How to use calendula suppositories to treat hemorrhoids

Unpleasant sensations in the perianal area can occur in a young woman or an elderly man. The impetus for the onset of the disease is an inactive lifestyle, excess body weight, heavy physical activity, constipation due to poor nutrition, and heredity. If symptoms are detected, it is recommended to join a complex of therapy, which is impossible without suppositories with calendula for hemorrhoids - it will help reduce pain, itching, burning, reduce inflammation, and get rid of blood in the stool.

Properties of calendula

The flowers of the plant contain many substances that are beneficial to the body and have medicinal effects. Due to them, a therapeutic effect is achieved for hemorrhoids. The following active components of the plant can reduce the manifestations of the disease :

  • coumarin is a substance with an anticoagulant effect;
  • triterpenoids – organic compounds that have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • essential oils – have a suppressive effect on a number of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • flavonoids – substances that help strengthen capillary walls;
  • salicylic acid – gives an analgesic and antiseptic effect.

The composition of the plant is supplemented by microelements (potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper) and vitamins (provitamin A). This combination of beneficial substances in the plant allows it to be used for medicinal purposes for inflammation of hemorrhoids.

What does calendula contain?

Calendula (marigold) consists of substances and trace elements valuable for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  • bitterness (has a beneficial effect on digestion, preventing constipation);
  • saponins (lower blood pressure, eliminate swelling, reduce tension in the nervous system);
  • phytoncides (kill germs and bacteria, which reduces the risk of wound infection);

  • carotene (participates in the formation of skin cells, removes toxins);
  • essential oil (antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory);
  • resinous and tannin substances (increase blood clotting, stop bleeding of prolapsed nodes by forming a local blood clot, without disrupting blood circulation in neighboring tissues);
  • coumarins (anti-inflammatory effect in the anal area).

The chemical composition of the inflorescences is varied. Copper, manganese, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, selenium, contained in small concentrations, have a beneficial effect on the body and are involved in curing anal problems.

Herbal remedies

Calendula is recognized by official medicine as a medicinal plant , therefore it is used in various forms produced by the medical industry.


A good therapeutic effect can be obtained by using calendula ointment for hemorrhoids . This drug is produced by Borisov Medical Preparations Plant OJSC (Republic of Belarus) in an aluminum tube weighing 25 g under the name “Calendula”.

A product similar in composition, homeopathic ointment “Calendula” , is produced by Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory CJSC in tubes weighing 30 g. Novosibirsk Pharmaceutical Factory OJSC produces a drug under the same name in tubes of 25 and 40 g. The active component in these products – a high concentration aqueous solution of calendula flowers.

The ointment base can be represented by one of the following ingredients:

  • medical Vaseline;
  • lanolin;
  • white paraffin.

Any of these components of the ointment ensures its prolonged action , allowing the active substance to accumulate at the site of inflammation.

It is necessary to use ointments in the treatment of hemorrhoids according to the instructions . They are most effective for prolapsed hemorrhoids, as they quickly relieve swelling and inflammation.

It can be useful:

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The therapeutic effect is provided not only by ointments containing plant extract. A 70% tincture of calendula flowers actively . To treat hemorrhoids, it is used in the form of microenemas, for sitz baths or compresses: 1 teaspoon of tincture is diluted with a glass of water.

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The procedures are done in a course . The volume of the administered calendula tincture solution should be no more than 100 ml. Alternating procedures gives a good effect during exacerbation of the disease, since calendula tincture has an antimicrobial effect.

Rectal suppositories

For internal hemorrhoids, the best results are obtained by using rectal suppositories with calendula , since the drug has a targeted effect on the lesion of the rectum. You can purchase ready-made candles in the pharmacy chain.

Making suppositories at home

Experience proves that calendula for hemorrhoids is a proven remedy. In order not to give up the healing effect of the plant due to intolerance to the additional components of the candles, they are prepared independently.

The base is alcohol tincture. Use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry calendula flowers. Pour 5 tbsp. spoons of alcohol, place the resulting mixture in an airtight container and leave at room temperature for a week.

