Prevention and treatment of gastritis: how folk remedies can help

Gastritis is a disease of the stomach of inflammatory nature, accompanied by damage to the superficial cells of the mucous membrane and deeper layers. Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies does not replace medications, but is intended to help eliminate the pathology and prevent the transition to an ulcer.

The most convenient period for using alternative methods of therapy is the elimination of the acute phase of inflammation and the transition of the disease into a protracted relapsing course, when the symptoms become dull, but at times patients feel aching pain in the epigastrium, nausea, belching, heartburn, and after eating there remains a feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen.

Intestinal dysfunction (diarrhea and constipation) sometimes worries patients more than pain. In order to effectively use folk remedies for gastritis and not resist the achieved positive results from medications, healers must take into account the acidity of gastric juice and the form of gastritis.

The main directions of application of people's councils

Traditional medicine pays very close attention to dietary recommendations. It makes no sense to take purchased or prepared herbal remedies without following a diet that prevents the gastric mucosa from irritation and stress.

The most effective remedies and medicines are not able to cure the disease if the patient does not stop smoking and continues to consume alcohol, fatty, fried and spicy foods. Treatment of hypersecretory gastritis will require ways to bind acid and protect the mucosa.

And with a decrease in acidity, an atrophic process, on the contrary, it is necessary to stimulate the glandular cells remaining in the stomach and support the restoration of the lost epithelium. Among herbal remedies in the folk treatment of gastritis, dry herbs, leaves, roots, flowers, and fruits are used. The part of the plant in which the beneficial properties accumulate as much as possible is selected.

There are not always sufficient conditions for self-collection and drying at home. Therefore, it is better to buy the ingredients at the pharmacy. This way you can be sure of proper cultivation and the absence of impurities from a polluted external environment.

Gastritis is often a secondary pathology and develops against the background of chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and enterocolitis. An example would be reflux gastritis, associated with the backflow of duodenal contents. To normalize the functioning of the sphincters and coordinate the motility of the stomach and intestines, drugs that relieve muscle spasms and choleretic agents are used.

Treatment of the stomach in children requires special attention. Medicinal plants can only be used in consultation with a pediatrician.

Children are more likely than adults to have an allergic reaction to the products offered.

In cases of erosive gastritis, which threatens to develop into a gastric ulcer, it is necessary to ensure the scarring process, to prevent bleeding and transformation into a tumor. Therefore, it is better to refuse independent choice of therapy and use only methods of official medicine.


By form:

  1. Chronic.
  2. Spicy.

According to the clinical picture:

  1. Surface.
  2. Erosive.
  3. Hemorrhagic.
  4. Atrophic.
  5. Hyperplastic.

For hydrochloric acid production:

  • With high acidity.
  • With low acidity.

By phase:

  • Exacerbation.
  • Remission.

The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. Acute gastritis often develops as a result of poisoning with low-quality products or chemicals. Treatment of this pathology is carried out in a hospital.

Gastritis in humans

Chronic gastritis can occur with high or low acidity.

Gastritis with low acidity occurs as a result of atrophy of the stomach cells that produce hydrochloric acid. Patients begin to complain of nausea, abdominal pain, belching after eating with an unpleasant odor, increased formation of gases in the intestines and impaired digestion of food; they are often concerned about decreased appetite and stool disorders. As a result of poor digestion of food, patients begin to lose weight, anemia, dry skin and hair loss appear, performance decreases, constant fatigue and weakness appear. Gastritis with low acidity can cause precancerous diseases of the stomach.

Gastritis with high acidity, like peptic ulcer disease, is caused by the pathogenic microorganism Helicobacter pylori. Exacerbation of gastritis occurs with complaints of heartburn and abdominal pain after eating. Baking soda or milk works well to relieve heartburn. The pain is often unbearable and localized in the upper third of the abdomen. Such gastritis often turns into peptic ulcer. Gastric juice begins to form in larger quantities and damages the gastric mucosa. The disease may be complicated by bleeding or malignancy.

What to do if you suspect a disease? First of all, you need to see a doctor to make a correct diagnosis. You cannot self-medicate. Treatment of the stomach at home is carried out exclusively in conjunction with medications with an accurately established diagnosis.

