Regidron for children with vomiting: how to give, instructions for use

Rehydron is prescribed to prevent dehydration (dehydration, pathological loss of cellular moisture). The medicine is approved in childhood and in infants, subject to strict adherence to the recommended dosages.

The medicine helps restore electrolyte balance

, prevents the excretion of salts and microelements necessary for humans. Using Regidron according to the instructions helps prevent the development of serious complications.

Indications for use

The solution is intended for the treatment of conditions accompanied by significant fluid loss. The product is approved for use in patients of all age groups.

Regidron is recommended for the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • Poisoning.
  • Damage to the body by hazardous substances.
  • Vomiting, caused, among other things, by a rise in body temperature.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Hyperhidrosis.
  • Dyhydria.
  • General hyperthermia.
  • Overheat.
  • Infections (rotavirus and others) accompanied by diarrhea.

Prescribing the drug for preventive purposes is justified in children involved in active sports. In addition, Regidron prevents the development of metabolic disorders caused by diseases of the endocrine system.

Severe diarrhea accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting is an indication for urgent hospitalization. It is not possible to prevent severe dehydration of the body using the solution alone.

What is the difference between Regidron bio and Regidron?

The properties of regular Regidron help restore the water-salt balance and introduce the necessary electrolytes into the blood. Regidronbio has the same properties and copes well with all of the above tasks. But it has additions that are very important in case of another disturbance in the balance of the body - damage to the flora of the housing and communal services.

Regidron bio is more important in case of severe poisoning, when beneficial bacteria are excreted along with the liquid through diarrhea or vomiting. They can recover faster with the help of a dietary supplement, which Regidronbio contains.

This product is newer and has a wider spectrum of action. But there is no point in taking this drug if you are dehydrated after severe and prolonged physical exertion. In this case, there is no need to introduce additional bacteria into the housing and communal services. Here the regular Regidron will perform better.


The composition of the powder includes safe ingredients, but before taking it, it is better to make sure that the child has no contraindications to the use of the rehydrant.

The following diseases are prohibited:

  • Diabetes.
  • Disorders of the functional activity of the renal system and liver.
  • Partial or complete blockage of the intestinal tract.

The use of the drug should be discontinued if the baby experiences a sharp drop in blood pressure or is unconscious.

Memo to parents: drinking water for intestinal infections

First-class specialists in the infectious diseases departments of Children's Hospital No. 9 named after.
G.N. Speransky developed a methodological guide specifically for moms and dads on how to get rid of intestinal infections in a timely manner before contacting a specialist.
If you and your child find yourself at the dacha, on a hike, on vacation abroad, or in a place where it is not immediately possible to get an appointment with a doctor, doctors will tell you what to do so that your child or teenager recovers as quickly as possible. Avoid dehydration!

In case of frequent vomiting, elevated temperature and loose stools, you should immediately begin fractional drinking. It is better to use salt solutions, dry powders for preparation, which are sold in pharmacies. Saline solutions, such as rehydron, must be alternated with boiled water. If the child is capricious, then you can also offer the child weak tea, still mineral water in reasonable quantities (refrain from sulfate or magnesium water so as not to increase loose stools).

How to drink properly? Even a few large sips from a glass can cause vomiting. The only way to make up for water deficiency is to give liquid in very small portions. Infants - one teaspoon; teenagers - one tablespoon of water or saline solution, alternating them. Interestingly, if you replace the glass with a spoon, in most cases the vomiting stops. Babies can be fed using a 2-5 ml syringe, of course, without a needle. Small portions of water or solution must be poured into the child every five minutes - no less often, otherwise the child will not be able to drink the required amount, but not more often, otherwise the liquid will not have time to be absorbed and the child will vomit.

What not to do?

Give your child juices, fruit drinks and dairy products. Focus on his thirst. If a baby or teenager does not want to drink, he still needs to be given small and frequent drinks. If he asks for more liquid, do not give it - a large volume will cause vomiting.

When to sound the alarm?

If your child becomes increasingly lethargic and wants to nap all the time. Do not think that he is tired - this is an alarming sign of increasing dehydration. Under no circumstances should you interrupt feeding to give your child a rest. Squeeze and continue to drink until the child becomes alert again. If lethargy and drowsiness persist, other signs of dehydration have appeared - dry lips and tongue, a long absence of urination, incessant vomiting, a “sunken” fontanelle in an infant, then in this case intravenous drip administration of fluid in a hospital setting is already necessary.

It is necessary to pay attention to the volume and frequency of urination, the nature of the stool. If a child does not urinate for more than 6-8 hours, a doctor’s examination is necessary, since some acute intestinal infections may cause kidney damage. If blood appears in the stool, hospital treatment is indicated.

Remember that the main prevention of intestinal infections is personal hygiene, proper preparation and storage of food!

