Why do some people fart loudly and others not? Unexpected answer from doctors

Is farting normal?

People fart. Or rather, not like that - all people fart: girls and boys, boys and girls, women and men, grandparents. Everyone, absolutely everyone, without any exception - well-mannered and decent, rich and famous, young and old, healthy and sick, glamorous and normal. And even, scary to say, those whose portraits hang in the offices of officials. And that’s okay, because that’s exactly how nature intended us to be.

The average person's intestines produce between 0.6 and 1.8 liters of gas per day. It would seem that the volume is rather large, but everything is known in comparison - against the background of an ordinary cow, which daily partes with 300-500 liters of “exhaust”, one and a half liters from bipeds does not look like a disaster.

Even the most educated organism must somehow get rid of these gases, which, in fact, is what happens: we all do this through two openings designed for this by nature - the mouth and the anus, with a frequency of 12 to about 25 times a day. If you are healthy, of course.

By the way, the process of blowing winds has three cultural synonyms: the actual formation of gases in the intestines, flatulence - their excess, and flatulence - release through a known place located in the loin area, below the back.

Let's try to figure out why this happens even to the most decent people, and how to deal with it.

Why do chemical compounds have an unpleasant odor?

Compounds such as sulfur, fatty acids and sulfides are formed during the digestion of food by bacteria present in the intestines. Due to this composition, the emitted gases have a bad smell.

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Some foods, such as eggs and meat, produce gases with a stronger, unpleasant odor. This is because they are rich in protein, the fermentation of which produces large amounts of hydrogen sulfide and carbon sulfides, which smell like rotten eggs. Additionally, fatty foods also increase the stench.

Interesting facts about a topic that is not usually discussed

  • Every person, without exception, farts and releases from half to almost two liters of intestinal gases every day. Anyone who thinks that this is definitely not for them simply does it at night in their sleep or prefers not to notice the natural process.
  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that methane production from livestock—mostly in the form of cow exhaust—accounts for about 36% of human-caused methane pollution.
  • An absolutely healthy person produces gases from 12 to 25 times a day, and this amount can only be changed upward, which is easiest to do with diet.
  • More than 99% of our “exhaust” consists of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane,
  • and only 1% has an unpleasant odor, and hydrogen sulfide is usually to blame.
  • People produce more gas while sleeping than when they are awake.
    • Girls and boys, women and men, young and old fart approximately the same number of times a day - and this, by the way, is confirmed by scientific research.
  • If you soak beans in water overnight, they are less likely to cause flatulence.
  • Sociologists who surveyed US college students about their attitudes to this sensitive issue found that girls were very worried even at the thought that someone might hear the sounds they make from their bowels and find it disgusting. For young people, everything is much simpler - in most cases they will simply find it funny.
  • How many times a day should a person poop? April 8, 202116643 1

    Why does a person fart?

    Passing gas is a normal and natural process, just like eating or defecating. A person farts because of gases formed in the intestines, which subsequently tend to escape. If a person does not fart at all, then he may simply be torn into pieces. But fortunately this is impossible, since the holes in the human body through which gases escape are not able to withstand such pressure and are not so sealed.

    Reasons for the appearance of gases in the human body:

    • Let's start our list from top to bottom. And the first in line will be the esophagus. Along with food, air also enters the stomach. It is quite difficult for him to get out of there, since at the end of the esophagus there is a sphincter that prevents the release of food from the inside. This way, neither food nor air can escape. You may ask, what about vomiting? – this is a separate topic for a completely different article. Now the conversation is about farting.
    • Now it's time to talk about the stomach. During the digestion of food, when interacting with gastric juice, many chemical reactions occur, during which gases are released. This is another source of gases in the human body.
    • The turn came to the intestines. It also plays a role in human farts. Not the last, but the final one, since through it gases and feces rush out. Now let's take a closer look at what's happening here. Food from the stomach enters the intestines in liquid form. In other words, initially our poop looks like diarrhea. But diarrhea contains quite a lot of liquid. Loss of fluid in such quantities is unacceptable for the human body, otherwise it risks becoming dehydrated, and this is very dangerous and can be fatal. So, theoretically, you could die from diarrhea. But that's not what we're talking about now. The intestines absorb fluids and form feces. It also contains a huge number of different bacteria. They are precisely responsible for the formation of gases in the intestines.

