Fatigue and sleepiness during pregnancy

One of the most severe complications in late pregnancy is gestosis, a condition in which a woman’s blood pressure rises, swelling and other associated symptoms appear. The described clinical picture is accompanied by changes in tests: protein appears in the urine. Late toxicosis can appear as early as 16-20 weeks of pregnancy, but more often it occurs at a later stage - 26-28 weeks or after 34 weeks.

Obstetricians and gynecologists very often encounter gestosis in their practice. According to statistics, every 3-4 women experience this condition before childbirth. The whole question is to what degree of severity does late toxicosis occur. Indeed, in the absence of adequate measures, against such an unfavorable background, malfunctions in the functioning of the heart or urinary system may occur. But the worst thing is that the pathological condition can cause hypoxia in the fetus with subsequent complications.

Timely consultation with a competent medical obstetrician-gynecologist in Kaliningrad will reduce the risks to the health of the mother and unborn child. Each woman can make an appointment by choosing a time convenient for herself.

What happens in the body of the expectant mother at 36 weeks of pregnancy

The woman is already waiting and can’t wait for her due date to approach, because she is already very tired. And this is not surprising. By the end of pregnancy, my belly became large and heavy. This is not only a load on the spine and legs, but also a constant worry about not falling or colliding with someone. In addition, against the background of hormonal surges, the pregnant woman is overcome by sudden changes in mood and worries about the upcoming birth, especially if this is the first birth.

If your stomach hurts at 36 weeks of pregnancy, a woman may also begin to worry. But here we need to figure out the cause of the pain. In the case when the stomach hurts on the side, this may be due to a sprain of the ligamentous apparatus. The stomach may also ache when the tone of the uterine muscles increases.

Uterine tone at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Over the course of several weeks, you may have noticed an increase in the tone of your uterus, which even looked more like contractions. This phenomenon is also called training contractions, through which the myometrium prepares for future birth. But the tone of the uterus can increase for other reasons. Have you ever had abdominal tension after a long walk? This should not frighten a pregnant woman. In this case, you just need to find an opportunity to rest, and after a while your stomach will relax. The uterus can also “turn to stone” after heavy exertion (for example, upon returning from the store with bulky bags) or sudden movements.

If your stomach becomes stiff at 36 weeks of pregnancy, it is important not to allow the muscles of the uterus to remain tense for a long time. Find an opportunity to relax, lie down. And if you begin to feel pain and you notice specific discharge (this could be blood or watery discharge), do not hesitate and call an ambulance.

The discharge at 36 weeks should retain its properties, except that it becomes a little more viscous due to the approaching birth. Sometimes you may notice small areas of mucus in them, which indicate that the mucus plug is gradually coming off. Sometimes it may come out entirely, which indicates that you are about to give birth. Sometimes there are streaks of blood in it, which is not a pathological sign. But if blood is present in your discharge, this is a cause for concern. In this case, you need to get to the hospital as soon as possible, where you can get help.

Childbirth at 36 weeks of pregnancy

It also happens that women give birth prematurely. Childbirth at 36 weeks is premature, but it is worth noting that the closer a pregnant woman is to her 40 weeks, the greater the likelihood that the baby will not have any problems. Many maternity hospitals are equipped with good equipment and have all the necessary conditions to provide assistance to a baby born at this stage.

Sex at 36 weeks pregnant

If your pregnancy is going well, without any pathologies, you can enjoy intimacy with your partner. But don’t forget about a few rules during this period:

  • The poses should be as comfortable as possible for the expectant mother.
  • No pressure on your stomach!
  • Orgasm causes contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, which include the uterus. Too frequent intercourse can trigger labor, so don’t get carried away.
  • If your doctor has recommended that you stop having sex, it is best to follow these recommendations.


The main preventive measure is pregnancy planning. At the preparatory stage, the woman must undergo a full medical examination. Other preventive measures include:

  • Registration before 12 weeks.
  • Regular visits to the gynecologist.
  • Complete balanced nutrition.
  • Relaxation and walks in the fresh air.
  • It is also necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and take tests on time.

