Pain during sexual intercourse in men: causes and treatment

Pain lower abdomen

after sexual contact most often occur with the development of erosive lesions of the cervix, endometriosis, fibroids or cystitis. Often, pain in the lower abdomen occurs in women during menstruation or during pregnancy. These pains can be temporary and go away without any treatment after a while, but in some cases they can signal the development of some serious disease. Therefore, a doctor must diagnose and prescribe treatment for any abdominal pain. You should not try to cure yourself by taking painkillers and enduring pain for a long time; this can lead to dangerous consequences.

Cause of abdominal pain in women after sex

in most cases it is a contraction of the uterus. At the same time, the lower abdomen does not hurt very much, and, as a rule, after a while the pain goes away on its own.

There is no reason to worry in this case. Also, do not panic if pain in the lower abdomen is caused by the following reasons:

Vaginal lubrication

Some women do not produce vaginal lubrication naturally during sex, and they do not use lubricant. Meanwhile, in order to reduce unpleasant pain during or after sex, first of all, you need to try using a water-based lubricant before sex. This is especially true for couples who prefer to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy with a condom.

Women produce lubricant in special glands located in the labia majora. The amount of lubricant released depends on how actively these glands work. Lubricant begins to be released as a woman becomes sexually aroused, which means that in order to activate the glands, foreplay is necessary before sexual intercourse begins. In addition, one should take into account the fact that women are aroused much more slowly than men. The weaker sex “loves with its ears,” so declarations of love, compliments and other pleasant phrases best help speed up a woman’s arousal.

Psychological discomfort and muscle spasms

Abdominal pain after sex can be caused by rough movements of the partner and the release of a small amount of blood during intercourse. For girls who are having sex for the first time, this can cause panic fear before sex. The fear of sexual intimacy causes a spasm in their abdominal cavity and causes acute pain in the lower abdomen after sex.

If pain in the lower abdomen occurs during sexual activity, then this is a normal phenomenon that is usually observed in all girls. You just have to accept this pain and wait for it to subside. During the onset of sexual activity, the pelvic organs are not yet accustomed to sexual contact; in order to adjust to a new way, they need about one month of time.

Using a condom

Quite often, the reason that a woman has a stomach ache after sex is mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa during overly active sexual intercourse. In this case, both rupture of the vault or walls of the vagina, and the mucous membrane of the uterine cervix or erosion may occur.

The large size of the male penis, too deep penetration and the use of a condom can also lead to such consequences and cause discomfort in the abdomen. In addition, allergic reactions to the chemical composition of the latex of the condom can cause irritation of the genital organs and, as a result, inflammation and pain not only in the abdomen, but also on the labia majora and minora.

Lack of orgasm

Pain after sex can also be caused by the fact that a woman did not receive complete relaxation and orgasm during intimacy. During sex, blood rushes to the pelvic organs, and if orgasm is not achieved during sexual intercourse, the blood stagnates in the pelvis, which causes pain in the lower abdomen.

If there is pain in the lower abdomen

after sex, regular and acute, then this is a reason to consult a doctor, since the cause of their appearance may be ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, thrush, syphilis, gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases. Any neoplasms and tumors in the female genital organs during sex put pressure on the internal organs located near the uterus and can lead to a woman experiencing abdominal pain after sex.

Cervicitis, endometriosis, vulvitis and bartholinitis can also cause pain

, both during intimacy and after it. Inflammation of the cervix, vulva and adhesions in the pelvis lead to sharp pain in the vagina and lower abdomen. All of these diseases require treatment, so in these cases it will not be possible to get rid of abdominal pain without treating the underlying disease.

What is considered normal?

Why does my stomach hurt after the first sex? Most often this is due to mechanical irritation of the vaginal mucous membranes and rupture of the hymen. In addition to physiological factors, the development of pain syndrome can also be triggered by a girl’s psychological unpreparedness to enter into an intimate relationship.

Fears and stiffness contribute to overstrain of the pelvic organs, which significantly increases the risks of irritation and traumatic injuries. In this case, a lot depends on the behavior of the partner. Slow and sensual, gentle sexual contact during defloration will significantly reduce pain, both during sexual intercourse and after it.

