A heating pad for newborns against colic. Salt, with cherry pits, gel, belt. Prices, instructions for use

Possibility of using heating pads for newborns

Already after 2 weeks of a newborn’s life, parents are faced with the problem of colic. The baby cries often and for a long time, twitches and knocks his legs, and cannot fall asleep for a long time. This happens due to the fact that a newborn baby, breastfed or bottle-fed, swallows air with food.

The baby eats too quickly, sucks too hard, or does so in the wrong position. After each feeding, it is recommended to hold the baby upright for 10-15 minutes so that he can burp the excess. In this case, the air may not come out completely and remain in the child’s stomach.

The muscle musculature of a newborn is not yet formed (usually this occurs by 6 months). Air, accumulating and combining in the stomach and intestines into large formations, begins to put pressure on the internal organs, causing pain and spasms. The child begins to cry a lot, arch over, twist his legs and get nervous.

To relieve symptoms, newborns are recommended to have a light massage, lying on the stomach and medications (Espumizan baby, Bobotik, Bebicalm), which sometimes do not give a quick effect. While a heating pad has an instant effect.

A heating pad for a newborn is an effective way to combat colic

It is considered the safest and most proven method in the fight against colic in newborns. It can be used in many cases without restrictions in quantity.


Calming a night cough in a child or adult is not an easy, but completely doable task. By following the recommendations listed below, you will significantly improve not only the quality of your sleep, but also your recovery from an illness accompanied by a cough.

  • Take care of full nasal breathing. A stuffy nose forces you to breathe through your mouth, which leads to drying out of the mucous membrane of the throat, soreness and... a coughing attack is repeated again and again, as the body tries to moisten the airways in this way, pushing mucus out of the bronchi.
  • Lower the room temperature. If your comfortable bedroom temperature is 22 degrees, lower it to 20 degrees. The lower the temperature, the higher the air humidity and the easier it is for you to breathe. But don’t get carried away: an excessive decrease in degrees will have the opposite effect, and the cough will begin due to spasms when inhaling cold air. Don’t forget: during colds, bronchitis and other ailments, the mucous membranes are very sensitive - use your own well-being as an indicator, and not just a thermometer.
  • Warm your feet. The feet and bronchi are far from each other, but still within the same circulatory system. The warmer the legs, the greater the blood flow to them and, as a result, its outflow from the upper respiratory tract. This will help calm the cough, easing the swelling of the mucous membranes and making the discharge of mucus from the bronchi more efficient.
  • Warm, plenty of drink. It is generally accepted that consuming large amounts of fluid makes sense only in case of viral diseases that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. But with a wet night cough, drinking plenty of fluids helps no less: compotes and tea that you drink during the day reduce the viscosity of not only blood, but also other liquids, including mucus, which your bronchi try to push out during coughing attacks. Make their job easier: don’t forget to drink more.
  • Don't eat at night. A full stomach is one of the provocateurs of night cough, even in a healthy person. Moreover, a late dinner can worsen the condition of bronchitis. Make sure that your last meal is no later than 2 hours before you take a horizontal position and the likelihood that a night cough will interfere with sleep will be much lower.

Keep baby warm and ready for bed

In cold weather, the temperature in your baby's room may be too low. A newly born baby is not yet able to independently regulate its body temperature and adapts to the environment.

A mother does not always have the opportunity to carry her baby tightly, even with a sling. Therefore, for newborn babies in the cold season, it is recommended to use Greka to warm the baby and prepare him for bed. It can be placed in the crib in advance to warm up the sleeping area, or placed next to the baby.

A warm heating pad will help your baby warm up faster and feel comfortable.

Gentle warmth will make your newborn's sleep deep and restful. The heating pad can be used in the cold season in the car and in the stroller to create comfortable conditions outside the home.

How does a heating pad work?

Under the influence of heat on the baby's tummy, its blood vessels dilate and blood supply increases. Thanks to this, the spasm can decrease, gas can pass naturally and the pain can subside. In addition, the child simply warms up and becomes more comfortable. Agree, it’s easier to relax in the warmth than in the cold. However, a heating pad does not help all babies and not always. It is definitely not a panacea for colic.

