Tricky Question: Why Do People Fart During Sex?

Vaginal sounds

A specific sound during sex may not come from the intestines, but from the vagina. How often and how strongly this happens depends on women's physiological characteristics. This phenomenon is called “queefing”. The vagina is not a smooth-walled tube; it contains many folds and wrinkles that form peculiar pockets. They can trap air entering during active movement.

A male member entering the vagina pushes out air, which produces a sound that is completely similar to a fart and has no odor. This is most often characteristic of the position when the man is on top, the woman’s knees are tucked in or placed on her partner’s shoulders. Often in other positions, areas containing air are released after the woman reaches orgasm and the vaginal muscles completely relax.

Sometimes, the same thing happens during exercise or active movements. The vaginal muscles tense and then relax, for example, during running, yoga, or fitness. In these cases, the air often comes out silently, but it becomes somewhat awkward when this happens in the pool.

Social standards may dictate the shame you should feel in such a situation, but this is not the case. Do not be embarrassed, air coming out of the vagina is a normal and completely uncontrollable phenomenon. By worrying and trying to restrain it, you may not reach orgasm. If you feel uncomfortable, talk to your partner, or just laugh at your pussy's indiscretion.

Where do vaginal farts come from?

The romance of the evening is shattered when the vagina decides to “talk.” But it doesn’t just insert its “two cents” for nothing. There are reasons for this. “Queefing,” or vaginal flatulence, is a very common phenomenon. An immature partner, who has nothing on his mind, may burst into laughter, make a couple of dirty jokes, or simply choke in disgust. But this only speaks of his stupidity and inexperience.

Such a “Gavrik” should not have sex, but play “tanks”. In fact, queefing is not a problem at all. This is a natural physiological process. Of course, it can also be caused by pathologies of the pelvic organs, but more on that later. First you need to understand the natural causes.

The difference between queefing and a “chatty butt” lies in the mechanism of gas formation. The cause of gas accumulation in the intestines is the digestive process. Intestinal gases are nothing more than the vital activity of bacteria that live in the intestines and are responsible for the formation of feces. The stunning smell appears as a result of the painstaking work of these bacteria, the remains of undigested food, which, of course, begins to rot. Naturally, the gases need an outlet, and they come out loud and smelly. But there are “infiltrators-whispers”. In general, intestinal gases are formed within the body as a result of physiological processes.

The vagina begins its “conversation” for completely different reasons. Since the uterus and vaginal cavity do not digest anything, there is nowhere for gases to come from. Conclusion: air is brought in from outside. When its quantity reaches the limit, it comes out with a characteristic sound. Air enters these cavities in three ways:

  • Thanks to the male member. In this case, the penis clearly shows the work of the piston, which pumps air into the cavity. Well, something like a pump. Having pumped to the limit, the volume of the organs is not enough and air rushes out. All this happens loudly and cheerfully. The penis especially practices pumping air during certain poses: doggy style and the like. In these positions, the penis performs full friction along the entire length of its shaft. Men especially like to completely remove the penis and insert it again. As a result, the woman becomes a “balloon”. It is clear that there is too much air there, and therefore he tries to leave the location. He does this resentfully, loudly, with squelching and rattling.

  • Connector A and plug B. If the vagina, or rather its circumference, does not coincide with the dimensions of the “combat weapon”, it is wider than the girth of the penis, then the “suction” of air occurs even faster and in larger volumes. The vagina can become wider for quite common reasons: natural childbirth, for example, or genital surgery.
  • Woman's age. The older a woman is, the faster the muscles weaken, lose tone, and do not provide a tighter girth. Few people think about vaginal gymnastics. And accordingly, they live according to the principle “it will do.” In addition, the older and more experienced the lady, the more indifferent she is to such “conversations” of her “shaggy girlfriend”. In this situation, sexual intercourse is not necessary. Air can be sucked in as a result of physical activity: fast walking, running. The vagina does not have a sphincter, like the anus, so it is impossible to hold a fart. One good thing - it doesn't smell.

But sometimes, queefing can appear as a result of a developing pathology: it is a symptom.

Anal sounds2

During vaginal sex, the insertion and sliding movements of the male genital organ exert pressure on the anus through the vaginal wall. Thus, gases that sometimes accumulate in the pockets of the folds of the rectum are displaced. Therefore, women can “shoot” their butt during sex in almost any position and at any stage of the act.

It is believed that men blow wind more often during orgasm, when tense body muscles suddenly relax. Sometimes, the chosen position, when the partner holds part of the female body or its entire weight, requires strong tension from the man, which can also lead to involuntary release of gas.

Useful video

Author: Ekaterina Sibileva, last edited 10/12/2018

When, at the most intimate moment, a woman leaves her vagina with a characteristic sound, a very awkward situation arises that destroys the romantic mood. If the relationship with your partner is not very close, this may cause his laughter or even disgust, and the partner will develop a psychological complex.

Gynecological specialists do not consider vaginal flatulence (there is even an English term for it “queefing”) a problem. If a couple cannot ignore vaginal farts, then there are many effective techniques to avoid uncomfortable situations associated with them.

