Tips to help you get through your period easier

PMS symptoms, known as premenstrual syndrome, begin 5-14 days before your period begins. Here are 10 main signs that a woman experiences during this period. You can deal with most of them at home. But if the manifestations are too active and affect your life and interfere with you, be sure to discuss this with your gynecologist.

PMS symptoms

Treating PMS Symptoms

More than 90 percent of women experience PMS symptoms to some degree. They usually go away in the first two days after the start of menstruation. We publish the 10 most common signs that your period is approaching.

How to relieve swelling during menstruation

Say no to salt. You should especially not indulge in salty foods after 3 p.m. Salt contributes to fluid retention in the body and the occurrence of edema. If it is impossible to live without salty foods, at least replace the sodium salt with potassium salt - with soy sauce, it does not have such a strong effect on the occurrence of edema.

Don't drink too much in the evening. Yes, you need to drink an average of 6-8 glasses of water per day, but it is better to drink this amount before 18.00. The habit of drinking tea late in the evening is not very useful. It is difficult for the fluid that enters the body before going to bed to leave our body - after all, we are not actively exercising at this time, we are not sweating, and during sleep our excretory system operates in a more relaxed mode. This means that excess liquid will end up on your face in the morning - in the form of bags under the eyes and swelling.

Yoga poses. In the days leading up to your period (but not during your period), practice “inverted” yoga poses, such as what is colloquially called the “birch pose.” If you don't think you're prepared enough for this, just lie against the wall with your legs up. Such poses help the kidneys take their physiologically correct place, improve their functioning, make it easier for them to remove toxins from our body, and, as a result, can be considered an excellent prevention of swelling.

Take a contrast shower every day. Ideally - in the morning and evening. A small local stress for the skin, which is contrast douches, strengthens the immune system, helps improve vascular tone - blood and lymphatic, and therefore improves microcirculation of fluid. This also prevents swelling. Skin tone, elasticity, and color also improve if you practice contrast procedures regularly.

Cold and hot shower. You need to take a contrast shower correctly. Always start with warm water, not boiling water, but moderately hot. Take a warm shower for one minute, then switch the water to cool. It also should not be extremely cold: ice douches can be practiced only in areas of low sensitivity - shoulders, forearms, thighs, legs. We also hold cool water for one minute. Then we do two more such approaches. We always finish the procedure with cold water.

Bloating during menstruation: 7 ways to cope with the unpleasant sensation

Many women experience bloating before or during their period.
Can certain lifestyle changes help cope with this unpleasant feeling? Bloating during menstruation not only causes discomfort, but also spoils your mood. At such moments, there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and sometimes it even seems that you have gained excess weight. Fortunately, some lifestyle changes can reduce these symptoms. What is bloating during menstruation? Period bloating is a condition in which a woman's belly becomes heavier and inflated before or during her period. Bloating is also considered one of several symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which can occur 1-2 weeks before the start of your period. In addition to bloating, PMS symptoms include:

  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Colic
  • Acne
  • Food cravings
  • Breast swelling
  • Headache
  • Swelling

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, up to 85 percent of women experience PMS symptoms. What causes bloating?

Bloating before and during menstruation can be the result of changes in levels of the sex hormones progesterone and estrogen.
About a week before the start of menstruation, women's levels of the hormone progesterone drop. A decrease in progesterone levels causes the uterus to become free of endometrium, which causes menstrual bleeding. Research shows that changes in progesterone and estrogen levels not only cause menstrual bleeding, but also cause the body to retain more water and salt. Body cells fill with water, causing bloating. A 2011 study found that it is on the first day of menstruation that a woman's body accumulates the most water and causes the most bloating. How to relieve bloating? There are ways to reduce water retention, which in turn will help relieve period bloating symptoms:
Avoid salty foods Salt increases the amount of water a person stores. Avoiding salty foods will help solve this problem. The American Heart Association recommends that people limit their salt intake to 1,500 mg per day. Many processed foods contain salt, so cooking at home using only fresh ingredients is one way to avoid excess salt. Eat potassium-rich foods Research shows that potassium lowers sodium levels and increases urine production. Thus, potassium helps reduce water retention and control bloating. Potassium-rich foods to eat to avoid bloating include:

  • Dark leafy greens, such as spinach
  • Sweet potato
  • Bananas
  • Avocado
  • Tomatoes

Try diuretics

Diuretic products increase urine production. This process helps the body remove excess water. Many foods have natural diuretic properties, for example:

  • Asparagus
  • Pineapples
  • Peaches
  • cucumbers
  • Leek
  • Ginger
  • Garlic

Diuretics are also available in tablet form. A doctor may prescribe them if your periods are accompanied by unpleasant sensations and home treatments do not help.