Composition and release form

Regidron is a snow-white crystalline powder

, intended for the production of an aqueous solution. It is delivered to the consumer packaged in a foil sachet containing one dose. Country of origin: Finland.

The composition is represented by the following ingredients:

  • Sodium citrate – reduces acidity, controls osmosis reactions.
  • Potassium chloride – corrects alkaline, acidic balance.
  • Table salt – normalizes electrolyte levels.
  • Dextrose is a carbohydrate complex that stimulates metabolic processes.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

What is Regidron?

The drug solution is used to correct the loss of fluid and electrolytes by the body during vomiting and/or diarrhea.


The glucose contained in the drug promotes the absorption of citrates and salts, which helps maintain metabolic acidosis .

The osmolarity of the finished solution is 260 mOsm/l, and its medium is slightly alkaline (pH 8.2). Compared to standard solutions that WHO recommends for use as part of rehydration therapy , Regidron has a lower osmolarity. Its sodium content is also lower than its analogues, and the potassium concentration is slightly higher.

There is sufficient evidence that hypoosmolar solutions are more effective, lower sodium concentrations help prevent the development of hypernatremia , and increased potassium levels promote faster recovery of potassium levels.


The pharmacokinetics of glucose, electrolytes and water, which are part of the solution, corresponds to the nature of the pharmacokinetics of these substances in the body.

Effect on the body

The ingredients of the solution are quickly absorbed by the gastric mucosa, which helps restore the disturbed balance of electrolytes in a short period of time.

The rehydrant helps eliminate the symptoms of dehydration and intoxication of the body. Further removal of fluid caused by various conditions - intestinal pathologies of infectious origin, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract - stops.

The development of nausea, uncontrollable vomiting and stool thinning is accompanied not only by the loss of cellular moisture, but also by vital microelements - sodium and potassium. That is why Regidron should be taken after the first cases. This will prevent dehydration of the body and the removal of nutrients.

Even if the use of the drug was started with some delay, treatment must be continued until the overall health improves and the pathological symptoms disappear.

Is rehydron possible for pregnant women or not?

Poisoning and other disturbances in the functioning of the body are also possible in pregnant women.
Therefore, there is a high probability of needing to take Regidron. It will not be harmful even in such a gentle position, because all its active ingredients only support important biochemical functions of the body.

And in difficult situations, such as poisoning, dehydration, it restores the salt balance in the body. And a lack of fluid is harmful not so much to the expectant mother as to the baby, because he receives all nutrition through the amniotic fluid.

Regidron can be used by nursing mothers, since the medicine does not contain substances harmful to the baby. But, given the intensity of lactation, you should increase the amount of fluid consumed.

Overdose and side effects

Compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations for the preparation of the solution and dosage rates helps to avoid the development of unpleasant conditions. But if the permissible volumes are exceeded, a person begins to experience side effects:

  • Asthenia.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Desire to sleep.
  • Periodic holding of breath.

In children of the first year of life, signs of an overdose include:

  • Convulsive seizures.
  • Muscular hypotonia.
  • Lethargy.
  • Presence of blood “ropes” in feces.

When one of the points is formed, the intake of the solution must be stopped.

special instructions

In case of severe dehydration, when the loss of body weight exceeds 10%, and the patient develops anuria , treatment begins with the use of rehydration agents for intravenous administration and only after that Regidron is prescribed.

The prescribed dose should not be exceeded unless a deficiency of electrolyte ions is confirmed by laboratory tests.

Using a solution that is too concentrated may cause the development of hypernatremia , so the dosage recommended by the manufacturer should not be exceeded.

Do not add sugar or honey to the solution. Food can be consumed immediately after rehydration.

Regidron for vomiting is given to children and adults ten minutes after the attack. The medicine should be taken in small sips and slowly.

If dehydration is a consequence of diabetes mellitus , chronic renal failure or any other chronic pathology in which the electrolyte, acid-base or carbohydrate balance is disturbed, careful monitoring of the patient's condition is required when carrying out rehydration using Regidron.

The appearance of loose, bloody stools, the patient’s inability to answer questions, rapid fatigue, slow speech, drowsiness, fever up to 39 degrees or higher, anuria , diarrhea lasting more than five days in a row, as well as its sudden cessation due to the appearance of severe pain, are a reason to contact a doctor immediately.

Treatment at home in these cases is impossible and ineffective.

Regidron does not slow down the reaction rate, does not impede thinking processes and does not affect the ability to operate machinery or a vehicle.

Feeding the child during treatment

Attacks of nausea and vomiting are indications for short-term hunger. But if the baby’s appetite remains, then you cannot deny him this.

During the treatment period you can give:

  • Dried fruits compote.
  • Slightly sweet green tea.
  • Decoction of rose hips.
  • Homemade crackers.

