Acipol for bloating: instructions for use

Release form and composition of Acipol

The drug is designed specifically to regulate intestinal microflora. This is a probiotic based on kefir grains. The product is produced in capsules, the shell is made of gelatin.

Inside the capsule there is biomass in a dry state, which comes in different shades of cream color. The composition has a sour milk smell.

1 capsule contains:

  • kefir grain polysaccharide – 400 mcg;
  • live acidophilic lactobacilli – 10 ml.

Today you can purchase medicine in polymer jars. Available in 20 and 30 pieces per package.

Acipol Baby is offered in a dropper bottle. Release form: oil suspension. The filler is sunflower oil.

One serving consists of 5 drops, which equals 0.25 ml.

Acipol Active: instructions for use

Solvent water, sweetener fructose, inulin, lactobacilli Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 53103, bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium longum CECT 7894, filler maltodextrin, acidity regulator citric acid (E 330), natural pear flavor, zinc citrate, preservative potassium sorbate (E 202), preservative sodium benzoate (E 211), anti-caking agent silicon dioxide (E 551), emulsifier magnesium stearate (E 470).

Content of active ingredients

Contents of active ingredients in 1 bottle (1 serving)% of the recommended daily intake for adults* / % of the adequate intake for adults** per serving
Lactobacilli Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 53103**5 x 109 CFUCompliant
Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium longum CECT 7894**5 x 109 CFUCompliant
Zinc (as zinc citrate)*5 mg33%
Inulin**500 mg20%

* — TR CU 022/2011 “Food products regarding their labeling”, ** — “Unified sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods subject to sanitary-epidemiological supervision (control)” of the EurAsEC Customs Union

Nutritional and energy value

Nutritional and energy value of 1 bottle (1 serving): fats less than 0.01 g, proteins less than 0.01 g, carbohydrates - 3.34 g, including sugars - less than 2.3 g; energy value – 13.38 kcal / 56.02 kJ.

What is Acipol® Active suspension:

  1. This is a complex composition with EFFECTIVE
    components - living probiotic bacteria necessary for the functioning of the body, which enhance and complement each other’s action.
    - 10 billion beneficial live bacteria in one bottle, which can provide maximum effectiveness for various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in adults.
  3. This is CONVENIENCE
    of reception. Only 1 time per day. You can take it with you (on vacation, to work, on the road).
    production - thanks to the unique “LONG LIFE CUP” technology of preserving the strength of living beneficial bacteria that are part of the complex (in the cap), the activity of the product is ensured throughout the entire shelf life.
  5. This is high QUALITY
    in accordance with the GMP standard - a guarantee of the viability of bacteria until the end of the shelf life. Made in Spain.
  6. The microflora of the human intestine is a very important factor that determines the functioning of the entire organism.
    Qualitative and quantitative changes in the state of intestinal microflora, or its IMBALANCE

    (changes in the ratio of microorganisms - representatives of normal microflora and pathogenic bacteria) are a common cause of disruption of the digestive process, the functioning of the immune system, and atopic reactions. The balance of normal intestinal microflora is an important factor in the body's immune defense.

    Disturbance of microbial balance in the intestine is otherwise called intestinal dysbiosis. There can be many reasons that disrupt the balance of intestinal microflora and lead to dysbiosis: stress, unbalanced poor nutrition, poor diet, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and insufficient consumption of prebiotics (dietary fiber and polysaccharides). Also, the development of dysbiosis syndrome is possible during travel, with changes in climatic conditions and diet.

    Acipol® Active suspension is an innovative product of complex composition and action, containing:

    • Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus
    • Probiotic Bifidobacterium longum

  7. Prebiotic inulin
  8. Mineral zinc.

The action of Acipol® Active is due to the properties of the active components included in the composition, which enhance and complement each other’s action (according to scientific data):

  1. Lactobacillus (Lactobacillus rhamnosus)

    According to the results of clinical studies of the use of Lactobacillus, it was shown:

    • reducing the risk of developing microflora imbalance, including after taking drugs and agents that cause unfavorable changes in the qualitative or quantitative composition of the microbiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract; against the background of stress and errors in diet;
    • reduction in the frequency of colds;

  2. increase in nonspecific resistance of the body.
  3. What are the benefits of Lactobacillus (Lactobacillus rhamnosus)?