    Above we talked about the main ways in which gases are formed, which we subsequently emit in the form of foul, and sometimes not, odors. As you can see, gases accumulate in the body of any person and at each stage they move to another and accumulate. From here we can give a clear and unambiguous answer - all people fart. Yes, this also applies to the fair half - girls fart too.

    Aerophagia: if you swallow air, you fart often.

    We all swallow a little air when we talk, eat or laugh - up to 2 liters per day. About half of this amount is burped, and the remainder passes through the small intestine and out of the rectum. Most people do not have any problems with the removal of gas - they appear only when too much of it enters the body - this is called aerophagia. More than 50% of those suffering from it suffer from obsessive belching, up to 30% experience bloating, approximately 20% have abdominal pain, the rest complain about flatulence that interferes with normal life, forcing them to regularly look for the toilet so as not to publicly disgrace themselves. They feel best in the morning - probably due to the fact that at night gas comes out naturally through the anus, but in the evening their condition worsens, as the swallowed air that has not found a way out begins to distend the intestines.

    Why does this happen and what are the causes of aerophagia?

    Actually, we create the problem for ourselves:

    • we have a quick snack - we grab the second piece even before the first is completely chewed and swallowed;
    • talking while eating;
    • we chew chewing gum or suck on candy, which causes us to take in air every time we open our mouth;
    • we drink through a straw, sucking in the contents of the glass, again along with air;
    • we smoke and suck again;
    • breathe through the mouth;
    • we drink carbonated drinks containing huge amounts of carbon dioxide that the body does not need;
    • We wear poorly secured dentures, the constant falling of which and attempts to correct them have the same effect;
    • and gasp for air during intense workouts.

    Almost 20% of people with aerophagia suffer from anxiety or anxiety disorders. The connection between these conditions was seen in a large study: when subjects did not know that they were being studied, they were much less bothered by belching than when they saw observers. Scientists suggest that swallowing excess air may be a learned behavior that anxious people use to cope with stress.

    How to cure aerophagia?

    Tamara Ozdoeva,

    Gastroenterologist, Clinic “Medicine 24/7”

    “You can reduce the symptoms of aerophagia or even get rid of them completely on your own. This will require a lot of time, effort, care and, most importantly, desire. What you need to do for this:

    • eat in small pieces, thoroughly chew everything that has already been bitten off, and swallow before the next portion of food enters the mouth;
    • analyze the swallowing process - many people do it too greedily, which leads to the capture of air;
    • eat with your mouth closed - always;
    • breathe slowly and deeply - if possible, of course;
    • pay attention to situations that force you to open your mouth when breathing - and then close it immediately;
    • give up chewing gum or at least chewing it for a long time, carbonated drinks, straws for them and smoking;
    • adjust dentures or make new ones;
    • and treat any health problems, including mental ones.”

    Farting is good for relieving stomach pain

    Holding back a fart usually causes the intestinal walls to stretch. This, in turn, is fraught with the appearance of colic and pain in the abdominal region, and often in the heart area. Remember that the natural urge to fart is caused by nothing more than the accumulation of gases inside the intestines. Don't ignore this fact.

    Sometimes you need to help your body quickly get rid of accumulated gases, and for this it is enough to gently massage your stomach. The gases will come out and the pain will subside.

    Food and flatulence - how do people fart?

    During normal digestion, our body produces gases - they are produced by bacteria living in the small and large intestines. They mainly consist of hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide, which is responsible for the unpleasant odor.

    Why do people want to fart?

    It's simple. First, we chew food, swallow it, sending it into the esophagus, through which it enters the stomach, where it is partially broken down - not completely, but only partially, since neither this organ nor the small intestine can cope with carbohydrates. Then they move further - to the large intestine, where they are taken over by bacteria, which release gas during this breakdown. What are they?

    • Sugars
      : fructose, raffinose or raffinose and sorbitol, which are found in some fruits and artificial sweeteners.
    • Soluble fiber
      - capable of absorbing water and turning into a kind of gel, becoming nutrition for the inhabitants of the intestines and having a beneficial effect on their well-being: found in beans, peas, oats, citrus fruits, apples and barley.
    • Insoluble fiber
      - rough dietary fiber that helps food move through the gastrointestinal tract and avoid constipation: found in root vegetables, including potatoes, legumes, whole grain wheat products, bran, cauliflower and nuts.
    • Starches
      – rice, corn, wheat and potato.