Types of dyspareunia

In accordance with the modern classification of ICD-10, the following types of dyspareunia are identified:

  • Organic – a symptom of a genitourinary tract disease.
  • Psychogenic – refers to the category of sexual dysfunctions that are not caused by an organic disease.
  • Mixed - combines the primary organic and layered psychogenic form.

In the case of psychogenic dyspareunia, pain during sexual intercourse has no obvious cause. Their source is emotional factors. In the literature, this condition is considered as a symbolic bodily symptom that has the meaning of rejection of a specific sexual relationship or sexual partner. The distinction between dyspareunia of psychogenic and organic nature has a division of responsibility for sexologists and gynecologists.

How to relieve pain?

If you experience discomfort after the first intimate contact, you can alleviate your condition and reduce pain with the help of antispasmodic drugs, such as No-shpa, Combispasm, etc. A heating pad applied to the perineum and lower abdomen provides a good pain-relieving effect.

Pain in the lower abdomen after the first sex is a completely normal and widespread phenomenon that most representatives of the fair sex experience. But if the pain is acute, unbearable and does not go away within 5-7 days, and is also accompanied by other alarming symptoms, this is a serious reason to seek advice from a gynecologist.

Treatment of dyspareunia in our medical center:

  1. Effective . The result is noticeable after the first procedure!
  2. Safe . Thanks to the use of the latest laser, the genitals are not injured, and there are no complications after the procedure.
  3. Painless . No discomfort during or after the procedure.
  4. Fast . Three procedures are often sufficient.
  5. Long term . The effect after the procedure, as a rule, lasts for life, with the exception of traumatic situations.

The procedure for laser treatment of pain during sexual intercourse is carried out only by qualified gynecologists who have the skills to use the Deka Mona Lisa Touch device.

Lower abdomen hurts after sex: what to do?

Severe, pronounced pain after the first sexual intercourse may indicate serious traumatic injuries. According to experts, the following factors can provoke pathological pain after the first intimate relationship:

  • the partner’s penis is too large;
  • rough sexual contact;
  • insertion of foreign objects into the vaginal area (for example, sex toys).

Many women face the problem of abdominal pain after sex. There are many reasons for this, from the most harmless to quite complex diseases of the genitourinary system. Often, abdominal pain after sex is associated with the use of an uncomfortable position during intercourse, which led to a lot of muscle tension.

Abdominal pain after sex is a fairly common occurrence caused by contractions of the uterus. If the pain is not severe or frequent, there is no reason to worry. If the pain is regular and severe, this is a reason to consult a doctor for a diagnosis of the disease.

The main cause of pain is infectious diseases. They can manifest themselves as itching, burning in the vaginal area, pain in the side and abdomen. If you notice these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, as sexually transmitted infections must be treated immediately.

To identify the exact cause of pain, it is necessary to determine the root cause. Pain can be caused only by sex, or there are inflammatory processes in the body, the pain of which intensifies after sex. When sex intensifies pain, intestinal adhesions are most likely to blame, which cause abdominal pain after sex.

Another cause of pain after sex is endometriosis. Pain after sex can be caused by the fact that a person did not get complete relaxation and orgasm during sex. During sexual intercourse, blood rushes to the pelvic organs, and if orgasm is not achieved during sex, the blood stagnates in the pelvis, causing pain in the lower abdomen.

Any woman can sooner or later discover discomfort, nagging, dull or sharp pain in the lower abdomen for many reasons. They can cause both muscle strain and major health problems.

First of all, the symptoms observed after sex in both partners help to understand this. A person is often not even aware of some pathologies in the body that occur latently, until such pain appears.

Psychogenic factors, disorders of the autonomic nervous system, experiences and stress affect well-being no less than physical stimuli. The article discusses the main reasons why the lower abdomen hurts after sex, what other causes of abdominal pain that appear immediately after intercourse, what are the causes of abdominal pain immediately after sex, why does the lower abdomen hurt after the first sex, why? Seek help from a doctor if your lower abdomen hurts severely.

Sex should not cause discomfort, either before or after. Let's take a closer look at why your stomach hurts after sex.

Causes of pain during sexual intercourse

Stress plays a leading role in the development of the psychosomatic type of dyspareunia. We are talking about personal problems that cause mental discord and lead to a number of negative emotions and self-doubt. Psychosomatic dyspareunia is characterized by the presence not so much of traumatic factors, but of a certain disturbance in the situation coupled with a protracted emotional conflict (rejection of the female role in sexual relationships or distrust of the sexual partner).

