Treatment of pancreatic cancer with folk remedies

Thanks to the development of traditional medicine, it is now possible to cure many diseases. Of course, in fairness, it should be noted that such treatment methods are sometimes quite expensive. The same cannot be said about traditional medicine. But in many cases it is no less effective, and the cost of ingredients for preparing various products is much lower. This treatment applies to almost any type of disease. Pancreatic cancer is no exception. In this article we will look at the treatment of pancreatic cancer using traditional methods .

Symptoms of the lesion

Signs of metastatic lesions:

• girdle pain at rest, there is a decrease in the fetal position; • fairly rapid loss of body weight (cachexia); • decrease in hemoglobin level; • intestinal upset (diarrhea); • ascites – the presence of a significant amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity; • jaundice and increased bilirubin levels.

Obstructive jaundice is associated with the fact that compression of the bile duct occurs, which complicates the treatment of pancreatic cancer; over time, the bile duct can be completely blocked, and this condition can lead to death.

How is cancer therapy performed?

The main goals of therapy for malignant tumors are the elimination of cancer formations and the prevention of further growth of atypical cells. After the patient undergoes surgery or chemotherapy, methods are used to stabilize the health condition and prevent cancer metastasis.

To reduce the drug load on the body and increase the effectiveness of therapy, they additionally resort to the use of folk remedies. They reduce the severity of symptoms of cancer, but can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor.

Diagnostic measures

Computed tomography with contrast agent is one of the most reliable diagnostic methods. CT determines:

• exact location and shape of tumor formation, • size, degree of damage to nearby organs, • damage to lymph nodes.

The introduction of contrast agents into a vein makes it possible to see the pathology more clearly, on the basis of which the doctor makes a decision about surgical intervention.


Positron emission tomography has a more accurate indicator of metastasis due to the use of a radioactive substance labeled glucose. Cancer cells absorb radiation and accumulate the radioactive drug. PET can detect formations smaller than one mm in size. PET is often used to look for metastases in the pancreas and liver.


A puncture biopsy is the collection of tissue from primary or secondary lesions. The analysis will help determine the structure of the malignant cell. A biopsy is necessary for accurate selection of medications. Tumor tissue is taken using a special needle, at the end of which there are special tweezers. The procedure is carried out under the control of an ultrasound scanner; if the cancer lesion is located in hard-to-reach places, a mini operation (laparoscopy) is performed.

Medicinal properties of hemlock for oncology

Hemlock herb for oncology helps patients reduce the severity of symptoms of the disease, primarily pain. The plant has a calming and relaxing effect, helps eliminate spasms and stimulate the body's defenses.

Treatment with hemlock tincture against cancer is possible due to the presence in the composition:

  • alkaloids and flavonoids;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins A and C;
  • carotene, ascorbic acid;
  • tannins.

The use of hemlock tincture for cancer promotes the penetration of the active substance coniine and the formation of special antibodies that can kill cancer cells. They act most actively on cells formed during leukemia and metastases.

Buy hemlock (grass) on our website

Classic treatment of pancreatic cancer

• Operation in Whipple's modification: removal of the pancreaticogastroduodenal complex of tumor tissue together with the lymph nodes. Possible only if the patient’s condition is satisfactory. • Palliative drainage of the bile duct outward or into the intestine. Installation of the stand is aimed at normalizing the passage of bile. • Chemotherapy carried out to reduce the size of the central cancer focus and reduce the rate of spread of cancer.

Transition between chemotherapy cycles

Step-by-step treatment involves regular visits to the oncologist, who evaluates the results of each subsequent cycle of medication. Laboratory blood tests are aimed at assessing the general condition of the sample, checking the functionality of the kidneys and liver, and studying tumor markers.

The patient's weight is constantly monitored. Along with a routine examination, a CT scan is performed every three months to assess the body’s response to the medications taken. A complete picture of the patient’s condition can only be formed through a detailed interview of the patient. As practice shows, treatment can give a positive (feels like) or negative result, but the images do not confirm any changes in the structure of the oncological tumor.

Based on the results obtained, the specialist revises the content of the chemotherapy complex, dosage and other parameters for taking the drugs. The changes made allow you to proceed to the next treatment cycle.

Gene therapy

This treatment for pancreatic cancer is based on influencing intracellular genetic material, thereby restoring the functions of inhibited tumor suppressor genes.

