Russian folk delicacy. All types of jelly, their health benefits and classic recipe

Gastritis is a common pathology of our time. Chronic inflammation of the stomach is often diagnosed already in adolescence. Improper diet, eating dry food and on the go, diets - all this negatively affects the functioning of the digestive tract.

Gastritis cannot be cured without following a special diet, which is selected by a doctor. Often patients are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to introduce into the diet certain dishes that were familiar before the illness. In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to use jelly for gastritis.

History of origin

Kissels are one of the very ancient Russian dishes. Their history goes back more than 1000 years. People in ancient times fermented (soured) oat milk to prepare this delicious dish. This is where the name of the drink came from. By the way, back then it was practically not used in liquid form. The hot product was consumed with hemp oil, and the frozen product was cut into pieces and eaten, preferably with milk or jam. Around the 17th century, so-called kiselniki began to appear in Rus', which produced this drink in large quantities and then sold it on the streets and bazaars. They usually settled in one area, called Kiselnaya Sloboda. From which the names of modern streets in Moscow subsequently came.


  • History of origin
  • Types of jelly, calorie content and nutritional value
  • Composition of jelly
  • The benefits and harms of jelly
  • Cooking method
  • Kissel for weight loss
  • conclusions

This kind of jelly, as we know it today, appeared in Russia already in the 19th century. Just then, cheap potato starch came into widespread use. Sweet, fruit and berry drinks were easy to make and required much less production time than the original ones. Therefore, gradually they practically replaced grain crops.

Sour grain products are firmly established in Russian fairy tales and national folklore. Everyone, of course, remembers the famous milk river with its jelly banks. And another story about jelly, which saved the city, is mentioned in the ancient chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years.”

Traditional grain products were considered a mandatory dish at funerals. And at weddings, serving it to guests, they hinted that it was time to go home.

Today, sour jelly is made from flour or grain flakes, and fruit and berry jelly is made from starch. There are also ready-made powdered or packaged concentrates in briquettes.

Hazardous properties

Jelly, which are prepared industrially and released in the form of semi-finished products, can cause harm in case of inflammation of the stomach. Instead of berries and fruits, they contain synthetic substances that imitate taste and smell. Even for a healthy body, such food is not recommended. It is best to prepare the drink at home using fresh milk, oatmeal or berries.

It is not recommended to cook jelly with starch for those who suffer from constipation. With erosive gastritis, some patients experience individual intolerance to jelly made from sour fruits. This does not mean that you will have to give up the drink completely. You just need to choose the combination of ingredients that is optimal for you. It is better to avoid sweet recipes if you have diabetes and excess weight. Alternatively, you can use sorbitol, stevia or honey.

Oatmeal jelly is also recommended, which has a low glycemic index and is prepared without adding starch and sugar. Great caution should be exercised by people with allergic reactions. Most often, fruit and berry drinks give the body a violent reaction. In this case, the main ingredient simply needs to be replaced, for example, with oatmeal.

Types of jelly, calorie content and nutritional value

According to the composition of the ingredients they contain, jelly is divided into grain (oatmeal, barley, rye, wheat, pea and others), fruit and berry and dairy. They can also be cooked from ready-made berry syrups or from dry concentrate. Typically, dairy drinks are prepared with corn starch, while fruit and berry drinks are prepared with potato starch. Oatmeal, wheat and rye jelly are served on sourdough or sourdough.

The calorie content of jelly, as well as its nutritional value, largely depend on the product from which it is made.
The tables show that dairy drinks are much higher in calories than others. They also contain a predominant content of proteins and fats, due to the inclusion of milk in their composition. It can also be noted that the calorie content of dairy products may vary depending on the milk with which it is prepared. Table No. 1. Calorie content of different types per 100 grams of product

Types of jellyCalories, kcal
Dry concentrate357,0

Table No. 2. Nutritional value of different types per 100 grams of product

Types of jellySquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates
Dry concentrate87,0

Beneficial features

For gastritis, the diet should be as gentle and healthy as possible. Therefore, jelly is an ideal product to help restore the stomach. The product satisfies hunger and at the same time supplies the body with vitamins and microelements. The thickened liquid gently envelops the walls of the digestive organ and normalizes digestion. Kissel normalizes microflora, removes excess fluid, and stimulates brain function.