To diagnose gastritis, the attending physician will prescribe blood and urine tests, which may not reveal any pathology. With erosive gastritis, slight anemia may occur. Endoscopic examination helps make the diagnosis. The main symptom of the disease is hyperemia of the mucous membrane and its thickening at the site of inflammation. It is necessary to perform a test for Helicobacter pylori - do a breath test, donate blood for antibodies, or study a piece of the gastric mucosa taken during a biopsy.

If there are contraindications to endoscopic examinations (severe heart and lung diseases, arrhythmias, heart failure, acute heart attack or stroke), an X-ray contrast examination of the stomach with barium is prescribed. The examination reveals a violation of the excretion of barium from the stomach into the intestines, and signs of ulcers, polyps or other formations are found. To determine the acidity of the stomach, intragastric pH-metry is used.

After the examination, the doctor will tell you how to treat chronic gastritis, prescribe the necessary medications and recommend a diet. Treatments for gastritis include antisecretory drugs; medications that destroy Helicobacter pylori; antacids; drugs that improve gastric and intestinal motility. For erosive gastritis, hemostatic drugs are used. But even the most effective methods may not give the desired result. Treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers involves the prescription of medications, but traditional methods of treatment are also used for speedy healing.

Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies is carried out using medicinal herbs and a special diet containing various vegetables and fruits that have beneficial properties.

What to include in your diet?

We will not describe a complete diet for patients with gastritis. Let us dwell only on the proposals of traditional medicine for especially healing products and describe what properties they have. The recommendations say that the catarrhal (superficial) form of gastritis can only be dealt with with the right diet and herbal medicine.

Green apples are recommended to be taken peeled, peeled, finely chopped or mashed for breakfast. It is enough to take 2-3 medium-sized apples. According to the prescription, the patient should not eat for 3 hours before and after consumption in order to prevent fermentation processes.

You can repeat another “apple feeding” during the day, but not at night. The course of treatment is 3 months: in the first month - eat daily, in the second - every other day, in the third - once a week. Quail eggs are one of the popular home remedies for treating gastritis. It is recommended to drink them raw half an hour before meals. It is acceptable to eat 2-3 eggs per day.


Many patients are interested in how quickly the disease goes away. It must be remembered that in the chronic form, you should follow the recommended diet throughout your life and constantly visit a doctor. You need to get rid of bad habits, not smoke and avoid drinking alcohol. It is not always possible to completely cure gastritis with folk remedies. Sometimes long-term use of medications may be required.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Prevention consists of examining a gastroenterologist twice a year, and possibly prescribing a control endoscopy. Completely cured gastritis does not show any changes during fibrogastroscopy, and with a previous ulcer it is possible to identify a scar at the site of inflammation.

Cured gastritis requires regular examination and preventive treatment. If you do not follow the diet and doctor's recommendations, the disease may worsen. All folk remedies for gastritis can also be used to prevent the disease. They are taken for a long time; a course of treatment can be taken for a month twice a year to prevent exacerbations in spring and autumn.

How to treat gastritis with vegetable oil?

The use of oils in traditional methods of treating gastritis is not disputed by official medicine. The consistency and composition undoubtedly have beneficial properties and help with exacerbations and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Please pay attention to the purchase and expiration date of the medications.

For therapeutic purposes, you need to buy fresh, first cold-pressed oil. A shelf life of no more than 6 months is suitable (preferably the first 3 months). Let us remember that some oils are still used in the culinary industry and for technical purposes. Therefore, you need to monitor sales attempts.

The process of obtaining oils is quite complicated for home use. It is better to purchase drugs from a pharmacy chain or specialized stores. It is enough to add any oils to food (not hot), you can drink one tablespoon on an empty stomach.

Olive oil differs from sunflower oil in its high content of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins K, A, E, D. Helps with gastritis and for healing stomach ulcers. It has been proven to contain special substances that prevent the development of cancer.

Sea buckthorn oil is suitable for the treatment of all types of gastritis, especially those with increased acidity. Has good wound healing properties. In folk medicine, recipes are offered for mixed use with honey, aloe juice, and propolis tincture.

Flaxseed oil is milder than olive and sea buckthorn oil; not everyone will like the taste and smell. However, taking a teaspoon orally before meals allows you to relieve pain, inflammation, and heal damage to the surface of the stomach.

It has a disinfecting effect on Helicobacter in the antrum and pylorus, and other pathogenic microorganisms in acute bacterial gastritis. Milk thistle oil is better known as an invaluable “helper” for liver dysfunction.