Drain the finished tincture, add butter, stirring in a water bath, until it reaches a uniform consistency. The mixture is frozen in the refrigerator, poured into molds. Treatment with homemade suppositories is carried out as if purchased from a pharmacy.

The effectiveness of suppositories

The greatest effect from the use of suppositories with calendula in the treatment of the disease appears in the initial stages of the pathological process. The active substances included in the suppositories prevent its progression.


Using rectal suppositories with calendula has a number of advantages:

  • easy to apply;
  • safety and naturalness of ingredients;
  • possibility of combination with other drugs;
  • rapid reduction of symptoms;
  • high degree of pain relief;
  • quick relief of swelling of hemorrhoids;
  • prevention of relapse after treatment.

These suppositories are most effective for stages 1 and 2 of hemorrhoids.


The use of suppositories with calendula in the treatment of hemorrhoids can cause undesirable allergic effects such as itching, hyperemia or peeling of the skin in the anal area. This reaction of the body may occur due to individual intolerance to individual components that make up the suppositories.

If such symptoms appear during treatment , use of the drug should be stopped and therapy should be adjusted according to the doctor’s recommendation.

Rules for using candles

For treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to follow the specialist’s recommendations and instructions to reduce discomfort and clinical manifestations of the disease.

Standard scheme

Depending on the stage of the disease or the time of onset of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, a specific treatment regimen with calendula suppositories is recommended. The initial manifestations of pathology require the prescription of one suppository per day. If the exacerbation of the process becomes protracted, double use of the drug is prescribed.

Before treatment, the following measures must be taken::

  • cleanse the intestines by taking a laxative or using a cleansing enema;
  • carry out hygienic manipulations in the anal area;
  • while lying on your left side, pull your legs bent at the knees towards your stomach;
  • release the candle from its packaging and immediately insert it into the anal canal with your right hand, since it may begin to melt from the warmth of your hands;
  • after the manipulation, be in a horizontal position, lying on your stomach, for at least 30-40 minutes.

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Compliance with these rules will allow you to get the maximum result from therapy . The duration of the course of treatment is determined by a specialist.

Important! Exacerbation of hemorrhoids requires a correction of the diet with a transition to a gentle diet with the predominant consumption of fermented milk products, soups with weak meat or vegetable broth, and porridge with water.

For pregnant and lactating women

Pregnancy and lactation are not contraindications for the treatment of hemorrhoids with calendula suppositories. When a pregnant woman takes drugs with the plant internally, they are absorbed into the blood. This process can cause miscarriage or harm the unborn baby.

The active elements included in calendula suppositories act locally on the source of pathology , which eliminates their negative impact on the body. Hemorrhoids before and after childbirth are often diagnosed in women, so suppositories with calendula are often used in gynecology without harm to the mother and child.

How to use calendula suppositories

Suppositories for hemorrhoids are inserted into the anus 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days. The regimen and course of therapy vary depending on the nature of the disease and the patient’s condition. In the initial stages, one injection per day is enough.

For the effect of the rectal remedy to be effective, you should thoroughly empty your intestines before use. Doctors recommend an additional cleansing enema after defecation. Introduce the candle immediately after opening the package - the product quickly reacts to heat and melts in your hands. Recommended positions for inserting a suppository are knee-elbow, lying on your side.

After inserting an antihemorrhoidal suppository into the rectum, you must spend half an hour in a lying position so that the drug does not leak out and is absorbed.

You cannot use suppositories for hemorrhoids with calendula simultaneously with barbiturates and medications that contain:

  • ginseng;
  • poppy;
  • hop;
  • valerian.

Cooking at home

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, you can use suppositories with calendula not only from industrial production . Sometimes patients may experience an allergic reaction to the accompanying components included in the suppositories. In this case, you can make suppositories yourself.

This procedure involves preparing a decoction of calendula flowers in the proportion of 1 teaspoon of raw material per 250 ml of boiling water. The flowers are filled with water and boiled for 15 minutes, followed by infusion of the decoction for half an hour. The finished broth is cooled and filtered. This remedy can be used to prepare suppositories.

