Oatmeal jelly - 10 homemade recipes

Real jelly made from rolled oats - grandma's recipe

Only the older generation knows what real oatmeal jelly is. This used to be a very popular dish, eaten with milk, unrefined sunflower oil or honey. We decided to revive the traditions of the past and prepare real oatmeal jelly, like grandma’s.

Cooking time: 2 days.

Cooking time: 50 min.

Servings: 6-8.


  • Water – 1 l.
  • Oat flakes – 400 gr.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Bread – 1 slice.

Cooking process:

1. Soak oatmeal along with a slice of bread in water. Leave for 1-2 days in a warm place.

2. When the mixture is bubbly, remove the bread pieces.

3. Place the mixture in parts onto double-folded gauze and squeeze it out.

4. Pour the oatmeal infusion into a saucepan; the remaining flakes can be thrown away.

5. If the oatmeal infusion turns out to be thicker than milk in consistency, then it should be diluted with water. Add a little salt to it and put it on fire. Cook, stirring constantly so that the jelly does not form lumps.

6. Cook until the first bubbles appear, then pour the jelly into bowls and leave to harden.

7. Kissel is similar in density to pudding; it can be served with jam or other sweet additives.

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Application for weight loss

The introduction of jelly into the diet allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the body and remove waste and toxins. It also gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time, which helps you stop frequent snacking. Therefore, consuming jelly in combination with leading an active lifestyle helps to get rid of excess weight.

They are recommended to replace breakfast, since at this time the body absorbs the maximum amount of nutrients and is charged with energy. For weight loss, it is better to cook jelly in water. It is not recommended to add nuts to it, as they are high-calorie foods.

Kissel made from oat flour according to the original recipe

A truly Russian dish based on an original recipe. It was previously prepared by fermentation using potato or corn starch. We suggest making this forgotten dish using oatmeal.

Cooking time: 10-12 hours.

Cooking time: 30 min.

Servings: 4.


  • Oatmeal flour – 100 gr.
  • Water – 1 l.

Cooking process:

1. Pour water over oatmeal, stir and leave overnight.

2. Strain the oat milk into the pan where the jelly will be cooked.

3. Cook the jelly over low heat, stirring constantly.

4. As soon as the jelly begins to boil, remove it from the heat.

5. Cool the jelly and serve with berries, nuts, jam or honey.

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Diet oatmeal jelly for the stomach

Oatmeal jelly is considered a dietary product. Its benefits for the stomach are also undeniable. Kissel can be eaten pure or with additions of berries, dried fruits, nuts, honey or chocolate.

Cooking time: 12 hours.

Cooking time: 30 min.

Servings: 3.


  • Oat flakes – 5 tbsp.
  • Water – 1 l.

Cooking process:

1. Pour the oatmeal into a deep bowl.

2. Pour water over the oatmeal, cover the bowl with gauze and leave at room temperature for 12 hours to 2 days.

3. Strain the resulting mass through a fine sieve. Squeeze out the oatmeal and discard.

4. Pour the resulting oat milk into a saucepan and put on fire. cook the jelly, stirring constantly.

5. As soon as the jelly boils, remove it from the heat. Cool the jelly to the desired temperature and serve with toppings of your choice.

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Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of the drink is not fully understood, but there is a reasonable explanation for the observed phenomena and the reasons for recovery.

Let's list the important ones:

  • a complex of enzymes increases cellular immunity and initiates self-healing processes;
  • is a biostimulant;
  • balances the endocrine system;
  • eliminates autoimmune reactions and makes the immune response timely and balanced;
  • normalizes oxidative reactions and triggers its own antioxidant defense;
  • restores energy processes and tone;
  • improves mental capabilities.

The enzymes contained in the oat drink contribute to recovery. We are talking about enzyme or enzymatic therapy. They have a beneficial restorative effect on the body. Enzyme therapy helps preserve DNA structure and stop possible genetic damage.

Oatmeal jelly is an irreplaceable source of vitamins and microelements. Its constant use helps women restore hormonal balance and reproductive function. The menstrual cycle is restored. The properties of liver cleansing help restore the adsorption of excess estrogen from the body, which is the best prevention of fibromatous processes in the mammary glands and uterus.

