Why air comes out of the uterus, vagina, causes and symptoms

The release of air from the vaginal opening is called a vaginal fart (synonyms: vaginal flatulence, vaginal farting, queefing). It can also be called vaginal wind. This is not a very common occurrence. Every third or fourth woman can “boast” of this, especially after she has children. The problem of farting vagina is rarely found in virgin girls. Let's take a closer look at the reasons and what we can do to fix it.

Queefing is a piquant involuntary sound that the female vagina makes when air comes out of it under pressure during sex, masturbation with dildos, fitness, performing physical exercises with significant weights, etc. It gets there from the external environment due to the physiological structure of the female intimate organ. Likewise, during certain body positions and careless sudden movements, air can often be pushed out of the vagina with a characteristic sound. The problem of queefing is most clearly characterized by the following reviews from girls: “I get up from the computer, do squats in the gym, get up from a chair in the office, etc., and my vagina treacherously makes a loud, distinct farting sound...!”

Why does the vagina fart? 3 reasons for vaginal sounds

Entry May 13 in the section: Women's health
Why does the vagina fart? Traditionally, air popping during intimacy or exercise is considered a sign of weakened pelvic floor muscles. Muscles can be weakened due to numerous pregnancies and childbirths, heavy physical activity, the habit of holding a tight stomach and a number of other factors. But sometimes a “farting” vagina occurs in girls who are in excellent physical shape. Their pelvic floor muscles may be much better developed than those whose vaginas do not make any sounds. Because it's not just about the vagina and pelvic floor muscles. Although in them too.

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What else can you do if your vagina “farts”?

You can prevent air from leaving the vagina during sexual intercourse in the following ways:

  1. If the problem could be caused by excessive vaginal dryness, then solving it is quite simple; for this it is recommended to use special lubricants that contain estrogen. They should be placed directly into the vagina several hours before sexual intercourse so that the body has time to prepare.
  2. Currently, special vaginal applications aimed at eliminating vaginal flatulence can be purchased in pharmacies.
  3. Surgical intervention is a last resort and is performed only when indicated, for example, in the case of vaginal prolapse or the presence of a fistula. In this case, the surgeon fixes the reproductive organs in the correct position or eliminates the passage between the vagina and intestines, which makes it possible to cope with the problem of flatulence.

The release of air from the vagina is often a completely natural phenomenon, but it causes severe discomfort to the woman, so everything possible should be done to eliminate flatulence and enjoy a full life.

Cause of vaginal sounds #1 - weakened pelvic floor muscles

The most common cause of vaginal farting is weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles are a kind of valve that tightly closes the entrance. If the "valve" is sagging, air can easily flow in and out, making an unpleasant sound.

This can often occur spontaneously when throwing the lower part of the body up (for example, during the “Birch” exercise and the like). In this case, it turns out that the muscles are not able to withstand the forces of atmospheric pressure, and therefore let air in. As soon as the press tenses, the air immediately rushes out.

Yoga and Pilates instructor acquaintances shared that “farting pussies” are very common, especially in age groups, and most often they recommend treating it with humor and strengthening intimate muscles.

When the vagina makes sounds during sex, this is due to the fact that the penis works like a piston and pumps air from the external environment. This can happen regardless of position, but most often occurs in the doggy style position.

What to do if the vagina “farts” due to weakened pelvic muscles

Of course, strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. To strengthen muscles you need to contract and relax. To do this, you can perform Kegel exercises or work with a vaginal exercise machine.

Why should you take an intimate gymnastics class?

The problem is to find exactly those muscles that need strengthening. The pelvic floor is not one muscle, but a muscle complex. When the command to “contract” comes, the strongest muscles work. Weakened muscles are almost amenable to conscious control and instead of them, the muscles of the buttocks, abs and strong muscles of the perineum, which do not need strengthening, are included in the work. Therefore, you need to learn how to perform intimate gymnastics exercises correctly.

Come to my classes if:

  • Doubt that you are doing the exercises correctly;
  • Before and after self-study, you feel the perineum the same;
  • You don’t get a noticeable effect after 2-3 months of training.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a digestive disorder that causes problems with bowel movements, very smelly gas, pain and bloating, occurs inexplicably and has virtually no cure - all doctors can offer today is symptomatic relief. The problem is very common - according to the World Health Organization, from 15 to 45% of the entire population of the planet suffers from it, and this is only an approximate figure, since most of its owners do not seek help from a doctor, considering the behavior of their body simply a feature of digestion.

Even if a person has irritable bowel syndrome, he may well learn to cope with his gases - it is not easy, it will take a lot of time, and diet alone cannot do it. Often this requires the help of a doctor and taking medications, and perhaps not only a gastroenterologist, but also a psychotherapist.

