Almagel during pregnancy: release form, instructions for use

The period of waiting for a child brings not only joy. Often, expectant mothers experience difficulties associated with the state of the gastrointestinal tract. In practice, this manifests itself in unpleasant abdominal distension, heartburn, nausea and pain.

Almagel is known as a remedy that relieves these unwanted symptoms. Since most medications are prohibited during pregnancy, it is worth figuring out whether Almagel can be taken or whether it should be abandoned. Let's figure out whether Almagel can be used for pregnant women?

Composition of the drug and release form

Almagel contains magnesium and aluminum hydroxides. It is the presence of these compounds that determines its action. Both components neutralize hydrochloric acid. By interacting with them, gastric juice turns into neutral compounds that do not affect the mucous membranes, and heartburn goes away.

The aluminum oxide content is three times higher than the amount of magnesium. Aluminum produces a fixing effect, magnesium has a laxative effect. Due to this proportion of active ingredients, constipation is sometimes a side effect of taking the drug.

The product is available in the form of a gel, packaged in sachets and bottles, as well as in tablets. Using the drug in liquid form has an undeniable advantage - a quick action, due to which stomach discomfort decreases within a few minutes.

In addition, the medicinal gel, which covers the mucous membranes of the stomach with a thin, uniform layer, acts longer and more effectively than the medicine in another form. It is produced in several modifications, which can be easily distinguished by the color of the packaging. This helps the patient quickly understand the intricacies of using the drug.

The green package contains the medicine on the basis of which all subsequent varieties were synthesized, which is why it is called classic.

There are two more variants of Almagel, the color of the packaging indicates the presence of additional components:

  • The orange package with the inscription Almagel Neo contains a drug with the addition of simethicone. The medicine relieves flatulence, reduces the manifestations of stomach and intestinal colic. It should be taken into account that doctors do not recommend using Almagel Neo during pregnancy. In exceptional cases, a single dose of the drug is possible after consulting a doctor.
  • The medicine in the yellow package (Almagel A) is prescribed for stomach pain, as it contains the analgesic benzocaine. The presence of this component is a contraindication for use during pregnancy; it can cause destruction of red blood cells in the fetus. As a last resort, the doctor allows a single dose of the drug.

Tablets are less popular. They act more slowly, are less well tolerated by patients, and have more side effects.

Tablets or suspension?

Almagel is produced in tablet form and as a suspension. Experts recommend using a suspension. If you are worried not only about heartburn, but also about pain, then it is better to take Almagel A. If flatulence and bloating are added to the discomfort from heartburn, then you should opt for Almagel Neo.

However, these 2 forms are prohibited for pregnant women. The combination of simethicone with the standard components of Almagel is dangerous for the unborn baby. Benzocaine, like other anesthetics, should also be excluded from the list of drugs available for use. Although according to the instructions, Almagel A can be drunk for no more than 3 days.

Effect of the drug

Heartburn in pregnant women is caused by pressure from the enlarged uterus on the stomach. Therefore, part of the food eaten, exposed to gastric juice, moves back into the esophagus.

High levels of progesterone during gestation relax the pylorus of the stomach, which facilitates the reverse movement of the bolus. Hydrochloric acid from the gastric juice acts on the mucous membranes of the esophagus, causing heartburn and sour belching.

Once in the body, the medicine produces the following effect:

  • neutralizes hydrochloric acid;
  • relieves symptoms of toxicosis, reducing nausea, gagging, belching;
  • relieves pain and relieves stomach spasms;
  • protects the digestive organs from the harmful effects of other medications or poor quality food.

Indications and contraindications

Pregnant women can take Almagel for the following symptoms: heartburn, belching, increased gas formation, toxicosis, stomach pain after eating, intestinal colic.

These complaints may be due to exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract during pregnancy, such as:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum;
  • esophagitis caused by impaired peristalsis and reflux of gastric contents into the lower parts of the esophagus;
  • enteritis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • gastritis with high acidity. Read more about the treatment of gastritis during pregnancy →

The drug has contraindications. These include kidney disease, individual intolerance to components, mental disorders (Alzheimer's disease).

Is Almagel prescribed during pregnancy?

Almagel can cause constipation.

The instructions for all products called Almagel note that the product can be taken during pregnancy. However, there is also the caveat “with caution.”

It is believed that these drugs can be taken continuously for a limited period of time, the duration of which is no more than 3 days, and they should be prescribed as a last resort.

These recommendations are not unfounded. Restrictive measures are associated with Almagel’s ability to cause constipation. During pregnancy, constipation becomes common, which again develops under the influence of an enlarged uterus, which constantly puts pressure on the intestines. Often in this situation, bowel movement is possible only with the use of additional means.

