How to eat and cook Jerusalem artichoke or earthen pear when pancreatitis develops

In many country and garden plots you can see a plant with tall stems and bright yellow flowers, somewhat reminiscent of small sunflowers. This blooms Jerusalem artichoke (tuberiferous sunflower), which has enormous healing potential.

Today, few people know about its medicinal qualities, but our ancestors successfully used the vegetable to heal many serious diseases. Jerusalem artichoke is especially useful for pancreatitis. Today, people increasingly remember the medicinal effect of the vegetable, so patients with pancreatic problems would like to know how exactly to use it for inflammation of the pancreas?

Features of the root vegetable

Jerusalem artichoke is a root vegetable containing many useful substances. Due to the rich content of valuable minerals and components, this plant has a number of the following effects:

  • Decreased blood sugar levels.
  • Reducing stomach acidity levels.
  • Increased protective functions of the body.
  • Ridding the body from the development of inflammatory processes.
  • Improved blood circulation.
  • Elimination of pain.

This is interesting! Jerusalem artichoke is a medicine that can effectively eliminate the symptoms of burns and pain in the abdomen.

The benefits of consuming this product are simply priceless, since regular inclusion of earthen pears in the diet allows you to strengthen the vascular system, as well as improve the circulatory system. The product is also useful for people who have problems with heart disease.

Useful properties and negative aspects of root vegetables

It so happens that today the Jerusalem artichoke root crop is perceived more as a weed than a food product. However, our ancestors knew about its diverse healing properties hundreds of years ago and used it as a cure for many ailments of the body, including the digestive tract, cardiovascular system and pancreatitis.

Ground pear is similar to the roots of the popular ginger, and its taste resembles cabbage stalks or raw potatoes, but there are some differences between these vegetables. Firstly, Jerusalem artichoke has a sweeter taste than potatoes, and secondly, its shelf life is much shorter - only a week in the refrigerator.

It contains an incredible amount of useful substances and vitamins, which are exactly what the diseased gland needs:

  • Insulin.
  • Protein.
  • Pectin.
  • Carotene.
  • Arginine.
  • Iron.
  • Calcium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Magnesium.
  • Cellulose.

Jerusalem artichoke is also rich in vitamins, especially A, C and group B, which are 3 times higher than in beets, potatoes and carrots.

The chemical composition of the root vegetable also contains organic acids, in particular:

  • Raspberry.
  • Amber.
  • Apple.
  • Fumarovaya.

Although the vegetable grows in the soil, it is not able to absorb and accumulate harmful substances found in it. An interesting fact: the root crop was planted in the area of ​​the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, after harvesting it was absolutely clean, that is, there were no radioactive substances in it.

Today, gastroenterologists confirm that Jerusalem artichoke is an extremely useful remedy for the pancreas. So, what exactly is its benefit for illness, and what exactly is its healing effect on the diseased organ?

This unsightly root has amazing life-giving properties:

  1. Reduces high blood sugar levels.
  2. Eliminates bad cholesterol.
  3. Improves the protective properties of the immune system.
  4. Reduces acidity levels in the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Regulates the balance of microflora.
  6. Speeds up the digestion of food.
  7. Accelerates the healing of injured tissues.
  8. Eliminates manifestations of inflammation.
  9. Relieves manifestations of painful discomfort.
  10. Helps remove excess bile.
  11. Normalizes blood pressure.
  12. Effectively improves blood circulation.

In addition, in the old days, Jerusalem artichoke was the only means by which people were treated for heartburn and abdominal pain. To do this, they washed it with water, crushed it, squeezed out the liquid and immediately drank it. Within a few minutes the intensity of the pain subsided and then disappeared altogether.

Regarding contraindications for the use of vegetables, with moderate consumption they are completely absent. However, there is a category of patients for whom it is undesirable. Especially if a person has the following pathological phenomena:

  • Increased hemoglobin level.
  • Gastritis with low stomach acidity.
  • Digestive disorders and diarrhea.

