Polysorb MP powder 25 g ➤ instructions for use

"Polysorb" for hangover and withdrawal symptoms

The harmful use of alcoholic beverages often ends in post-intoxication syndrome - a hangover.
Ethanol metabolites, such as acetaldehyde, play a key role in its development mechanism. In addition, during natural detoxification, metabolic products and free radicals are released. Against the background of the consequences of intoxication, dysfunction of internal organs develops, which further aggravates the situation. Enterosorbent effectively removes metabolites formed during the breakdown of alcohol. Endotoxins that are released when the functioning of primarily the renal-hepatic system is disrupted are also bound.

“Polysorb” uses the same mechanism to help relieve symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, promoting faster recovery. However, it must be borne in mind that acetaldehyde and acetic acid are interstitial toxins that have nothing to do with the gastrointestinal tract.

In case of chronic poisoning (alcoholism), enterosorbents are taken 3-4 times a day for 5-10 days in a standard detoxification scheme until the patient’s condition is relatively normalized. While taking the medicine regularly, you need to drink more liquid, since most of it is consumed to activate sorption particles.


Despite the advertised harmlessness of the enterosorbent, the use of the product is limited in the following cases:

  • Active phase (exacerbation) of peptic ulcer of the duodenum/or stomach.
  • Atony, intestinal paresis - lack of tone and peristalsis of the digestive tract. Often against the background of endocrine, neurological diseases, after surgical interventions or as a result of side effects of other pharmaceuticals.
  • Bleeding from the upper digestive tract.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Intestinal obstruction.

The suspension is not absorbed, so use is permitted for pregnant and lactating women. For children, adolescents and people with severe chronic diseases, the dose is adjusted only by the attending physician.

The therapeutic effect of enterosorption is realized by both direct and indirect mechanisms associated with resorption and hepatoenteric recirculation. It was previously found that the colloidal compound of silicon dioxide, polysorb, is very effective for the sorption of ethanol. Polysorb, actively adsorbing ethanol in the stomach and intestines, reduces its concentration in the peripheral blood by 1.6–2.5 times.

Khovpachev A.A., Khalyutin D.A., Reynyuk V.L., Davydova E.V., Grebenyuk A.N. Experimental assessment of the effectiveness of polysorb, glycine and sodium dithionite in acute, extremely severe ethanol poisoning. Medical-biological and socio-psychological problems of safety in emergency situations. 2015;(1):90-95.

Information about the drug

Polysorb is a new generation universal enterosorbent. Sorption capacity is 300 mg/g, which is several times higher than that of other similar drugs. The main active ingredient is colloidal silicon dioxide. It is produced without additional ingredients, so there are no “chemicals” in its composition.

It is a white, slightly grayish or bluish-tinged odorless powder.

Designed for detoxification in cases of poisoning of various etiologies. But its ability to remove up to 95% of harmful substances is often used to cleanse the body and lose weight.

Available in 3 g sachets costing approximately $0.6 per piece. (10 sachets per package), as well as plastic jars:

  • 12 g (ideal for a child) - $2.1;
  • 25 g (can be purchased for a home first aid kit in case of poisoning) - $3.6;
  • 35 g (recommended for the treatment of diseases) - $4.4;
  • 50 g (can be used for complete cleansing of the body and weight loss) - $6.2.

Sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Side effects

In most cases, enterosorption is well tolerated by patients. The following side effects sometimes occur:

  • constipation;
  • allergic reaction - rash, swelling, itching of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • symptoms of dyspepsia - nausea, discomfort/pain in the upper abdomen, early satiety, bloating, feeling of fullness in the stomach when eating a small amount of food;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth.

The pharmaceutical drug is non-selective, that is, it removes not only toxic, but also substances necessary for the body from the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. Long-term use (more than 2 weeks) is accompanied by impaired absorption of microelements and nutrients. In such cases, patients are additionally prescribed food supplements with multivitamins and calcium.


Experts say that Polysorb is one of the best drugs. This is not just an enterosorbent that binds and removes harmful substances, it is an adsorbent that does not enter into chemical reactions with toxins, heavy metals, or anything else. Accordingly, it does not leave behind decay products and does not disturb the organic balance inside the tissues.

But then how does he manage to get rid of all this “garbage”? It acts like a magnet - it attracts them to its surface, and then, along with them, is removed from the body naturally.

As a result of such cleaning, Polysorb also:

  • normalizes stool;
  • relieves stress from the digestive system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces appetite;
  • destroys pathogenic microflora in the digestive organs and restores favorable ones;
  • speeds up metabolism.

His “track record” includes most of the harmful substances that settle in the body and disrupt the functioning of its organs, and he actively neutralizes and removes them:

  • alcohol;
  • allergens;
  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • fungi;
  • medicinal chemistry;
  • radionuclides;
  • heavy metal salts;
  • toxins;
  • formaldehyde;
  • foreign antigens;
  • poisons.

In addition, let us remember that as a result of metabolism, decay products are formed, which, when accumulated, also contribute to partial poisoning and slagging of the body. Most traditional sorbents cannot cope with them. But Polysorb is up to this task. It is capable of outputting (in case of excess):

  • bilirubin;
  • bad cholesterol;
  • urea;
  • lipids.