For illnesses

In some cases, you can use a heating pad for illnesses. So, for colds that are not accompanied by high fever or painful sensations from teething, a warm heating pad is indicated.

It helps relieve pain and reduce cold symptoms, reduce irritability and warm up certain areas of the body. Each baby needs an individual approach, so before using a heating pad when sick, it is better to first consult with a pediatrician.

Contraindications for use

But even a little heat can have a negative effect on the baby’s body, so you can’t always use a heating pad.

There are contraindications in which the use of a heating pad can aggravate the situation:

  • You cannot use a heating pad during the acute stages of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections or group. Fever and severe symptoms may intensify during the acute period of the disease, leading to seizures and other complications.
  • In case of purulent-inflammatory processes in the intestines, a heating pad is also contraindicated. When heat is applied, the development of inflammation in the child’s body accelerates. So, in case of appendicitis, using a heating pad can cause rupture of the appendix and peritonitis.
  • Tumors should also not be heated to avoid negative consequences.
  • It is not recommended to apply a heating pad to damaged areas of the skin, unhealed wounds, pustules and abscesses, because heat creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Dermatitis and allergic manifestations may intensify after exposure to a heating pad. In case of skin rashes, you should first relieve allergy symptoms and then warm up the baby.

In many other cases, when used correctly, a heating pad can become the main method of action, especially for relieving the symptoms of colic in newborns.

Video about the correct use of heating pads for newborns:


Coughing attacks that occur at night can cause many temporary and even permanent health problems. To understand how harmful this condition is to the body, we can cite only one of the complications. Do you like memory impairment, decreased visual acuity, and impaired sense of smell? It would seem that what does a night cough have in common with the loss of such important functions as the ability to clearly see the world around us, remember information and smell? The relationship is more obvious than it seems at first glance: oxygen starvation and lack of rest in the main organ of the human body - the brain. In the dark, the brain must rest and restore resources used during the day. These processes are possible only during deep sleep, into which the body is simply unable to immerse itself - it is constantly awakened by coughing. You will survive several such nights without consequences, but a prolonged dry or wet night cough will sooner or later lead to chronic fatigue of the brain with subsequent dysfunction of its various areas. What to do if a night cough interferes with normal life?

Types of heating pads and instructions for their use

Depending on the material and method of operation, heating pads are divided into several types:

  • Water (rubber);
  • Saline;
  • Electrical;
  • With filler;
  • Warming belt.
Type of heating padType of materials
With fillernatural
Warming beltcombined

Each of them has its own characteristics and method of application. The most common water heating pad is easy to use. Just pour water at the desired temperature into the container and you can use the device. When using it, it is important to control the degree of pressure of the heating pad on the baby, as well as the temperature level during the procedure. This will help avoid overheating and burns.

The heating pad warms up more slowly. It is not recommended to apply the device directly to the baby’s body, so it is better to put her in a crib or stroller. Electric heating pads in fabric attachments can be applied to the child’s body if there is a thermostat that will maintain the desired temperature.

Filled heating pads take time to heat up. They are placed on hot radiators, in an oven or microwave for a while. After warming up, the heating pad retains heat for a long time, which is very evenly distributed inside throughout the entire contents, which has the most correct effect.

Salt warmers have chemical contents. They begin to warm up after pressing the catalyst button. They must be wrapped in a sheet or other fabric before applying to the baby’s delicate skin. After use, the salt heating pad is boiled and left until it cools, after which it can be used again many times.

The warming belt has a gel filler inside. The inner helium bag needs to be heated in hot water or in water in the microwave. The warm bag is placed in a compartment on the belt. The warm belt can be immediately put on the child to begin its effect on the body.

Cutting the fabric and preparing the filler

Making a toy in the shape of a bunny begins with constructing a pattern and preparing materials for the top of the product and filling. First of all, this concerns cherry pits. Before stuffing them into a toy, they need to be washed well, boiled in water with a small amount of vinegar and dried thoroughly.