    Theoretically, it turns out that all of the above products should cause flatulence in any person. But no, it doesn’t work like that - what can turn one person into a stinker is absorbed perfectly and without any consequences by another.

    However, some ingredients still cause increased gas formation in almost all people.

    • Foods rich in the plant carbohydrate raffinose
      , which is found in beans, whole grains, asparagus, broccoli and cabbage - regular and Brussels sprouts. Our body does not have enough enzymes - proteins that are needed to digest it, which is why the intestinal bacteria trying to cope with it actually release a lot of gas - much more than when digesting, say, chicken breast.
    • Foods and drinks high in sulfur:
      While these can be part of a healthy diet, if you don't feel like farting very often, you shouldn't indulge in them. These are the well-known garlic, onions, cruciferous vegetables - cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and regular sprouts, broccoli and other leafy greens, as well as some drinks, including wine and beer.
    • Foods made with sugar alcohols:
      Cause excess gas because our bodies cannot fully digest them. This special type of carbohydrates - erythritol, sorbitol, xylitol, maltitol, isomalt, mannitol - is actually neither sugar nor alcohol, although their structure is similar to both at the same time, and contains 2 times fewer calories than regular sugar. They are found in candies, ice cream, fruit jams, chewing gum, baked goods, and even in medicines - syrups, drops, and lollipops.

    Diarrhea or diarrhea March 9, 2021744 3

    Do you fart often? So you are healthy!

    The truth may seem quite unpleasant to you, but you have to come to terms with it. Who do you think farts more often - thin or fat people? You probably answered incorrectly. A slender person produces several times more gas than an obese person. Do you know why? Because he is healthy! People who eat a lot of vegetables and fruits also fart more often than those who prefer meat or fish. The largest amount of substances that contribute to effective digestion is found in all types of cabbage, zucchini, apricots, cherries and other vegetables from the garden. Don't be embarrassed if you feel like farting frequently. Rather, on the contrary - you should be proud of it and satisfy your desire as much as possible.

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    Food intolerance

    Which people fart more often than others?
    Lactose intolerance
    Almost 70% of adults worldwide lack the enzyme lactase, which helps us digest milk and milk products containing the milk sugar, lactose. This is normal, does not cause any illness, does not have any serious health consequences, and usually ends with just discomfort and temporary inconvenience - diarrhea, or diarrhea, excess gas formation and bloating.

    Stopping farting, or at least doing it no more than everyone else, is quite simple for people with similar food intolerances - just avoid foods that contain it. Well, if you really want them so badly that you can’t refuse them, you can buy lactose-free milk, fortunately it is now available in every major supermarket.

    Gluten intolerance

    Celiac disease is a disease that develops in people genetically predisposed to it due to the fact that the body cannot digest foods containing gluten, a plant protein found in all varieties of wheat, rye and barley. Those with this diagnosis are very unlucky - every product eaten, which contains even a little of a substance they do not perceive, causes inflammation in the small intestine, and each subsequent portion damages this important part of the digestive system. Over time, repeated injuries lead to problems absorbing minerals and nutrients from food, anemia - a lack of oxygen-carrying red blood cells and hemoglobin, hair loss, osteoporosis - loss of calcium in the bones, and ulcers of the small intestine. For your well-being, all this does not pass without a trace, and every wrong piece causes a storm in the stomach, pain, severe gas formation, bloating and diarrhea.

    The only option to avoid these consequences is to completely abstain from gluten, which is a serious problem, since it is found in the vast majority of what constitutes the basis of the average person’s diet: in bread, pasta and pastries, sausages and canned food, sweets and thick sauces, yogurt and ice cream, and even in beer. However, you can get out of this too - large supermarkets have gluten-free products, and online stores with delivery work properly.

    Irritable bowel syndrome January 7, 2021698 1

    What food causes flatulence?

    Why are many people now struggling to implement a healthy diet? Because some foods from our diet provoke the formation of gases in the intestines outside the normal range. I will give you a list of these same products.

