Food not for future use: foods that should not be given to a child for breakfast

A healthy breakfast is a very complex and controversial topic for many.

We all seem to understand its importance, but in the rhythm of modern life we ​​pay inadmissibly little attention to this meal.

Some people claim that breakfast is a must for everyone, whether you want to eat in the morning or not. Others say that you can’t force yourself to eat and, in general, “I don’t eat breakfast and I feel great.”

Our opinion is this: we are definitely FOR breakfast, and therefore we want to share with you the arguments in favor of a morning meal, as well as the main rules of a healthy breakfast. After all, it can be not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Why is breakfast bad?

Immediately after waking up, the digestive system has not yet started and any, even the lightest and most healthy food, is stress for the body.

Experts do not recommend having breakfast within 1-2 hours after sleep.

Traditionally, foods that are fatty and heavy on the stomach are considered harmful for breakfast:

  • meat (except lean poultry);
  • any fast food (sandwiches, chips, crackers, snacks, smoked meats);
  • fatty dairy products (sour cream, full-fat cottage cheese, cream);
  • sweets, baked goods, baked goods (buns, cakes).

Fatty foods take a long time to digest, cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, provoke fatigue, apathy and irritation. Foods containing large amounts of sugar provoke the accumulation of fat in the body and cause a rapid feeling of hunger.

What does Ayurveda say about this?

Ayurveda is a traditional system of Indian medicine

According to Ayurveda, fruits should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Ayurvedic specialist Dr. B. Sinha explains: “In principle, not only bananas, but also all other store-bought fruits should be avoided. Nowadays it is difficult to find natural fruits. What we buy are artificially grown fruits and they should not be eaten in the morning. The chemicals present in these fruits are much more harmful than we think. One way to minimize this harm is to eat them with other foods to replenish the missing nutrients from them."

Is oatmeal bad for breakfast?

If you prepare oatmeal from whole grain oats, this is a good and healthy breakfast.

But if you use instant porridge or any oatmeal, even one that requires cooking, you should know that such a breakfast is of little benefit. They contain little fiber and slow carbohydrates, they are low in calories, are quickly digested and do not provide the necessary saturation to the body.

You can learn more about nutrition rules and the principles of forming a reasonable diet in dietetics courses.

Properties of banana tree fruits

Since ancient times, the banana has been known for the many beneficial properties it has due to its rich composition:

  • an excellent source of energy (capable of restoring energy reserves as quickly as possible, for example, in athletes after competitions);
  • have the ability to absorb gastric juice and are widely used for gastritis and heartburn (due to the content of starch and pectin). It should be understood that the fruit is not suitable for treating unpleasant symptoms, but is used to relieve suffering;
  • a means for removing excess fluid from the body (due to the potassium content). Recommended for use by hypertensive patients and persons with arrhythmia;
  • Due to the content of vitamins B, A and C, they have a powerful calming effect. In addition, the fruits contain substances that promote the production of endorphins (hormones of happiness);
  • increase blood viscosity and help increase hemoglobin due to the iron content in the composition;
  • Due to the low protein and salt content, they are allowed for kidney diseases. Helps with poisoning of the body by products of protein metabolism due to improper functioning of the kidneys;
  • widely used in cosmetology. Anti-aging masks are made using the pulp of the fruit.

In addition to beneficial properties, bananas also have harmful ones. These include:

  • due to the ability to increase blood viscosity, it can also be attributed to negative properties. Not recommended for people with varicose veins or poor blood clotting due to reduced blood flow to various parts of the body;
  • can cause fermentation in the digestive organs, followed by excessive formation of gases and bloating;
  • Bananas are not recommended for people suffering from varying degrees of obesity due to their high calorie content (1 piece contains approximately 120–130 cal).

Are breakfast cereals harmful?

The advantage of breakfast cereals is that they are convenient and quick to prepare: add milk (yogurt, juice, water) and you’re done. But the harm caused to the body is enormous. In addition to vitamins and microelements, they contain large quantities of sugar, starch, flour, preservatives, dyes and other synthetic additives.

Daily consumption of breakfast cereals can lead to metabolic disorders, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, and cause obesity.

Athlete's opinion

Blanka Vlasic, Croatian high jumper, four-time world champion, currently a sports doctor:

“You can eat bananas on an empty stomach, I don’t see any reason why not. Bananas (and fruits in general) have many benefits for your health and athletic performance in particular. Here are some of them:

1. Low in calories

They contain few calories. By eating it, you can satisfy your appetite without ruining your waistline. One fruit contains an average of 105 calories.

2. Dietary fiber

According to the USDA, 1 banana contains about 3 grams of fiber. Dietary fiber helps in the fight against excess weight, hunger comes again much later, in addition, it supports your digestive processes, making them uninterrupted.

products containing dietary fiber

3. Potassium

The true benefit of this fruit is its potassium content. This trace element improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure and, according to a number of studies, helps deliver oxygen to the brain. The presence of potassium in the diet reduces the likelihood of stroke by helping and maintaining an even heartbeat.

4. Fast carbohydrates

This fruit literally fuels your body with carbohydrates (which are the main source of energy in the body). This property will be useful for athletes and fitness enthusiasts - just eat 1 banana 30 minutes before training.

5. Uplifts your mood

I don't know why many people think that using them leads to depression. The amino acid tryptophan and the hormone serotonin released help improve mood, and specifically, a feeling of happiness. Higher levels of this “positive” hormone help smooth out nervous tension from our daily activities.

The most important thing in life is to smile more

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