Treatment of opisthorchiasis with folk remedies at home

The causative agents of opisthorchiasis are liver helminths. They parasitize the cells of the liver and pancreas. Usually the disease develops slowly, its symptoms are vague. Pronounced symptoms appear already at the stage when organs are affected by helminthiasis. Treatment should be carried out only after consultation with a specialist and examination for the presence of parasites. Therapy must be comprehensive. Treatment of opisthorchiasis with folk remedies should be carried out only in combination with medications.


Clinical manifestations of the disease are associated with the severity of parasite infections and the timing of opisthorchid entering the organs. Opisthorchiasis can be acute or chronic. An exacerbation of the disease usually progresses from a month to two, sometimes the pathological process can last longer. In a chronic course, the disease can develop from 15 to 25 years, sometimes longer.

In the acute stage, the clinical picture is as follows:

  • hyperthermia,
  • the presence of rashes on the epidermis that resemble rashes with urticaria.

After a certain period of time, the patient experiences pain, discomfort or heaviness in the iliac region, the liver and gall bladder increase in size. Subsequently, nausea, bouts of vomiting, systematic heartburn, upset stool, and bloating appear . When performing fibrogastroscopy, erosive lesions and ulcers are detected on the surface of the gastric mucosa. Sometimes the development of opisthorchiasis is accompanied by symptoms that become more pronounced as asthma progresses.

The chronic form of the disease in its manifestations resembles the symptoms of cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis in the chronic stage:

  • the presence of constant painful sensations, most often they are paroxysmal, similar in severity to an attack of biliary colic, while the pain can radiate to the right side of the sternum,
  • Opisthorchiasis in adults is also accompanied by dyspeptic symptoms and gallbladder dyskinesia.

Over time, the organs of the abdominal cavity and intestinal tract are involved in pathological processes, due to this symptoms appear that are more reminiscent of gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, and intestinal tract dysfunction.

Opisthorchis parasitize slowly, but the damage from their activity is significant . Often such parasites cause disturbances in the central nervous system, which is manifested by deterioration in working capacity, irritability, sleep disturbances, headaches, and dizziness. Tremor of the eyelids and upper extremities also appears. This is complemented by weakness, increased physical and mental fatigue. Sometimes the very first symptom is a disturbance in the central nervous system.

Manifestations of chronic opisthorchiasis in adults resemble allergies - itching of the epidermis, urticaria, Quincke's edema, arthralgia, allergic reactions of a food nature. The peculiarity of the chronic form of the disease is that when people completely get rid of opisthorchiasis, they are left with irreversible pathological changes in the internal organs - these are chronic diseases: hepatitis, gastritis.

Such people are recommended to take an additional course after opisthorchiasis is treated at home. It is important for them to restore or at least improve the functions of the digestive system.

The most dangerous consequences of opisthorchiasis are: peritonitis of the gallbladder, cirrhosis, pathological processes in the pancreas and abdominal organs.

Mechanism of infection

This type of parasite enters the human body in the following way: a carrier already infected with opisthorchiasis, along with feces, releases into the environment the eggs of the parasites living in it. They are consumed by mollusks or adult fish, most often freshwater ones.

The larvae settle in this intermediate host, and then enter the body of another person with the same fish. This happens when people consume seafood after poor heat treatment.


All therapeutic measures for the treatment of opisthorchiasis should be carried out only after a preliminary examination and consultation with a doctor - gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist or parasitologist. Procedures such as BRT or Argo may also be used for treatment. Along with medications, opisthorchiasis is treated with folk remedies so that the process of getting rid of parasites goes faster.

Birch tar

How to cure opisthorchiasis with folk remedies? Getting rid of the disease at home using folk methods involves using different means, sometimes even unusual ones. One of them is tar from opisthorchiasis. Treatment of opisthorchiasis with birch tar involves the use of a diluted product.

Tar is added to water, milk, vegetable or fruit juices, and mineral water. Take the liver remedy before your main meal. Treatment of opisthorchiasis with tar is carried out in a course - the drug is consumed for nine days, after which a three-week break is taken, again drink birch tar, break again, three times. Detailed algorithm for treatment with birch tar by day:

  • 2 drops per glass of liquid.
  • 4 units.
  • 6 units.
  • 8 drops.
  • 10 units.
  • 8 units.
  • 6 drops.
  • 4 units.
  • 2 pieces.

This folk remedy can also be used in another way: add 1 drop to a teaspoon of vegetable or fruit puree. This liver treatment with birch is more suitable for children.

Linden ash and aspen bark

How to remove opisthorchiasis using linden ash? Reviews say that the liver can be cured of parasites using linden ash. This remedy helps to treat at home not only opisthorchiasis, but also other helminthic diseases. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that linden contains certain substances - saponins and tannins, which have powerful antiparasitic properties.

