Anti-colic heating pad for newborns: does it help or not?

A complex approach

Breastfeeding and the correct diet of the nursing mother, special gymnastic exercises and massage, placing the baby on the stomach, drinking dill water and other means will help prevent the occurrence of such a problem.

In addition, heat exposure will help cope with intestinal colic. To do this, you can simply stroke the baby’s tummy with a warm palm, place the baby on the mother’s stomach, or apply a warm diaper, pre-heated with an iron.

This technique has been used for many years, it is quite effective, but there is one drawback - the diaper becomes cold pretty soon. In order to maintain the required temperature for a certain time, a special heating pad for a newborn against colic has been developed.

Let's get acquainted with the types of this device and the rules of use.

Review of popular models


This English brand delights with environmentally friendly and incredibly cute-looking products in the form of domestic animals and wild animals, as well as dolls. The toys weigh about 800 – 900 grams. The manufacturer uses selected millet and lavender petals as filler.

Cozy Plush

The manufacturer offers extremely original heating toys in the form of scarves and slippers. There are also a lot of funny animals and characters from your favorite cartoons. There are toys for the little ones - small in size: about 15 cm and weighing up to 230 grams. There are also heating toys for older children.

All products are created using faux fur. Lavender petals are usually used as a filler.


A domestic company specializing in the production of toys for children aged 3 years and older. The warmers are filled with millet and are about 19 cm long.

Spa Belle

Externally, very attractive products with buckwheat and lavender filling - ducklings, sheep, monkeys, bear cubs, etc. All toys are hypoallergenic, they can be used for aromatherapy.

You can choose and buy a heating pad toy in the online store – heating pad toys

What is colic and its signs

Colic is a fairly common condition in newborns under 3 months of age. This phenomenon is accompanied by painful manifestations in the tummy, increased gas formation, restless behavior and crying. Experts believe that colic is accompanied by the child’s digestive system getting used to eating new foods and to a new situation.

Currently, there is an opinion that the appearance of colic indicates nervous tension (“birth stress”) experienced by the baby in the process of adapting to life outside the mother’s abdomen.

Colic is determined by the following signs:

  • the baby lies with his legs tucked to his tummy;
  • restless, whiny behavior (especially after eating);
  • sometimes refuses to eat;
  • possible change in stool;
  • sleep dysfunction due to spasm and pain.

Colic is a temporary condition. The duration of this phenomenon is approximately 2 months. Although every parent, having noticed the torment of their child from pain, wants to eliminate the problem in any way. For this reason, almost everyone tries to buy a heating pad and wonders: will it help the child?

What is a colic heating pad?

The purpose of the device is to warm the pathological area, or the entire body. A heating pad for a newborn has a therapeutic effect by dilating blood vessels and accelerating blood circulation. This helps eliminate spasms and reduce pain. The device can be attached to the child (if provided) or placed next to him in a crib or stroller.

But such a device is not a universal remedy. For one child, a heating pad will help eliminate colic, but for another, this method will be ineffective. Of course, a heating pad can calm you down, since children always like soft and warm things.

To cope with colic, a special device is not at all necessary; many consider it an unnecessary, expensive thing. Parents must decide what exactly to use to eliminate such a problem - a heating pad or other more accessible methods.

Types of heating pads

There are several types of warming devices that are used to relieve colic.

You can buy a heating pad in pharmacies and specialized children's stores:

  • rubber (filled with water);
  • saline;
  • electrical;
  • with dry filler.

Let's take a closer look at each type of device.


The rubber heating pad is represented by a flat rubber container with a lid for filling with hot water.

Since rubber brings some discomfort to the skin, the device should be wrapped in cloth, or get a special cover.

This device is the cheapest and easiest to use. But there are some disadvantages: the heating pad cools down quickly, you can get burned while filling, and if used incorrectly, the device will begin to leak.


A salt heating pad for newborns copes with colic thanks to its uniform and long-lasting heat release. The operation of this device is based on a chemical reaction: the salt solution in the heating pad, after pressing the switch, begins active crystallization and releases high-temperature thermal energy.

Heating of the entire structure takes 10-15 seconds. The children's salt heating pad heats up to 54 degrees, this temperature remains for about 1.5 hours. Gel heating pads have a similar principle of action; they are also recommended for combating colic. Such a device warms up to approximately 60 degrees and the temperature remains unchanged for approximately 1 hour.

Parents who used similar devices to eliminate colic noted the following advantages:

  • safe for the baby, there is no risk of getting burned by hot water compared to a rubber heating pad;
  • do not cause an allergic reaction;
  • due to the plasticity of the design, the heating pad takes on the shape of a child’s body during use;
  • to return the device to its original shape, you just need to boil it for 10-15 minutes.


This heating pad is a device made of fabric with thin heat conductors sewn into it. The device operates from the mains and warms during the entire period while it is connected to the outlet. The device heats up in approximately 7 minutes. There is a thermostat to regulate the temperature.

Such a device should not be placed on the baby’s body. This heating pad is best used to warm a crib or stroller before putting your newborn down.

With dry filler

This device has recently become increasingly popular. Like salt heating pads, a device with a natural filler is considered the most effective method of eliminating colic.

Before use, the bag made of natural material is heated using a microwave oven. The heating pad can gently release heat for several hours. The bags are filled with millet, buckwheat, lavender, and cherry pits.