All details of the toy must first be applied to the pattern, then cut out and transferred to the fabric. Don't forget to add seam allowances when cutting. The result should be 4 pieces of fabric for the lower and upper limbs, 2 or 4 for the body (depending on whether the seam is in the middle or only on two sides), 4 elements for the ears (2 of them are one color and 2 of another) , 3 flaps for forming the head and a round tail.

Water (rubber)

The well-known water (rubber) heating pad consists of a water tank and a tight lid. It heats up within 2-3 minutes. When filling the heating pad, you need to constantly release excess air, which makes the device round and uncomfortable to use. Water should be poured to half or 2/3 of the volume so that the heating pad can be bent or given the desired shape.

The only drawback of such a device is that water heating pads are heavy, often leak and cool quickly . Their service life is also not long with frequent use. But they are affordable, easy to use and store.

Rules for using a rubber water heating pad for newborns:


Saline (chemical)

A saline heating pad is a closed, free-form PVC container that is filled with a saline solution (sodium acetate). After pressing a special spring or button on the device, which acts as a catalyst for the process, active crystallization begins inside, and the heating pad warms up to 40-55 degrees in just 10 seconds.

This temperature is optimal for warming procedures and is safe for the baby’s skin, so a salt heating pad is considered one of the most effective and safe. The heat inside the device is distributed evenly throughout the entire volume and is maintained for an hour. The heat does not burn and quickly heats the desired area. After use, the heating pad must be returned to working condition.

For this:

  • boil the salt heating pad in water for 10-15 minutes;
  • dry and cool to room temperature.

The heating pad can be used multiple times. Salt heating pads are hypoallergenic and can be used from birth even on sensitive skin. The device is absolutely sealed and, when applied to the body, takes the desired shape. Heat treatment after procedures makes the device sterile and kills all germs and bacteria on the surface.

The salt heating pad has no drawbacks and is increasingly gaining popularity among young parents.


An electric heating pad relies on electricity, so it cannot be used outside the home. It heats up for a long time, within 3-5 minutes. The device itself can be covered with plastic or sewn into a fabric bag. A heating pad provides dry heat, which is considered most beneficial for colds.

The device evenly warms up an area of ​​the body or crib to a set level. The device must have a thermostat that will help set the desired temperature and maintain it for the entire duration of the procedure. It is recommended to check the electric heating pad before each use, but it is not recommended to leave the device unattended.

With filler

A heating pad for newborns against colic with filling consists of a bag and natural contents (millet, peat gel, cherry pits, lavender flowers or buckwheat husks). The outer part of the product is always made of natural fabrics (cotton or linen), which provide good air circulation and the hypoallergenic properties of the heating pad.

It is durable and very easy to use. There is no need to process it after use. And the natural ingredients make it hypoallergenic , safe and pleasant to the body. The heating pad with filling has a pleasant natural smell, which has a relaxing effect on the baby. The contents inside can be crushed and easily take the desired shape.

Filled heating pads are not washable and the outer cover is not durable. The internal filling also cannot be cleaned, because it can only be processed dry. However, a heating pad with filling can be easily purchased for a newborn to last for several years.

Precautions and contraindications:

Do not heat the entire toy in the microwave. The filled pad must be completely cooled before reheating. Do not apply either heated or frozen pads to exposed skin. Check the integrity of the stuffed pillow before giving the toy to your child. Wash only the outer part of the toy, taking out the bag with the filling in advance. Can be washed in a washing machine at 30°C on a gentle cycle with detergent without bleach.

Warmer toys with cherry pits

For newborn children, heating pads are most often filled with cherry pits. They are made in the form of funny toys, which helps distract the baby during the procedure. Such heating pads take the shape of the body well and have a light massage effect on the problem area of ​​the body.

The heating pad toys themselves are made from natural and dirt-repellent materials. The outer cover can be removed and washed by hand if necessary. And cherry pits can be periodically heated in the oven for disinfection.

