In a healthy body healthy mind. Psychosomatics - what is it?


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Adolescence is quite difficult, both emotionally and physically. The body changes, and a teenager does not always respond adequately to these changes. Many people want to lose weight, but know nothing about a balanced diet and moderate exercise. Today we will talk about eating disorder in young patients.

  • The problem of eating disorder in a teenager
  • Causes of eating disorders in children
  • Symptoms of adolescent eating disorder
  • Consequences for the body
  • Types of eating disorders: signs
  • Food aversion in a teenager
  • The teenager is constantly hungry
  • Binge eating
  • Bulimia in a teenager
  • Bulimia in women
  • Bulimia in teenagers
  • Eating neurosis in children
  • Nutrition for eating disorders
  • FAQ
  • Treatment of eating disorder in a teenager in Moscow in
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Drug treatment
  • Psychological help
  • Psychotherapy for eating disorders


  1. What causes psychosomatic illnesses
  2. Features of the formation of disorders
  3. Classification
  4. Symptoms of pathologies of psychostasis
  5. Consequences of lack of therapy
  6. Clinical diagnosis
  7. Treatment of psychosomatic diseases

A number of human diseases are due to their psychogenic origin with primary functional failures. If attention is not paid to them in a timely manner, they become classic ailments. We are talking about psychosomatic disorders, which are often the source of the formation of a number of internal diseases and psychopathology. They are characterized by polymorphic symptoms. Establishing a correct diagnosis requires the participation of a psychiatrist. Therapy includes a complex of psychotherapeutic techniques, prescription of medications, rehabilitation and preventive measures. In medicine, the following terms are also used to refer to these deviations: pathology of psychostasis, psychophysiological disorder.

What causes psychosomatic illnesses

The reasons for the formation of deviations are considered based on various areas of schools of psychiatry. We will try, without going into details, to identify the main factors leading to the development of pathology. It is assumed that psychosomatics arises as a result of a combination of the organ’s readiness for physiological disruptions and destructive mental processes occurring in a particular individual.

The most common causal conditions leading to the onset of psychosomatic diseases:

  • Conflict within one's own personality. A person develops emotional overstrain over the years. It is caused by the impossibility of realizing desires against the background of insufficient opportunities.
  • Anamnestic block. Impaired functions of the psyche and internal organs appear as a result of previously suffered (especially in childhood) traumatic episodes. Leaving behind an unhealed anxiety complex, the blocking source is reduced into a multitude of symptoms.
  • The "sick" complex. A number of people with a neurotic predisposition show a constant need to be in a painful state. Thanks to him, they achieve increased attention to their person, avoid responsibility, study, and work.

  • Increased suggestibility. Excessive impressionability of character often leads to the subconscious process of introducing negative information into consciousness. The patient himself cannot explain the reasons for the painful changes in him.
  • Social infantilism. Individuals with this feature, due to the impossibility of understanding other people and what is happening around them, withdraw and become insecure. The lack of productive interpersonal relationships causes them to experience affective tension, which turns into somatic complaints.
  • Contact with the patient. Long-term communication with a person suffering from some, often serious, illness leads to psychosomatics. Excessive emotivity subconsciously “copies” similar symptoms.
  • Auto-aggression. A certain category of people develops a feeling of guilt, shame, and aggression. Deviations form excessive psycho-emotional stress with subsequent transition to functional failures of the whole organism.

The listed factors are taken into account during diagnosis.

How to deal with psychological causes of vomiting and nausea

You can work with them yourself, or you can with the help of a qualified psychologist. In any case, to speed up progress, chart the path and make sure it is correct, it is better to attend at least one session.

It will help shorten your recovery time and avoid mistakes.

See symptoms as a signal for change. They signal that it is difficult for you to mentally adjust to new conditions. Because you have a very high need for security. But circumstances require a new model of thinking that must be arrived at.

At the same time, if you observe nausea in your child, changes should start with yourself. Because the situation in the family greatly influences how a child will grow up: anxious or confident.

It will also be better for the husband to start with himself, who can support his pregnant wife on the threshold of such an important event.

Constantly denying events is not the answer. The solution is adaptation. Acceptance of the new.

Features of the formation of disorders

The pathogenetic scheme of disease development includes several stages.

The violation is formed against the background of:

  • The tendency of the target organ to be affected by a stress agent.
  • Accumulation of affective tension.
  • Excessive response to stress of the autonomic nervous system.
  • The appearance of deviations in the functioning of neuroendocrine reactions.