In cases of secondary gastric damage, it has a healing effect, is indicated after radiation and chemotherapy, stabilizes and limits tumor growth. Contains many biologically active nutrients, electrolytes and microelements, unsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids, in addition to fat-soluble B vitamins.

It has a known bactericidal, analgesic, and ulcer-healing effect. In chronic atrophic gastritis it is necessary to stimulate the immune system.

Safflower affects the process of microcirculation disorders, increasing thrombosis

Safflower oil contains 80% of the rare conjugated form of linoleic acid. Helps in the absorption of vitamins E and K. Does not contain squalene, like other oils, so it is recommended to combine it with other nutrients that enhance cell regeneration.

Effective when gastritis is combined with diabetes, a tendency to bleeding, impaired motor skills (has a high concentration of vitamins K and B). Contraindicated for pregnant women.

Diet for gastritis

In case of exacerbation of chronic gastritis and at the first signs of acute gastritis, you need to adhere to diet treatment table No. 1 .

Important When gastritis is in the acute stage, it is better to use medications that will protect the mucous membrane. The simplest and most accessible is omeprazole.

After removing the acute manifestations of the disease, you can switch to treatment with traditional recipes: decoctions, teas, soup. The main rule is no spices, fat, or fried foods. Limit yourself to non-sour fruits without peel. It is best to drink unsweetened homemade compotes.

Features of menu design

Diet is the main element of successful treatment.

  1. Completely exclude from your diet foods that contain coarse fiber (fried foods, bran bread, etc.). It damages the walls of the stomach. It is best for the food to be soft and crushed. Puree soups, vegetable purees, porridges, etc.
  2. The menu should also not contain citrus juices, carbonated water, hot seasonings, strong broths, garlic and pickles. It is also very important to give up chocolate, as well as coffee . They are very harmful to the stomach.
  3. The food consumed should be at a warm temperature . Since hot food will cause gastrointestinal irritation, and too cold food will remain in the stomach for a long time.
  4. Eat at least 5 times a day in small portions. Overeating provokes the release of bile. Hunger, on the contrary, increases damage to the mucous membrane.
  5. Do not drink while eating . Do not dilute gastric juice with liquid. An hour before meals, refrain from water and other drinks.

Please note: In addition to your diet and diet, you need to give up bad habits: alcohol and smoking. Help We have written a very detailed article about how to eat healthy with gastritis and additional tips that will make your life with gastritis easier.

Infusions and decoctions

Infusions and decoctions are the extraction of beneficial substances from medicinal raw materials using water. They are widely used in the treatment of gastritis with folk remedies. To make it easier for readers to navigate home cooking methods, we will focus on the differences and features.

There are rules that must be followed:

What to drink if your stomach hurts?

  • observe the amount of raw materials and liquids;
  • use suitable dishes (enamel only) or thermos;
  • insist and keep for the allotted time;
  • always strain;
  • Warm slightly before use.

The classic method is cooking in a “water bath”: the plant material in the required proportion is poured with boiling water, covered with a tight lid, “wrapped” and infused in this form. Then leave it at room temperature for some more time. In practice, a “water bath” is conveniently replaced by a thermos.

Leaves, flowers, and herbs are suitable for preparing infusions. They are kept in a thermos filled with boiling water for 15 minutes, then at room temperature for half an hour. Decoctions are prepared from seeds, bark, roots, and fruits. They need to be kept in a thermos for half an hour, then at room temperature for 15 minutes.

If the recipe does not indicate a specific ratio, then the following proportion should be used: 10 times more liquid than raw materials.

Infusions and decoctions can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2–3 days

A decoction of flax seeds contains mucus, nutritional polysaccharides, lignans (plant fibers), phytohormones, and vitamins. It is capable of enveloping, anesthetizing, protecting the mucous membrane, strengthening blood vessels, and improving microcirculation in the wall of the stomach.

Used for low acidity and complete achylia half an hour before meals. Some healers advise adding it to porridge. Contraindications apply to persons with bronchial asthma, cholelithiasis, inflammation of the esophagus, increased bleeding and pregnancy.

An infusion of chamomile flowers is prepared in the following proportion: a teaspoon of dry raw materials per glass of boiling water. The active ingredient in chamomile is chamazulene. It is able to eliminate swelling of the gastric mucosa, relieve pain, allergies, inflammation, and improve the flow of bile.