The drink has a mucous consistency, improves gastric motility and normalizes the functional activity of the entire gastrointestinal system. To enhance the taste, they usually take fruits, berries, cereals, jam, and juices. Potato or corn starch gives the jelly-like structure.

Experts recommend drinking jelly daily for patients with gastritis. It contains a large amount of nutrients that have a regenerating effect on damaged mucous membranes. The drink can even be taken for acute gastritis. It helps neutralize the inflammatory reaction and relieve pain.

Composition of jelly

It is difficult to determine what useful components are contained in the finished dry concentrate, but the composition of a homemade, freshly prepared drink can be roughly represented as follows:

  • lysine;
  • vitamins (B1, B2, B5, PP);
  • choline;
  • potassium;
  • lecithin;
  • methionine

Kissel can absorb the beneficial substances and vitamins contained in its ingredients. Therefore, such a composition can be called conditional.

Which one is better to drink?

Most often, jelly is prepared using starch, potato or corn. Drinks made from corn products are more liquid and tender. If you prefer a thick consistency, it is better to use potato starch.

Advice. The density of jelly made from potato starch can also be adjusted. For a thinner drink you will need ½ teaspoon of starch per glass of water, for a more viscous consistency - a whole spoon. If you prefer a thick drink, then feel free to add 2-3 spoons per 250 ml of liquid.

When using corn starch, the drink turns out to be opaque, so berry or fruit jelly on a potato base looks more appetizing. Milk or almond jelly is often prepared using corn starch.

These two types of starch are similar in their effect on the body. Starch is a good source of energy, stimulates the immune system, normalizes blood glucose levels and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed, however, that corn starch is a harder product for the stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to drink jelly based on it no more than 2-3 times a week.

The most useful raw materials for making jelly are cereals. Cereals contain the entire range of nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The main components of jelly are traditional crops growing in our country - rye, oats, barley, wheat.

A clear advantage of grain flour over starch is the presence of cellulose in its composition. There is especially a lot of it in rye flour due to the large number of vegetable shells. Cellulose cleanses the body, normalizes stool, and prevents the development of obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Important! Ready-made store-bought concentrates, which can be used to make jelly in 5 minutes, are not the healthiest product for an inflamed stomach. If you carefully read the composition of such a powder, then in 90% of cases you will see in it preservatives, flavors, stabilizers, dyes, sweeteners - in general, all those ingredients that can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and aggravate its course.

The benefits and harms of jelly

Oatmeal is considered the most useful of all products. The drink has absorbed all the healing qualities contained in oats. Its calorie content is only 100 kcal, so it is recommended to take this drink for weight loss. It will also be useful for overweight people. Consuming it helps improve immunity and stabilizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines. In general, any jelly has a beneficial effect on the stomach and is recommended for gastritis, since due to its viscosity, they are able to envelop the walls of the stomach, thereby alleviating pain. Kissel is a wonderful source of energy, and the starch in its composition improves metabolism. If the drink contains blueberries, it can be used for vision disorders, and cherries will help remove toxins dangerous to the body.

Kissel, especially berry jelly, contains a high content of starch and carbohydrates, so its excessive consumption can cause weight gain. So overweight people are not recommended to abuse this drink. It is also contraindicated for those suffering from diabetes. But this recommendation only applies to sugary drinks. Oatmeal jelly without sugar is absolutely harmless and will not entail any negative consequences. And of course, it is worth noting that ready-made semi-finished products sold in supermarkets can cause allergies due to the dyes and preservatives included in their composition. The truly healthy product is one that is prepared at home from quality ingredients.

Possibility of using jelly for gastritis

Fruit, berry, dairy, and grain jelly have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
Each type of this product not only has its own taste, but also benefits the body. Thus, oatmeal or flaxseed jelly without added sugar can be drunk even in the acute phase of gastritis. Over time, the diet is expanded to include those starchy drinks that will help restore the gastric mucosa.

Benefits for the body

Gelatinous jelly for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract is one of the best dietary products.
It is useful in that it has an enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa, providing protection against secretions produced. Polysaccharides contained in large quantities in this product promote tissue regeneration. Vitamins, micro- and macroelements help maintain health and good mood. This drink has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, as it suppresses pathogenic flora and stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria. An imbalance of microflora (dysbacteriosis) leads to digestive problems, pain and bloating.