Due to disease processes:

  • Physiological nerve impulses are disrupted.
  • The innervation of blood vessels and blood circulation suffers.
  • Ischemia and metabolic failures occur in the organs.

In the very initial (functional) stages, if treatment is used, the process is reversible. If timely assistance is not provided, the patient develops somatic pathology.

What to do if you notice poisoning and vomiting in different situations

1 - During pregnancy.

The causes of nausea during pregnancy are new conditions that a woman has difficulty letting into her life, fear of responsibility and the unknown, the desire to “postpone”, to hold off - all this indicates rejection and is reflected in nausea and vomiting. Although there are no special physiological reasons for this (read our article on the psychosomatics of toxicosis during pregnancy here).

2 - Events in terms of social implementation.

The reason here may be excessive control, an attempt to adjust life to your expectations. Therefore, accepting different outcomes of an event and allowing events to take their course will help here.

3 - Tense relationships.

It is necessary to develop new behavioral habits. Because irritation also indicates what we do not accept in others. (Of course, unless we are talking about those cases in which it is better not to enter into any communication at all).

Consider any situation that looms on the horizon and scares you not as a potential threat, but as an interesting lesson, another new experience, an opportunity to become stronger, and not stagnate at the same level. Many have already read a similar phrase, but those who were able to understand it radically change their attitude towards life.

By the way, anxieties and fears are characteristic of insecure people with low self-esteem. If you notice this in yourself, be sure to read about how to learn to accept yourself here.

As a result, you need to change your attitude towards events. We have already talked about this many times. Yes, you yourself understand this perfectly well.

The most common reason (why we fail to change our attitude towards events) is our forgetfulness. Emotions take over at such moments. We know that we need to treat differently, but we constantly forget about it. And again we worry and worry.

Practice mindfulness.

It is perception that will allow you to minimize the impact of negative emotions on your body. And you will see that the psychosomatics of nausea, vomiting and poisoning will decrease.


Psychosomatic disorders (PSD), based on the causes that cause them and other factors, are classified into three main groups. There are other classification options, but they are less applicable in practice and are more used by scientists.

The following types of psychophysiological disorders are distinguished:

  • Conversion. This subgroup of deviations includes neurotic pathologies. The symptoms of neuroses eventually enter the somatic phase. Neurotics, not receiving the sympathy of others, subconsciously transform psychogenic manifestations into pathophysiological ones. They experience mental “loss” syndromes: paralysis, nausea, vomiting, deafness, blindness, muteness, etc. They are exclusively psychopathological in nature and sometimes last for years.
  • Functional. These syndromes are characterized by dysfunctions of organs, in the complete absence of damage to them. Patients complain of: heart failure, difficulty breathing, problems of the digestive tract, musculoskeletal and endocrine systems.
  • Psychosomatosis. We are already talking about a specific group of ailments, the causal basis of which can be traced to a psychogenic agent. Such diseases include cases of: bronchial asthma, gastric and duodenal ulcers, neurodermatitis, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, type II diabetes mellitus.

It is quite natural that each of the described groups has its own characteristics in treatment tactics.

Psychosomatics of poisoning

Of course, poisoning itself in most cases is caused by eating spoiled foods or dishes that contain pathogens. Or toxic substances (for example, alcohol).

For example, if a person drinks a large amount of alcohol, he may experience nausea and vomiting. And this is rather a natural process in which the body, not accustomed to such stress, strives to free itself from everything unnecessary.

Everything here is quite understandable from a physiological point of view.

But how does the psychosomatic factor manifest itself?

Sometimes it happens that everyone in the family ate the same thing for dinner. But for some reason, one person became poisoned, while others did not.

The fact is that this person already had psychological prerequisites for this state, and the psyche only needed a small trigger to relieve the accumulated tension.

Other family members turned out to have much greater resistance, which is why they did not have such problems.

What kind of tension is this?

Psychosomatics researchers (the well-known Louise Hay, Liz Burbo, Dr. Sinelnikov) agree that this is an unresolved conflict situation. For example, an incident at work, a conflict between spouses or with children, an internal conflict (a lack of understanding of which direction to move in life).

This causes predisposition.

Again. It is quite difficult to explain food poisoning itself by psychosomatics. Because no one is immune from consuming low-quality products. But people with unresolved conflict are more susceptible to it. In this state, a person may experience anger at himself and others, anxiety, fear, guilt and shame.

Such internal sensations are characteristic of both adults and children.

Children who feel the need for love and who are not always able to convey their desires to their parents may encounter misunderstandings. As a result, the child, at the “opportunity”, reacts with poisoning, while everyone else does not experience anything similar.

