Almagel: instructions for use will introduce you to the drug

Pain relief and protection

An attack of heartburn or prolonged pain in the stomach does not allow a person to concentrate and makes him think about medications more and more often, and a yellow coating on the tongue becomes a harbinger of gastritis. Almagel becomes a good helper in this case: its effect develops in the first 5 minutes, and the medicine continues to work for up to 3 hours. Unfortunately, sometimes the usual suspension is not available in the home medicine cabinet.

Traditional medicine is also not always equally useful: taking the same soda to reduce acidity is contraindicated for peptic ulcers and can lead to bleeding. When trying to replace Almagel, it is better to use other drugs with a similar effect - fortunately, in this case the patient has a wide choice.

Side effects

The drug can cause drowsiness, changes in taste, nausea, vomiting, constipation, stomach pain, and phosphorus deficiency in the body. A person may also experience calcium excretion in the urine and osteomalacia, that is, insufficient mineralization of bone tissue.

Each case is individual and causes side effects due to a number of reasons. That is why it is worthwhile to carefully study your pain symptoms, consult with your doctor and determine the optimal individual course.

Indications for use of Almagel

Almagel is available in the form of a suspension and works due to aluminum hydroxide gel and magnesium hydroxide paste. The active ingredients react with hydrochloric acid in the stomach and reduce acidity along with the activity of pepsin. An additional benefit from taking it is that Almagel creates a protective layer on the gastric mucosa, which saves it from the aggressive effects of any factors.

These effects are enough to get rid of heartburn. Almagel’s protection is also useful in more severe situations, when it is necessary not only to extinguish excess acid, but also to ensure natural tissue healing. These options include:

  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the digestive system: enteritis, gastritis, colitis duodenitis.
  • Erosion and acute stage of ulcerative diseases of the stomach and intestines (for example, duodenal ulcer).

  • Pancreatitis during exacerbation.
  • Hiatal hernia and reflux: gastroesophageal, duodenogastric, reflux esophagitis. The word “reflux” means the reverse flow of contents, throwing them into a previously located organ.

Almagel can be taken in advance before taking a medicine that irritates the stomach. It can also relieve unpleasant symptoms of alcohol intoxication. In any case, the drug is almost not absorbed, so side effects are rare.

Almagel: description of the drug

Almagel must be used strictly according to the instructions

Its main effect is considered to be the ability to neutralize hydrochloric acid, which is regularly present in human gastric juice. This ability is achieved with the help of the most active component - aluminum hydroxide, which, reacting with hydrochloric acid, begins to form aluminum chloride.

Thus, acid neutralization is ensured, and the magnesium hydroxide present localizes aluminum chloride and prevents constipation. Almagel acts in different directions, possessing the following types of agents:

  • antacids;
  • gastroprotective;
  • enveloping;
  • adsorbent.

Thus, the D-sorbitol present in it provides a laxative effect, creating increased bile secretion. The entire reaction to neutralize acidity occurs smoothly, without creating additional discomfort. That is why the pH level in the stomach does not form an alkaline environment, which allows for proper water-electrolyte balance. In addition, stone formation in the urinary tract is prevented.

The use of the drug for pain syndromes provides anesthesia with the active substance benzocaine. Its gel consistency makes it possible to distribute it more evenly when it reaches the gastric mucosa. It is this method of application that provides the longest lasting effect and real help.

Just 5 minutes are enough for the drug to begin its effect. Its single dose activates the substance for 70 minutes.

Features of drug dosing

Adults Almagel need to drink 1-2 scoops; After eating, 45-60 minutes should pass, and the total number of doses is 3-4 times per day. One portion of the medicine is indicated in the evening: Almagel is used before going to bed. Sometimes the dose at one time is increased to 3 scoops of the medicine, but later, when the effect becomes noticeable, in all cases they switch to one scoop three or four times a day. Treatment is continued for 15-20 days.