With excessive consumption, Jerusalem artichoke can provoke increased flatulence or an allergic reaction. It is worth paying attention to this important nuance: during an attack of acute or chronic pancreatitis, the possibility of using Jerusalem artichoke decoctions should be discussed with a doctor.

Benefits of root vegetables for the gastrointestinal tract

Jerusalem artichoke for such an ailment as pancreatitis is not only useful, but also effective in eliminating the symptoms of pain during exacerbations. After all, pancreatitis is a disease that is characterized by the development of inflammatory processes in the pancreas. With pancreatitis, the blood circulation in the pancreas is disrupted, and a metabolic failure also occurs.

If you use Jerusalem artichoke for pancreatitis, the normalization of metabolism, as well as the elimination of inflammatory reactions, will occur in a few days. The patient's condition will stabilize, and repeated relapses will not occur if the earthen pear is included in the patient's daily diet.

This is interesting! The juice of the root vegetable can be drunk as a replacement for tea or other drinks. If you consume Jerusalem artichoke juice, you will prevent the development of diabetes.

With pancreatitis, atherosclerosis often develops, which can be avoided by regular consumption of earthen pear. This vegetable is used to remove toxins and waste from the body, which is especially important for overweight people. Jerusalem artichoke is an excellent antioxidant that can be used to speed up wound healing. The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke are simply limitless, since it can be used for gastritis if a person has increased stomach acidity.

Diet recipes

In addition to medicines based on the Jerusalem artichoke, dietary cuisine offers recipes for dishes that contain this root vegetable. We offer a selection of the most interesting dishes with this vegetable that can be included in the menu for pancreatitis.

Salad with added earthen pear

This tasty dish will not only diversify the dietary table, but will also support the body with missing vitamins and microelements.


  • Jerusalem artichoke roots – 2 pcs.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Fresh cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Fresh herbs - to taste.
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste.

Grind the carrots and Jerusalem artichoke on a coarse grater. Remove the peel from the cucumber and chop finely.

Combine all vegetables, add salt, add oil and mix. Serve with chopped herbs.

Stewed Jerusalem artichoke with vegetables

To prepare this unusually tasty and healthy dish you will need:

  • Jerusalem artichoke – 150 g.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Sweet pepper – 1 pc.
  • Tomato – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste.

Grate the root vegetable on a coarse grater. Peel the sweet peppers, remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into cubes. Grind the carrots on a grater. Finely chop the onion.

Combine all vegetables and simmer in vegetable oil over low heat until completely softened. Add a little water if necessary.

Ground pear puree

It should be said that this dish is prepared in a steam bath. Cooking sequence:

  • Wash the Jerusalem artichoke roots, but do not peel them.
  • Pour water into the bowl, place a colander on top or use a double boiler.
  • The vegetable is cooked for 25 minutes (until softened).
  • Then pull it out, peel it and put it through a blender.
  • Serve like regular mashed potatoes.

Vegetable casserole

This version of the dietary recipe will also be useful for diabetes.


  • Jerusalem artichoke – 2-3 pcs.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Cheese – 100 g.
  • Sour cream – 3 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste.

Peel the pear roots and chop into thin strips. Simmer lightly in butter. Beat eggs, add grated cheese and sour cream, mix.

Place the prepared Jerusalem artichoke in a mold and pour in the egg mixture. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 170 degrees.

How to properly use root vegetables for pancreatitis

Jerusalem artichoke for pancreatitis is allowed to be consumed in any form. This root vegetable can be boiled, steamed, dried or eaten raw. The earthen pear is useful in all forms, but it is only important to take into account one feature - it is strictly contraindicated to get carried away with the root vegetable. If you eat only one Jerusalem artichoke, then the development of individual reactions of the body is possible.

For patients diagnosed with pancreatitis, it is recommended to consume at least 150 g of earthen pear in the diet. To prepare Jerusalem artichoke for consumption, follow these steps:

  1. Wash the earthen pear, but do not peel the peel.
  2. Grind the resulting product to obtain juice, which is especially useful for patients with hyperacidity gastritis.
  3. Prepare a decoction of dried root vegetables. A couple of root vegetables are poured with boiling water, then boil them for 10 minutes. You should drink the decoction chilled throughout the day.