How to make delicious oatmeal jelly from whole oats?

Oatmeal jelly was prepared in this way a hundred years ago. This dish is healthy for the body, although it is served as a dessert. The jelly turns out thick and tasty, you can eat it with spoons.

Cooking time: 1 day.

Cooking time: 30 min.

Servings: 12.


  • Water – 2 l.
  • Oats – 250 gr.
  • Sourdough – 1 tsp.
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.
  • Black bread – 30 gr.

Cooking process:

1. Grind oats into flour using a coffee grinder. Place the flour in a deep container and pour in warm water.

2. Add the starter and one slice of bread, stir. Leave the mixture in a warm place for a day.

3. After a day, strain the jelly, squeeze out the cake and discard.

4. Place the jelly on low heat, cook, stirring constantly.

5. When the jelly starts to boil, add salt, stir and remove the pan from the heat. Place the jelly on plates and serve with honey or jam.

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Medicinal oatmeal jelly for the stomach according to Izotov’s recipe

Izotov’s medicinal oatmeal jelly recipe is based on an old recipe for fermented oats. This drink has a beneficial effect on the nervous, immune, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Cooking time: 3 days.

Cooking time: 60 min.

Servings: 6.


  • Oat flakes – 300 gr.
  • Large fractions of oats - 10 tbsp.
  • Kefir – 100 ml.
  • Water – 2 l.

Cooking process:

1. Lightly crush the oatmeal. You can use a blender.

2. Pour oatmeal and oats into a jar, pour in kefir.

3. Then pour in warm water and stir the contents of the jar.

4. Cover the jar with gauze and secure it with an elastic band. Leave the jelly in a warm place for 2 days.

5. Then strain the mixture through a sieve.

6. Pour the resulting liquid into a jar and leave for another 12-16 hours.

7. After this time, the jelly will split in two. There will be oat kvass on top, and the base for making oatmeal jelly on the bottom.

8. Oatmeal kvass can be stored in the refrigerator; carefully pour it into a separate jar.

9. To prepare jelly, dilute three tablespoons of starter in a glass of water. Pour another glass of water into the pan and boil.

10. Pour the diluted starter into boiling water and stirring constantly, bring the jelly to a boil.

11. During the cooking process, the jelly will thicken. Cool it a little and you can drink it.

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Possible harm and contraindications

Due to the fact that oatmeal jelly is a natural product, it has virtually no contraindications and therefore cannot cause harm to the human body. Over the entire period of its use, many studies have been conducted, as a result of which no negative effects of the product were identified. The only exception is that oatmeal jelly is not suitable for people with individual intolerance, that is, allergy sufferers.

In addition, it should be understood that this product should not be consumed in too large quantities. It is necessary to follow the daily norm, which is established by a nutritionist . Also, you should not consume large amounts of oatmeal jelly before bed, as this can affect intestinal function, resulting in poor sleep.

Important! People who are too sensitive to such a component as gluten should not eat oatmeal jelly: any type of porridge will not suit them, since it is found in all cereals.

Experts warn that if you regularly eat too many dishes that contain a high percentage of oatmeal, calcium will be washed out of the bones. This is extremely dangerous in adulthood, because the amount of calcium in the adult body is restored too slowly. It is better to consult with doctors before starting to use oatmeal jelly (as food or cosmetics), and also check whether you have any chronic diseases. Oat-based jelly can bring both significant benefit and some harm to the body, so when consuming it, you should adhere to the daily intake, and also consult your doctor. This drink helps restore the body after most serious illnesses, as well as normalize weight and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The product has virtually no contraindications, which is why harm if used incorrectly is minimal.

Incredibly healthy jelly made from beets, oatmeal and prunes

Oatmeal jelly contains a large amount of B vitamins and amino acids. It is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To make the taste of jelly even more pleasant, add beets and prunes to its composition.

Cooking time: 80 min.

Cooking time: 50 min.

Servings: 3.


  • Oat flakes – 50 gr.
  • Beets – 140 gr.
  • Prunes – 100 gr.
  • Water – 1.3 l.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare the necessary ingredients according to the list, boil water and cool to room temperature.