Of course, intensifying this problem with the help of Almagel can worsen the situation as a whole and significantly complicate the course of pregnancy. The second reason influencing the restrictions on taking Almagel is associated with such a side effect as saturating the body with magnesium. Since excess magnesium in the fetal body can provoke hypermagnesemia in the fetus, you can drink Almagel only in small quantities.

After all, hypermagnesemia is dangerous for the development of pathology of the nervous and circulatory systems. Usually Almagel is drunk to eliminate heartburn, which torments a woman for weeks. A 3-day intake will not help in this situation, but will only temporarily relieve symptoms. And if you do not listen to official recommendations, then you can quickly encounter an overdose, which will harm, first of all, the fetus.

You must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and do not increase the prescribed dose yourself. Usually it is recommended to take no more than 3 measuring spoons at a time, the number of doses per day is 3, maximum 4. Almagel has a number of contraindications that should also be taken into account by pregnant women.

It is necessary to refuse Almagel if there are malfunctions of the kidneys, individual intolerance, or Alzheimer's disease.

Side effects

Like any medicine, Almagel may have unwanted effects. If the dose and rules of administration are violated, a woman may experience nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. There may be changes in taste sensations, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and instability of the emotional background.

A tendency to constipation is typical during pregnancy, as the enlarging uterus puts pressure on the lower parts of the large intestine, making defecation difficult. While taking the drug, stool retention occurs more often. This limits the duration of taking the drug.

Almagel should not be taken for a long time, as it contains magnesium. This microelement provides the main effects of the drug and is practically not absorbed into the blood. But with prolonged uncontrolled use of the medicine, the components enter the body of the unborn child. It is believed that magnesium in high concentrations entering the fetal blood can disrupt the formation of the central nervous system and circulatory organs.

Is it possible to take Almagel during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, doctors usually prescribe a gel in green packaging, as it is the safest. The product has an antacid effect only due to the main components.

In the early stages

During the first trimester, it is advisable for a woman to refuse any medications, since at this time the formation of the baby’s vital organs occurs. With the approval of your doctor, you can take Almagel once to relieve stomach discomfort.

In the later stages

Almagel is used starting from the second trimester of pregnancy after examination and diagnosis. But even during this period, you can drink it for no more than three days, due to its strengthening effect and possible effect on the fetus with long-term use.

The medicine has some advantages compared to other antacids:

  • quick help, including for overeating;
  • pleasant taste;
  • adequate price;
  • has only a local effect, not absorbed into the blood;
  • gives results even with a single dose.


If you use Almagel during pregnancy, you should carefully study the instructions. It is recommended to drink the medicine half an hour before meals, 1-2 scoops, which are applied to the package. Before use, you need to shake the bottle with the drug several times.

You can use Almagel three times a day; in case of severe heartburn, you are additionally allowed to drink the product before bed. After taking it, it is advisable to take a horizontal position so that the medicine evenly envelops the gastric mucosa.

After using the drug, the following are prohibited:

  • any drinks within an hour;
  • physical activity and brisk walking.

During pregnancy, Almagel is an effective and proven medicine. It acts quickly, is not absorbed into the blood, and is safe for the fetus if the rules of use are followed. The instructions for use attached to each package of the drug will tell you how best to use it, but self-medication is unacceptable.

If the expectant mother suffers from chronic gastritis or stomach ulcers, she needs to pay more attention to her health even before pregnancy. During pregnancy, such women should carefully follow medical recommendations regarding lifestyle and proper nutrition to avoid worsening the situation.

Author: Olga Shchepina, doctor, especially for

Causes of abdominal discomfort in pregnant women

The cause of discomfort in pregnant women may be overeating.

The main reason for the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area is compression of the internal organs under the influence of the increasing size of the uterus.

The stomach, intestines, and kidneys find themselves in a forced displaced position, which provokes the appearance of pain.

The pressure on the esophagus generally impedes the passage of food, causing significant discomfort, causing heartburn.

The second important reason is overeating, which women do under the influence of increased appetite. By eating an extra portion, they worsen the condition, because there is already not enough space in the abdominal cavity for the normal arrangement of internal organs. However, one should not think that poor appetite and nausea caused by toxicosis cause less harm than overeating. Lack of food is also a big burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

Women who have encountered diseases of the digestive system even before pregnancy are at greatest risk. All chronic diseases in most cases enter the acute stage at different stages of pregnancy.

From simple gastritis to serious ulcers, all diseases require medical intervention. If you do not use supportive therapy, you can worsen the condition and cause unnecessary pain.

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