Through these reactions the body shows non-acceptance. Not accepting foods in the body means not accepting events in life.

Thus, poisoning itself, most often, has its cause in a person’s more pronounced readiness for this event. That is, a person already feels unsafe, unprotected.

But manifestations in the form of vomiting, nausea, diarrhea (read about the psychosomatics of diarrhea here) have psychological causes. And they often occur without poisoning.

Symptoms of pathologies of psychostasis

Psychosomatic diseases are replete with variety. Patients describe both individual painful manifestations and present multisystem complaints.

The most common:

  • Painful sensations. Patients complain of chest pain, muscle-joint pain, and headaches. Often they indicate a projection from their point of view: “ache in the heart”, “bursts in the stomach”, “stabs in the liver”, “shoots in the kidneys”, etc. Often, suffering people note a psychogenic factor at the onset of a painful attack. The ongoing diagnostics do not reveal any pathological changes.
  • Weakness, fatigue, dizziness, feeling of heaviness in the body or individual limbs.
  • Cardiopalmus.

  • Shortness of breath with hot flashes or vice versa, chills, psychosomatic cough.
  • Difficulty in nasal breathing.
  • Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, constipation.
  • Sexual disorders: decreased libido, problems with erection, ejaculation.
  • “Loss of function” (more often in women). We are talking about spasmodic conditions, paralysis, loss of sensitivity, vision, hearing, and difficulty speaking.

These symptoms occur more often in adults.
Children are characterized by disorders that manifest themselves:

  • Pre-neurotic complaints of poor sleep, screaming and crying for no reason, enuresis, convulsive twitching, tics.
  • Vegetovascular problems: fainting, excessive sweating, dizziness, palpitations.
  • Psychosomatics with thirst, nausea, skin rashes, itching, respiratory manifestations.

Psychosomatics of vomiting and nausea

It lies in the fact that a person cannot “digest” the situation and accept it. He doesn't allow her. The situation does not take root in his consciousness, and the psyche signals this through the body.

“I’m sick of all this!” - have you heard this?

Often, but not always, nausea is characteristic of people who are anxious and fearful. For those who find it very difficult to take responsibility for their lives and make important decisions.

Therefore, the psychological causes of nausea and vomiting are the same fears and non-acceptance of situations.

A person gets worked up over every slightest reason, exaggerates the significance of problems, and worries about trifles. Radical changes in life are difficult for him.

The child is anxious before entering school, and then going to university (because anxious parents set him up this way). At the same time, he may well experience unpleasant symptoms.

The psychosomatics of vomiting in children can also be associated with internal rejection of some situation. Most often, this is the attitude of those close to him, or the tense atmosphere in the family between parents. For a child, this situation is extremely undesirable, and unconsciously he wants to get rid of it.

Adults are worried about events in the family, at work, and in communication with significant people.

It should be understood that this feature is not with a person forever. It can be completely removed by working on yourself. And below we’ll talk about how the psychosomatics of nausea, vomiting and poisoning are worked out.

Two different people may react to the same incident differently. If a person allows for different outcomes and calmly accepts the risk, then he will avoid all these manifestations and abdominal pain.

As Liz Burbo and Louise Hay say: “The causes of vomiting are disgust for a person or event.” There is a violation in the feeling of security that a person so strives for.

Phobias can also cause vomiting in an adult.

For example, with fear of a closed space, blood pressure rises, breathing and heart rate increase. Next, muscle spasm occurs and, ultimately, the body is freed from food.

And all this is a consequence of a phobia. Therefore, you need to work with the psyche.

Consequences of lack of therapy

If patients do not receive adequate care, they develop classic somatopathology over time. It is accompanied by changes in the structure of organs, revealed during examination. In this case, specialized clinics should already be involved in the treatment. On this basis, you should promptly contact a psychiatrist to avoid the consequences and complications of PSD.

How to get rid of nausea and vomiting in acute cases and how to get rid of it in chronic cases

An acute condition should always be treated with the help of an experienced physician. In this case, medications almost always perform well.

But if nausea and vomiting continue, then there is only one conclusion - to work with the psyche. Otherwise, the condition becomes chronic. But in this case, drugs, as a rule, no longer give such an effect. Because they don’t work with the reason, and the reason is in the psyche. It is there that there are triggers that launch these events again and again.

However, even in chronic cases, start feeling better by visiting a doctor.

Because you may not fully know the state of your body. All possible options must be excluded. And there are plenty of options. And there is a high risk of starting to treat these symptoms instead of the root cause. Which lies in another organ.