The theory of gene therapy is based on the assumption that restoring the functioning of simple gene products will cause a reversal of the oncophenotype, which ignores the evidence that the oncological process develops as a result of mutation of several genes. The effectiveness of the proposed technique directly depends on the ability of gene therapy agents to affect the genes of cancer cells. The technique includes the use of tumor suppressor genes, suppression of oncogene activity, and restriction replication-competent viral effects.

Folk recipes

Alternative methods of treating pancreatic cancer involve the use of more than a hundred types of agents that have therapeutic properties. Many of them not only eliminate swelling and pain in tumor-affected tissues, but also stop the development of cancer cells. The effectiveness of therapy is determined by the regularity and duration of use of folk remedies.


The resinous substance contains more than 200 components: flavonoids, steroids, ketones, organic acids, proteins, vitamins and lactones. Many of them have pronounced pharmacological properties:

  • cardioprotective;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antioxidant.

To treat pancreatic diseases, it is enough to eat 3 g of propolis during the day between meals. No less effective is a remedy with herbs, for the preparation of which you need:

  • grind 10 g of propolis;
  • pour it into a thermos;
  • pour hot chamomile infusion;
  • leave for 3-4 hours.

To reduce the severity of signs of cancer, it is recommended to take 100 ml of infusion 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Bitter Melon Juice

Bitter melon (Indian cucumber) disrupts the division of cancer cells by inhibiting the process of breaking down glucose in them. This conclusion was reached by scientists from a university studying pancreatic oncology in the USA.

Thanks to bitter melon, the flow of energy in atypical cells is reduced, which prevents their further development, due to which regression of the tumor process is observed.

According to research results, the juice of an exotic plant helps not only with pancreatic cancer, but also with neuroblastoma and leukemia. You can purchase the product at herbal pharmacies and points of sale of homeopathic medicines.


A dicotyledonous plant from the poppy family has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. For the treatment of pancreatic cancer, a folk remedy prepared according to the following recipe is used:

  • pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. l. dry celandine grass;
  • pour 250 ml of boiling water over the grass and cover with a lid;
  • infuse in a thermos for 3-4 hours;
  • filter and take 20-30 g three times a day.

It is recommended to drink this folk remedy between meals and for no more than two weeks in a row.


The vegetable contains antitumor substances that inhibit the process of cancer cell division. To prevent the growth of cancer in the pancreas, you can use a folk remedy prepared according to this recipe:

  • pour 10 g of dry crushed root with 200 ml of cold water;
  • set aside in a glass container for 9-10 hours;
  • boil in a water bath for no more than 3 minutes;
  • the decoction is filtered.

The product is taken 100 ml 2-3 times a day between meals for several weeks.


White mistletoe has astringent, antitumor, analgesic, hemostatic and analgesic properties. To treat the pancreas, it is recommended to use the following remedy:

  • washed leaves and young twigs are poured with water (30 g per 1 liter of water);
  • Boil over low heat for 5-7 minutes and cool;
  • After straining, the product is ready for use.

The decoction is taken 5 ml (1 tbsp) 30 minutes before meals three times a day. Most often, this remedy is used for inoperable forms of cancer.

Chaga mushroom

To treat pancreatic cancer, you can also prepare a folk remedy with chaga and medicinal herbs:

  • mix 200 g of chaga, 10 g of licorice root, 45 g of rose hips, 20 g of wormwood and St. John's wort in an enamel bowl;
  • the herbal collection is poured with 3 liters of cold water and left for 4-5 hours;
  • Boil the product over low heat for 1.5-2 hours;
  • filter and add 250 ml of alcohol, 20 g of aloe juice and 400 g of melted honey.

During the week, the product is taken 1 tsp. three times a day.

Chaga infusion is a universal remedy for fighting cancer.

Starting from the eighth day of treatment, the dosage is increased to 1 tbsp. l. in one go. The course of therapy averages 3-4 months.


Tincture of aconite root is taken three times a day before meals. One drop of the product is diluted in 30 ml of boiled or mineral water without gas. To prepare the tincture, you need:

  • pour 100 g of dried root with 200 ml of boiling water;
  • after 3 hours, cut the root across the fibers and pour alcohol (no more than 60 degrees), adding water from the infusion;
  • close the product with an airtight lid and leave for 20 days.

Henbane black

The plant is poisonous, so it should be used in very small doses. To prepare an anticancer agent you need:

  • mix henbane with hemlock inflorescences in equal proportions;
  • pour the herbs with 96% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5;
  • leave in a dark, warm place for at least 14 days.

The tincture is taken no more than 3 times a day, adding 1 tbsp. l. water 3 drops of the product.