  • produce metabolites that selectively suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora;
  • have an immunomodulatory effect.


one study showed a significant reduction in body weight and fat mass when taking Lactobacillus rhamnosus and a prebiotic.

Lactobacilli promote the formation of lactic acid, and the acidic environment created in this way has a beneficial effect on the development of bifidobacteria, which are also present in the Acipol® Active suspension;

  • Bifidobacterium longum

    According to the results of clinical studies of the use of Bifidobacteria, it was shown:

    • contribute to the normalization of the processes of enzymatic digestion of food, peristalsis and evacuation of intestinal contents;
    • along with other representatives of the normal intestinal flora, they take an active part in digestion and absorption.

  • What are the benefits of Bifidobacterium longum?

    The presence of a sufficient amount of bifidobacteria in the intestine and the normal state (BALANCE) of the intestinal microflora contributes to the synthesis of vitamins in the intestine, better absorption of food components and optimization of metabolic processes in the body.

    A deficiency of bifidobacteria in the intestine can lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction.

    Bifidobacteria support normal processes of parietal digestion in the intestine.

    It is the complexes containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria (including Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium longum), according to a number of studies, that are characterized by good tolerability, a favorable safety profile, and the ability to reduce the risk of developing functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. An important property of the probiotics Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium longum is their ability to attach to the intestinal epithelium, thereby ensuring and strengthening its barrier functions, as well as supporting immunity.

  • Inulin

    Inulin is a prebiotic found in many plants. Serves as a food basis for the growth and reproduction of representatives of normal intestinal microflora (probiotics). Inulin not only promotes the growth and reproduction of its own beneficial intestinal microflora, but also stimulates intestinal motor activity, peristalsis, and optimization of the digestion process.

    Clinical studies have shown that inulin stimulates the growth and activity of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which helps maintain the normal composition of the microbiota. One of the main features of the substance is that it enters the intestines almost unchanged, where it becomes a breeding ground for bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

    Inulin affects lipid metabolism, which helps reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

  • Zinc

    It is part of the main enzymes and participates in various biochemical reactions; in the processes of synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids, in the stabilization of cell membranes, has immunomodulatory properties, and is necessary for repair (healing) processes.

  • Application area

    Acipol® Active suspension is recommended as a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of probiotic microorganisms (lactobacteria and bifidobacteria), zinc, and inulin.

    The ingredients of Acipol® Active comprehensively help restore the balance of intestinal microflora, strengthen the immune system, and accelerate the body’s adaptation processes.

    The complex can be used on the recommendation of a doctor in cases of imbalance in the intestinal microflora associated with the use of drugs that suppress one’s own normal microflora (including antibiotics), with a change in climate, usual diet, manifestations of atopic reactions, and during seasonal surges of colds.

    Recommendations for use

    Inside, during meals. Adults: 1 bottle 1 time per day with meals. Duration of treatment – ​​1 month.

    Before use, it is necessary to combine/mix the filler in the bottle and the concentrate of active substances contained in the cap, according to the visual instructions:

    1. press firmly on the dispenser cap;
    2. wait until the contents of the dispenser cap enter the bottle;
    3. shake the bottle thoroughly;
    4. open the lid and drink the suspension;
    5. If desired, the prepared suspension can be mixed with drinks at room temperature (water, fruit juice, yogurt, etc.). Do not mix with hot milk or other hot liquids!

    Use the suspension immediately after preparation. The prepared suspension cannot be stored.


    Individual intolerance to components. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

    Storage conditions

    Store in original, unopened packaging out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Do not freeze.

    Release form

    A bottle with a liquid filler and a concentrate of the active substance for preparing a suspension. Bottles with a volume of 10 ml. 1, 5, 10 bottles per package.

    Sales to the public through pharmacy chains and specialized stores, departments of retail chains.

    Best before date

    2 years from the date of manufacture.

    Certificate of state registration

    No. RU.77.9988.003.E.002607.06.17 dated 06/08/2017


    Erbozeta, SpA, Strada delle Seriole 41/43 ZI Gualdicciolo 47894, Chiesanuova, Republic of San Marino, for AB-Biotics, SA, Spain


    Pharmstandard LLC, 123317, Russia, Moscow, st. Testovskaya, house 10..