Up to 10 years of age, Almagel is contraindicated, although sometimes children are given a third of the amount of medication for an adult. From 10 to 15 years, half the adult dose is used. The effect of Almagel on pregnancy and its excretion in mother's milk have not been studied. Having assessed the risks, the medicine can be taken for no longer than 5-6 days.

Almagel is a suspension, so the bottle with it must be shaken before each use.

In case of acute pancreatitis, treatment with Almagel begins only 2 or even 3 weeks after the attack. A mild form of inflammation of the pancreas makes taking it possible during therapeutic fasting. For gastritis with low acidity, it is more effective to use medications from other groups: for example, enzymes.

Types of Almagel

Classic Almagel stands out in the medicine cabinet: it comes in green packaging. However, even if it is not there, there may be other options for the medicine at home: Almagel with yellow (Almagel A) or orange (Almagel neo) elements of the pack. When you first get acquainted with the types of Almagel, it is difficult to guess what the difference is just by packaging or name. In fact, while maintaining the main components and their effects, other options contain additional active ingredients. Their indications and dosage for adults are almost no different from those of classic Almagel.

Painkiller Almagel A

Almagel A contains benzocaine. This is an anesthetic substance, thanks to which the medicine provides help more quickly in difficult situations. It is beneficial to start treatment with Almagel A for acute pain and vomiting, and then switch to the usual form of medication. Children under 1 month should not drink this product; Doctors sometimes prescribe 1/3 of the adult dose to a child under 10 years of age. Pregnant women can be treated with Almagel A for no more than 3 days, and during lactation it is better not to drink the suspension at all.

Reducing gas formation Almagel Neo

This version of Almagel includes a simethicone emulsion. The component destroys gas bubbles in the intestines and prevents new ones from forming, so flatulence and fermentative dyspepsia are added to the indications of the medicine. They drink it in a slightly larger dosage: for treating adults, a suitable option is to take 2 scoops of the suspension at a time, which is repeated 4 times a day. If this amount of medicine is not enough to suppress symptoms, the dose can be doubled. The patient is given no more than 12 measuring spoons per day.

Any Almagel should not be taken in case of chronic renal failure: in such patients, magnesium and aluminum ions will not be excreted at the required rate.

Children over 10 are prescribed half the adult dose. Almagel Neo is not prescribed for pregnant women, and nursing mothers should be careful and take the medicine correctly.

When taking it, you should also not forget that it is not advisable to dilute any Almagel, and drink liquids after it only after 15-30 minutes.

Drug interactions

Almagel neo is an antacid drug

The interaction of Almagel Neo with many drugs has been studied. When taken simultaneously, Almagel Neo reduces the absorption of tetracycline antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, H2-antihistamines, and anti-tuberculosis drugs.

In this regard, it is recommended to take a break of two hours between taking these drugs. It is important to consider that simultaneous use of Almagel Neo with salicylates leads to increased excretion of salicylates by the kidneys due to alkalinization of urine.

In patients with renal failure, impaired excretion of hindin may occur with the development of hindin toxicity. Therefore, the drug cannot be taken with quinolines. Also, in patients with renal failure, an increase in aluminum levels may be observed as a result of simultaneous intake of aluminum hydroxide with citrates.

The combined use of Almagel with drugs in the form of tablets in an enteric coating can lead to premature dissolution of the coating, which will lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Replacement drugs

If no type of Almagel is found, other medicines will come to the rescue. Some of them reduce acidity, others coat the walls of the stomach and intestines, after which they remove toxins. There are substitutes with a mechanism of action very similar to Almagel; their differences mainly lie in the compositional features.