Wormwood is also a poisonous plant, so it is used with caution when treating the pancreas:

  • 35 g of potato flowers are mixed with 50 g of wormwood, 10 g of calamus root and calendula;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 350 ml of boiling water and boil over heat for 1-2 minutes;
  • Strained wormwood decoction is taken 150 ml per day for a month.


To relieve the symptoms of cancer, you can use the following folk remedy:

  • 1 tbsp. oatmeal pour 800 ml of boiling water;
  • bring the liquid to a boil and leave for 15 minutes;
  • pour the product into a thermos and leave for half a day.

You need to drink 50 ml twice a day for a month.

Vegetable juices

Beet and carrot juice are effective folk remedies for pancreatic cancer. When adhering to a therapeutic diet, it is recommended to take 20 ml of beetroot juice or 30 ml of carrot juice 2 times a day for a month.

Herbal infusions

Symptoms of oncology can be eliminated using medicinal herbs.

Herbal infusions have always been famous for their beneficial properties; a properly selected herbal infusion will have a strong healing effect in the fight against cancer.

To prepare a home remedy you need:

  • take 30 g of rue leaves and dry saponaria root, as well as 40 g of birch leaves, willow bark and St. John's wort;
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 800 ml of water and boil for no more than 5 minutes;
  • leave for 30-60 minutes.

The decoction is drunk before meals, 200 ml three times a day.


The medicinal plant contains toxic substances, so for the treatment of cancer it is advisable to use an infusion rather than fresh juice. Bay 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs with boiling water, leave in a warm place for 3-4 hours. The strained product should be taken 1 tbsp. l. twice a day.

Sandy immortelle

Pancreatic cancer can be treated with an infusion of sandy immortelle. To do this, pour 30 g of herb into 500 ml of boiling water and leave for several hours. Take the strained product 250 ml twice a day.

Elderberry red and black

Treatment with folk remedies also involves taking a decoction of black and red elderberry roots. Having mixed the raw materials in equal proportions, add water in a ratio of 1:4. Boil the medicine over low heat for 5 minutes. The strained product should be taken 3 tbsp. l. 2 times a day for a month.

Calamus marsh

During treatment of cancer, you can take calamus tincture 15 drops per day, after mixing them with 5 ml of water. The remedy is prepared as follows: the root of the marsh calamus is poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 5 and left for half a day.

Three-leaf watch

An infusion from this plant has general tonic and anti-inflammatory properties. When treating the pancreas, it is recommended to pour 1 tsp. herbs 1 liter of boiling water. The strained and strained infusion is taken 1 g 2-3 times during the day.

Viral oncolytic therapy

Recently, pancreatic cancer has been treated with replication-selective viruses, which are able to locate in cancer cells very selectively, lysing them.

At the same time, healthy tissues remain unaffected. It is known that the adenovirus ONYX-O15 is most often localized in cells that are defective or poorly perform their functions - p53 (50-75% of prostate cancer cases), causing the death of malignant cells.

In the first phase of clinical trials, where intratumor injections of ONYX-O15 were used under endoscopic ultrasound control in combination with intravenous injection of gemcitabine, partial regression of malignant tissues was observed in 21 patients with advanced prostate cancer, minor regression in 2 patients, stabilization of the pathological process in 6 patients .

How to drink hemlock grass for cancer

To make the treatment effective and safe, consider how to take hemlock herb for cancer. There are various hemlock regimens for oncology that must be followed. The most common use is in the form of an alcohol tincture. The exact dosage and time of administration are calculated by the attending physician.

To prepare a hemlock tincture for cancer, you need to pour a liter of alcohol into the herb of the plant and infuse it for three weeks. In order to achieve effective results, the use of hemlock for cancer is complemented by following a special diet, excluding alcohol and smoking.

Classification of stages

In oncology, there is an international classification according to TNM (T – characteristics of the neoplasm itself, N – peripheral lymph nodes, M – metastases). The stage consists of a combination of all three components.

There are four degrees. At zero (initial), cell division occurs in only one histological layer (glandular tissue) without germination into neighboring ones; no reactions of the body are observed on it and it is asymptomatic.

At the first, second and third stages, clinical manifestations appear and the cancer grows into neighboring tissues. At these stages, tissue pathology can be completely removed. At the fourth stage, complete removal is no longer possible due to the presence of metastatic lesions and invasions into nearby tissues; palliative care in this case is aimed at prolonging life and improving its quality.

