)-33-00-33

Be healthy and happy!

What problems cause constipation?

The symptom manifests itself with gastroptosis (prolapse of the stomach). Accompanied by belching and nausea. Discomfort appears during physical activity, especially when jumping or running. The pain intensifies after eating and can radiate to the heart.

Fecal retention is a nonspecific sign of gastric ulcer. In this case, the patient complains of pain in the upper abdomen, which is clearly associated with meals and has a clear frequency and seasonality of exacerbations. Symptoms worsen in spring and autumn. Also, with an ulcer, heartburn appears after eating, and a painful feeling of hunger is observed.

The symptom also appears with gastroduodenitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. Constipation is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Attacks of pain appear in the upper abdomen, and “hunger pains” may bother you, which disappear after a snack.

Nutritional constipation occurs with a diet rich in easily digestible foods with low fiber content. Constipation affects people who adhere to strict diets for a long time for medical reasons or for the purpose of losing weight.

Constipation can be aggravated by weakness of the muscles in the anterior abdominal wall. Especially with a decrease in appetite, when the volume of feces decreases, it cannot irritate the colon with the necessary force.

Diarrhea in a child

Diarrhea in children, especially under 3 years of age, quickly weakens the baby and threatens dehydration and developmental disorders. Diarrhea can occur only after feeding or be repeated, causing pain to the child (complaints of constant pain in the abdomen or sudden cramps). The baby is capricious and sleeps poorly, cannot play, headaches and mental retardation appear. In order for the doctor to quickly determine the cause of diarrhea, parents are advised to analyze all previous events, since loose stools are often the result of certain changes in diet and other nonspecific factors:

  • introducing complementary foods in addition to breast milk (large portions of food new to the baby or introducing a particular type of complementary food too early);
  • replacing infant formula with similar products from another manufacturer using ingredients that are dissimilar in composition;
  • high excitability of the baby associated with stress (quarrels in the family or with other children), painful procedures in the treatment of any diseases or vaccinations;
  • eating with adults and eating food that is unsuitable for a child’s age (food that is difficult to digest, spicy and fried foods, fatty foods):
  • reaction to medications, especially those taken without consulting a pediatrician;
  • cutting through several teeth at the same time (this may cause insomnia, vomiting and poor appetite).

Constipation in a child

Constipation that occurs in a child indicates a malfunction of the digestive function caused by several reasons:

  • early refusal of the mother to breastfeed and abrupt transfer of the baby to substitute formulas;
  • potty training your baby;
  • an unbalanced child’s diet with a predominance of refined foods, including sweets and baked goods, low content of complex carbohydrates and fiber (vegetables and cereals), lack of soups;
  • low consumption of pure water, replacing it with carbonated and sweet drinks;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • increased weight;
  • psychological problems;
  • slow intestinal motility.

The main sign of persistent constipation is the child’s absence of bowel movements for more than 2 days, as well as his complaints of heaviness and rumbling in the abdomen, pain during bowel movements, and loss of appetite.

Possible diseases

In addition to errors in nutrition and other everyday reasons, a violation of the bowel movement mechanism may mean that the child is seriously ill:

  • enterovirus infections that spread through contact with infected people, as well as through airborne droplets;
  • allergies to various groups of substances and products, household items and animals;
  • celiac disease, that is, intolerance to gluten, which is found in bread and baby food, and other products;
  • gastrointestinal diseases, including enteritis and pancreatitis, gastritis and colitis;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • poisoning of a child, including stale or low-quality food and medicines.

Highly qualified gastroenterologists from the Baltic Children's Medical Center, equipped with modern diagnostic systems, will help restore the functionality of the child's intestines.

Alternating constipation/diarrhea + weakness, many years

Alexey, Nizhny Novgorod


January 14, 2021

Hello! I am 34 years old, height 186 cm, weight 86 kg. The gastrointestinal tract has been bothering me for a long time, with a tendency to worsen. Main complaint: alternation of constipation and stool disorders. At the same time, during constipation there is a feeling of fullness, there is no urge to go to the toilet, or small portions in the form of “sheep” stool. Without additional laxative intake (lactulose 7-15 ml per day) it does not improve. And during the disorder - either frequent stools (4-6 times a day) formed but soft and spotting (type 4 on the Bristol scale), or even liquid until the intestines are completely empty. At the time of the disorder, there is ALWAYS weakness, mild long-term pain in the left hypochondrium (does not get worse when palpated independently), gas formation, decreased appetite/nausea, and a temperature of about 37.3 - 37.5 (rarely up to 38 with severe disorder) This disorder goes away spontaneously within 2-3 days and then constipation sets in again. I don’t notice any connection with nutrition (I’ve been keeping a food diary for a long time). You can eat chocolates for a week and nothing will happen, or you may get upset after a balanced diet of rice, buckwheat, chicken breast, vegetables and cottage cheese. There is a connection with alcohol - all severe disorders (with severe nausea, diarrhea) occurred after drinking alcohol (in moderation, up to 2 glasses of wine), the next day. I did not notice any connection with the intake of pancreatic enzymes (Creon 10-20 thousand units with meals). If overeating occurs, then the disorder and other symptoms do not occur within a couple of hours, as can be the case with pancreatitis, but most often occur the next day or without any connection with nutrition at all. Ultrasound and blood tests for amylase show no signs of pancreatitis. Taking antispasmodics (duspatalin) does not change the situation. In 2014, with complaints of prolonged nausea and stool upset, I underwent a colonoscopy and was diagnosed with “ileitis? signs of catarrhal sigmoiditis”, after a biopsy, Crohn’s disease and UC were excluded, and Alpha Normix was prescribed. At the same time, on FGDS: reflux esophagitis grade 1, gastritis of the antrum without visible signs of atrophy, cicatricial deformation of the bulb of the 12p intestine (in 2009, an ulcer of the 12p intestine was diagnosed at FGD, there were specific symptoms that have not recurred since then) The weight in general does not fall. When nausea/stool disorder - temporarily decreases due to decreased nutrition, then recovers. There may have been improvements while taking antidepressants (SSRIs) as prescribed by a psychotherapist in connection with other complaints, but I’m not sure for sure. Previously, there were temporary improvements for ~6 months, but for the last 2 years the problem has been constantly bothering me, greatly interfering with normal life because it often leads to weakness, fever, nausea and decreased performance, but I don’t know what to do next. Questions: 1. Does this look like IBS, and what needs to be diagnosed to rule out organic causes and be sure that IBS should be treated? 2. What tests should be taken now and what hypotheses should be considered? Most likely I will look for a full-time doctor in another city, and I want to prepare a set of tests that may be required.

The question is closed




stool disorders

Types of defecation disorders

Defecation disorders in children vary depending on the cause of the pathology, the age of the child, as well as existing diseases:

  • persistent constipation, accompanied by pain and tension in the abdomen, lethargy and poor appetite;
  • chronic diarrhea with progressive weakness and weight loss, signs of dehydration and vitamin deficiency, deterioration of emotional state;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation, which especially often occurs due to self-treatment carried out by parents without making an accurate diagnosis and selecting adequate medications;
  • diarrhea with simultaneous fever and vomiting, which may indicate an infection.

Each case of a change in bowel movements in a child can be a sign of a serious, sometimes life-threatening disease, so even if the condition improves, it is necessary to show the baby to a specialist.

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