How to treat opisthorchiasis at home using linden ash:

  • Find a linden tree. Cut down a few small branches.
  • Dry them a little and then burn them. For a course of treatment you will need 14 dessert spoons of the product.
  • For three days, consume a teaspoon of ash three times a day, washed down with milk.
  • On the fourth day, drink only in the morning. In the evening, begin a course of cleansing the liver and bile with lingonberry tea or decoction.
  • Cleanse the organs for two weeks after treatment with ash.
  • Repeat the course of treatment with ash, cleanse the liver again.

If you cannot find linden, you can replace it with aspen bark. According to its principle of action, this remedy is similar to linden ash. Aspen bark is also burned and taken in powder form. Aspen bark is taken according to the above course, after therapy with aspen bark, cleanse the liver and gall bladder using rhubarb root or lingonberry decoction. Such methods establish etching and remove parasites from the body.


Folk remedies for opisthorchiasis suggest the use of garlic. This remedy helps in removing liver parasites and cleanses internal organs. Make a decoction of several cloves of garlic, dissolve in a glass of milk, drink in the morning after waking up.

Treatment for a person lasts for three days , after which you begin to take herbs - cloves, yarrow, wormwood. Mix in equal proportions and add boiling water. When infused, drink for three weeks.


How to get rid of opisthorchiasis at home using celandine? Removing worms from the body through celandine is an effective way. Prepare celandine kvass. You will need a glass of dried and crushed plant leaves. Place in any glass container, add a glass of sugar, 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream and 2 liters of whey.

Let it sit for two weeks. Take the finished product, half a glass three times a day.


According to the statements of many people who treated helminthic infestations with the help of this herb, you can get rid of the problem in 1 day.

Take a glass of dry dried raw materials, pour a liter of boiling water. Let it sit overnight, strain in the morning, drink two tablespoons three times a day.

Flaxseed and cloves

Has anyone cured chronic opisthorchiasis with flax and cloves? According to many, flax seeds are an excellent way to remove parasites from the body. To do this, take a tablespoon of the component, pour a glass of boiling water, infuse it, and drink it in two doses.

Clove infusions are also effective methods against opisthorchiasis. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of cloves and drink in one serving. The course of treatment is three days, then take a break for a week and repeat the therapy again. The worms leave the body after a few days.

Herbal infusions

Herbal infusions are effective in the treatment of helminthic infestations. It is recommended to mix St. John's wort, cumin, dandelion leaves, celandine, sweet clover, tansy, buckthorn bark, and coriander.

The listed herbs can also be used as independent remedies by pouring boiling water over them and then drinking throughout the day instead of water. You can add vodka or triple cologne to create a tincture. Drink one teaspoon three times a day on an empty stomach. As a result of treatment, there are much fewer parasites, but their eggs need to be exterminated using additional methods.

Burdock juice or burdock juice

One of the effective methods for treating parasitic diseases is burdock or burdock juice. To carry out treatment, grind fresh leaves in a meat grinder or blender. Squeeze the juice out of them with gauze and drink every morning on an empty stomach.

The duration of therapy is at least three weeks.

Pine buds

Symptoms and treatment of the disease are closely related, since the duration of therapy will directly depend on the severity of symptoms. They are filled with boiling water or vodka. The resulting infusions or decoctions are used to carry out therapeutic measures.

The duration of therapy is until complete recovery. With these methods, the worms come out quickly, literally in one to three days.

Beetroot tincture

Prepare a freshly squeezed glass of beet juice and a glass of alcohol, mix the ingredients with chopped garlic. Put it on and let it brew. Drink the finished product 1 spoon several times a day on an empty stomach. For the first few days, drink three times a day, then twice a day.

Treat until complete recovery. You can add triple cologne instead of alcohol, just store the product in a dry, dark place.


Treatment with chanterelles is an effective method of getting rid of the disease. Chanterelles help quickly cleanse the body of parasites . Chanterelles even help get rid of eggworms. Chanterelles are consumed in dried form, grinding them into powder. It is recommended to add chanterelles to water or vodka and let them steep. After which, drink chanterelles on an empty stomach for opisthorchiasis.

Recipes with soda, cognac and others

Pike bile can cure opisthorchiasis. If possible, it is recommended to use fish caught in early spring, as it contains the maximum amount of opisthorchid substances. For the procedure you will need the bile of three small fish, preferably live ones. The component should be swallowed and washed down with 50 ml of vodka. Repeat for 3 days. A medicine used to combat opisthorchiasis with castor oil and cognac is considered effective. For it you need to heat 90 ml of oil to body temperature, then pour in cognac (90 ml). The drink should be drunk after mixing thoroughly.