Drink plenty of water There is information that water improves kidney function. It should be noted, however, that there is currently no scientific evidence to support this data, but it is still worth a try. Water, in any case, will improve your well-being.

Avoid Refined Carbohydrates Refined carbohydrates, such as white flour and processed sugars, cause blood sugar levels to spike. This increases insulin levels in the blood, which causes the kidneys to retain more salt. Elevated sodium levels lead to water retention, so we don't recommend consuming refined carbohydrates during your period.

Be active

A 2013 study found that regular exercise improved PMS symptoms. Since bloating is a symptom of PMS, regular exercise will help reduce it. To stay healthy, people should aim to do 2.5 hours of moderate exercise per week. Talk to your doctor about birth control pills A 2008 study suggests that birth control pills help relieve bloating during your period. However, some women reported the opposite effect. The effect of the pill can be different for each woman, so it's best to discuss your options with your doctor and try several different types of birth control to see which works best for PMS relief.

When should you see a doctor? For most women, bloating causes some discomfort, but does not interfere with their ability to carry out their daily duties. However, if bloating is affecting a woman's daily life, it is worth talking to her doctor. In addition, if bloating does not go away after the end of your period, you should also consult a doctor, as this may indicate a more serious illness. Bloating during menstruation: 7 ways to cope with the unpleasant feeling

How do the ovaries hurt?

Based on the nature of the pain and its location, the doctor can make an initial diagnosis and preliminarily determine why a woman’s ovaries hurt, referring her for the examination necessary in this case. The pain can be constant and short-term, aching and stabbing, dull and sharp, localized in the lower abdomen or radiate to the thigh, lower back, or perineum. Often painful sensations occur on the right or left side, indicating the location of the problem organ.

However, pain in the lower abdomen can easily be confused with appendicitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary system. Especially if it is periodic and manifests itself in different localizations - in the pubic area, on the right or left side and further up to the kidney. Only a specialist will be able to determine, for example, why the ovaries hurt before menstruation or why pain occurs after sex. Therefore, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor to determine the cause of the ailment.

Tips to help you get through your period easier


Menstruation is an integral part of every woman's life. The best way to get through it as painlessly as possible is to get to know your body and everything that menstruation brings with it. All women know how annoying and painful premenstrual symptoms can be.

Seven days before their expected period, women become irritable and nervous, and then their body begins to expand, so that before their period they feel like they have turned into a balloon. Then, when menstruation , cramps appear, which can be very painful.

In this text, we will give you some useful tips on how to ease your period and all that it brings with it.

Prevent bad mood and nervousness

As we have already said, a woman often changes her mood and becomes irritable before and during menstruation . However, experts have found a way to prevent this. In particular, it is recommended to increase your calcium intake. To do this, eat more cheese and yogurt, and you can also eat ice cream. hormones in check and at the same time produce serotonin, the hormone of happiness and satisfaction, in large quantities.

A few small meals just before your period . This way you keep your sugar levels under control so you don't have to be so irritable.

Prevent acne from appearing

Pimples appear on the face before menstruation , which can be quite irritating. Luckily, there is a way to prevent these pimples . It is recommended to use benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid seven days before your period to cleanse your face .

Of course, another solution is birth control pills, which your gynecologist .

Prevent bloating

In the days before your period , but also during your period , more fluid is retained in the body, which creates a feeling of bloating . During this period, a woman gets the impression that she is much fatter than she actually is. However, there are some practical tips to help you avoid bloating .

In particular, it is recommended to reduce the amount of salt in your diet a few days before your period and drink more water. Remember that the more you drink water, the more water will be released from your body and your body will be less swollen. Of course, regular exercise is recommended, and daily walks are especially beneficial.