Stage of the disease

The intended treatment of pancreatic cancer and the prognosis of the outcome of the disease depend on the stage (this is why the classification was compiled). 1 – the tumor size is small, does not extend beyond the gland, there are no metastases (mts). 2 – has two options: 2 A – grows into the common bile duct or has a compressive effect on it, the lymph nodes are not affected; 2 B – formation of any size with mts in peripheral lymph nodes. 3 – invasion of nearby organs (stomach, nerves, blood vessels). 4 – there are distant mts in the bones, mediastinum, heart, lungs.

Principles of nutrition

The patient's diet involves excluding certain types of foods, namely fried, smoked, sour, salty and spicy. It is necessary to cook by transforming food into a liquid, crushed or pureed state. 1. Fatty foods in the diet must be significantly reduced or completely eliminated. At stage 4, fats supplied with food are almost not digested and are in the intestines in their original form, causing intestinal upset. 2. Food should not be taken cold or hot, the best temperature is 34 - 36°. 3. Poisoning of the body with decay products of a malignant tumor can cause nausea and vomiting; it is necessary to carry out procedures to relieve intoxication in a timely manner. 4. It is preferable to divide the products into small portions and take them 5-6 times a day; taking enzymes, for example the drug Krion, is necessary. 5. If eating is impossible, parenteral nutrition is prescribed, which is introduced into the blood using a dropper.

Aconite against oncology

An equally reliable method of cancer therapy is aconite. To prepare the infusion you will need:

  • 100 grams of aconite root;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 60% alcohol.

Wash the plant before cooking. Add boiling water and cover with a lid. After one hour, remove the plant and chop. Then mix the roots, infused mixture and alcohol. Transfer to a glass container and preserve. Send to a dark place for twenty days. When taking the infusion, you should dilute one drop with 30 grams of water. Use three times a day. Increase the portion daily by a drop of infusion.

The maximum dosage per day cannot be higher than 60 drops (twenty drops at a time). Take half an hour before meals in small sips.

There are a number of side effects and overdoses. When observing:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • weaknesses.

If you observe some side effects, take a break of two days and continue the course of therapy. You cannot stop taking the medication, you just need to reduce the dosage by two drops for further doses.


Reduce consumption of fatty and fried foods, switch to vegetables and fruits. • undergo preventive examinations once a year; • eliminate bad habits – smoking, alcohol; • work with chemicals – gasoline, oils, etc.

Prevention involves treating chronic diseases - diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis of the liver, acute pancreatitis, and monitoring benign formations.

We invite patients to take part in new methods of treating pancreatic tumors, as well as in clinical trials of the latest drugs.

Sample menu

Milk porridge is a light and nutritious breakfast for pancreatic cancer.

You can create your own menu using foods approved by your doctor, or you can seek help from a nutritionist.

The most important thing is that the menu consists of natural, healthy products that have not been fried and do not contain any flavor enhancers. Principles of diet for pancreatic tumors:

  • Breakfast should be light but nutritious. You shouldn’t overload your stomach in the morning, but not eating anything before lunch is harmful. For tomorrow you can eat milk porridge, drink green tea with crackers or toast, eat wheat or oatmeal bread. To make it easier to digest breakfast, it can be divided into 2 times. For example, eat for the first time half an hour after waking up (and drink a glass of warm water before that), and the second time – another hour later. For the first time, you can just drink yogurt, and eat after awakening your appetite.
  • For lunch it is advisable to eat something meat. You need to choose lean meat varieties and eat it only boiled or steamed. For example, for lunch you can have a piece of fish fillet and some cereal as a side dish (buckwheat or rice). If you want to drink tea, it is better to give preference to green tea varieties. You can eat unsweetened biscuits. Soups are very healthy. If possible, it is advisable to eat them daily for lunch. They are considered the healthiest food for pancreatic cancer. The soup is not made with bone broth without bouillon cubes. Vegetable puree soups are especially useful. For example, for lunch you can eat pureed vegetable soup (broccoli, potatoes, onions, carrots) and rye bread.
  • For an afternoon snack, you can eat something light but nutritious to satisfy your hunger. Homemade casserole made from low-fat cottage cheese, baked apple, yogurt or toast are perfect. You can drink vegetable juice. If it causes nausea, it is diluted with water.
  • Dinner should also be light and not late. It is not recommended to eat later than 3 hours before bedtime. For dinner, you can eat steamed cutlets made from lean beef or chicken fillet, steamed fish, and a side dish of rice or fresh vegetable salad with or without olive oil, vegetable puree, and buckwheat porridge. You can drink weak tea with a cracker. If you feel hungry before going to bed, you can make a second dinner, eat low-fat yogurt without dyes or additives, drink fermented baked milk or a glass of kefir.
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