Jerusalem artichoke has virtually no contraindications for use, so it can be safely included in the diet not only for inflammation of the pancreas, but also for other ailments of the digestive system. The main advantage of Jerusalem artichoke is that it has a complex and restorative effect on the body.

The root vegetable is used in salads or eaten raw. If you eat the product raw, then the maximum amount of useful minerals and components enters the body. After eating the root vegetable, the condition of a patient diagnosed with pancreatitis will not worsen, but vice versa. If you eat Jerusalem artichoke regularly, you can forget about gastrointestinal diseases.

Jerusalem artichoke gastritis

Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family; it received its second name, “earthen pear,” because of the specific, elongated and pear-shaped shape of the tubers. A distinctive feature of Jerusalem artichoke is a unique carbohydrate complex (fructooligosaccharides and inulin), as well as a balanced macro- and microelement composition.

Jerusalem artichoke is an excellent means of preventing exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive system

Jerusalem artichoke is an excellent means of preventing exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive system in traditionally critical seasons of the year (autumn and spring), in stressful situations, in diseases of other organs or viral infections, when relapses of the same peptic ulcer, pancreatitis or gastritis develop very often.

Water-soluble fiber and dietary fiber included in its composition help cleanse the inner surface of the intestines and prevent constipation. Jerusalem artichoke can reduce the severity of nausea, stop vomiting, relieve heartburn, and remove the bitter taste in the mouth.

It is recommended to consume about 100 grams of raw pear tubers daily, for example, in the form of a salad. With daily consumption of root vegetables, the number of bifidobacteria in the colon increases, suppressing pathogenic microflora (Shigella, salmonella, staphylococcus, enterococci.

How to take Jerusalem artichoke for gastritis

Dry crushed Jerusalem artichoke leaves and plantain leaves are mixed in equal proportions. Three teaspoons of the mixture are poured into a thermos with one glass of boiling water, left overnight, filtered and honey is added to taste. Take 1/3 cup three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is ten days. After the same break, the treatment is repeated.

Development of side symptoms

Many people, after learning about the invaluable benefits of Jerusalem artichoke, strive to improve their health through active consumption of the root vegetable. Such actions are fundamentally wrong, since Jerusalem artichoke is not a medicine and is not capable of curing any disease. This product is used to enrich the body with useful minerals and components, which, in turn, have a corresponding effect on certain ailments.

When eating earthen pear in large quantities, the development of consequences such as diarrhea and loose stools cannot be ruled out. This is a normal condition if you consume the product raw and in large quantities. You need to eat earthen pear regularly and in certain quantities, but never eat several kilograms in one day.

It is not recommended to consume Jerusalem artichoke if a person has signs of allergic reactions. Such cases are extremely rare. If symptoms such as skin rash, redness, swelling, as well as nausea and vomiting are detected, the use of Jerusalem artichoke is strictly contraindicated.

Jerusalem artichoke is a storehouse of useful substances for the human body. Such a product is valued very little, although its benefits to humans are immense. Before resorting to the use of Jerusalem artichoke, it is recommended to consult a medical specialist.

When is Jerusalem artichoke harmful?

Jerusalem artichoke belongs to that rare category of products of plant origin, the only pronounced drawback of which can be called intolerance. Of course, Jerusalem artichoke is not recommended for very young children. It should be introduced into complementary foods at the end of the first year of life and in very small portions. If the child does not develop intolerance, Jerusalem artichoke is unlikely to harm him in subsequent years.

Jerusalem artichoke intolerance is manifested by discomfort in the intestines, flatulence and gas formation, and, less commonly, skin rashes. Something similar can develop in the case when Jerusalem artichoke is consumed in excess of the norm. But excessive eating has never benefited anyone.

When eating Jerusalem artichoke, you need to observe moderation, and even better, combine it with other vegetables and root vegetables.

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