2. Place the Hercules in a saucepan, pour in 500 milliliters of water and leave for 30 minutes.

3. Wash the prunes, dry on paper towels and cut into strips.

4. Peel the beets, wash and grate on a coarse grater.

5. Place the swollen oatmeal, chopped prunes and beets into a thick-bottomed pan, pour in the remaining water. Place the pan over low heat, stirring constantly, bring to a boil and continue cooking for another 20 minutes.

6. Strain the jelly, squeeze out the remaining flakes, beets and prunes. Pour the jelly into containers, bring to the desired temperature and drink.

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Why is it useful?

Experts have conducted a large amount of research on both the composition of healing jelly and its effects on the body. They were able to establish that this product is easily digestible, even if a person has problems with intestinal function. In addition, the patient exhibits high biological activity after its use. The main advantages of the drink include the absence of serious side effects, as well as improved well-being in those being treated.

You will be interested to know how to lose weight using oatmeal jelly.

General benefit

According to experts, even regular consumption of boiled cereals does not bring the same benefits as oatmeal jelly.

  • Soon after consumption, you will be able to notice the following changes in your body:
  • in case of illness, the symptoms will begin to disappear much faster, and the general condition will also improve;
  • in patients with intestinal dysbiosis, the condition is normalized;
  • the main signs of gastritis, pancreatitis or ulcers will disappear;
  • unpleasant phenomena such as belching or heartburn will occur much less frequently.

Kissel can also be used to enrich the body with vitamins and minerals. That is why it is perfect not only for the treatment of diseases, but also as a prophylactic agent.

For children

Doctors say that oatmeal jelly can be introduced into a child’s diet as a complementary food from the age of six months. Initially, you need to make sure that there is a lot of water in the drink so that it turns out to be as liquid as possible. A one-year-old child can be given thick jelly.

Important! Experts note that the positive effects of jelly on the body can be enhanced by adding flax seeds to the mixture. Their composition is practically not inferior to rolled oats.

This mixture will become a storehouse of energy and vitamins for the baby. Experts also say that if a child has problems with stool, then after drinking such a drink the situation will normalize.

Pregnant and lactating women

Since the product is practically hypoallergenic (except for gluten content), it can be consumed even by pregnant and lactating women. It does not pose a threat to the health of the child and woman. Quite often in the second or third trimester, pregnant women complain of severe heartburn. An oat drink will help solve this problem.

Jelly is also suitable as a means to normalize blood pressure and improve the functionality of the cardiovascular system as a whole. Often after childbirth, young mothers are diagnosed with hemorrhoids, caused by frequent constipation. Jelly made from oatmeal porridge will also help solve the problem with the gastrointestinal tract. Many doctors advise using it even if there is a lack of milk, because it stimulates the lactation process.

For weight loss

You can prepare an oat drink in different ways, adding nutritional components to it or minimizing the number of calories. Depending on this, jelly is recommended to be consumed not only by those losing weight, but also by people who are actively involved in sports, trying to gain muscle mass. One of the advantages of oatmeal is that it is a complex carbohydrate, so the body spends a lot of time (3-4 hours) breaking it down. Thanks to this, all the calories eaten are transformed into energy to increase human activity, and are not stored as fat reserves.

Important! It is not recommended to use jelly as a product for a fasting day. It is better to eat it as breakfast or lunch.

In addition, oatmeal jelly helps to quickly cleanse the body of waste and harmful substances, since the cereal included in its composition is fiber . This helps stabilize metabolism and, if necessary, even speed it up. Experts say that this is what influences bringing weight back to normal and, most importantly, keeping it at the same level for a long time. Of course, the result will not be immediate, but with regular nutrition in a mode where one (or even two) meals are replaced with an oat drink, the fat layer will gradually decrease.

Step-by-step recipe for making oatmeal milk jelly

Oatmeal milk jelly is a sweet vegetarian dish. It is usually served as a dessert with additions of fruit, honey or chocolate. It gives pleasure and a feeling of satiety.

Cooking time: 80 min.

Cooking time: 60 min.

Servings: 2.


  • Vanillin - to taste.
  • Potato starch – 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.
  • Oat flakes – 100 gr.
  • Milk – 2 tbsp.

Cooking process:

1. Pour the cereal into a deep bowl, pour warm milk over it and leave for 20 minutes. During this time the flakes will swell.