Clinical diagnosis

Establishing an accurate diagnosis can take a long time. The problem is that patients get to the doctor late. They go to specialized specialists, and often in circles until they get to a psychiatrist. Uncertainty can last for months and even years.

In the client clinic:

  • They carefully question and listen to complaints.
  • They examine.
  • Investigated by physical, laboratory and instrumental methods.
  • They are referred to specialists for clarification.

Psychologists are involved in the diagnostic process, prescribing:

  • Carrying out tests.
  • Application of questionnaires.
  • Projective techniques.

Only after a final diagnosis has been established is a treatment plan selected.

Treatment of psychosomatic diseases

The main task of the doctor is to eliminate the cause of PSD. It is important to identify the primary traumatic factor: stress, conflict, subconscious and hidden experiences. Psychotherapy is used to eliminate it.

Treatment of psychosomatic disorders is carried out:

  • Individual psychocorrection.
  • Group assistance sessions.
  • Hypnosis.
  • Methods of neurolinguistic programming.
  • Cognitive-behavioral and family correction.
  • Body-oriented techniques.
  • Gestalt therapy.
  • Automotive training.
  • Aesthetic therapy.

Pharmacotherapy is no less important.

The list of drugs used includes:

  • Antidepressants.
  • Sedatives.
  • Anxiolytics that suppress anxiety.
  • Psychostimulants.
  • Psychocorrectors.
  • Symptomatic remedies.
  • Vitamin therapy.

Treatment of psychosomatic pain requires a comprehensive application of therapeutic techniques.
It is important to eliminate negative feelings at the very beginning of therapy. Often, for these purposes, along with medication, placebo therapy is used, which helps not only in relieving pain, but also in clarifying the diagnosis. At the end of all therapeutic measures, rehabilitation may be necessary. It includes both outpatient sessions with a psychotherapist and a stay in a specialized center using recovery programs. The rehabilitation period may require a long time. After complete recovery, it is necessary to periodically see a doctor for preventive purposes. These meetings will help prevent a possible relapse of the disease.

How to cope with psychosomatics faster

Watch the video from our psychologist with more than 20 years of experience, Olga Kopylova. In it she talks about how psychosomatics is formed:

Two points are important: getting to the exact cause and choosing the right psychological techniques. If you break down all the work into stages, then it would be more advisable to go this way:

  1. determine the initial situation,
  2. specify the root emotion (anger, guilt, shame, grief - each has its own),
  3. select appropriate psychological techniques,
  4. check the correctness of their implementation,
  5. adjust the emotion (develop new reactions to provocations).

Moreover, you can take the first step to find the cause today. To do this, take our test:

Take the test

Example : you can read for a long time about constipation - that these are mental blocks, dislike for yourself. But in 95% of cases it appears in a state of choice, in limbo. If you have basic mistrust and anxiety, constipation becomes chronic and worsens during the period of choice.

Consequently, situations with choice will never end, but the attitude towards them can be changed using psychotherapeutic methods.

What do the majority do?

They study the theory, but do not achieve improvement.

The fact is that working independently with your unconscious requires a lot of preparation.

Do you need a specialist?

It will just be faster with him. It’s possible to cope on your own, but only a few can do it and it takes a long time.

In our practice, the terms varied from 1 consultation to a year. Quite common cases are:

  • hemorrhoids in women,
  • herpes,
  • tonsillitis and sore throat,
  • various allergies,
  • childhood illnesses through parents and others.

You can find out about working with us here. Moreover, the psychosomatics of nausea, vomiting and poisoning are completely correctable, and unpleasant symptoms cease to bother you. I wish you health and psychological comfort.

Discussion: 10 comments

  1. Marina:
    February 23, 2022 at 09:15 pm

    I don’t know what to do next, for seven years, every day from morning to night, nausea is constant. I’m a very emotional person and I absorb everything like a sponge. My husband doesn’t appreciate what he wants. And he drinks every day and I have nowhere to go, even if you go live in the basement how to get out of this problem I don’t know knows that I was choking smoking in the room knows that nausea is shaking my nerves



    March 25, 2022 at 01:27 pm

    Marina, nothing in life ever happens for nothing. Judging by your comment, you are a classic victim. You can and should work with this. Transactional analysis will help a lot. Find a specialist in this area. One session may be enough.


  • Olga:

    October 31, 2022 at 10:33 pm

    I don't know what to think. Married for 11 years. My mother-in-law is a powerful, very strong and authoritarian woman. Over the years I have been trying to get used to it, to accept it. By and large, she is good, kind, caring and just a great grandmother. The last 3 times I went to visit them, I got so poisoned that my head was spinning. I was completely vomited. And every time at night. I wake up at about one in the morning and all the departure symptoms begin. She didn’t eat anything unusual or anything different from the rest of the family. For the first time I thought it was poisoning. The second time I became thoughtful... but the third time I was just shocked... how so, why?