    Vegetarianism: pros and cons + 5 types of food

    Food productDescription
    LegumesThese foods contain large amounts of fiber and polysaccharides, which can cause bloating in the stomach. If you are a huge fan of legumes, then you should opt for lentils, mung beans and quinoa. These beans are much easier to digest than peas or kidney beans.
    Drinks with gasesEverything is logical here. Not only sweet soda, but also regular soda in excessive quantities can lead to frequent gas. It is still better to give preference to pure mineral water.
    Wheat and its derivativesThese are bread, pasta, flour sweets, etc. Wheat contains gluten, which causes bloating and gas. If you like flour, then it is better to use rice flour or coconut, buckwheat or oatmeal.
    Rye and barleyThese grains are high in fiber and gluten, which, as I already mentioned, can cause bloating. It is better to replace these products with oats or brown rice.
    Onions with garlicThese foods are on my list because they contain fructans, which are dietary fiber. Of course, the likelihood of bloating in this case is high only if you eat them in large quantities.
    Raw cruciferous vegetablesThese are cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, regular cabbage. To make these products better processed by our body, it is better to boil or bake them.
    Dairy productsWe are talking about products containing lactose. Bloating can occur when consuming dairy products if a person is allergic to lactose.
    SweetenersFor example, these are sorbitol and xylitol. These sweeteners have no nutritional or energy value at all. It is better to use honey or stevia, coconut sugar.
    AlcoholThis is especially true for beer that contains yeast, and it is they that cause bloating and gas. If you find yourself at a holiday or just with company, then prefer alcohol without syrups - these can be natural wines or strong alcoholic drinks without carbon.
    Apples and pearsIt's all fructose's fault. If you really love these fruits, then it is better not to eat them fresh, but bake them in the oven.

    There are also several foods that you can eat if you couldn’t resist and ate one of the above:

    • Caraway;
    • Dill;
    • Dried garlic;
    • Chamomile decoction.

    Watch what you eat carefully. Controlling your diet will not only relieve you of intestinal problems, but will also generally improve your overall condition.

    The harm of alcohol on the human body: 10 reasons to give up alcohol

    Irritable bowel syndrome

    Irritable bowel syndrome is a digestive disorder that causes problems with bowel movements, very smelly gas, pain and bloating, occurs inexplicably and has virtually no cure - all doctors can offer today is symptomatic relief. The problem is very common - according to the World Health Organization, from 15 to 45% of the entire population of the planet suffers from it, and this is only an approximate figure, since most of its owners do not seek help from a doctor, considering the behavior of their body simply a feature of digestion.

    Even if a person has irritable bowel syndrome, he may well learn to cope with his gases - it is not easy, it will take a lot of time, and diet alone cannot do it. Often this requires the help of a doctor and taking medications, and perhaps not only a gastroenterologist, but also a psychotherapist.

    Diet for irritable bowel syndrome January 12, 20211081 2

    Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome – SIBO

    Bacterial overgrowth syndrome, or SIBO, is an excess of microorganisms living in the small intestine, leading to poor absorption of certain substances. It is not so rare, and most often in women, older people and those with digestive problems. SIBO occurs when bacteria from other parts of the digestive tract enter the small intestine, or simply overgrow in the small intestine. It can be caused by a malfunction of this organ, a weakened immune system, insufficient stomach acid, taking antibiotics, drinking alcohol, or too slow digestion. The syndrome results in abdominal pain and bloating, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, weight loss, and, of course, excessive intestinal gas.

    In this situation, you cannot do without the help of a doctor - he is needed, at a minimum, in order to correctly diagnose and find out the reason causing such problems. It is not always possible to cope with bacterial overgrowth syndrome, especially when it comes to age-related changes.

    No to bloating!

    Surely many of you have experienced heaviness in your stomach. This problem is usually associated with bloating. And this happens precisely because of unreleased gases. Of course, rare bloating will not cause serious harm to health. However, the feeling of discomfort will haunt you until the gases are released. That is why you should not rush to swallow anti-bloating pills. Just find a secluded place and fart - the problem will disappear instantly.

    Crohn's disease

    Crohn's disease, which leads to inflammation of the digestive system, damaging any part of it - from the mouth to the rectum, can also cause excessive gas formation. The problem is autoimmune, which means that it is caused by an attack of one’s own immunity on the body’s cells, mistakenly perceived as harmful or dangerous.

    Diet can reduce gas and other unpleasant symptoms of Crohn's disease, but in severe cases, you will most likely not be able to completely get rid of them, even if you follow your doctor's recommendations, take medications, and undergo surgery.

    Crohn's disease March 2, 2021610 2

    Why do people fart smelly?