A drugActive substanceManufactureraverage price
Almagel suspension for oral administration 2.18 g + 350 mg / 5 mlAlgeldrate (aluminum hydroxide gel) Magnesium hydroxide pasteBALKANPHARMA-TROYAN AD (Bulgaria)229 rub.
Almagel A oral suspension 2.18 g + 350 mg + 109 mg/5 mlAlgeldrate (aluminum hydroxide gel) Magnesium hydroxide paste BenzocaineBALKANPHARMA-TROYAN AD (Bulgaria)296 rub.
Almagel neo oral suspension 340 mg + 395 mg + 36 mg/5 mlAlgeldrate (aluminum hydroxide gel) Magnesium hydroxide paste SimethiconeBALKANPHARMA-TROYAN AD (Bulgaria)248 rub.
Phosphalugel gel for oral administration 20% (12.38 g/20 g or 10.4 g/16 g)Aluminum phosphateASTELLAS PHARMA EUROPE BV (Netherlands)340 rub. for 20 bags
Maalox suspension for oral administration 3.5 g + 4 g/100 mlAluminum hydroxide (as gel) Magnesium hydroxide (as gel)ANOFI-AVENTIS FRANCE (France)386 rub.
Gaviscon oral suspension (mint) 500 mg + 267 mg + 160 mg/10 mlSodium alginate Sodium bicarbonate Calcium carbonateRECKITT BENCKISER HEALTHCARE (UK) Limited353 rub.
Omez enteric capsules 20 mgOmeprazoleD.R. REDDY`S LABORATORIES LTD. (India) 156 rub.
Omeprazole capsules 20 mgOmeprazoleSYNTHEZ JSC (Russia)35 rub.
Ranitidine film-coated tablets, 150 mgRanitidineOZONE LLC (Russia)46 rub.
Smecta suspension for oral administrationDiosmectiteIPSEN PHARMA (France)266 rub.

For convenience, replacement drugs can be divided into groups: acid neutralizers, agents to reduce its production, and coating agents to remove toxins. If the desire to drink Almagel arose due to an intestinal disorder, treatment of possible dysbiosis can speed up the medicine to restore the microflora. One of them will also be discussed below.

Hydrochloric acid neutralizers

This is how Maalox, Phosphalugel and Gaviscon work. Phosphalugel is sold in sachets in which a ready-made gel based on aluminum phosphate is packaged. Maalox has a more complex composition and is available in both suspension and chewable tablets. Gaviscon also has several forms of administration: you can find both different suspensions (including for pregnant women) and chewable tablets with mint flavor. All of these drugs simultaneously fight high acidity in the stomach and protect its mucous membrane from damage; they are indicated for use in the same cases as Almagel.

Phosphalugel - simple in composition

Phosphalugel is sometimes used for emergency treatment of nausea and diarrhea due to its ability to absorb toxins. The main contraindication for use is kidney problems. Harmlessness has been proven only for the third trimester of pregnancy, but the drug can be given to children at a very early age. Details can be seen in the table:

AgeAmount of medicinePeriodicityBefore or after meals
Up to six months1 teaspoonup to 6 times a dayafter
From six months to 6 years2 teaspoonsup to 4 times a dayafter
After 6 years1-2 whole sachets2-3 times a day and during attacks of pain- gastritis, indigestion - before meals; - diaphragmatic hernia, reflux esophagitis - after and at night; - problems with the large intestine - in the morning before meals and before bed; - ulcers - with pain and 1-2 hours after eating.

Drink the drug directly from the sachet or dilute it with water: about half a glass. For diarrhea, first take 2 sachets at once and continue to take 1 sachet per hour until 10 hours have passed without the urge. In case of alcohol poisoning, Phosphalugel is not diluted.

Maalox is an almost complete analogue of Almagel

Maalox suspension and tablets have an effect due to the gels of aluminum and magnesium hydroxides, which means that its work is as close as possible to Almagel. The drug is sometimes prescribed to pregnant women, although there is still no safety data; Maalox can be used during lactation. Contraindication: under 15 years of age. A certain advantage of the medicine is its tablet form.

  • The suspension is taken 1 tablespoon or a whole sachet three times a day. Sometimes the frequency is increased to 4 times a day. After eating you need to wait 1-2 hours; They take the medicine at night, as well as for pain. You should not consume more than 6 sachets per day.
  • Tablets are dissolved in 1 or 2 pieces 3-4 times a day, but no more than 12 during the day. The appointment is scheduled after meals; They also take pills at night.