Reviews of candles with calendula

Natalya, Omsk, 39 years old: I try to be treated with folk remedies or natural ones. I had to face a misfortune - hemorrhoids. I consulted with my friends and went to see a doctor. He prescribed rectal suppositories containing calendula. I knew about the properties of the plant for a long time, so I boldly bought it and was surprised by the reasonable price and speed of action. After 3 days there was relief - no side effects.

Olesya, Kirov, 26 years old: Difficult pregnancy, large child. Consequence - knots came out around the rear hole. There is no time to treat right away; you can’t run to the doctors with your child. Launched. The nodes began to become inflamed, itchy and bleeding. The pain is terrible. I decided to ask advice at the pharmacy, they gave me rectal suppositories with calendula and told me to insert them twice a day. After two days the pain stopped, after a few days I stopped noticing blood. There are 7 suppositories left, I hope to forget about hemorrhoids.

Gennady, Izhevsk, 43 years old: I’m not enthusiastic about medicines in the form of suppositories in principle. With large hands it is difficult to hold a small slippery candle. While I inserted it, half of it remained on my fingers - it melted before my eyes. I lay there for 30–35 minutes, went about my business, and began to feel something leaking. It’s uncomfortable to use, although the pain has subsided and it doesn’t itch much.

Maria, Kazan, 48 years old: I sat at work and got hemorrhoids, an extra 30 kg of weight. Occasionally I scratched the problem area, then it started to get hot. During hygiene procedures I felt nodules. I decided not to resort to chemicals and try to cure it with herbs. I found information about calendula. I went to the pharmacy to buy dried flowers to prepare a decoction for washing, the pharmacist advised me to take suppositories based on calendula extract. I used the decoction and suppositories at the same time. After 10 days, there was no trace left of the nodes and itching. At the initial stage of the disease, suppositories helped.

Nina, Rostov, 56 years old: The hard work of a village resident led to a painful illness. I tried to ignore the slight discomfort. When the pain intensified, I turned to a local paramedic and referred her to a doctor. When the blood began to flow, the bumps came out, I had to go to the doctor. He said that it had already started, the operation would help. To alleviate suffering, he advised me to buy a package of suppositories with calendula for hemorrhoids. Indeed, the pain began to subside, even the bumps decreased, and the bleeding was less frequent. It's a pity that I didn't use the product earlier.

To eliminate the early symptoms of hemorrhoids, it is better to use calendula-based suppositories. Numerous positive reviews show that the effect of the drug extends to the first signs of the disease, stopping bleeding, healing of wounds and cracks.

Contraindications and side effects

Rectal suppositories with calendula provide a pronounced therapeutic effect in the treatment of hemorrhoids. However, their use is not always possible. There are certain contraindications to the prescription, which are determined by the following conditions of the body :

  • complication of hemorrhoids with the development of paraproctitis;
  • prolonged heavy bleeding;
  • strangulation of hemorrhoids;
  • acute infections (tuberculosis, hepatitis);
  • persistent hypotension;
  • diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2;
  • chronic pathologies of internal organs in the acute stage;
  • the patient's serious condition due to primary or secondary immunodeficiency;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

A side effect from the use of calendula suppositories can manifest itself individually in the form of itching, burning, rashes and hyperemia around the anus. The appearance of even one of these symptoms requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor with subsequent correction of the treatment process.


Calendula suppositories offered by the pharmacy chain have their own analogues . They differ in composition, but have the same therapeutic effect of treatment. These drugs have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, vasoconstrictor, regenerating effects. These include:

  • “Relief” – ointment and suppositories;
  • “Procto-Glyvenol” – suppositories;
  • “Olestesin” – candles;
  • “Ultraproct” – ointment;
  • “Neo-Anuzol” – candles.

Therapeutic effects of calendula suppositories

The form of the drug is used for local targeted action on areas of damage to the rectum. Rectal suppositories can:

  • slow down inflammation;
  • relieve pain;
  • eliminate itching and burning;
  • reduce swelling;
  • stop bleeding of nodes;
  • destroy pathogenic organisms;
  • improve trophism of rectal tissue;
  • accelerate the healing of cracks.

The expected effect of calendula suppositories is more pronounced in the early stages of the disease. In advanced forms, the drug is recommended to be used in combination with other drugs after consultation with a proctologist.

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