Although such a warming device is absolutely natural and harmless, it has some disadvantages:

  • For some children, the aroma of fillers will have a calming effect, while for others it will cause irritation;
  • The fabric from which the bag is made is short-lived and cannot be washed.

Additional Methods

In addition to applying heat, there are the following ways to relieve infant colic:

  • the use of medications has no proven effectiveness. There is a medical opinion that if the baby feels better while taking medications, then this is most likely a coincidence; the improvement occurred for another reason. The most common medications against intestinal colic are dill water, Bobotik, Sab Simplex, Espumisan;
  • use of a gas outlet tube / glycerin suppository / microenema - the use of a gas outlet tube should be used as a last resort, since improper use can result in injury to the rectal mucosa and intestinal perforation;
  • correction of the mother’s diet (including adding dried fruits to the diet) - if there is a suspicion that the child is reacting to some product from the mother’s diet (during breastfeeding), then try not to eat it temporarily. If there are no changes, you should eat as before. You can add dried fruits to the diet, which will have a laxative effect on the child. If the baby is bottle-fed, then you should try changing the formula;
  • giving the child an infusion of dried fruits - the infusion can be made with raisins or prunes (a few berries per glass of boiling water). This drink enhances intestinal motility, and the baby feels much better;
  • massage - you need to use a warm palm to make circular movements around the umbilical area in a clockwise direction. Using a fitball also helps: the child is placed on it with his stomach down, while holding the legs with one hand and the back with the other. Next, you need to make circular movements, rocking the baby clockwise, and then back and forth;
  • creating a calm atmosphere. The emotional component is no less important. If the mother is calm and positive, then it is much easier for the baby. To calm the baby, you can play music with sounds of nature, and at night, loose swaddling in a large thin blanket is effective so that the baby feels safe.

If in Russia it is traditionally believed that the nature of intestinal colic is associated with the gastrointestinal tract, then doctors from a number of European countries also attribute the immaturity of the nervous system of the newborn to the reasons. As soon as the child relaxes emotionally, the colic goes away. In addition, the child’s temperament and character play an important role. The more impatient the baby, the more pronounced the colic.

Combining the method of eliminating colic using heat with other methods will significantly alleviate the baby’s condition. For example, you can put a warm diaper (or attach a heating pad) to your baby’s tummy, swaddle him loosely, and put him to sleep with soothing music. It is also possible to lay the baby on his tummy on a warm sheet before the massage. Combinations of methods are different and in most cases safe, so it is necessary to monitor the condition and mood of the baby and select the method that makes him feel better.

Use depending on variety

Regardless of how the device operates, it is prohibited to apply it to the baby’s uncovered skin. You must first place a folded diaper or other cloth on the body.

Rules of application:

  1. The heating of the salt heating pad occurs quite strongly, for this reason it must be wrapped in a cloth with a layer of at least 5 mm. The device is then turned on by pressing a switch in the liquid solution. After switching on, the saline solution quickly becomes solid and heat begins to be released. To return the filler to its original liquid form, the device must be boiled for 15 minutes. And by placing the salt device in the refrigerator for about half an hour, you can use it for cooling.
  2. An electric heating pad is a good device for heating a crib, stroller, or towel. But it is not recommended to use such a device to apply to the body of a baby with colic.
  3. pad with dry filling must be preheated using a microwave, oven or battery. When using eco-heaters, the risk of getting burned is minimal. Typically, such a design is equipped with ribbons for conveniently securing a warm pad on the stomach of a child with colic.
  4. The rubber heating pad is filled 2/3 of the volume with water, then you need to carefully squeeze out the remaining air and screw on the lid. Then the device must be turned over and checked to see if liquid is leaking out. The heating pad should be wrapped in cloth and placed near the newborn.

Types of fillers

The outer shell of the warmers is usually cotton, linen and hypoallergenic plush. Filling for toys can be different:

  • Cherry pits

A heating pad with cherry pits heats up quickly and the heat retention period of these products is longer than that of heating pads with other “fillings”. Toys with this filling have a pleasant aroma. Plus, kids love to touch them.

  • Legumes and grains

Usually buckwheat, wheat, peas, rice or millet are used. The grains are pre-treated to increase resistance to moisture and heat. The main goal is long-term preservation of dry heat.

  • Lavender

A hot water bottle filled with lavender is not only a source of a delightful aroma, but also a wonderful soothing remedy. The smell of lavender relieves irritation and fatigue, promotes relaxation of muscles and the whole body as a whole. Lavender is considered an immunity booster. A heating toy with lavender helps your baby fall asleep quickly and have a restful sleep.

  • Other herbs

Fillers containing herbs such as mint or lemongrass are usually used as aromatherapy.

Models with cherry pits (why are they so popular)

The most popular and in demand are toys filled with cherry pits. This is due to the fact that such toys can be used not only as dry heat, but also as a cold compress. Heat helps with: muscle pain, tension, spasms, fatigue, cough and runny nose, back and neck pain, cystitis, to relieve physical and emotional stress. And it’s very useful for babies with colic in the tummy!

Pillows with cherry pits are recommended for little ones. This is due to the fact that a pillow-toy with such filling is able to take the shape of the child’s body, and this is very important at the age when the baby’s spine is forming.

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