The use of agrimony for inflammation of the pancreas

Agrimony (burdock, agrimonia) is a unique medicinal plant that is used to treat the gastrointestinal tract. Rhizomes, leaves and flowers are used to prepare medicines. All parts of the plant contain natural anti-inflammatory substances that stimulate the restoration of affected organs. Agrimony is prescribed for pancreatitis, gastritis and hepatitis. During treatment with agrimony, skin health improves, which indicates liver cleansing. However, herbal medicine also has contraindications that must be taken into account.

How it will help

Agrimony prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue and sclerotic changes in capillaries.
Prevents the growth of cancer cells and the formation of blood clots. Relieves inflammation and accelerates tissue healing processes, including after abdominal surgery. Increases immunity and endurance of the body under various loads. Restores the nervous system, improves memory, maintains normal levels of insulin and cholesterol. It cleanses the bronchi, and even chronic bronchitis can be cured with this herb.

In my grandmother’s village, agrimony was considered a love herb, and women often collected the herb to improve relationships with their husbands. As a child, I liked the flowering spikelets of agrimony, but I suffered mercilessly from the ripening achenes. I had to clean my clothes from them, just like from thistles. Grandmother grumbled that I was crawling in the thickets of grass, but fragrant boletus and boletus grew in the grass. The adults did not discourage me from wanting to mushroom hunt, so I walked all the surroundings up and down. While I was looking for mushrooms, I managed to pick up various berries and herbs.

As a child, I didn’t think much about the benefits of agrimony. I liked collecting bouquets from it, although I immediately gave the collected bouquet to some neighbor’s grandmother. And she dried it for treatment. It’s a help to people, and it’s a pleasure for me to give needed gifts.

I have never liked the popular names for agrimony: field male, jack lice, five-leafed plant, sculptor, forty-never-wort, common love spell. Is it possible to call such a beautiful plant such a beautiful plant? My great-grandmother called him a honey doctor and told me good tales about him, and later from my grandmother I learned recipes for treating with this plant. Grandmother prepared agrimony in huge quantities. Dry grass was stored in large pillowcases, because such volumes could not fit into anything else, but the grass quickly sold out. Tumors, female diseases, cholecystitis, hepatitis and joint diseases were treated with agrimony. I have many recipes for treating this herb, so I can only give a few of them.


Restrictions on the use of grass

Herbal medicines for pancreatitis have contraindications for use, like any medicine. Some plant components complicate the course of diseases and cause side effects.

The use of folk recipes for pancreatitis during pregnancy and lactation is limited. There is insufficient data on the safety of mother and baby during herbal medicine.

Restrictions for treatment with agrimony:

  • tendency to thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • disorders of the blood coagulation system;
  • constipation;
  • obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • individual intolerance to the plant.

Alcohol tinctures are contraindicated for patients suffering from alcoholism, as well as for severe liver and kidney failure. Only infusions and decoctions are allowed.

Before starting herbal medicine, you should always consult your doctor.

Joint pain

Two tablespoons of dry crushed agrimony herb are poured into one glass of boiling water, left overnight, filtered and topped up with boiling water to the original volume of liquid. Take one tablespoon of infusion four times a day until the condition improves. After a short break, the treatment can be repeated. With the same infusion, you can make compresses on the disturbing joint, but before the procedure it must be warmed up. If you have a lot of agrimony prepared, then you can add the infusion to the bath prepared for bathing. Baths with agrimony relieve tension, stiffness in the joints and relieve pain even with gout.

Where does grass grow and when to collect it?

Agrimony is not picky about climatic conditions. Widely distributed in Europe and Asia. Favorite places of growth are sunny places with high humidity. You can find it in bushes, near highways, on the edges and forest hills. You can find the plant in cities: along fences and houses.

When treating, a universal part of the plant is used - stems with foliage. Some recipes use the rhizome and flowers. Agrimony blooms in the hot season. The fruits appear by the end of August - beginning of September.

When collecting, cut off the stems at a distance of 8-10 cm from the soil. After mowing, the plant is dried in the fresh air. The roots are dug up in winter, washed and dried in a ventilated area. Store dried raw materials for up to two years.


I really like agrimony tea.
It gives strength, improves immunity, helps with cystitis and protects during colds. To make tea, I pour two teaspoons of dry crushed agrimony herb with one glass of boiling water, leave for five minutes and strain. I drink one or two glasses of tea a day (in the morning). You can add honey or a little lemon juice to it to taste. Ekaterina Zarudnaya, Arkhangelsk region

Before using our advice, consult your doctor.

Vitamin composition of the plant

A large number of useful substances were found in the plant. Its composition is enriched:

  • vitamins B, K;
  • zinc, chromium, manganese, iron, nickel, strontium;
  • organic and fatty acids;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarins;
  • saponins;
  • alkaloids;
  • choline;
  • bitterness;
  • catechins;
  • tannins;
  • mucus;
  • phytosterol.

Thanks to such a valuable complex of useful substances, agrimony is popularly considered a panacea for almost all diseases.

Manifestation of medicinal properties

Agrimony has a beneficial effect on almost all organs and processes in the body:

  1. Suppresses inflammatory processes, reduces the risk of their exacerbation.
  2. Relieves spasms.
  3. Improves blood clotting, cleanses it of harmful substances.
  4. Reduces capillary permeability.
  5. Reduces the severity of allergic reactions.
  6. Inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria and worms.
  7. Activates the secretion of sweat, urine and bile.
  8. Calms, normalizes sleep.
  9. Helps lower blood pressure.
  10. Facilitates the removal of mucus during inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  11. Strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  12. Strengthens the immune system.
  13. Improves digestion and metabolism.
  14. Normalizes intestinal microflora.
  15. Protects the liver from the traumatic effects of toxins.
  16. Helps cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances.
  17. Normalizes the enzyme activity of the pancreas.
  18. Restores water-salt balance.
  19. Accelerates wound healing.
  20. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, cleanses it, helps fight acne, boils, and pustules.