    There are many reasons for this:

    • intolerance to certain foods;
    • an excess of ingredients in the diet that are high in fiber, which is poorly digested, accumulates in the intestines and begins to ferment, creating smelly gas;
    • an attempt to combine incompatible things - for example, pickles and fresh milk eaten at the same time are unlikely to coexist peacefully in the body;
    • dysbacteriosis is an incorrect composition of microorganisms living in the digestive system, caused, among other things,
    • taking certain medications such as antibiotics;
    • the presence of worms;
    • constipation, due to which digested food becomes compacted, remains in the gastrointestinal tract for a long time, blocks it, causes spasms, and interferes with the natural release of gases;
    • inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, such as irritable bowel syndrome, enteritis, Crohn's disease, colitis and others;
    • bacterial overgrowth syndrome;
    • Very rarely, the cause of smelly farts is colon cancer.

    When is flatulence a reason to see a doctor?

    In general, farting is a natural process. Normally, a person can pass gas 14 times during the day. And all this should happen without pain in the stomach and a terrible smell. If you notice that you fart much more often, then you need to contact a doctor to find out what the reason is. The smell, of course, will always be unpleasant. Well, what do you think, can flowers smell like a mixture of nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, oxygen and hydrogen sulfide?

    Important: farting has a scientific name - flatulence. If it causes discomfort to a person, then in this case doctors provide treatment and even offer the person surgical intervention! It’s just that the cause of this disease is quite complex. Flatulence can be triggered by dysbiosis, chronic pancreatitis, colitis of various origins and helminthic infestation!

    There are 7 main types of intestinal gas for which you should immediately consult a doctor.

    What is a healthy lifestyle: 8 components

    Too smelly gasesNormally, human gases should not smell like anything at all. This is only possible if you have eaten more garlic or curry. If your gas smells too bad, this may indicate a buildup of harmful bacteria in the intestines, celiac disease, or Crohn's disease.
    Painful bloatingIn this case, the pain is wandering. You feel it in one part of the intestine, then in another. This suggests that something in your intestines is preventing gas from passing out. These may be tumors or ulcers.
    Bloating, where the abdomen becomes fullThis symptom may indicate irritable bowel syndrome. This means that a person urgently needs to start treatment.
    Gas during stoolIf, while sitting on the toilet, your bowel movements become intermittent and you fart, this means that there is a problem with the pancreas.
    Continuous gas emissionYou fart almost every 5 minutes. This means you are eating too many sweet or fiber foods. There are also more dangerous causes of this phenomenon - colon cancer.
    Belching that smells like a rotten eggThere may be several reasons for this phenomenon: the same irritable bowel syndrome or giardiasis. This can only be caused by parasites.
    It hurts you to fartThis most likely indicates that you have hemorrhoids or anal fissures, which also need to be treated by a proctologist.

    Many will be embarrassed to contact a specialist if they have at least one of the symptoms mentioned above. Of course, such a delicate problem that the doctor will study through the anus, doing all sorts of unpleasant procedures with hoses and light bulbs. But, unfortunately, going to such a doctor cannot be postponed if you want to get rid of the problem and live without complexes and unpleasant pain.

    Causes of gases:

    How to stop farting a lot?

    Farting is possible, necessary and useful! Every time excess air is retained in the body through the efforts of will and muscles, it does not disappear anywhere, but lingers in the intestines and distends it, causing discomfort or even pain. The process of its release is natural, and in any case there is no way to avoid it.

    If you read at least the very beginning of the text carefully, it will become obvious to you that it is simply physically impossible for a person to never fart and under no circumstances - even if he really wants to.

    All you can think of is to try to reduce the production of intestinal gases. This can be done with the help of a diet, that is, a selection of products - individual for each person.

    For healthy people, creating the right diet is usually not a problem - in most cases, they already know what kind of food causes stomach problems. Of course, if we are not talking about food poisoning or intestinal infections, from which no one is safe.

    What to do if, despite seemingly proper nutrition, the problem does not go away?