For abdominal discomfort, drink 1 sachet of medicine or 1-2 tablets once. Reflux esophagitis requires a short wait from the moment of eating before consuming: usually half an hour is enough. In general, the course of treatment should not be delayed for more than 2 or 3 months.

Gaviscon - the choice against heartburn

Gaviscon suspension does not contain magnesium or aluminum, but works using a combination of sodium bicarbonate, sodium alginate and calcium carbonate. The gel that forms in the stomach lasts a long time (almost 4 hours), however, the indications for use of the drug are limited to manifestations of increased acidity and heartburn. Gaviscon is additionally available in the form of tablets, as well as a special suspension for pregnant women; all its variants have a mint flavor.

Gaviscon has almost no contraindications: it should not be used only by patients with allergies to components and children under 6 years of age.

The suspension is prescribed to adults 10-20 ml at a time. They drink it after meals and at night, and the daily dose does not exceed 80 ml.

For children from 6 to 12 years old, the dosage, including the daily dose, is halved. Patients of all ages can take tablets from 2 to 4 times a day; The reception mode is similar. Separately, it is worth noting that Gaviscon tablets are contraindicated for phenylketonuria.

Drugs that reduce acid production

Unlike Almagel, which neutralizes the secretion already accumulated in the stomach, such drugs block the very formation of hydrochloric acid; the only difference is in the mechanism. Omez and Omeprazole, similar to each other, intervene at the last stage of synthesis - proton transfer. Ranitidine blocks histamine H2 receptors and suppresses secretion caused by histamine, gastrin and acetylcholine. All drugs work for peptic ulcers, reflux esophagitis and problems caused by taking other medications, but their best effect is achieved when taken in a course.

Omez and Omeprazole

These medications are complete analogues and contain the same substance: omeprazole. Capsules are available in dosages of 10, 20 or 40 mg. Unlike Omez, Omeprazole capsules are cheap; they can easily replace an analogue. What makes omeprazole a good remedy against ulcers is its ability to destroy Helicobacter pylori; however, for the best effect, capsules are combined with antibacterial drugs and a special treatment regimen is followed.

The course of treatment with omeprazole is long: for example, for duodenal ulcers it is taken from 2 to 4 weeks, and for stomach damage - from 4 to 8 weeks. Omez capsules are allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but children are treated with them only for serious indications: gastroesophageal reflux disease from 2 years of age and duodenal ulcer from 4 years of age. Omeprazole capsules are not recommended for pregnant women.

The dosage depends on the disease. Thus, for peptic ulcers, adults are prescribed 20 mg of omeprazole per day, and conditions with increased secretion require a daily dose of 60 to 180 mg. In the latter case, the capsules are divided into 2-3 doses. Treatment of children requires 20 mg per day. Take capsules half an hour before meals: they should be washed down with half a glass of water.

Assistant in the treatment of ulcers - Ranitidine

Ranitidine tablets are used both in the treatment and prevention of peptic ulcers. Pregnant women cannot take them due to a lack of data on the effects; they begin taking them only from the age of 14. The daily dose of Ranitidine ranges from 300-450 mg to 600-900 mg (2 to 6 tablets). To prevent exacerbations, take one tablet before bedtime.

Drugs that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid are absorbed and work at the level of the whole organism. This means that they have more side effects than other possible Almagel alternatives. Taking the medicine can be overshadowed by headaches, indigestion or muscle pain, and sometimes the effects affect the endocrine system and hematopoiesis.

Drug overdose

Almagel neo. Pills

Overdose of Almagel Neo is rare. Taking high doses of the suspension can lead to the development of severe hypermagnesemia, the clinical manifestations of which are arterial hypotension, bradycardia, areflexia, drowsiness, weakness, paralysis, and respiratory failure.

In extremely rare cases, manifestations of metabolic alkalosis are observed: headaches, lethargy, neuromuscular irritability, convulsions, weakness.

If signs of a drug overdose appear, it is necessary to urgently organize its removal from the body. To do this, you should artificially induce vomiting, rinse the stomach, take an adsorbent drug and seek qualified medical help.