Stress and the emotions that accompany it are reflected in the form of spasms of the pelvic floor muscles. This leads to impaired microcirculation and pain at the time of insertion of the penis. At first, the changes that occur in the genital area are reversible and functional. But over time, irreversible structural changes in the genitals develop against the background of dystrophic processes. A vicious circle of psychosomatic relationships is formed, which determine the appearance of organic changes in the genitals.

With organic dyspareunia, the causes in 100% of cases are associated with pathological processes occurring in the genitals. Psychotraumatic factors are the cause of the development of pathological disorders in this case extremely rarely. Most women are not aware of the connection between dyspareunia and traumatic factors, preferring a somatic interpretation. But analysis of the development of pain dynamics and careful interviewing show the opposite.

Inflammation of the genital organs

Inflammatory processes cause the development of the following diseases, which cause pain during sexual intercourse:

  • Colpitis, vulvovaginitis. Pain during sexual intercourse is caused by an infectious and inflammatory process of the vulva (external genitalia) and vagina. Inflammation, pain/discomfort occurs at the beginning of coitus, when attempting to insert the penis, which is caused by irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia. In addition to pain, the patient is bothered by copious vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching and burning of the vulva.
  • Inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) or uterine appendages (salpingoophoritis or adnexitis). During sexual intercourse, a woman feels aching pain in the lower abdomen, on the right or left (depending on the side of the fallopian tubes and ovaries) or above the pubis (with bilateral inflammation). Other signs include fever, pain in the lower abdomen at rest and during exercise.
  • Inflammation of the uterine mucosa (endometritis). Sexual intercourse causes pain in the lower abdomen, and sometimes bloody discharge may occur. The nature of the pain is aching, pulling. The development of endometritis is provoked by intrauterine interventions (curettage and abortion, insertion and removal of the IUD).

40% of divorces are caused by problems in sexual relationships, in particular, the spouse’s refusal to have sex. Make an appointment with a specialist, regain the joy of love and harmony in your family.

Make an appointment with a gynecologist

Gynecological pathology of non-inflammatory origin

Dyspareunia can develop against the background of tumor or dishormonal disorders, which are accompanied by atrophic, dystrophic and hyperplastic processes:

  • Endometriosis. With this disease, endometrial cells grow in unusual places (in the muscular layer of the uterus, in the ovaries, in the abdominal cavity or on the cervix). During the menstrual cycle, endometrioid lesions undergo the same changes as the uterine mucosa (bloody discharge during menstruation and pain before menstruation). In the case of cervical endometriosis, acute pain appears during sex, and in case of endometriosis of the ovaries or uterus, the pain is aching and localized above the pubis, in the lower abdomen.
  • Malignant tumors of the cervix. Cervical cancer in advanced cases (stage 3-4) is also accompanied by dyspareunia. In addition to pain, a woman notices bloody or dark brown discharge from the genital tract after sexual intercourse.
  • Atrophy of the vulvar and vaginal mucosa. Such changes sometimes make sexual activity impossible due to pain.
  • Ovarian tumors and cysts. At rest and in the absence of complications, aching or nagging pain in the right or left iliac region is bothersome. During sexual intercourse, complications may develop - torsion of the leg of a tumor-like formation or rupture of a cyst, which is accompanied by sudden sharp pain in the lower abdomen. Later, nausea and vomiting, weakness and pale skin appear.

Other reasons

There are also a number of third-party factors leading to the development of dyspareunia:

  • Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis). Pain during sexual intercourse can be caused by cystitis, which is associated with the close location of the bladder and uterus. The inflamed bladder comes into contact with the uterine wall, which causes pain.
  • Adhesive process of the small pelvis. Pelvic adhesions almost always provoke dyspareunia. The nature of the pain is dull, monotonous, the intensity of pain changes when changing body position.
  • An attempt to endure pain without showing it leads to the development of psychological problems and damage to internal organs. Do not lead the situation to serious pathologies. Make an appointment with a doctor and get rid of the problem once and for all.

An attempt to endure pain without showing it leads to the development of psychological problems and damage to internal organs. Do not lead the situation to serious pathologies. Make an appointment with a doctor and get rid of the problem once and for all.

When is help needed?