Prevent seizures

Cramps during menstruation are actually caused by a narrowing of the uterus , which is why many women are forced to take analgesics to cope with the pain. In this case, we recommend that you relax in a hot bath, as the heat will relax the muscles of the uterus and cramping will be significantly reduced. Additionally, you can consult your gynecologist to recommend certain birth control pills.

Prevent diarrhea

Diarrhea is also a common accompaniment of menstruation because it is caused by cramping in the lower abdomen . In this case, it is recommended to avoid certain foods a few days before your period , such as chocolate and vegetables, which contain a lot of plant fiber.

Instead, it is recommended to eat more rice, bananas and other soft starchy foods.

Don't neglect your sex life

Women usually do not have relationships during menstruation , although some feel that pleasure can be even greater during menstruation . It is best to have a relationship at the very beginning or at the end of the period, when the bleeding is a little lighter. It has been shown that some women can even become pregnant during their period , although this is not a common occurrence.

We hope that the text was useful to you. We are confident that with these tips, you will no longer let your menstrual cycle rule your life. You will now have a much easier time getting through each period, and if you may experience bleeding between cycles, it is best to consult your gynecologist .

Published in Gynecology Premium Clinic

Pathologies that cause pain in the ovaries

  1. Women often wonder why the ovary hurts during ovulation and whether this is a pathology. Discomfort during this period is associated with the movement of a mature egg into the fallopian tube and rupture of the follicle where it developed. However, if the unpleasant sensations turn into painful ones, and do not go away even after taking a painkiller, this may indicate an infectious process. Due to chronic inflammation, the ovarian capsule becomes thickened, and rupture is either impossible or difficult, which causes pain.
  2. Aching pain accompanies the inflammatory process of the ovaries (oophoritis), which occurs due to hypothermia, infection, and endocrine disruption. It can radiate to the lower back, and additional symptoms include difficulty and pain in urination, vaginal discharge (sometimes purulent and with an unpleasant odor), weakness and fever. The presence of a chronic inflammatory process also answers the question of why the ovaries hurt after sex. Although sometimes the reason for this may be an uncomfortable position or too rough influence.
  3. Endometriosis is an overgrowth of the lining of the uterus that can affect the ovaries. In this case, when the endometrium is shed during menstruation, it causes aching pain in the ovaries.
  4. An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled growth that in some cases causes no symptoms. It can either resolve on its own or increase in size. A large cyst causes nagging painful sensations in women during menstruation and before it, during sexual intercourse. As the tumor enlarges, the symptoms become more pronounced, raising an alarming question - why does the left ovary hurt or, conversely, pain is felt on the right. Acute and strong, it occurs in case of rupture of the cyst, its torsion or suppuration. In this case, urgent surgical intervention is necessary.
  5. Ovarian apoplexy is the main reason why the right ovary hurts, since it most often occurs on this side. This is a disease that is more susceptible to girls and young women. Acute pain is accompanied by a number of other symptoms: pallor, tachycardia, fever, vomiting, dryness of the oral mucosa.

    The essence of the process is rupture of the ovary and extensive hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity. Sharp pain occurs suddenly, often associated with intimate relationships - this is why the ovaries hurt after sex, although this is not the only reason. You should consult a doctor immediately to avoid possible complications.

  6. Neoplasms of the ovary include tumors growing from its tissues - benign, borderline and malignant. In the early stages, there are usually no symptoms. Then pain appears when the right or left affected ovary ache, discomfort and bloating, problems with urination, constipation, pain during sex. Later, symptoms such as fatigue, lack of appetite, weight loss, and gastrointestinal problems appear.
  7. In the early stages of pregnancy, in the first trimester, pain in the ovaries can be physiological, associated with pleasant changes in the female body. Discomfortable sensations are manifested by slight tingling and aching mild soreness. However, it is important to understand that their occurrence can also be caused by pathological problems - polycystic disease, inflammation, ectopic pregnancy, exacerbation of chronic problems.
  8. Often women take it as an axiom that only they can get sick at the location of the ovaries. However, other organs may also be to blame - the kidneys (if stones are present), appendix, intestines, ureters. If the pain is not associated with the approaching period and does not go away within two to three days, you should definitely visit a therapist.

The most important thing is not to hesitate and seek help in case of emergency, regardless of why the ovaries hurt. Reasons for calling an ambulance are:

  • high temperature (38°C and above)
  • sharp severe pain
  • nausea or vomiting
  • sudden weakness
  • clouding of consciousness.