2. After 20 minutes, strain the milk through double-folded gauze.

3. Squeeze out the oatmeal and set it aside.

4. Pour some milk into a glass and dissolve potato starch in it.

5. Place the pan with the remaining milk over medium heat, add sugar and vanillin. As soon as the milk boils and the foam settles, add the diluted starch. Stir the jelly constantly so that it does not burn.

6. Bring the mixture to a boil again, reduce heat and continue cooking until thickened. The jelly will look like something between custard and pancake batter.

7. Next, pour the jelly into bowls or glasses, cool and serve with various additives to your liking.

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How to take for medicinal purposes

Oatmeal is a storehouse of not only vitamins, but also microelements called phytoncides. Our body needs them to prevent the appearance in its internal systems of malignant cells that can quickly divide and increase in size. Also, with regular consumption of the above-mentioned jelly, women experience stabilization of estrogen production, which is equally important for both young girls and women who already have children.

In addition, drinking a drink based on oatmeal porridge helps prevent the occurrence of breast cancer, which, according to statistics, has become diagnosed 3 times more often over the past 20 years. Due to the fact that oatmeal provides a person with a feeling of fullness for a long period of time, the need for constant snacking disappears. Thus, this particular drink helps fight obesity .

Also read about whether you can eat oatmeal cookies if you have diabetes.

Jelly will be no less useful for patients with diabetes, because without adding honey or sugar, this food is suitable for this disease. Due to its high fiber content, when oatmeal enters the stomach, it coats it, thereby slowing down the period of absorption of carbohydrates into the blood. This results in no sudden spikes in sugar levels after meals. Also, the fiber contained in oatmeal jelly helps improve peristalsis and faster passage of feces in the intestines. This will minimize the occurrence of constipation.

For gastritis

According to doctors, oatmeal jelly should be consumed both with increased and decreased levels of acidity in the body. This is explained by the fact that it itself has a neutral alkaline environment, so it not only does not have a negative effect on the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, but also normalizes their condition. It is better to drink 200 g of the drink in the morning. At the same time, it should be slightly warm.

Did you know? Oatmeal is recommended for consumption by all residents of megacities, since this product easily removes from the body not only toxins, but also heavy metal salts contained in dirty air.

For diabetes

For patients who suffer from type 1 or type 2 diabetes, there is a separate recipe for preparing this cereal. It is best to drink dry fiber (1 tbsp) soaked in water every morning on an empty stomach. After this, you should immediately eat a teaspoon of honey: it is better if it is liquid and not candied. After this, you need to have breakfast with natural yogurt, after waiting for 30 to 40 minutes.

To cleanse the liver

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms associated with liver diseases, in addition to medications, you also need to consume oatmeal jelly with kefir. It is better to do this before each meal, 1 tbsp. l. This will help not only cleanse this vital organ of toxins, but also strengthen the overall condition of the body.

For pancreatitis

If the pancreas is inflamed, doctors strongly recommend adhering to a strict starvation diet, since during attacks a person experiences severe heartburn, vomiting and dizziness. In addition to boiled vegetables and weak tea, you are also allowed to consume 200 g of oatmeal jelly before bed.

Oatmeal jelly with kefir to strengthen the immune system

This healthy and tasty drink will help strengthen your immune system and the health of your body. Preparing it at home is not difficult, especially since the ingredients for it can be found in any grocery store.

Cooking time: 3 days.

Cooking time: 30 min.

Servings: 10.


  • Oat flakes – 500 gr.
  • Oats – 3-4 tbsp.
  • Kefir – 0.5 tbsp.
  • Water – 2 l.

Cooking process:

1. Pour cereal, chopped oats into a clean, dry jar, add kefir and warm water, stir. Close the jar with a tight lid and leave for 2 days.

2. Strain the resulting mixture through a fine sieve.

3. Pour the liquid into jars and leave for another day. After this time, the liquid in the jars will separate. There will be oatmeal kvass on top, and the base for jelly at the bottom.

4. Carefully drain the kvass. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of jelly base with a glass of water and put on fire. After boiling, cook the jelly for 4-7 minutes until the desired thickness.

5. Pour the jelly into a convenient container, add sugar or honey to taste.

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