Vitamin D is essential for irritable bowel syndrome

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Vitamin D, irritable bowel syndrome


Scientists from the University of Sheffield (Britain) found that the condition of patients with irritable bowel syndrome can be alleviated by taking cholecalciferol, better known as vitamin D. The results of the study were published in the specialized publication European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Brief characteristics of B vitamins

B1 (thiamine)

This coenzyme promotes stable functioning of the nervous system, helps fight fatigue and stress, and also increases attention, concentration and improves memory.

With a lack of vitamin B1, a person suffers from chronic fatigue and constant mood swings.

To make up for the deficiency, it is necessary to consume cereals and dairy products, cabbage, legumes, eggs and a variety of nuts in sufficient quantities, preferably in unprocessed form.

It should also be remembered that drinking coffee and alcohol reduces the bioavailability of the vitamin.

B2 (riboflavin)

This vitamin is simply necessary for normal hematopoiesis, maintaining the function of the visual analyzer and the body’s immune strength. With its deficiency, frequent infectious diseases, anemia, deterioration of peripheral and twilight vision are possible.

You can compensate for the B2 deficiency by including eggs, meat, fish, buckwheat and oatmeal, cheese, kefir, and yogurt in your diet. The greatest amount of it is found in products of animal origin, which is why vegetarians suffer from such vitamin deficiency.

B3 (niacin, niacin, PP)

Responsible for stable levels of cholesterol and glucose hormones in the blood, improves blood circulation in the central nervous system, is a natural antioxidant and stimulates the elimination of harmful and toxic substances from the body.

Hypo- and vitamin deficiency is accompanied by increased fatigue, decreased memory, performance, anemia and insomnia.

The main sources of niacin are meat and fish products. You can also replenish its reserves in the body by eating eggs, bell peppers and greens.

B4 (choline)

The main functions of this vitamin-like compound are to regulate insulin levels, produce neurotransmitters, and stabilize the emotional state.

Choline is synthesized by the human intestinal microflora, however, with dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency can occur. In such a situation, it is necessary to include eggs, milk and fermented milk products, white cabbage, and legumes in the diet.

B4 deficiency is manifested by impotence, deterioration and mood swings, increased body weight, decreased memory and concentration.

B5 (pantothenic acid)

This vitamin-like substance, produced by intestinal microflora, is necessary for the normal regeneration of all body tissues, including the renewal of blood cells, as well as the formation of hormones.

You can compensate for its deficiency by eating fresh herbs, garlic, oat and buckwheat porridge, dairy and animal by-products.

Pantothenic acid deficiency is manifested by problems with skin, hair, nails, exacerbation of chronic gastritis and metabolic disorders.

B6 (pyridoxine)

The enzyme is important for normal functioning, regulates the metabolism of fats and proteins, and is necessary for maintaining the cardiovascular system and hormonal levels.

You can get vitamin B6 from chicken, beef, sea fish, offal, whole grain bread, and also from fresh vegetables.

With a deficiency, immunity decreases, metabolic processes are disrupted, which can provoke a delay in physical and psychological development in children.

B7 (biotin, H)

Produced by intestinal microflora. Participates in the breakdown of fats and the synthesis of protein compounds, regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

Hypovitaminosis can appear with frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs, against the background of gastrointestinal dysfunction, and also as a result of poor nutrition. Vitamin B7 deficiency manifests itself as insomnia, hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia.

You can make up for the deficiency by including nuts, legumes, offal, eggs and mushrooms in the menu.

B8 (inositol)

In the body it stimulates metabolic functions and participates in protective processes. Completely synthesized in the intestines. Deficiency occurs extremely rarely and is not clinically manifested.

B9 (folic acid)

Necessary for the regulation of hematopoiesis, maintaining the body’s immune forces and the development of the fetal nervous system. This is why it is so important to ensure that pregnant women receive sufficient doses of vitamin B9.

Folic acid is produced in the intestines. It can also be obtained from products such as fresh herbs, brown bread, and legumes.

If there is a lack of wine in the body, spontaneous miscarriage or underdevelopment of the central nervous system in the child is possible.

What is irritable bowel syndrome

Modern doctors have revised their views on the treatment of certain intestinal diseases and have established that in many cases that were previously classified as inflammatory or other pathological diseases, inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS) occurs. This is a very common functional condition, which is found in almost 12% of the inhabitants of our planet, and in women it occurs twice as often as in men.

The main symptoms of IBS are cramping abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. The reasons for the development of the disease are currently unclear, and treatment, as a rule, is symptomatic: drotaverine (no-spa) is prescribed for spasmodic pain, a laxative for constipation, etc.

B12 (cyanocobalamin)

Participates in hematopoiesis and hemoglobin synthesis, controls the functioning of the liver and nervous system. Can be formed in the body.

Vitamin deficiency most often develops in vegetarians, since it is not found in plant foods, as well as in patients with gastric resection due to impaired absorption of the substance. You can get it from by-products, meat, fish or cheese. The deficiency is manifested by gastrointestinal dysfunction and severe anemia.

B17 (amygdalin)

The benefits of this substance are a myth. B17 is not a vitamin and is toxic to the body. The compound has been touted by charlatans as a “cure for cancer.” However, there is no evidence base for its effectiveness.

Vitamin dosages for adults

For women, the dosage of vitamin preparations changes with age, and there is an increased need for biological substances during pregnancy. To maintain health, the body needs at least 600 IU of calciferol per day, 800 IU for older women.