Possible harm

People with a sick stomach should not eat too sweet jelly.

Sugar in jelly causes gas formation.

Sugar causes fermentation and causes gas formation. To speed up the healing process, food should be gentle. If you have hypersecretion of the stomach, it is better to avoid drinks made from sour fruits, as they stimulate the production of gastric juice.

It should also be borne in mind that jelly is a high-calorie, nutritious dish containing many simple carbohydrates.

People with diabetes and obesity should strictly limit such foods or completely avoid them.

Cooking method

Fruit and berry jelly is prepared on a starch basis using various berries and fruits. Potato starch is usually used, but recently it has often been replaced with pectin, a natural thickener containing a small amount of carbohydrates. The consistency of the decoction directly depends on the amount of ingredients included in its composition. For example, for a medium-thick drink, you need to use 2 tablespoons of potato flour per 1 liter of syrup. To get a thicker jelly, you need to increase the amount of flour accordingly. Before cooking, it must be diluted in cold water, in the ratio of half a glass of water to 2 tablespoons of flour. Add the prepared starch to the compote or syrup slowly, in a thin stream, stirring evenly. Cook for several minutes, without bringing to a boil. Thick jelly is usually served cold, while drinks of medium consistency can be served warm or even hot. It is best to eat them with sugar, milk, cream and sour cream.

Cooking at home

Cranberry jelly is a very effective remedy for colds and flu, since cranberries contain acetylsalicylic and ascorbic acids.

To prepare 200 ml of product you will need:

  • cranberries – 50 grams;
  • sugar – 3 tablespoons;
  • starch - 2 teaspoons;
  • water – 1 glass.

Wash the berries, crush or rub through a sieve. Pour the juice into a separate bowl and hide it in a dark place, and wrap the berries in gauze and squeeze again. Pour the resulting concentrate into a glass of hot water and bring to a boil. After this, strain again through cheesecloth. Add sugar. Dilute the starch in ¼ cup of cold water until completely dissolved. Pour starch into the boiling berry broth in a thin stream, stirring constantly. It is advisable not to bring the jelly to a boil, otherwise foam may form on top of it. Cool the resulting drink and pour in the juice obtained from the mashed berries.

Rules of application

Kissel is a mandatory dish in the diet menu of a person with gastritis. The dish has a wide range of therapeutic effects:

  • protects damaged mucous membrane from mechanical damage, acid and pathogens;
  • stimulates tissue healing;
  • pacifies pain;
  • removes toxic substances;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • quickly saturates the body due to the presence of fiber;
  • forms a protective film due to its thick, slimy, desired structure;
  • promotes better absorption of products.

It is best to prepare the drink at home from natural fresh ingredients. Mixtures sold in stores may contain chemical additives, preservatives, and flavor enhancers. This will lead to increased pain.

Attention! Kissel is a universal product that is allowed for all forms of gastritis, even during exacerbation.

For hypoacid gastritis, which is accompanied by insufficient acid secretion, berry and fruit drinks based on sour fruits are recommended. If you have excess secretion of hydrochloric acid, you need to be careful with adding sugar. Sweet jelly activates increased synthesis of digestive juice. For the hyperacid form, oatmeal jelly is recommended.

Dairy drinks are usually excluded during periods of exacerbation of gastritis. This jelly helps with exhaustion of the body and prevents nutritional deficiency. Rose hips are a source of ascorbic acid. In combination with potato starch, it has antispasmodic and analgesic properties.

For erosions on the gastric mucosa, the most gentle, tender food is indicated. A starchy drink is an ideal drink that is suitable in terms of consistency, digestibility, and nutritional value. You can choose a drink based on your preferences. If gastritis is combined with biliary dyskinesia, it is best to prepare jelly from sour apples with pulp.

The healthfulness of jelly largely depends on the correct preparation and the selected ingredients.

To prepare a liquid drink, add no more than half a teaspoon of starch to a glass of liquid. Semi-liquid jelly will be obtained by adding a teaspoon of the product. If you want to prepare a thick dish, add two teaspoons of starch to a glass of water. For the best effect, it is better to drink jelly half an hour before meals. You should not wash down your food with jelly, this will lead to heaviness.