Expectant mothers can undergo examination at a medical clinic. We employ the best specialists in their field. Every day, not only those who live in Kaliningrad, but also patients from other regions turn to us for medical help. A friendly atmosphere and attentive staff will create comfortable conditions for expectant mothers.

Necessary studies and tests at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Perhaps the doctor makes an appointment for you every week now. A urine test must still be taken before each visit to the antenatal clinic, because its results can be used to judge the condition of the pregnant woman and exclude possible pathologies. A blood test is prescribed less frequently, but if indicated, you may be prescribed one. Before giving birth, it is important to check whether there are any disturbances in the vaginal flora, so that the baby is not infected with pathogenic microflora when passing through the birth canal. Therefore, the doctor can take a smear for microflora.

At the 36th week of pregnancy, an additional CTG may be performed if before this the results of this study were not very good or the doctor saw signs of deterioration in the condition of the fetus by its heartbeat and activity.

CTG norms at 36 weeks of pregnancy

  • 8-10 points - this assessment of the fetal cardiac activity indicates that everything is fine with the baby and there is nothing to worry about.
  • 5-7 points – these results indicate incipient fetal hypoxia. It is not fatally dangerous for him, but still requires additional studies (ultrasound, Doppler) and repeated cardiotocography to assess the baby’s condition over time.
  • From 4 points and below – the baby’s condition is serious and requires urgent medical attention. Most likely, an emergency delivery will be required to save the baby's life.

Consequences of gestosis

The consequences of gestosis, even in a mild form, can be extremely severe. Common complications include:

  • difficult childbirth;
  • placental abruption;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • heart and kidney failure;
  • hemorrhages (it can occur both in internal organs and in the brain, which is very dangerous);
  • child development delays;
  • death of the fetus, and in difficult situations, death of the mother.

All pregnant women with manifestations of late toxicosis should be under constant medical supervision. The treatment program is prescribed individually, taking into account the severity of the condition and the presence of concomitant diseases. If necessary, the gynecologist will prescribe drug therapy. If the condition does not improve, then a decision may be made to induce labor.

Possible problems

Breech presentation of the fetus at 36 weeks of gestation

Most often, the fetus takes its final position in the uterus by the 34th week of pregnancy. If we talk about the timing of the necessary measures for turning the fetus, then exercises can be done in the period from 29 to 34 weeks, and external turning in a hospital setting (the doctor acts on the fetus from the outside using his hands) - in 32-34 weeks. Even despite this period, the baby still has a chance to roll over if his size allows it. If this still does not happen, doctors will have to assess the degree of risks during childbirth naturally, and if necessary, a caesarean section will be prescribed.

Swelling at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Whether you had swelling before or not, by the end of pregnancy they will definitely appear. Therefore, their appearance and development must be clearly monitored, since this symptom may be a component of a phenomenon such as gestosis, or late toxicosis. To prevent swelling from increasing sharply, control the amount of fluid you drink during the day. A large amount of water in this case is not very good, but it is also not worth greatly reducing the volume of liquid consumed, so as not to cause dehydration. It is also recommended to reduce the amount of salt in the diet, because it contributes to fluid retention in the body.

Your legs are already under a lot of stress, and swelling will contribute to this even more. To ensure that your legs rest and the fluid stagnation in them does not increase, you need to find an opportunity to sit or lie down with your legs elevated during the day. To do this, you can place some kind of pillow under them or rest them on an overlying surface.

Nausea at 36 weeks of pregnancy

This condition can occur when a pregnant woman’s blood pressure increases. If this is not the first time you have felt sick, start monitoring changes in your blood pressure, and also contact your gynecologist. If swelling is added to the above symptoms, and protein is found in the urine, we can talk about the development of preeclampsia. This condition is a strict indication for hospitalization. In a hospital setting, the woman is provided with the necessary assistance, and if necessary, a caesarean section is performed.