But studies show that the majority have hypovitaminosis, which is associated with a lack of sunlight, poor diet and increased vitamin consumption. Therefore, doctors recommend taking additional vitamin preparations in a dosage of at least 1000 IU. A safe daily dose can be 4000 IU.

The remaining components are used in the following quantities:

  • tocopherol – 15 mg;
  • retinol – 900-1000 mcg;
  • ascorbic acid – 70-90 mg;
  • folic acid – 200-400 mg;
  • B12 – 3 mcg.

Why should you take vitamin U for stomach ulcers?

It is called an "anti-ulcer" compound. It is a white powder with a yellowish tint, has a specific odor and has anti-atherosclerotic and antihistamine properties. The vitamin proves its effectiveness in the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers (especially localized in the duodenum). In addition, it is useful for frequent attacks of heartburn, therefore it is recommended not only for people with gastrointestinal diseases of all ages, but also for expectant mothers.

The vitamin is found in raw vegetables – cabbage and greens. It is also recommended to eat pickled cabbage. These fermented foods reduce the risk of developing duodenal, lung, stomach, intestinal and prostate cancer.

TOP 5 drugs

You can fight hypovitaminosis if you buy the required type of vitamin separately, but it is more convenient to use multivitamins with a balanced composition. Choosing good drugs at the pharmacy is difficult; you need to take many parameters into account. To do this, you can make an appointment with a doctor, read reviews or focus on the TOP 5 drugs for women of different ages.

SOLGAR, Laboratoires INELDEA, Nature's Bounty, FINE JAPAN, INFINITY, UNIMAT - you can select a complex based on age or health status. The manufacturer offers multivitamins for girls leading an active lifestyle and for those preparing for motherhood. You can buy a special drug for women over 45 years old; for older people there are tablets with vitamin D and calcium and many other multivitamin complexes.

  • Orthomol is a line of vitamin products for women, which are available in capsules, drinking liquid and granules for preparing a solution. Contains all the necessary substances to maintain health at different ages.
  • Vitrum - includes micro- and macroelements in the required dosages. For young girls there are medicines from the Beauty series, and for older girls - Beauty Elit, they contain substances that allow you to strengthen your nails and maintain the beauty of your hair. There are medications for pregnancy planning that contain omega-3 acids.
  • Dopelgerts Active menopause - a vitamin complex for women after menopause. The peculiarity is that it contains all the necessary substances for the prevention of heart disease and osteoporosis.
  • Duovit is a drug for women that can be taken at any age. The tablets are divided into two types depending on the compatibility of the components.

If you take vitamin supplements comprehensively from the age of 20, you can maintain a high level of health. Prevention from age 50 will prevent the early development of osteoporosis. In adulthood, there are many concomitant diseases that require adjustments in vitamin intake. This was not provided for in the previous generation of drugs, but you can purchase new products that are specially designed for patients with cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes mellitus or joint diseases.

Beneficial properties of vitamin U

  • Recognizes and removes chemicals dangerous to the body, such as histamine. Taking the vitamin reduces severe symptoms of an allergic reaction.
  • Heals ulcers, erosions on the mucous membranes that occur on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Normalizes the level of acidity in the stomach, improves digestion. With insufficient secretion, vitamin U stimulates the production of salt fluid; with increased production, it reduces aggressiveness, suppressing its formation.
  • Improves fat metabolism and blood circulation in the affected vessels of the heart and brain. In addition, the nutrient protects the liver from damage, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and the replacement of normal liver tissue with fat.
  • Promotes the production of collagen, protecting tissue from the formation of stretch marks and scars that appear as a result of rapid weight loss, maintaining its tone.
  • Restores skin structures. Thanks to this property, the vitamin-like compound is used in medicine for the treatment of chronic skin diseases (urticaria, dermatitis, psoriasis) and in cosmetology.

You can order vitamin U and other vitamin complexes at the Pharmacia online pharmacy in Krasnoyarsk and receive your order at the nearest pharmacy in the Gubernskie Pharmacies chain,

Healthy Supplements at 40

The gradual decline of ovarian function can appear as early as 40 years of age. The condition of the skin noticeably deteriorates, it loses elasticity, and the hair turns grey. You can effectively maintain health during this period with the help of vitamin supplements combined into complexes for mature women. They must include the following components:

  • B6 – to maintain the functioning of the nervous system, normalize sleep and reduce PMS symptoms;
  • E – to slow down aging, improve skin condition;
  • D- for the prevention of endometrial hyperplasia, cancer;
  • A – to strengthen blood vessels, vision, for the prevention of gynecological pathologies;
  • K – to normalize blood clotting, prevent uterine bleeding.

After forty years, due to a decrease in ovarian function, the body begins to decline. A good multivitamin will not stop this process, but will help support the body.

Ascorbic acid: benefits

Ascorbic acid is beneficial for the following negative manifestations:

  • insomnia, poor sleep with nightmares;
  • bleeding gums and loose teeth;
  • pain in the lower extremities;
  • prolonged wound healing;
  • pale skin;
  • general weakness and weakness
  • frequent colds;
  • low-grade fever.

Ascorbic acid is useful in the body's fight against various infections and viruses. It helps with inflamed lymph nodes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps cleanse the blood and eliminate free radicals.

Vitamin C helps the body fight dermatological and allergic problems, improves skin condition, promotes its rejuvenation, hair becomes more well-groomed, and glands produce hormones like a clockwork mechanism. Acid improves the absorption of iron, blood clotting, and also normalizes metabolism, promoting the formation of lipids, proteins and the breakdown of fats.

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