    1. Soberly assess your well-being: if you really eat regularly and normally, without fast food and other tasty junk, and your intestines behave indecently and you really want to fart almost constantly, you may need to seek help from a doctor.
    2. Even if one doctor did not find a problem, this does not mean that it actually does not exist. In such situations, it is better to hear at least the opinions of two different specialists.
    3. Don't count on medications - they will only help for a while, but will not solve the situation itself.
    4. Begin the method of eliminating inappropriate foods by choosing foods from this (= link to non-gas-causing foods) list. The process is not complicated, but it can take a lot of time: for this you need to create a diet from the very minimum of ingredients, and observe the behavior of the body for at least one week. If the problem with flatulence does not go away, change the set; if everything is in order, start adding one component every few days. It’s important to take your time here - this is the only way to understand which one is suitable and which food is better to stay away from.
    5. Eat slowly, in small portions and do not overeat.
    6. Always ensure that you do not swallow air while eating or drinking.
    7. Try taking probiotics, such as Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Narine and many others - they will restore the correct composition of intestinal microorganisms that help digestion.
    8. When all of the above doesn’t work, go to the doctor again and don’t give up trying to find out what’s wrong: perhaps the problem is much more serious than it seems.

    What to eat to avoid farting all the time, and what foods do not cause increased gas formation?

    The list of them is not very rich, but there is plenty to choose from:

    • lean meat: chicken, rabbit or veal, lean beef may also be suitable;
    • meat, vegetable or fish broths;
    • boiled, stewed or baked fish;
    • fermented milk products: natural yogurt and kefir, which you can make yourself from pharmacy starters;
    • crackers or dried bread;
    • omelette and soft-boiled eggs - not hard-boiled;
    • cereals, with the exception of pearl barley and millet;
    • boiled, steamed or stewed vegetables such as carrots, beets or zucchini - and definitely not cabbage;
    • weak tea, cocoa and
      compotes or natural juices diluted with water

    Vomiting February 1, 2021937

    What foods should you avoid to fart less?

    There is a whole list of such products, much more voluminous than the previous one:

    • chewing gum and caramels containing sugar substitutes and promoting the swallowing of excess air;
    • sugar substitutes;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • yeast and everything in which they are contained - fresh pastries and bread;
    • alcohol, which irritates the walls of the digestive tract;
    • any legumes: beans themselves, peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils and dishes that contain them;
    • milk and products made from it are not fermented milk!
    • pearl barley and millet;
    • fresh fruits and vegetables: any variety of cabbage, radishes, grapes, prunes, apples, peaches and pears, onions and garlic;
    • spices and anything spicy;
    • smoked, pickled and canned;
    • potatoes, wheat, rice, corn, bananas - everything that contains a large amount of starch.

    It is not at all necessary to give up this variety forever - it’s enough to just find out which of the ingredients the body does not react to as you would like, and choose the right set of products for you.

    Feeding mistakes that can lead to gas

    • improper attachment to the breast (swallowing air)
    • in one feeding, applying to both breasts (excessive supply of foremilk when hindmilk is not reached)
    • wrong choice of mixture
    • incorrectly calculated volume of one-time feeding or frequency (not corresponding to the age or actual weight of the child)
    • improperly prepared mixture (measuring spoon not removed, too hot water)
    • incorrectly selected nipple for the bottle (not according to age or with additional holes created
    • failure to follow the bottle feeding technique (if you hold the bottle at an angle of less than 40°, air may be swallowed during feeding)

    It is important!

    If the baby is bottle-fed, then you should carefully choose the formula. Pay attention to Nutrilak Premium Comfort. The mixture is designed specifically for babies with sensitive digestion.

    Medicines and drugs for flatulence - do they help?

    There are 2 types of drugs that doctors prescribe to alleviate the plight of those suffering from excessive gas formation - these are so-called sorbents, which absorb harmful substances, and carminatives.

    The first include the well-known activated carbon and its modern substitutes, such as Enterosgel, Polysorb and others. Yes, they will indeed neutralize some of the gas, but only part of it, and they will not solve the problem globally.

    Carminatives, for example, Espumisan or Simethicone, do not deprive a person of the ability to fart: their task is to facilitate the removal of gases from the body, not allowing them to linger in the intestines for a long time. That is, as soon as they come out, your stomach will feel better, but first you still need to let them out.

    The only thing that really helps to cope with excess gas formation in a healthy person is a suitable diet.

    Is it harmful to breathe farts?

    This may sound incredibly strange, and even disgusting, but you shouldn’t rush to conclusions. Now we will explain everything to you. There are studies showing that a single exposure to hydrogen sulfide can prevent mitochondrial damage to cells. This makes it possible to prevent the development of diseases such as arthritis, heart disease and even stroke.

    Interestingly, hydrogen sulfide is one of the components that is produced in the intestines during digestion. So farting and then breathing the fart is an excellent method for diagnosing diseases. But just don't overdo it!

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