It is necessary to immediately seek professional medical help if, after the first sexual contact, the girl exhibits the following alarming symptoms:

  • severe pain that does not go away for several days;
  • uterine bleeding ;
  • hardening of the abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • feverish condition;
  • purulent vaginal discharge.

Such clinical manifestations may indicate severe ruptures and other injuries that require immediate medical attention.

However, it is worth contacting a gynecologist after deflowering, even in the absence of suspicious symptoms, to make sure that non-physiological damage, infectious processes and pathologies of the uterine cervix are excluded.

Making love brings people a feeling of moral, physical satisfaction, pleasure, deep saturation, and joy.

Medicine has suggested several reasons why the weaker sex complains of malaise after intimate intimacy:

  1. Rupture of the hymen, in other words, the process of defloration (during first penetration).
  2. Muscle spasm as a result of deep, rough penetration, or too large a partner’s penis.
  3. Psychological discomfort. A spasm in a woman’s body, caused by panic fear of first love, can overtake her partner at the wrong time.
  4. Lack of orgasm. Painful sensations cause anxiety when you do not have an orgasm (blood stagnates in the pelvis).
  5. Inappropriate condom. If sexual intercourse is too active or rough, a condom can damage the vaginal mucosa and cause irritation of the genitals, causing pain.
  6. Uncomfortable position. An uncomfortable position injures the genitals and causes discomfort.

Preventing discomfort during sex

  1. Regular preventive visits to the gynecologist. It is necessary to visit a specialized specialist at least once a year!
  2. High-quality hygiene of the intimate area using products with suitable composition and pH.
  3. Wearing comfortable, breathable underwear.
  4. Trusting relationship with a partner.
  5. Psychological confidence in your appearance.
  6. Sufficient duration of foreplay (to release lubrication).
  7. Using professional lubricants that can be bought in sex shops.

What to do if your tummy hurts a lot after intercourse

Bleeding, increased body temperature, pale skin, low blood pressure become symptoms of serious diseases that require medical intervention. If pain occurs when the uterus contracts, this is not a disease; it will soon disappear.

If there are strong sensations in the abdomen that bother the girl for a long time, it is better to consult a gynecologist. Inflammatory processes may develop, causing problems and putting life at risk. The doctor will prescribe treatment, and for benign fibroids, cysts and fibrosis of the uterus, he will prescribe surgery.

If during rough, intense sexual intercourse a woman is accompanied by painful sensations, then the process must be interrupted immediately to avoid the risk of vaginal rupture due to the inappropriate dimensions of the partner’s penis.

It is necessary to cure thrush and remove the ovarian cyst. Polyps release blood during sex. It is better to solve the problem, otherwise it will cause the formation of a tumor.

Due to a long absence of sex, there is pain in the lower abdomen, aggression, and sometimes apathy. This is a natural state of a person, we advise you to return intimacy to life, and everything will be normal.

Remember, we must monitor our health, not violate hygiene rules, and see a doctor.

Ways to treat discomfort after sex

If you feel discomfort during or after sex, which does not depend on objective factors, in your opinion, this is a reason to come to an appointment with a gynecologist. And the sooner you undergo the examination, the faster you can solve this delicate problem.

If the pain is caused by infections, you will need to be treated, and during this period you must definitely abstain from sexual intercourse. In the presence of inflammatory diseases, drug therapy is also prescribed. In some cases, surgical treatment may be required.

If the discomfort is caused by diseases of other organs, the gynecologist will refer you to a specialized specialist: an orthopedist, neurologist, urologist, proctologist, etc. If everything is in order with your body, the diagnostic and ultrasound results are good, the problem should be looked for in the perception of sexual intercourse. By contacting a psychologist in a timely manner, you will relieve yourself of fears, worries and discomfort. Awareness of the problem is an important step towards solving it. And a harmonious sex life is very important for a woman!

Initial consultation with E.N. Kozlova4 000,00
Repeated consultation with E.N. Kozlova (within 2 months)3 000,00
Repeated consultation with E.N. Kozlova (after 2 months)4 000,00

To make an appointment, call: +7 (499) 588-81-47; . You can also contact the clinic administrators on WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber by phone: +7 (925) 397-71-30. To receive a call back from the clinic, fill out the feedback form on the website.

Sounds of nature for stomach pain after sex.

It happens that it is not possible to seek help from a doctor; the sounds of nature come to the rescue.