How to avoid embarrassment during sex?3

An indecent sound is not a cause for concern, especially if it rarely happens during lovemaking. But when you fart frequently and can't control it, make an appointment with your doctor to check for physical problems. If not, some actions and lifestyle changes may help:

  1. Try using over-the-counter medications that prevent gas from forming or break up small bubbles.
  2. Have a bowel movement (rinse your rectum with an enema) before sex.
  3. A large amount of gas, bloating, and belching are often caused by a large amount of carbonated drinks and difficult-to-digest foods. Try to reduce their consumption, and on the day of the date, it’s better to eliminate them altogether.
  4. Eat smaller portions of foods, especially those that cause gas.
  5. Eat more slowly to reduce the amount of air you swallow while eating.
  6. Stay away from chewing gum, hard candies, and do not drink liquids through a straw.
  7. If you wear dentures, make sure they fit correctly. When they don't fit well, you may swallow excess air when you eat and drink.
  8. There are exercises that help with bowel function and the passage of gases through the digestive tract. Choose the ones that suit you and try to do them regularly. Decoctions of some medicinal herbs, for example, St. John's wort and sage, which significantly reduce the formation of gases, will also help.

Vagina squishes

The question is very short, but straight from the heart: “Why does the vagina squelch during sex? How to get rid of this? Does this happen to you? My husband swears terribly.”

I don't even know how to begin to answer this question. Should I start with myself? Does this happen to me? You know, I never noticed it.

Do you know why? Because when I have sex, for some reason I think about something else. When I have sex, there is a certain sex scenario, each couple has their own, first we caress here, then here, first you cum, then I, or vice versa. In general, when I do this, I also follow a joint scenario with my husband, and this scenario includes that it’s good for him and good for me. That is, I catch with a sensitive ear when he feels so good that he can already begin to say “good”, and then the joint apogee of our creativity is orgasm. For some reason it doesn’t occur to me at any of these moments whether there is a squelch there or someone sneezed, farted, or moaned at that moment. There is a process going on, it absorbs completely. And I don’t know when to listen to what’s squelching there. The most I can think about during sex, besides sex, is if there are children at home, how not to attract their attention to our room. This is all.

Why does it squelch?

I think that 90% of people will say that they don’t remember whether they are squelching or not. Now let's look at your situation. Your vagina squeals terribly loudly in all positions.

First. Great, so you're properly hydrated during sex. Many people complain that they don’t feel anything and it’s dry there, that they use lubricants, but it doesn’t help. And everything is well excited and squishing. The member travels back and forth on this squelching, and gives you maximum pleasure. Then, the very word “squelching” resembles “already gurgling with pleasure” - the vagina squished with pleasure. That is, this is a moment that shows that you feel good, that is, your husband is a hero. Your husband is a giant, a champion of sexual pleasures for you, because he gives your vagina such pleasure that it slurps, smacks and slurps. So let's assume that your squelching equals pleasure.

Squishes in all positions?

Great, that means you have pleasure in all positions. Let's still add a small drop of ointment to our orgasmic ointment. Maybe you are a woman who has given birth, mature, not quite young. Let's assume that you are over 30. You are a woman who has given birth, your vaginal diameter is too large, so the penis is very loose there. He does not enter the vagina as if into a cramped nest, but the penis enters the vagina as if it were a cave. And when by chance a member hits one wall, then another wall, perhaps a sound like an echo arises.

What to do?

If this is so, the vagina is just big, and the penis “walks” in it and creates some kind of squelching movements, then you need to seriously take care of yourself and your vagina. Search the Internet for a topic like “Woman Building.” There are a lot of links. There you can find a lot of exercises for developing the muscles of the pelvic organs. What is it for? First of all, you need this in order to get high-quality sensations during sex, because if you have a large vagina and a small penis, then these will be meaningless body movements that will not bring you pleasure. Why do you need them?

These are very good techniques. They are associated with the fact that you hold certain exercise equipment in the vagina, specifically designed for this (household items do not need to be stuffed there), and by keeping the muscles toned during sex, you tightly hug the penis, giving yourself and your husband maximum pleasure. This is, firstly.

Secondly, performing the “Woman Building” exercise and others to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic organs contributes to your healthy fixation on sex and the formation of your sexual dominance, which contributes to the fact that by the time real physiological sex has arrived, you are moral towards it and physiologically ready. This can be very useful, especially for those women who have a weak libido and who do not want a husband very much. To prevent this from happening, you prepare yourself in the morning, hold all sorts of objects in the vagina, relax, squeeze, strain. And then, when sex comes, you have everything ready.

“My husband swears terribly.”

I don't know for what purpose he is swearing. Maybe such slight irritation towards you, maybe it brings him a certain pleasure. Maybe swearing at you and calling you names or comparing you to something during sex may be enjoyable. Sometimes in sexual play, verbal play occurs during sex, when partners can even insult each other. Maybe it's part of the role-playing game. Maybe he imagines that it’s not his wife with him, but some kind of slut who is squishing, and he has her at that moment. And he scolds her. Maybe he enjoys it. You take a closer look at the intonation with which he does this and what he experiences at the same time. If he scolds you terribly, and he inserts the penis himself, and his saliva flows with pleasure, then it’s not in vain.

Like many men, women love: “Oh, I’m so fat, I need to lose weight urgently, my husband says I’m fat.” So this is his real sexual fetish. He simply cannot pass by his wife, he paws her, touches her at every step, he likes her body. That is, in these cases you need to carefully look at the context. If your husband swears that you are squelching, with a certain intonation, and at the same time has a delicious taste for you, then there is no need to remove your squelching.

Be sure to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Do not remove the squelching under any circumstances, let it add to your sensations.


Venereologist in Moscow

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