So the pharmacological action of Polysorb is very broad. It not only effectively treats poisoning, but also thoroughly cleanses the body. So, if you are looking for an innovative drug with minimal side effects and high effectiveness for getting rid of toxins, this is a great option.

Application schemes

Since Polysorb is a multifunctional medicinal product, the instructions included with it contain several options for exactly how to take it, in what dosages and for how long. Since we need it for purification, we select several schemes that are suitable for these purposes.

Scheme No. 1

Indication: general cleansing of the body.

Directions for use: the powder is diluted in cool drinking water. It is strictly forbidden to try Polysorb in dry form. It refers to finely dispersed drugs that tend to settle in the respiratory tract, which causes severe irritation and inflammation. The digestive tract will also suffer from this intake.

Single dosage: 1 g of the drug per 10 kg of weight, but not more than 20 g per day. Dilute in 100 ml of water.

How to drink correctly: 3 times a day 50-60 minutes before meals or the same time after it.

How many days to drink: maximum 2 weeks.

Frequency: 2-3 times a year.

Scheme No. 2

Indications: intestinal cleansing, treatment of allergies.

Recipe: dilute 10 g of powder in a liter of warm water.

Directions for use: do an enema in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

Additional measures: the next day, start drinking Polysorb at the rate of 2 g three times a day, dissolved in 100 ml of water. An hour before meals.

Course duration: 10 days.

Scheme No. 3

Indication: cleansing the blood and blood vessels, as well as the skin from acne and other rashes.

Recipe: dilute a tablespoon of powder in 100 ml of cool water.

Directions for use: drink three times a day at the above dosage.

Course: 1 week.

Scheme No. 4

Indications: cleansing the body if the degree of slagging is very high, treating alcohol intoxication, getting rid of hangover.

Recipe: Dilute 2 tablespoons of Polysorb in a glass of water.

Directions for use: drink 1 glass in one gulp an hour before lunch.

Course: from 3 to 7 days.

Note: if you need to get a person out of a deep binge and cleanse his body of ethanol breakdown products, you need to give him Polysorb for a week in maximum quantities (20 g divided into 5-6 doses throughout the day).

Scheme No. 5

Indications: liver cleansing, getting rid of parasites.

Recipe: a tablespoon of the drug per 100 ml of cool water.

Directions for use: drink this dosage 4 times a day an hour before meals.

Duration: 10 days.

Scheme No. 6

Indication: obesity

Recipe: 1 g per 10 kg of weight.

How to drink: 15-30 minutes before meals.

Course: 2 weeks.

Polysorb is an ideal remedy not only for cleansing the body, but also for effective weight loss. It has no calories. Once in the intestines, it swells, which creates a false feeling of fullness. So you will get rid of toxins and extra pounds.

To better understand how to take Polysorb to cleanse the body and various organs, you can use the table below. Manufacturers of the drug offer their clients a similar one on the official website, but this one is adapted specifically for removing harmful substances, and not for treating diseases.

Please note that the information provided in the table is primarily for informational purposes and not practical. This means that the dosage and course duration figures given in it must be adapted to the characteristics of each individual organism. A doctor can do this.

You can correct this data yourself. To do this, start cleansing with minimal doses, gradually increasing them every day. This will allow you to track the body’s reaction to the medicine and stop in time if side effects occur.

The instructions for the drug include another table, which helps to accurately calculate the dosage depending on the initial weight. Despite the simple calculations that you can do yourself, it will not allow you to make a mistake.

Be especially careful with the proportions; cases of overdose are known, and they do not end well.


In addition to dosages and course duration, proper use of Polysorb requires compliance with certain rules. They relate to the peculiarities of preparation and storage of the drug. With their help, you can enhance the cleansing properties and avoid unpleasant consequences.

What should be done:

  1. Get examined to make sure there are no contraindications.
  2. Get your doctor's permission.
  3. Carefully read the instructions for use, do not exceed the indicated dosages and follow all recommendations.
  4. Keep the jar tightly closed, out of reach of light. The optimal temperature is no higher than 25 °C.
  5. Shelf life: 5 years.
  6. If a package of powder has been opened, it must be used immediately; upon contact with oxygen, the adsorbing properties are reduced.
  7. Polysorb can be diluted not only in water, but also in any other liquid. For example, in juice, fruit drink or mineral water.
  8. To avoid mistakes with dosages, keep in mind that one heaped teaspoon is only 1 g of Polysorb, and one heaped tablespoon is about 3 g.
  9. To prepare the suspension, it is better to use warm rather than cold water.
  10. There is no need to pour the powder into water: it needs to be slowly poured into it.
  11. When swallowing the suspension, discomfort may occur. To minimize them, hold your breath while sipping.
  12. Polysorb weakens the effect of some medications, so you will either have to stop taking them during the cleaning or take them 2-3 hours after it.
  13. Drink as much water as possible to avoid dehydration.
  14. If constipation begins, this is not a reason to refuse cleansing. There are two ways to get rid of them: reduce the initial dosage and include as much fiber in your diet as possible.
  15. To avoid an addictive effect, the duration of use should not exceed 2 weeks.
  16. If you don’t like the results and you are sure that the cleaning needs to be repeated, do it no earlier than 2 weeks after that.

As you can see, using Polysorb correctly is not such a difficult task. All recommendations are feasible and do not involve additional costs or hassle. With repeated use of the drug, all these points will become a habit.

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