Here are some of the ways to relieve pain without going through medicine:

  • sounds of the sea, river, lake;
  • rain blows;
  • wind;
  • waterfall;
  • Birdsong;
  • bees buzzing;
  • crackling fire.

All this helps muscles relax, soothes pain, gives strength, relieves tension, improves mood, and has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being. But we must not forget that this is only a temporary effect; to fully solve the problem, you need to consult a doctor.

No need for feats

Do not forget that pain is, first of all, a warning signal about disorders in the body, and you should not “endure for the sake of love.” When a woman bravely endures unpleasant sensations, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and only gets worse. This is reflected in everyday life. Gynecologists note that such troubles often provoke increased irritability and lead to psychological problems. In addition, if the cause is infection, such heroism can lead to infertility. Therefore, you cannot waste time and put off visiting a gynecologist and treatment. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

Author: Maria Veselova Published: September 14, 2016

Causes of pathological pain

Abdominal pain that persists for a long time after sexual intercourse may be a symptom of the following gynecological diseases:

  • endometriosis;
  • cervicitis;
  • fibroids;
  • violation of ovarian functions;
  • sexually transmitted infectious diseases.

With gynecological pathologies, other accompanying symptoms are also observed. The diseases are accompanied by menstrual irregularities, uterine bleeding, intense vaginal discharge, and urination disorders.

Quite often, pain localized in the lower abdomen occurs directly during sexual intercourse. If such symptoms occur, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible, undergo diagnostics, determine the exact causes of pathological pain and undergo treatment.

Popular questions

Hello, please tell me, today I found my wife with another man, my wife is trying to explain to me that they had nothing.
Is there any way to confirm this? I think there was something and most likely a condom was used. Hello! This is a matter of trust and frankness between spouses. You cannot force her to conduct an examination.

Good afternoon please tell me, I’m 19 years old and I’ve just started to be sexually active. After a month of living like this, I began to experience profuse white mucus-like discharge with an odor, and itching only in the vagina. Can you tell me what kind of disease it is? Thank you in advance! Hello Olga! Because You are a young girl, you need to take care of your health. Try to use barrier methods of contraception, namely a condom, then there will be much fewer problems. Now you need to visit a gynecologist and take smears, based on the results of which a treatment plan will be drawn up. According to your symptoms, there may be bacterial vaginosis, anaerobic vaginitis, vaginitis of mixed etiology, possibly an STI, etc. We need to get examined. Now, before going to the doctor and then during etiotropic treatment, use “Gynocomfort” restorative gel with tea tree oil. It will eliminate the symptoms of itching and burning, speed up the process of restoration of microflora in the vagina.

Hello! After intercourse, there was discomfort, then I saw that there was blood, it turned out that there was an ulcer on the vaginal mucosa and it was bleeding. I treated it for a few days and everything went away. Two weeks later, heavy bleeding appeared from the wound, what could it be?

Hello! I recommend that you see a specialist and be examined for infections on the surface of the wound - a PCR test for genital herpes, blood for syphilis. If STIs are excluded, to prevent injuries to the mucous membranes of the genital tract, you can use Ginocomfort gel with mallow extract. This will not only have the effect of additional hydration, but will also prevent injury to the mucous membranes.

After the pool, there is discomfort in the intimate area, a burning sensation is felt, tell me how you can properly prepare yourself for the visit?

Most likely this is a manifestation of an allergic reaction to water-soluble antiseptics. Before visiting the pool, you should not depilate or use creams on this area. You can apply a thin layer of Gynocomfort gel with mallow extract to the mucous membranes before and after the pool. This product will protect this area from irritation. For an accurate diagnosis, contact a specialist

Pain during pregnancy

If a woman is only a week pregnant and her stomach hurts after sex, then this manifestation is physiological and absolutely normal. In later stages of pregnancy, the occurrence of pain after intimate contact may be due to the following factors:

  • uterine contractions;
  • neurological manifestations caused by internal fears, toxicosis, decreased sexual desire;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • disruption of circulatory processes in the pelvic area, which causes increased muscle tone, stagnation and, as a consequence, pain, which can last a week after sex.

You should be wary of prolonged pain after sexual intercourse during the first trimester of pregnancy, since during this period the likelihood of miscarriage is highest. In the first months of pregnancy, doctors recommend refraining from intimate contact so that the fetus can be reliably implanted.