Cold at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Due to a weakened immune system, a pregnant woman is more susceptible to colds, despite the fact that she tries with all her might to avoid them. If you suddenly feel weak, your temperature rises, your nose is stuffy, and your throat hurts, most likely you have a cold. Firstly, you should consult a doctor about treatment, because self-medication can lead to not very pleasant consequences. And secondly, you need to provide yourself with the opportunity to spend this time at home. It is believed that a cold goes away on its own within a week on average, but you can support your body by providing your body with a sufficient amount of warm tea or compote, which helps remove toxins. Also, symptomatic treatment of a runny nose and sore throat by washing and rinsing will speed up recovery. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, it can be “brought down” with a paracetamol tablet.

Diarrhea at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Diarrhea in the last stages of pregnancy can be caused by disturbances in the normal intestinal flora (dysbacteriosis), intestinal infections, exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, and even stress. It should be noted that this phenomenon in itself is not dangerous to the baby’s health. But if diarrhea continues long enough, it will lead to the development of dehydration, but this is dangerous for both the pregnant woman and her baby. That is why it is important to replenish fluid losses, and it is also necessary to adjust your diet. First, you need to avoid foods that irritate your intestines. These are spicy, smoked, salted and fried dishes. It is also worth reducing the fiber content in your diet for a while, because it also stimulates peristalsis. The food should be light, you can eat porridge, low-fat light soups, jelly. If your condition does not improve, consult your doctor.


Late toxicosis is divided depending on the nature of the origin of this condition.

  • Pure gestosis develops as an independent disease in a completely healthy woman without a burdened medical history.
  • Combined or associated toxicosis is most often provoked by other pathologies. It is very difficult in women suffering from hypertension, kidney disease, and endocrine disorders.

Now let's look at the features of the process. There are four stages of development of gestosis.

  1. Dropsy or simply - swelling. In the initial stages, this symptom is almost invisible. The presence of edema can only be indicated by a rapid increase in a woman’s body weight and a decrease in the volume of fluid removed from the body. Later, swelling is already noted visually. Trying to cope with edema on your own by taking diuretics is a very dangerous undertaking for the unborn child.
  2. Nephropathy is a rather dangerous condition for the mother and child, in which the functioning of the kidneys is disrupted.
  3. Preeclampsia. To the symptoms described above are added functional disorders of the central nervous system caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain. At this stage of gestosis, women experience severe headaches and often experience mental disorders.
  4. Eclampsia is the most severe stage. As the condition worsens, convulsions occur with loss of consciousness. The jumps in blood pressure are so strong that against this background there is a high risk of developing a stroke.

Preeclampsia can develop rapidly, or occur unnoticed even by the woman herself.

Recommendations for expectant mothers

  • The 36th week of pregnancy has arrived, a photo of bellies can add another photo to your collection. It will be so great to look at your own changes some time after the birth of your baby! So if you want to create such vivid memories, don't forget to take a photo.
  • Monitor your condition carefully in the remaining weeks. To prevent your baby’s life from being endangered, contact the antenatal clinic at the slightest warning sign. With timely detection of pathology, doctors have much more opportunities to help mother and child.
  • Monitor your weight so as not to miss the appearance of edema. Also measure your blood pressure if you have a blood pressure monitor.
  • Nutrition also plays a role. Towards the end of pregnancy, it is worth slightly reducing the amount of protein in your diet. Also, a little later, the doctor may advise reducing the content of dairy products in your menu so that calcium does not contribute to premature hardening of the baby’s skull bones. Eat small portions and often, as large amounts of food can cause vomiting.
  • Try to take a walk every day, but don't go too far from your home. In general, in the last weeks you should not go far or leave home, because if labor begins, you should be able to take the necessary documents and things to go to the maternity hospital. But short walks will saturate your body with oxygen, which is very beneficial for both of you.
  • Communicate with your baby. This is useful for him and helps to calm you down. You can also play classical music. Try to find opportunities to relax and not think about what worries you. Communication with the baby is just one of the ways.
  • Take care of yourself! There is very little time left until that long-awaited moment when you can hold your baby close to you.
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