  • Irina:

    March 11, 2022 at 11:01 am

    I suffer from nausea in the morning, even to the point of vomiting. Lately I have become afraid of everything. Phobias all the time. Any offensive word, I can burst into tears.


  • Love:

    April 21, 2022 at 08:36 pm

    Hello, my son is 12 years old, he has been periodically suffering from nausea for almost a year (he gets sick every month). Twice I was in the neurology department, they will give me some drops, give me pills and it will save me for a month and a half, and then again. We were examined up and down: a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, an orthopedic allergist, and they even did an MRI and CT scan of the brain, thank God everything is fine (there is a slight rash) I don’t know what we should do now. I’m already going crazy because I don’t know how to help my child….


  • Olga:

    May 17, 2022 at 15:28

    Good afternoon I am tormented by nausea that occurs at any time with a lump in the stomach and strong belching of air. Vomiting does not occur on its own, but I want relief from nausea, I try to induce vomiting, but nothing comes out. After such nausea, 4-5 days of weakness, stomach pain, and it is impossible to work. I checked the entire gastrointestinal tract, everything is normal. I am seeing a psychiatrist, but the treatment is not helping. At this time, the nausea has become more frequent and debilitating.


  • Svetlana:

    March 29, 2022 at 00:53

    It all started in October, today is the end of March... The nausea is almost constant, if you don’t feel sick it means bitterness, a sweet taste, a metallic taste in the mouth, the palate and tongue are burning. I visited all the gastrointestinal doctors, cardiologists, neurologists, endocrinologists - everything is more or less normal. I tried everything! Yes, there was a lot of stress, but somehow everything worked out, but the nausea remained... sometimes it goes away, but not for long, I’m just exhausted with it! Sometimes I just feel despair when it’s all over...


  • Marina:

    July 24, 2022 at 9:43 pm



  • Valentina:

    July 27, 2022 at 10:53 pm

    It all started recently, but it was preceded by several life stages: first, several years of latent depression, which made itself felt more and more every year, but by the middle of last year, as it seemed to me, as a result of long, hard work, I managed to get out of this long state now disappearing, now appearing with renewed vigor of darkness... But then the war happened. And if earlier my condition could be explained by my impressionability and deep experience of purely personal stress, then when my condition seemed to improve, new realities, along with periodic bullying at work and the situation in the country, gradually began to drive me into a corner... If at first it was possible to connect my anxiety, insomnia with post-traumatic disorder, then since I cannot now change external circumstances, because the military situation still remains tense, threats from all sides, I have to deal with this reality every day... And now where- then for a month and a half I start to feel sick more and more often... I clearly realize that I simply can’t cope with the surrounding situation, I can’t accept it all, not counting my personal old problems that also need to be solved.. But it’s as if I’ve already dried up.... Because again I lost my wings, when, it would seem, I could finally spread them... Once again and with renewed vigor, new stress... I don’t know what to do, where to go next.... And I can no longer concentrate on anything... And yes, this situation makes me sick….. And for real…..


  • Regina:

    February 23, 2022 at 08:16

    I have been suffering from nausea for half a year now, but now it has gotten worse. If it used to happen before meals, now it happens all the time. Vomits after eating. No appetite Since childhood, I have been stressed because of my family, and then because of a five-year difficult relationship. Everything seemed to have gone away, but the anxiety and fears remained. The city is small, there are very few psychotherapists and the queues are long. I don't know what to do with myself anymore


  • Literature:

    1. Psychosomatic diseases: Full. reference / [E.V. Bochanova and others; Ed. Yu.Yu. Eliseeva]. - M.: EKSMO, 2003 (N. Novgorod: GIPP Nizhpoligraf). – 602 s.
    2. Psychosomatic diseases: theory and practical research / [D. N. Efremova, O. I. Kayasheva]. - Moscow: URAO; St. Petersburg: Scientific Research Center ART, 2015. - 100 p.
    3. Mortality of the Moscow population from mental and psychosomatic diseases: Monograph / S. P. Ermakov, Yu. P. Boyko. - M.: Publishing house Ros. Peoples' Friendship University, 2002 (Type. IPK RUDN). – 108 s.

    The text was checked by medical experts: Head of the socio-psychological service of the Alkoklinik MC, psychiatrist-narcologist L.A. Serova.


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