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen in women after intercourse, what to do?

There are several ways to help prevent pain after penetration. If suffering is caused by rough penetration or insufficient lubrication, you need to reconsider the positions and replace them with others.

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen in women after intercourse, what to do:

  • If a man has a large penis, the side position, or the usual missionary position, is recommended. Under no circumstances should you make love with your legs over your shoulders or lying on your stomach.
  • In such positions, very deep penetration occurs, which can result in suffering both during and after penetration.
  • If there is pain after contact, you should not douche with a variety of medicinal herbs and decoctions. There is a risk of washing out the beneficial flora from the vagina and causing more harm than good.


What to do?

Pain localized in the abdominal area that does not go away a week after sex is usually an alarming symptom. Therefore, it is best not to self-medicate, but to seek professional gynecological consultation.

A tablet of antispasmodic medication and a cold compress applied to the lower abdomen will help relieve discomfort with accompanying bleeding. The therapeutic course, medications and procedures are prescribed by the doctor based on the examination results and diagnosis.


Pre-hospital assistance

A woman needs to exclude everyday and sexual causes of pain: use comfortable underwear, high-quality pads, prevent functional constipation by following a diet, exclude anal intercourse and sexual games with elements of anal masturbation. Taking medications before diagnosis is not indicated. Increasing pain, deterioration of general condition, copious discharge of blood from the anus are reasons for an urgent consultation with a proctologist.

Conservative therapy

The program of conservative treatment of proctological diseases includes the following methods:

  • Diet.
    Women are advised to avoid spicy, salty and fatty foods to prevent constipation, reduce the amount of coarse fiber to form soft feces, reduce the intensity of pain and trauma to the anus during defecation.
  • Rectal suppositories
    . Suppositories with analgesic, softening and anti-inflammatory effects reduce the severity of symptoms, have an enveloping effect, and protect the rectal mucosa from damage during bowel movements.
  • Antibiotics
    . Recommended for women with acute inflammatory processes: proctitis, paraproctitis, papillitis, cryptitis, complications of non-inflammatory diseases.
  • Hormonal agents
    . Corticosteroids are prescribed during exacerbation of hemorrhoids, with severe proctitis. Quickly eliminate swelling and inflammation. Used in a short course if there are sufficient indications.
  • Phleboprotectors
    . Indicated for patients with hemorrhoids. They help strengthen veins, slow down the enlargement of nodes, and reduce the risk of bleeding and thrombosis.
  • Local procedures
    . Microenemas with oil solutions, chamomile decoction, local anesthetics, perineal showers, sitz baths with a solution of potassium permanganate are effective.
  • Physiotherapy
    . For diseases of the rectum and perianal area, ultrasound, laser therapy, and diadynamic therapy are used.

For diseases of the female genital area, antibiotic therapy, hormone therapy, and painkillers may be required. Systemic therapy is supplemented with local procedures and physiotherapy.

Pathologies that cause pulling sensations

Endometriosis may cause nagging pain after intercourse

Constant pulling sensations after sex often occur against the background of the following disorders:

  • Inflammation of the reproductive system. Accompanied by symptoms such as burning, vaginal dryness, itching. They can be caused by a sexually transmitted infection.
  • Adhesive process. It is formed during prolonged inflammation of the intestines, uterus, and appendages. With adhesions, the lower back often hurts, but the symptoms are not expressed enough and appear mainly during intercourse.
  • Ruptures and injuries. They occur mainly after childbirth, surgery, or accidents. Intimate muscles can be restored surgically and through gymnastics.
  • Stagnant processes. A common disorder associated with infrequent intimate life. May lead to other gynecological pathologies.
  • Neuralgia of the pelvic nerves. Pathology occurs due to hypothermia, stress, and infections. The pain is very sharp, radiating to the lower extremities.
  • Endometriosis. Proliferation of the uterine epithelium, increased pain during and before menstruation, heavy bleeding and disruption of the menstrual cycle.

A pulling sensation can be caused by insufficient lubrication. This condition is considered a consequence of hormonal imbalances, removal of the Bartholin gland, as well as some psycho-emotional barriers.