After cleaning with the help of special means, doctors recommend consolidating the result with the drug “Troichatka”, which contains: wormwood, tansy and cloves. Troychatka is also effective as a disease prevention. The fight against helminths can be carried out with soda. Traditional medicine involves using it as a component of an enema. Cleansing with soda occurs in several stages and should be supervised by a doctor.


The main cause of helminth infection is the consumption of insufficiently processed fish containing parasite larvae, therefore the prevention of opisthorchiasis is based on proper preparation of seafood. The following measures are required to avoid opisthorchiasis:

  • cook the fish for at least 15 minutes in boiling water;
  • when salting, each piece must be generously covered with salt (if the fish weighs up to 1 kg, the parasites die after 3 days of contact with salt, with a larger weight - after 10 days);
  • You need to freeze fish for at least 40 hours, at a suitable temperature of minus 28 degrees.

Aspen bark

Herb Troychatka Evolar: reviews of parasitologists about the medicine

Poisoning parasites with aspen bark is available for patients of any age. Of course, the attending physician will give recommendations for children, and he will also observe the healing process; aspen bark will not cause harm to adults - the natural component has only one contraindication - intolerance. In all other cases, treatment can be carried out without negative consequences for the body.

Recipe for the decoction:

  1. 50 gr. Grind the finished bark (sold in a pharmacy) and add 0.5 liters of water;
  2. Heat to a boil and cook on low heat for 10 minutes;
  3. Without straining, pour the infusion into a thermos and leave for another 3-3.5 hours;
  4. Strain, cool, drink 5-6 times a day, 0.5 cups.

The course of therapy is 21 days; in case of exacerbations, treatment can be repeated after 30 days. You can prepare a tincture for adults. To prepare the medicine you should take:

  1. 0.5 liters of vodka without flavorings or alcohol;
  2. Pour 50 grams of alcohol. crushed aspen bark;
  3. Place the jar of infusion in a cool, dark place;
  4. Prepare the tincture for 14 days, shaking the jar every 2 days;
  5. Drink 1 tsp. at least 3 weeks before meals.

The course of treatment is repeated after 30 days. The total treatment time is 6 months. During therapy, side effects such as diarrhea, dizziness, and nausea are possible. If symptoms persist, therapy should be stopped and consult a doctor.


Traditional methods for the treatment of opisthorchiasis require certain restrictions in the diet. During the course of treatment with any of the above methods or taking a medicine prescribed by a doctor, you must completely avoid the consumption of sugar and confectionery products. You should try to eat as many fiber-rich foods as possible, fresh fruits and vegetables.

The more correct and balanced the diet, the faster the parasites will leave the body and the more effective the therapy will be.

The consumption of foods that have a laxative effect on the intestines is encouraged - prunes, pumpkin seeds, and at night you should definitely drink one glass of kefir.

Water also plays an important role in healing the body. It is necessary to maintain a drinking regime - 1.5–2 liters of clean water daily.

Fried, salted, smoked and spicy foods, sausages and sausages are completely excluded. It is advisable to eat boiled or steamed foods.

Clinical manifestations of opisthorchiasis

The main symptom accompanying this disease is bowel dysfunction, in particular diarrhea. People who ate fish dishes a couple of days or a week before should definitely pay attention to this symptom. Diarrhea is usually accompanied by cramping abdominal pain. Further, the following symptoms are associated with diarrhea:

  • increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • weakness in the body, confusion;
  • papular eruptions all over the body.

These are all common symptoms when the parasite enters the small intestine.

Symptoms can be different - it all depends on where, in what part of the body or organ the parasite settled and began its life activity. For example, if Metagonimus has chosen the liver, then the disease may manifest itself as yellowing of the sclera and skin.

But if the parasite gets into the brain, then neurological disorders may occur - paresis, convulsive conditions, etc.

Linden ash

The drug is indicated for treatment in patients aged 6-7 years. Linden ash is extracted independently, for which you need to burn linden branches on a fire. Collect the ash and stir 1 tbsp. in 1 tbsp. warm milk. The course of therapy is 14 days, drink a glass of milk daily on an empty stomach. Treatment can be repeated only after 30 days.

The dose for adults and children is the same. Relapses after taking linden ash are extremely rare and only in case of re-infection with a flatworm.

Burdock juice

The composition is suitable only for the warm season, as a fresh plant is required. Collect burdock leaves, rinse, dry and grind through a meat grinder. Squeeze the resulting juice and take 30 ml daily on an empty stomach without additives. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Important! Therapy is accompanied by side effects such as nausea and temporary loss of appetite. If the symptoms are aggressive, you should stop treatment and choose another remedy for treating the parasites.

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