The dish is ideal for an early breakfast; it will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking a viscous drink before bed will prevent hunger pangs. The basis of many jelly is potato starch. It is diluted with plain water or chilled syrup. Then the mixture is introduced in a thin stream into a boiling container. All ingredients should be stirred at the same time.

Kissel for weight loss

Oatmeal jelly is considered the most suitable for weight loss. Its calorie content is very easy to remember, since it is 100 kcal per 100 grams of product. Cereals help activate metabolic processes, improve digestion, normalize sugar levels, and remove dangerous waste and toxins from the body. This drink is considered absolutely harmless, so many nutritionists advise taking it constantly.

It is recommended to drink a glass of drink per day, approximately 30 minutes before meals. You need to drink it in small portions throughout the day, or you can replace one of your meals. The duration of therapy should be from 1 to 3 months. For the best effect, it is worth repeating this procedure every six months.

Oatmeal jelly recipe for weight loss:


  • a glass of oats;
  • liter of water.

Cook for 4 hours, adding water if necessary. After this, cool slightly and beat the resulting broth with a blender. You can add dried fruits and honey to the mixture. The shelf life of this product is a week. The finished drink should be stored in the refrigerator and diluted with warm water before drinking.

Drink for various forms of illness

Kissel is an extremely healthy product for the stomach. It is allowed even in the acute stage of the disease, but it should be prepared in a more liquid form. Due to its gelatinous consistency, the drink envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach, protecting it from hydrochloric acid. At this stage, gastroenterologists recommend oatmeal or flaxseed jelly without added sugar. To improve the taste, you can dissolve a little honey in it.

Recommendations from experts. In order for jelly to fully realize its therapeutic effect, it is advisable to drink it on an empty stomach, about half an hour before meals.

With increased acidity, it is also very important to protect the inner lining of the stomach from the aggressive influence of an acidic environment. However, you need to wisely choose the ingredients for making jelly. You should not cook it with sour fruits and berries: raspberries, currants, viburnum, citrus fruits. It is better to stick to cereal or milk jelly. If you definitely want to enjoy a fruit or vegetable drink, then in the remission stage you can cook jelly from sweet apples or pears, cherries, carrots.

If you have erosions of the gastric mucosa, you should also not overuse berry and fruit jelly.
The best option for this form of the disease is flaxseed jelly. Flax perfectly heals wounds and accelerates regeneration processes, which promotes a speedy recovery. Gastritis with low acidity opens up wide scope for culinary experiments with jelly. Such patients are allowed to drink drinks based on berries, vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk, and with the addition of honey. Fruit juice will increase the acidity of gastric contents, improve digestion processes, and prevent congestion in the gastrointestinal tract.

For atrophic gastritis, all types of jelly are also useful. It is preferable to prepare a drink with a thicker consistency - it has more pronounced enveloping properties, and the thinned and sensitive mucous membrane especially needs protection from mechanical and chemical damage.

How to cook oatmeal jelly - traditional Russian recipe

Grind 300 grams of oats to coarse grains in a coffee grinder or blender.
Pour a liter of warm water, add a crust of black bread. Leave to ferment for a day if you prefer a blander option, or for two days. if you like it sour. Stir and strain. You will end up with a whitish liquid that resembles milk. Add salt to taste, bring to a boil, simmer for a few minutes until the liquid begins to thicken. Season with butter. If you prefer it sweeter, add honey or dried fruit. This jelly can also be served cold. It is especially good in hot weather. Cut the frozen jelly into cubes and pour cold milk.

Hercules drink

It is oatmeal jelly that is considered the most useful for gastritis. You can drink it for any form of gastritis. It not only supplies valuable microelements, but also slows down the transition from the acute to the chronic stage of development, and also relieves pain.

A viscous drink made from rolled oats is drunk before meals. For acute gastritis, oatmeal jelly is prepared in water; during the remission period, it is boiled in milk. The cooking method is as follows:

  • A glass of rolled oats is brought to the state of flour. This powder is poured into a saucepan.
  • Add four glasses of warm water, mix well and leave to swell for 6-8 hours.
  • The liquid is filtered, then boiled for 5 minutes until it begins to solidify.

Take oatmeal jelly one glass per day, preferably on an empty stomach. Milk oat drink is prepared in the same way as with water. It also saturates the body with calcium; you can learn more about the benefits and harms of jelly from the article:

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