Each of these diseases and disorders has additional symptoms, and if they persist for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

Expert recommendation

Pain during or after sexual intercourse is a common problem that women are embarrassed to talk about out loud. It is not right. In the vast majority of cases, discomfort can be eliminated by simply choosing a lubricant or increasing the time of foreplay. Be honest with your partner. He may not even realize that intimacy is causing you pain. When two people know about the problem, it is much easier for them to choose comfortable positions. Have sex only when mutually desired and try to relax.

If dyspareunia is a consequence of an illness, then it is especially important to tell your partner and go to the doctor together. Both should be treated for infections. Trust each other, solve health problems in a timely manner so that nothing interferes with enjoying intimacy.

Experienced gynecologists and urologists provide consultations at the MedEx clinic. We work with men and women of all ages, guarantee confidentiality, and take an individual approach to treatment in each case. Sign up for a consultation at a convenient time.

Advice from a gynecologist and sexologist

Sex is an important part of human life. Sexual relationships fill people with positive energy and bring a huge amount of pleasant emotions. But sometimes an intimate act causes discomfort, so many are interested in the question of why abdominal pain occurs after sex.

There are a huge number of reasons, and the main ones are related to the following factors:

  • Wrong choice of position during love play. This can cause severe tension in the abdominal muscles.
  • A violation of the psychological state if a person fails to completely relax under stress and disorders of the nervous system.

It should be noted that every person can experience abdominal pain from time to time for a simple reason - due to muscle strain. But such sensations that appear from time to time are considered normal, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it.

Regular pain after sexual intercourse requires examination by a doctor. Very often, discomfort in the lower abdomen can occur against the background of infectious diseases, in particular sexually transmitted diseases. Additional symptoms in such cases are itching and burning in the perineal area. Sexually transmitted infections pose a great threat to health, so there is no need to put off visiting a specialized clinic.

Among women

Girls often experience pain in the lower abdomen after the first sexual intercourse. This is not considered a violation. In most cases, after the first sex there is no pain, but only minor discomfort.

As a rule, abdominal pain during the first sexual experience occurs due to injury to the hymen. They, in most cases, disappear within 2-3 days.

In addition, fears that provoke overstrain of the pelvic organs can lead to pain in the lower abdomen. In many ways, the comfort of first sex is related to the partner’s behavior. Tenderness and caring attitude towards the girl will help reduce her pain.

But sometimes, when your stomach hurts after sex, this may be a sign of serious pathologies in the female genital area.

Endometriosis, characterized by the growth of tissue on the inner walls of the uterus.

Cervical erosion.

When the lower abdomen hurts after sex due to contractions of the uterus, this is not a pathology. This discomfort appears periodically and disappears very quickly.

You need to see a doctor urgently when your lower abdomen hurts severely, and the pain persists for a long time. This is usually a symptom of the development of inflammatory processes or infectious diseases.

Attention! It is impossible to take any measures without making a diagnosis.

If your stomach hurts badly after sex, you can immediately take painkillers. When pain occurs directly during intimacy, you need to stop sexual intercourse. It is very dangerous if bleeding occurs against the background of pain. In this case, you should place a towel soaked in cold water on your stomach and call an ambulance.

If severe pain occurs during sexual intercourse during pregnancy, you should also not hesitate. This may endanger the child. To maintain a pregnancy, you need qualified medical care.

Treatment to eliminate pain after sex can only be prescribed by a doctor. Usually, to eliminate pain in the lower abdomen after sex, it is necessary to treat inflammation of the bladder in both men and women. In addition, in women, when the lower abdomen hurts after sexual relations, it is often necessary to cure thrush or surgically remove an ovarian cyst. After this, abdominal pain after sex disappears.

In order to minimize the risk of pain during sex, you should take the advice of sexologists. They are aimed at forming the right attitude towards intimate life among partners.

To get real pleasure from sexual relations, you need to find a permanent sexual partner. Otherwise, the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections increases. But, besides this, you should understand that a frivolous approach to intimate relationships will not allow you to fully enjoy it.

A healthy lifestyle is important for quality sexual relationships. Any bad habits significantly reduce a person’s reproductive age. They can lead to early impotence in men and infertility in women. It is very important to promptly treat diseases of the reproductive system and urinary tract. Untreated diseases worsen sexual function and can cause pain during sex.

Gynecologists warn that pain during sex may be associated with taking hormonal contraceptives. Such medications can reduce fluid secretion and cause vaginal dryness. In this case, using lubricant will help. Preference should be given to mild, water-based products.