Diet for irritable bowel syndrome January 12, 20211081 2

Cause of sounds from the vagina No. 2 - hypertonicity of the vaginal muscles

If a woman is in a state of chronic stress, the vaginal muscles can enter a state of hypertonicity, just as the muscles in the neck, back and other parts of the body tighten. During sexual intercourse, a tense vagina swells like a ball and the walls do not envelop the male organ, but surround it like a balloon. This situation can be aggravated if the partner is rude and does not pay enough attention to foreplay for the woman. You can understand that this is the reason yourself by feeling the inside of the vagina during or immediately after sexual intercourse. If you insert your finger and there is a tight grip only at the entrance, and then a ball, then it’s time to pay additional attention to the intimate area.

What to do if the vagina “farts” due to muscle hypertonicity?

Relax with your whole body, do an intimate massage for the intimate area, preferably with your hands or a vibrating massager with low-frequency vibration. During the massage, you yourself will be able to feel the painful (trigger) points and relax them with soft pressing movements until the pain subsides. If relaxation and massage raise questions, please contact us for a personal consultation.

What to eat to avoid farting all the time, and what foods do not cause increased gas formation?

The list of them is not very rich, but there is plenty to choose from:

  • lean meat: chicken, rabbit or veal, lean beef may also be suitable;
  • meat, vegetable or fish broths;
  • boiled, stewed or baked fish;
  • fermented milk products: natural yogurt and kefir, which you can make yourself from pharmacy starters;
  • crackers or dried bread;
  • omelette and soft-boiled eggs - not hard-boiled;
  • cereals, with the exception of pearl barley and millet;
  • boiled, steamed or stewed vegetables such as carrots, beets or zucchini - and definitely not cabbage;
  • weak tea, cocoa and
    compotes or natural juices diluted with water

Vomiting February 1, 2021937

Reason No. 3 for air leaving the vagina is poor coordination of the abs and pelvis.

Also, sounds from the vagina can occur in women with normal tone of the intimate muscles, when the press acts as a piston. In order to understand how it works, you need to “unravel” the secret of such a Thai trick as vaginal shooting. In show programs, women can pop balloons, shooting darts from their vaginas, or “spit” ping-pong balls and smoke with that very spot. Please note that such exercises are just tricks and do not provide any health benefits; rather, they can even cause harm. However, the principle of operation of the female body, which allows the vagina to shoot, is simply necessary to know in order for the vagina to stop making sounds.

Vaginal shooting is based on two yoga practices “uddiyana” and “nauli”. In order to draw more air into the vagina, a woman must first create a vacuum by drawing her stomach under her ribs (“uddiyana”), then relax the opening of the vagina and use the oblique abdominal muscles to push the rectus abdominis muscle out. An important nuance: air will enter the vagina only if the pelvic floor muscles are completely relaxed. If the muscles are tense, the “closed valve” will prevent air from getting inside. If after this you simultaneously tense your entire abs and at the same time relax the entrance, the air will come out in a powerful stream that can extinguish a candle.

A similar story occurs involuntarily in women who “fart” in the vagina, despite strong pelvic floor muscles.

When performing physical exercises or intimacy, they engage the oblique abdominal muscles, and at the same time forget to tighten the entrance. Tension of the oblique muscles, even without preliminary “uddiyana”, as in the practice of “nauli”, like a syringe that draws water, sucks in air. What has accumulated must come out, even though it did not happen on purpose.

Very often the press turns on involuntarily. This is similar to the habit of frowning or shaking a leg in moments of concentration, when a person himself does not notice what his body is doing.

You can either change this behavior to the habit of keeping your abs relaxed, or start a new habit - engage your pelvic muscles when working your abs. If the pelvis is normal and the actions of squeezing the abs and squeezing the pelvic floor muscles are coordinated, sudden sounds cannot occur.

What to do if there are unpleasant sounds despite good tone of the intimate muscles

Option 1. Relax and relax again

In order to get rid of the habit of excessively straining your abs, you need to learn to relax your whole body (see How to learn to relax?). A relaxed body will not make unnecessary movements. The muscles will not try to do “nauli” when the brain does not give such a command.

What foods should you avoid to fart less?

There is a whole list of such products, much more voluminous than the previous one:

  • chewing gum and caramels containing sugar substitutes and promoting the swallowing of excess air;
  • sugar substitutes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • yeast and everything in which they are contained - fresh pastries and bread;
  • alcohol, which irritates the walls of the digestive tract;
  • any legumes: beans themselves, peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils and dishes that contain them;
  • milk and products made from it are not fermented milk!
  • pearl barley and millet;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables: any variety of cabbage, radishes, grapes, prunes, apples, peaches and pears, onions and garlic;
  • spices and anything spicy;
  • smoked, pickled and canned;
  • potatoes, wheat, rice, corn, bananas - everything that contains a large amount of starch.

It is not at all necessary to give up this variety forever - it’s enough to just find out which of the ingredients the body does not react to as you would like, and choose the right set of products for you.

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