Chamomile helps with increased gas formation and bursting pain. Contraindicated if the stomach has zero acidity. The provitamins, flavonoids and coumarins contained in the flowers are easily destroyed by boiling. Therefore, infusions should be prepared in a thermos. Patients are advised to lie down after the appointment, turning over on their right and left sides.

Calendula has a strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect due to its high content of carotenoids. It is recommended to add linden honey to the prepared infusion. Contraindicated in pregnancy, prone to low blood pressure.

In the treatment of gastritis, traditional medicine recipes recommend using decoctions from:

  • sea ​​buckthorn berries;
  • wild strawberry roots;
  • burdock roots;
  • birch and oak bark (for heartburn).

Infusions of mint leaves, wild strawberries, yarrow.

Treatment with apples

Green apples have truly miraculous properties for treating gastritis. They contain a record amount of useful substances, in particular pectin, which improves metabolism in the body. Peelless fruits are simply grated (two or more, if desired) and eaten, then you can’t eat them for 2-3 hours.

It is enough to take the apple “medicine” once a day, for example, immediately after waking up. The dish should absolutely not be consumed at night, to prevent increased gas formation. If you have a juicer in your household, it is reasonable to replace the pulp with fresh juice, where the concentration of nutrients is even greater than in grated apples.

The use of alcohol-containing tinctures

Extracts of beneficial substances are not always well released by boiled water. Therefore, some tinctures are prepared by aging for 10–14 days in vodka or 70-degree alcohol. Their use always requires additional dissolution in milk or water. Contraindicated for children, pregnant women, and people being treated for alcoholism.

In the pharmacy chain you can buy tinctures of propolis, Japanese Sophora, and aloe. It is recommended to take 10–15 drops three times a day. You can make your own tincture from aloe and Kalanchoe. To do this, do not forget the following:

  • a week before cutting the leaves, the plant is removed from the light;
  • Fleshy leaves that are at least three years old are used;
  • After cutting and washing, they are placed in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Kalanchoe juice is obtained by pressing

Add 500 ml of vodka to 100 ml and leave for 45 days. It is recommended to take a tablespoon on an empty stomach with the addition of honey.

Application of bee products

Honey and other products are non-toxic, well tolerated by patients, relieve pain, disinfect the gastric mucosa, accelerate healing by affecting the immune system, and normalize the function of acid formation.

It is recommended to take honey:

  • one tablespoon 15 minutes before meals;
  • on an empty stomach with cold water;
  • along with herbal teas and infusions;
  • with Kalanchoe juice.

Propolis is taken both in alcohol tincture and in an aqueous version. First, propolis should be kept in the refrigerator so that it hardens well. Then it is grated.

Pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:5 and leave in the “bath” for an hour. The result is a brown liquid. Stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a week. You can drink half a glass daily. In case of overdose, drowsiness and dizziness occur.

Bee products are contraindicated for people with allergies or diabetes

Treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies

Often small lesions form on the stomach lining, causing pain, heartburn, nausea and can lead to ulcers. That is why, when symptoms of erosive gastritis appear, it is necessary to begin treatment with folk remedies as early as possible. The best methods:

  • large plantain leaves;
  • chamomile;
  • Oak bark;
  • yarrow;
  • Birch buds;
  • dandelion roots.

Important! According to reviews, folk treatment for erosive gastritis should include bee products, including honey and propolis.

Buy birch (buds) on our website

What to take for high acidity?

To cure gastritis and get rid of impaired digestion forever, you should not look for miracle cures. It is better not to waste time and follow the doctor’s advice, choose the most convenient and simple folk remedy.

For people with high stomach acidity, the following are recommended:

  • potato juice - has the ability to neutralize acid in the stomach, starchy substances envelop the mucous membrane, is prepared from well-washed tubers with peel using a juicer, taken 30-40 minutes before meals according to the scheme (daily, in courses of 10 days with a break, in increasing volumes) ;
  • aloe juice - enough in a dose of 2 tablespoons before meals;
  • infusion of chamomile flowers;
  • gastric collection;
  • milk with honey;
  • vegetable oils with honey.

Aloe juice

Aloe juice (agagave) is an excellent remedy in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, enhances the regeneration of stomach tissue, gives an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, and generally improves immunity.

To make juice, it is recommended to use plants over 3 years old; young ones do not have medicinal properties. The leaves should be cut and left for 10 days in the refrigerator in a bag or closed container, improving the concentration of nutrients. Later, the leaves will need to be scrolled through a meat grinder or crushed in another way, and then squeezed well.