    Organization that receives complaints from consumers

    PJSC "OTCIPHARM", 123317, Russia, Moscow, st. Testovskaya, house 10..

    Instructions, PDF version
    Where to buy

    Indications for use

    Acipol is prescribed for a number of diseases associated with the development of dysbiosis and its prevention.

    Acipol is used in the presence of the following problems:

    • acute intestinal infections, for example, salmonellosis, rotavirus gastroenteritis;
    • colitis;
    • enterocolitis;
    • course of antibiotic treatment;
    • allergy;
    • diseases of the respiratory system;
    • atopic dermatitis.

    It is also a mild laxative for the treatment of constipation, even of a prolonged nature. In addition, Acipol is used to increase immunity.

    Atsipol is produced in Russia. The drug has been well studied by specialists and has a high degree of evidence of use, supported by actual figures.


    The anti-bloating drug Acipol has virtually no contraindications. However, patients with lactose intolerance and an allergic reaction to other components of the drug should refrain from using this drug. No side effects of the drug were identified, however, in case of lactose intolerance, flatulence and abdominal upset may increase. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use expired medicine.

    Recommended doses and method of taking Acipol

    How much can you drink at one time, how long to treat with this remedy? How should it be taken? A doctor must answer these questions correctly, because the daily dose is selected individually, depending on the severity of health problems.

    Most often, the drug is produced in capsules. Adults are recommended to drink Acipol no more than 4 times a day, 1 capsule. If the disease is diagnosed as intestinal infections, then the course of treatment lasts 5-8 days.

    If Acipol is prescribed as a prophylactic, then you should take 1 piece per day. In this case, the drug is prescribed for up to 15 days.

    Acipol for constipation

    The drug is valued for its excellent relief of constipation. Acipol works gently, removing the main cause of constipation. The probiotic improves the functioning of the intestinal microflora.

    Benefits for constipation:

    • there is no addiction;
    • does not harm pregnant women;
    • no age restrictions;
    • Suitable for women during breastfeeding.

    Acipol helps soften stool that has accumulated in the body and caused constipation. As a result, defecation occurs naturally, without pain.

    For problems with defecation, Atsipol is prescribed:

    • with dysbacteriosis;
    • as a prophylactic;
    • to tidy up the intestinal microflora;
    • to strengthen the walls of the colon;
    • for chronic constipation;
    • with increased flatulence;
    • to improve the absorption of nutrients by the body.

    This probiotic can be given to children starting at 3 months of age for constipation. During pregnancy, especially in later stages, women often encounter problems with bowel movements. Acipol is not dangerous to the health of the woman and the fetus, so it can be used during this period.

    Acipol for children

    The drug is actively used to treat a number of intestinal diseases. Acipol can be taken even by small children.

    Acipol is given to children according to the following scheme:

    • for newborns up to 3 months – not prescribed;
    • from 3 months to 3 years – 1 capsule 3 times a day;
    • from 3 years to 14 years – 1 capsule 4 times a day.

    Young children should be given the contents in the capsule in dissolved form. It is best to do this in warm milk. Take a tablespoon of milk and dilute Acipol in it.

    Older children need to swallow the capsule; it is important that the child does not chew the shell. The medicine must be taken with food. For a child over 3 years of age, it is more effective to give Acipol 30 minutes before the start of a meal.

    If Acipol is prescribed for acute intestinal infection, then the course of treatment lasts 5-8 days. In addition, the medicine helps with a number of chronic diseases. As a rule, the child is underweight and dysbiosis is diagnosed.

    How to use the medicine

    Only a specialist can establish a drug treatment regimen. Treatment options depend on the severity of the problem and how the disease progresses. The capsule does not need to be cracked, but swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of drinking water.

    If the patient has an acute intestinal disease, then you need to drink 4 capsules per day 25 minutes before meals. The average duration of the treatment course is a week. It is not recommended to take longer than 10 days, while other probiotics are used for a long time. This is a significant advantage of the composition.

    Patients claim that the capsules are very convenient and easy to take, they are not large in size.

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