If you want to find out why your ovaries hurt before your period or your lower abdomen constantly ache, you need to go to a good clinic, where there are all the conditions for high-quality diagnostics, and doctors of the highest category work. The best option is the Central Clinical Hospital at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

PMS symptoms

Abdominal cramps

This condition is medically called dysmenorrhea. Cramps may begin the day before your period and continue for the first few days of your cycle. The degree of pain varies from mild to severe and some even require time off work to cope with the pain. Cramps are usually felt in the lower abdomen. But the soreness may spread to the lower back and upper thighs.

The pain is caused by contractions of the uterus. They help get rid of the lining of the uterus (endometrium) when pregnancy does not occur. These contractions are triggered by prostaglandin hormones that regulate ovulation.

There are diseases that cause serious pain during PMS. These include:

  • endometriosis
  • cervical stenosis
  • adenomyosis
  • pelvic inflammation
  • myoma

If you have a history of one of the listed diseases, your case is diagnosed with secondary dysmenorrhea.

The appearance of acne

About half of women report the appearance of acne about a week before the start of menstruation among their PMS symptoms. They usually appear on the chin and jawline, but can appear anywhere else.

This occurs due to natural hormonal changes associated with the reproductive cycle. If pregnancy does not occur at ovulation, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease and androgens such as testosterone increase slightly. Androgens are responsible for the production of subcutaneous fat produced by the sebaceous glands. If there is an excess of fat, acne appears. They usually go away towards the end of your period, when estrogen and progesterone levels begin to rise.

Breast augmentation

Mid-cycle, after ovulation, progesterone levels begin to rise, causing your breasts to increase in size and swell. The symptom of PMS is expressed in different ways. Some people experience a slight increase, while others note heaviness of the breast, the appearance of lumps and discomfort. If you belong to the second type, you need to contact a mammologist for advice and treatment.


As you approach your period, your body switches from preparing for pregnancy to preparing for menstruation. Hormonal levels drop sharply, which causes PMS symptoms such as fatigue. Many people are sad and can’t do anything to cheer them up. During this period, women often experience problems sleeping, do not rest at night, and because of this, daytime fatigue increases.


As you prepare for your period, your body's levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone change, causing your body to retain more water and salt than usual. In this case, you often see a weight gain of up to 2 kg. Symptoms go away on the first day of your period.

Intestinal problems

Since we are so dependent on changing hormones, our intestines are no exception. Prostaglandins, which cause contractions in the uterus, can also cause contractions in the intestines. You may notice a frequent urge to go to the toilet, and additionally experience the following PMS symptoms:

  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • increased gas formation
  • constipation

Headache may be a symptom of PMS

In our body, pain is caused by serotonin. Estrogen, which increases during PMS, increases serotonin levels. It is this interaction that causes headaches and migraines.

Moreover, pain can occur both before, during and after menstruation. Clinical studies show that migraines are 1.8 times more common one to two days before menstruation and 2.5 times more common during the first days of menstruation than on other days of the month.

Mood swings

For many, the emotional symptoms of PMS cause much more discomfort than physical illness. Women may experience:

  • mood swings
  • depression
  • irritability
  • anxiety

All the fluctuations in the same hormones are to blame.

Lower back pain

Contraction of the uterus under the influence of the release of prostaglandins can also cause contractions of the muscles of the lower back. Women may experience pain and aching sensation in the lower back.

Sleep problems

PMS symptoms such as bloating, headaches, crying, and depression can make it difficult to fall asleep and overall affect your sleep. Sleep is also affected by body temperature, which rises by about half a degree and remains until the onset of menstruation. Healthy sleep occurs at lower temperatures.

Causes of pain in the ovaries

Painful manifestations in the ovaries can occur due to many reasons. Sometimes they are not dangerous, since they accompany physiological processes - menstruation, pregnancy, ovulation, intestinal motility. But sometimes the reason why the ovaries hurt is pathological changes occurring in the body:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammatory process;
  • cysts, including those with pedicle torsion;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • endometriosis;
  • hemorrhage in the ovary (apoplexy);
  • the condition of other organs and systems - kidney stones, appendicitis, depression, gastrointestinal problems and others.

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