Often, abdominal pain after sex can occur due to the woman’s body being unprepared. Foreplay should take much longer than intercourse itself. Therefore, there is no need to be embarrassed to remind a man that in order to enjoy sexual relations, you need affection and tenderness.

Gynecologist's advice on pain during sex, video

is not responsible for the accuracy of the information presented in this video clip.
Source - Live Healthy! Sources:

  1. ORGANIC AND PSYCHOSOMATIC DYSPAREUNIA (COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS). Fedorova A.I. // Russian family doctor. – 2006. Series “Original Scientific Research”. – pp. 21-25.
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  6. %8B%D0%B9_%D0…

Symptoms associated with the pathological process

With pathologies of the reproductive system, pain occurs not only in the vagina and lower abdomen. It extends to the inguinal folds and lumbar region, which indicates ovarian pathology. Similar diffuse symptoms occur with internal bleeding. In this case, there may be no bleeding, but there are symptoms of anemia:

  • pallor;
  • fainting;
  • steady decrease in pressure;
  • severe dizziness.

If discomfort is associated with the appearance of blood after sexual intercourse, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Other symptoms that should alert you:

  • nausea;
  • pain with deep penetration;
  • a feeling of discomfort in the ovaries during intercourse.

The unpleasant sensations are short-term and go away on their own.

Symptoms of discomfort during sex

Discomfort during sex in women can manifest itself in two ways:

  • Burning and pain occur on the surface of the mucosa. In this case, a woman may suffer from discomfort in the labia, urethra, clitoris, and vagina. The sensations can vary from itching to pain (like touching damaged skin).
  • The pain is deep, proximity makes you experience discomfort in the area of ​​the internal genital organs or lower back, sides, abdomen. The sensations are aching, shooting, pressing, bursting, cramping.

Methods of treating pathologies

Cervical erosion

Some disorders, such as features of the hymen, cannot be treated. Psycho-emotional blockages require the patient to work with a psychotherapist and psychologist. If pain persists for a long time and a certain disease is identified, complex therapy is prescribed:

  • hormonal drugs;
  • surgical intervention;
  • medical manipulations such as cauterization of erosion;
  • antibiotics for infections.

To correct pain during the treatment of the underlying disease, antispasmodics, analgesics and anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs are often prescribed.

A pulling sensation in the lower abdomen after unprotected intercourse is not pregnancy in most cases. Especially if they occur on the first or second day after coitus. For a full diagnosis and identification of the exact cause of the condition, a visit to a gynecologist, tests and ultrasound are required.

After protected sexual intercourse, a woman experiences pain

After protected sexual intercourse, a woman’s nipples hurt:

  • In most cases, pain after coitus, if it was protected, is provoked by gynecological ailments. If it appears very often, with almost every coitus, you should consult a doctor and do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • There is an adhesive process, or some kind of neoplasm in the uterus and ovaries. If pain is discovered after unprotected contact after several days, it makes sense to go to an appointment with a dermatovenerologist.
  • Many sexually transmitted diseases often cause pain a few days after exposure.


Postcoital cystitis is one of the most common causes of pain

Acute inflammation of the bladder quite often occurs during active sexual activity. There is even a special term for this - honeymoon cystitis. Why does sexual intercourse become an unfavorable factor?

It's all about the mechanical effect on the urethra, stagnation of blood in its lower third and changes in the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. These factors can appear separately or combine, reinforcing each other. As a result, E. coli or Staphylococcus aureus - the main causative agents of inflammation - easily penetrate the genitourinary system. Cystitis also often develops after unprotected sexual intercourse, during which there is a high risk of bacterial infection.

The use of contraceptives containing spermicides makes the situation even more tense: their active components reduce the number of beneficial lactobacilli in the vagina and change its pH level, opening access to the urethra for bacteria.

An effective way to treat postcoital cystitis and eliminate pain is antibacterial therapy, but it should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Anatomically determined causes of discomfort during sex

Physiologically, partners may not be suitable for each other. Discomfort occurs when the sizes of the penis and vagina do not match: their length, diameter. If the difference is critical, during coitus the mucous membrane is injured and microtears appear. If the mucous membrane is injured regularly, chronic inflammation will occur. Injuries in the genital area increase the risk of infection entering the body and negatively affect the state of local immunity.



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