They are used in the same way as heating pads with filler, in three main modes:

  • hot;
  • cold;
  • neutral.

Hot mode

To heat the heating pad with cherry pits, place it for 60-100 seconds. in the microwave on medium mode. If you use an oven for heating, then at a temperature of 150-180° you need to heat the cherry pits for 10 minutes. You can warm up the filler on a radiator; just put a heating pad on it for 30 minutes. until the optimal temperature is reached at 45-50 degrees.

After this, the heating pad can be applied to the newborn’s tummy. Gentle warmth will help quickly relieve pain, eliminate spasms and discomfort. The baby will immediately become noticeably calmer and relaxed.

Cold mode

A heating pad with cherry pits in cold mode is used for injuries (blows or bruises). Just put the heating pad in the freezer for a few minutes and you can apply it to the damaged area. Light cold helps restore tissue circulation, reduces swelling and inflammation, and relieves pain. The cold mode provides the optimal temperature and will prevent the baby from getting too cold.

Neutral mode

Warmers with cherry pits are used at a neutral temperature. Beautiful design promotes child development and improves perception. Pleasant to the touch contents have an impact on fine motor skills of the hands and contribute to the rapid and correct formation of speech.

Warming belt

A heating pad for a newborn against colic in the form of a warming belt is the simplest and most effective device. It can be used from birth to 2-3 years. The soft Velcro adjuster allows you to fasten the belt to the desired size and secure it on your stomach.

The warming belt is made from soft hypoallergenic materials that allow it to be used directly on the baby's skin. Uniform heating and gentle pressure have a quick effect locally, in the navel area. The gel pack inside the belt is sealed and maintains temperature for several hours.

The gel liner heats up very quickly. This can be done in boiling water or in the microwave. The helium container is placed in hot water for 20 seconds. It can be heated differently: put it in water at room temperature (the helium package should be covered with water) and place it in the microwave for 1.5-2 minutes.

Both the inner liner and outer cover can be easily cleaned if necessary. The shelf life of the device is 5 years with frequent use.

Cost of different types of heating pads in pharmacies

A heating pad for newborns against colic differs in cost depending on the type. The most inexpensive are water heating pads , the price of which varies between 80-200 rubles. depending on shape and size. Inexpensive remedies include salt heating pads. Such a heating pad will cost from 250 rubles. and up to 600 rub. The price will depend on the shape, size and amount of filler.

Hot water bottles with natural fillings will cost parents 500-800 rubles. If the heating pad is made in the form of a bright and beautiful toy, then its cost will already be from 1000 rubles. and higher. A warming belt costs from 1000 to 2000 rubles. depending on the materials used and brand. For ease of use, the belt has no decorations.

The most expensive are electric heating pads. The price for them starts from 1500 rubles. and reaches 4000 rubles. When choosing it, you should carefully inspect the device, check for the presence of a temperature controller, a certificate and a warranty card. Before purchasing, it is also recommended to check the functionality of the device.

Any heating pad can help a newborn to relieve colic symptoms. However, each child must have an individual approach. It is necessary to take into account the health status, skin sensitivity and character of the baby. Only parents, knowing all the characteristics of the child, can choose the best version of the device that will be used effectively every day.

Design: Anna Fleyman

How do stones come out?

Patients often ask: can kidney stones dissolve? It is impossible to answer this unequivocally, since the formations differ in their chemical composition. So, there are urate, oxalate, phosphate, cystine and mixed stones. The size of the stone, which can vary from 1 mm to 10 cm in diameter, also matters. It is these characteristics that largely determine the treatment of the condition and a number of measures to remove the stone.

For small lesions, conservative treatment is indicated. This includes taking medications and following a diet. Medication is aimed at dissolving stones and reducing their parameters. The medications are taken under the constant supervision of a urologist.

When answering the question of how to help a kidney stone pass, doctors recommend diuretics and herbal decoctions and adherence to a drinking regime. When a calculus passes through the urinary tract, it may be damaged and a bacterial process may develop. To prevent it, antibacterial therapy is prescribed.

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