If a child develops diarrhea, then dietary restrictions may not be so serious. You should not offer fatty, fried or very sweet foods. A healthy dish would be boiled rice or porridge, or lean vegetable soup.

How to dilute Regidron, instructions

The usual dosage of Regidron is from 200 mg to one liter of boiled or filtered water, tea per bag of the product.
The water should be warm, it is important to dissolve the powder completely and take it in a very short time. In case of severe vomiting, the medicine can be given to the patient chilled. If a patient, for example a child, cannot drink a glass of medicine at once, then the powder should not be diluted all at once. You can add a third or a quarter of the powder. The amount of fluid and medication taken must be dosed correctly. If the patient has a severe stage of dehydration, then treatment should be carried out in an outpatient clinic under the constant supervision of doctors and medical staff.

An overdose is possible if the amount of medication is calculated incorrectly. Dehydration causes weight loss, which means you need to reduce your dosage if weight loss continues.

The amount of fluid consumed should also be controlled, because a large amount will be eliminated faster, being removed from the blood through the kidneys and skin. And with the liquid, the electrolytes needed by the body are removed.

Therefore, the usual dosage according to the instructions only helps with the initial and middle stages of dehydration. More serious violations require a more accurate and balanced concentration of Regidron.

When dehydration is the result of a long-term illness, the recovery period is best carried out under strict supervision.

Reviews after use

When intestinal infections develop, we use only Regidron. I also give it to my youngest child to prevent dehydration in case of bowel upset. The tolerability of the product is normal, but the taste is terrible. Although this is my opinion, because children drink it without problems. I give Regidron solution only in the first two days. This is enough for my health to return to normal. Elena, 35 years old My daughter was diagnosed with Giardia. She felt sick and vomited for the whole day. To prevent dehydration, the pediatrician ordered me to take Regidron solution. I started giving it after the vomiting stopped for a while. The product helped us. Dasha, 29 years old

Regidron's analogs

Trisol is a ready-to-use solution, taken intravenously by drip. Prescribed for dehydration, as well as to accelerate the process of intoxication of the body. Improves salt balance in the patient's body. Can be used for more complex forms of dehydration.

Trihydron is a cheaper analogue, has properties identical to Regidron, and contains sodium and potassium salts and carbohydrates. The powder also needs to be dissolved in water. Used for mild to moderate dehydration.

Hydrovit. An excellent medicine designed to accelerate the normalization of water balance in children. Can be used as a prophylactic for regular poisoning. But there are overdoses and contraindications, so it is important to read the instructions before use.

Hydrovit forte is available in powder form in sachets. Dissolve one packet in a glass of water. You need to carefully monitor the dosage, which depends on the patient’s weight and the severity of his condition.

We offer a video about helping a child with vomiting:

How much does Regidron cost at the pharmacy?

The price of Regidron BIO in Russia is about 500 rubles (packages 6.4 g, package No. 5). The cost of 1 sachet is about 100 rubles.

The price of Regidron in Ukrainian pharmacies is about 250 UAH. (packages 18.9 g, package No. 20). You can buy Regidron Optim (10.7 g sachets, package No. 20) for an average of 300 UAH. The price of 1 sachet of Regidron is 15 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Regidron por.
    d/prig. solution for oral administration pack. 18.9g 20pcs Recipharm Parets S.L. ES RUR 727 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Regidron BIO (pack 6.4 g No. 5)SIIT srl IT

    RUR 756 order

  • Regidron (por. No. 1)Orion/Sotex

    25 rub. order

show more


  • Regidron Optim 10.7g N20 powder for oral solution Recipharm Parets S.L., Spain
    295 UAH order
  • Regidron 18.9 g No. 20 powder Orion Corporation/AT Recipharm Parets, Finland/Spain

    224 UAH order

  • Regidron Bio 6.4 g No. 10 powder sachet (A and B) Es.Ai.Ai.Ti srl, Italy for Orion Corporation, Finland

    346 UAH order


  • Regidron Optim Regidron Optim powder for solution, sachet 10.7g No. 20 Finland, Orion

    283 UAH order

  • Regidron Regidron powder dosed 18.9g No. 20 Finland, Orion

    263 UAH order

  • Regidron bio Regidron Bio powder d/prig. paired sachet solutions (A+B) 6.4 g. №5 Italy, SIIT

    375 UAH. order

show more

What tasks does the solution perform?

The product helps:

  • fight dehydration;
  • replenish the water supply in cells;
  • prevent dehydration;
  • normalize salt balance indicators;
  • maintain beneficial microflora.

The solution also helps relieve intoxication, alleviate the symptoms and condition of the patient.

Unlike classic Regidron, Regidron Bio powder is not a medicine, but a biologically active food supplement.

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