Due to such an extensive list of medicinal properties, agrimony is actively used not only in folk medicine, but is also included in many medicinal and cosmetic products.

Agrimony for children

Children are mobile and active, so recurrent symptoms include bruises and dislocations.
In this case, the plant will also help. The decoction is prepared according to the instructions indicated on the package. A napkin made of natural fabric is impregnated in it. To relieve allergic reactions on the skin, the decoction is added to the bath. The recommended dose to get rid of signs of intoxication in a child’s body is 25 g of herb and 250 ml of boiling water. Make a concentrated decoction, strain through gauze or a special napkin, give 1 teaspoon once every 3 hours.

The advisability of using agrimony for pancreatitis

Treatment of pancreatitis with agrimony can be carried out only at the stage of remission and in the chronic form of the disease.

During exacerbation

The use of the plant for acute pancreatitis is prohibited for the following reasons:

Contains acidsIncreasing the acidity of gastric juice activates the production of digestive enzymes by the pancreas. Since the passage of enzymes into the intestines is impaired, they remain in the gland and begin to digest its tissue.
Presence of bitternessIt irritates the mucous membrane of the inflamed digestive organs.
Presence of fatty acidsTheir synthesis is disrupted during pancreatitis.
Essential oil contentWhen the pancreas is inflamed, they irritate the mucous membrane of the organ, which leads to aggravation of the inflammatory process.
Increased risk of developing an allergic reactionWith pancreatitis, immunity is greatly reduced, so the risk of developing allergies, especially to products containing alkaloids, increases.

In remission

Agrimony for pancreatitis at the stage of remission, as well as for the chronic form of the disease, has a beneficial effect on the organs of the digestive tract and helps restore the pancreas. This effect is explained by the following properties of the plant:

  1. Helps relieve inflammatory processes and prevent their exacerbation.
  2. Destroys pathogenic microorganisms, worms.
  3. Cleanses the body of toxins and waste.
  4. Activates the processes of food digestion and metabolism.
  5. Restores the enzyme activity of the pancreas, which is especially important when pancreatitis is complicated by organ failure.
  6. Activates the outflow of bile, which facilitates the passage of digestive enzymes from the pancreas to the intestines.
  7. Promotes healing of damaged gland tissue.
  8. Normalizes water-salt balance.
  9. Reduces cholesterol levels.

Taking agrimony helps restore pancreatic tissue, normalize its functional abilities and reduce the risk of relapse of exacerbation of the disease.

How to drink agrimony for pancreatitis, it is recommended to consult a doctor in each specific case. According to general recommendations, you should start taking the drug no earlier than one and a half to two months after the relief of an acute attack of pancreatitis.


03.27.18 Olga


You prescribed my son a course of herbs Shiksha, Licorice, Burdock, Sophora, Agrimony) to reduce the autoimmune process and normalize the pancreas (insular part). I will say that there is a result. Sugar levels began to drop again, which means the process is underway. We have been taking the decoction for 15 days.

I ordered grass from your website.

02/01/17 Larisa

Yulia Evgenievna, hello!

I am currently undergoing treatment and have already received some results. Sinusitis began - the right side of the face, from the side of the nose and eyes, also hurt, there was nasal congestion, the right side began to hurt. I washed it with Bukvitsa and saline solution, drank Fireweed “for sinusitis,” and gargled with Agrimony. A day later, the nose began to clear on its own. Well, in general, this is a miracle. I had a runny nose for almost a month in the fall, and then I studied your work and got RESULTS!

With a deep bow for your invaluable work!

07.12.15 Tatyana

Hello, Yulia Evgenievna!

This is not the first time I am writing to you about my mother. We are implementing all your recommendations. For two years, thyroid ultrasound and tests have not changed much. And this is good.

About Me. No operation was performed. I drank Repeshok for a long time. A new ultrasound showed improvement.

Thank you for your help.

10/23/15 Tatyana

Dear Yulia Evgenievna!

Allow me to express my sincere gratitude and admiration to you!

I did a repeat ultrasound of the abdominal organs. And imagine my surprise when the uzologist said that he did not see polyps in the gallbladder!!! Is it really all Agrimony? When I take Repeshka and the current collection, I feel much better.

Once again thank you very much for your attention, kind attitude and kind words. I couldn’t even imagine that I could get such support over the Internet! God bless you!

09/15/15 Valentina

Good afternoon, Yulia Evgenievna!

Every day I remember you and am amazed at how much good you do for people!!!

I drank the herbs that you recommended to me. I drank agrimony for 1 month. Celandine tincture – 1 month. Chaga – 1 month.

I had a feeling of overeating twice and a feeling of the beginning of pain in the stomach,” I drank Repeshok and the “pain” did not go away, but went away.

Did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. There are no dilated intrahepatic ducts in the liver. Although previously, CT and ultrasound always identified dilated intrahepatic ducts up to 11 mm. The condition of the liver itself has improved, the stones have become smaller.

Good luck.

06.22.15 Marina

Hello, Yulia Evgenievna! I congratulate you with all my heart on your past professional holiday!

Thank you for the detailed consultations on the site, I read many letters and answers, and learned a lot of useful things for myself.

I was in Novosibirsk for several days, went to your store at the market, bought a red brush and a raspberry leaf. Now I brew them in a thermos along with Yarrow, Mint, Agrimony and Rosehip, I try every day. I feel better!

Health and happiness to you!

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