Aloe juice should be drunk fresh, half a tablespoon before meals. For a strong therapeutic effect and to improve the taste of the remedy, it is allowed to add honey. The duration of the course is one month.

What is recommended for low acidity?

Initial signs of atrophy of the gastric glands are accompanied by focal damage to the mucosa. But the stimulating effect of herbal remedies helps to support the attenuation of the acid formation function.

Cabbage and carrot juice is a tasty and healthy remedy; half a glass of the mixture twice a day before meals is enough. An infusion of plantain leaves and seeds can be replaced with squeezed juice. It is indicated for the treatment of chronic gastritis.

A herbal tea for the stomach made from mint, chamomile, plantain, calamus and dandelion roots, and wormwood can be brewed in the morning in a volume of 0.5 liters for the whole day and taken before meals. It is recommended to combine the use of propolis tincture with herbal infusions.

If, in addition to the stomach, diarrhea is bothering you, it is advised to prepare: an infusion of equal parts of calendula, chamomile, nettle and plantain leaves, yarrow herb, with each dose add up to 50 drops of propolis tincture, an infusion of leaves of Ivan-tea (angustifolia fireweed) - known for its disinfectant property.

For diarrhea, you can choose a gastric collection

Ready-made herbal preparations

For those patients with stomach problems who want, but do not have the opportunity to prepare drugs according to traditional recipes, we can recommend purchasing ready-made dosage forms at the pharmacy:

  • Plantaglucide in infusion or granules - from plantain;
  • Romazulon – from chamomile flowers;
  • Rotokan - a combination of chamomile flowers, calendula, yarrow herb;
  • Iberogast - alcohol extract of the best herbal remedies (chamomile, bitter Iberian, celandine, licorice root, caraway, milk thistle, lemon balm, mint);
  • Caleflon - from calendula flowers.

There are many recommendations for preparing gastric preparations and combinations. Everyone can choose the most suitable remedy.

Reasons for appearance

Metabolic disorders can cause hypertrophic gastritis.

Insufficiently studied pathology does not make it possible to establish the exact causes of Ménétrier's disease. Supposed causes of hypertrophic gastritis:

  1. Metabolic disorders.
  2. Intoxication with alcohol, nicotine and industrial hazards (lead).
  3. Lack of vitamins in the diet.
  4. Consequences of previous infections (hepatitis, dysentery, typhoid fever).
  5. Heredity factors.
  6. Increased sensitivity to food allergens.
  7. Developmental anomalies at the embryonic stage.
  8. Consequences of the inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa.
  9. A benign tumor.

For more information about gastritis with hypertrophy of the mucous membrane, watch the video:


Galina, mother of five-year-old Dima: My son suffered from food poisoning with acute gastritis, after which he refused to eat and lost weight. I was advised to make dandelion syrup. In the spring we collected flowers together. And it’s very easy to prepare: sprinkle sugar on each layer of flowers, it took 0.5 kg in total, then crush it and let it brew until the juice comes out. Kids love it, try it.

Elena, 45 years old: I always have milk and honey in the refrigerator. If my husband gets tired at work, he complains of stomach pain. Drink it warm and everything goes away.

Larisa, 56 years old: I recently learned about the beneficial properties of safflower oil. I have diabetes, so not everything can be eaten. Indeed, I noticed that the stomach pains disappeared.

Features of the disease

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which leads to disruption of its functioning. It can be chronic and acute.

Please note Chronic gastritis can lead to cancer in the gastrointestinal tract. Over time, the inner walls are damaged, causing the appearance of tumors.

Main signs

The symptoms of gastritis completely depend on the form of the disease and the level of acidity in the stomach. The acute form of the disease is indicated by:

  • sharp paroxysmal pain that occurs on an empty stomach ;
  • attacks of nausea, vomiting;
  • burning in the chest after eating;
  • heartburn;
  • belching sour;
  • heavy salivation;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • lack of appetite.

The chronic form is characterized by:

  • hungry pain in the upper abdomen;
  • constant nausea, vomiting;
  • belching sour;
  • constipation;
  • heaviness in the stomach.

If a person suffers from a chronic form , the symptoms will worsen periodically . This is due to the fact that the walls of the stomach do not have time to heal as expected.

Typically, the acute form of gastritis becomes chronic if the course of treatment is incorrect or incomplete. To prevent new attacks, it is necessary to re-diagnose the gastrointestinal tract and begin therapy.

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