Smecta - removal of toxins

The main area of ​​application of Smecta is the treatment of diarrhea, including those caused by poisoning. The diosmectite in the composition not only coats the walls of the stomach, but also collects any toxins found in the digestive tract. Smecta is not absorbed, so harmful substances and bacteria leave the gastrointestinal tract with it. This property is useful for both infections and alcohol poisoning; The sachets also calm nausea, heartburn and abdominal pain. Compared to Almagel, Smecta sorbs substances better.

The suspension is prescribed to both pregnant women and children - even infants. For the latter, the medicine can be mixed in liquid food or water in a bottle. The frequency of use depends on the age and severity of the disorder.

  • For children under one year old - with severe diarrhea, 2 sachets per day, followed by switching to a sachet per day. For less severe conditions, drink the contents of one sachet per day.

  • For children over one year old - in case of severe disorder, 4 sachets per day for the first 3 days, after that - 2 sachets per day. In other cases, 2-3 sachets are taken per day.
  • Adults with acute diarrhea drink 6 sachets per day, and in all other cases - 3 sachets.

Take Smecta in between meals. The exception is esophagitis. For this disease, the suspension is used after meals.

Treatment of the cause of dysbiosis

Digestive problems can cause disturbances in the microflora. In this case, a medicine to normalize it can solve the problem. Such remedies do not act quickly, but their effect helps to forget about diarrhea and signs of bloating for a long time.

Hilak Forte - drops that are taken orally; They are sold in a bottle or sachet with a precisely measured amount of medicine for one dose. The drug works due to the aqueous substrate of metabolic products of several representatives of the natural microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hilak Forte restores the population of beneficial bacteria and does not cause side effects at any age.

Drops are taken for symptoms of diarrhea, colitis, indigestion, and skin diseases of an allergic nature.

They cannot be diluted with milk, but other liquids are suitable. Infants are prescribed 15-30 drops of Hilak Forte per dose, children - from 20 to 40 drops. Adults can take 40-60 drops at a time. In all cases, the medicine is taken three times a day before meals or simultaneously with meals, and if the patient feels better, the dose is reduced by half. Possible use in early pregnancy.

Side effects

Taking the drug may provoke the development of some side effects, including an allergic reaction, nausea, impaired taste, constipation, and diarrhea. Long-term therapy with the drug or treatment with large doses over a significant period of time can manifest itself as a decrease in the concentration of calcium and phosphorus in the blood serum, increased calcium in the urine, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, hypermagnesemia, hyperaluminemia, encephalopathy, nephrocalcinosis, renal failure.

Taking the medication by patients with renal failure may be accompanied by thirst, decreased blood pressure, and hyporeflexia. During treatment with the drug, a feeling of numbness of the oral mucosa and tongue may occur. This is a temporary phenomenon that does not require discontinuation of the drug and special therapeutic measures.

Dependence of replacement on symptoms

To find a worthy replacement for Almagel, you need to clearly understand what effect the patient ultimately needs. Classic Almagel (green) reduces acidity and creates a protective layer, Almagel A (yellow) additionally has an analgesic effect, and Neo (orange) treats gas formation. In exactly the same way, Fofalugel, Maalox and Gaviscon combine pH reduction and protection; taken mainly for peptic ulcers and reduce acid production Omez, Omeprazole and Ranitidine. Smecta collects and removes toxins, stopping diarrhea, and Hilak Forte does not immediately relieve symptoms, but normalizes the microflora.

For heartburn and pain, Gaviscon, Maalox or Phosphalugel will have the fastest effect. If we are talking about things in which alcohol is involved, it would be wiser to choose Smecta. Reducing acidity through blocking will have an effect in case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer or gastritis. Do not forget that the compatibility of any gels and sorbents with other drugs is conditional. To prevent some of the active ingredients from being removed from the body without producing an effect, any medications must be taken at least an hour after Almagel, Smecta or Maalox.

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